689 research outputs found
Implementasi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Layanan Pendidikan di SDIT Ash-Shiddiiqi
This research aims the process of implementing HR management improves the quality of educational services at SDIT Ash-Shiddiiqi. This research uses a qualitative approach method. The data collection technique used to obtain valid data is through observation, interviews and documentation taken directly from informants, namely the principal and teachers of SDIT Ash-Shiddiiqi. The data analysis techniques used are through data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions and verification. The results of this research are that the implementation of management in improving the quality of education is going well and is quite adequate, the implementation of HR management goes through several stages : carrying out an effective human resource planning process, carry out external recruitment through the education office and internal recruitment and selection for additional staff such as honorary teachers, placing employees according to interests and talents, holding training so that the skills of teachers and employees increase, carrying out performance assessments within one semester, provide appreciation in the form of compensation and bonuses according to position and qualifications, terminate employment relations in accordance with mutual agreement. In conclusion, "implementation of human resource management at SDIT Ash Shiddiiqi, Jambi city has improved the quality of educational services. Keywords: Human Resource Management and Education Quality
Keywords: Human Resource Management and Education Qualit
Setiap manusia yang terlahir memiliki kebutuhan yang beragam tidak terkecuali kebutuhan informasi. informasi menurut para ahli yang disimpulkan adalah keterangan, pemberitahuan atau berita. informasi sifatnya menambah pengetahuan dan wawasan seseorang. Informasi akan selalu berkembang namun setiap manusia memerlukan informasi yang dapat dipercaya kebenarannya.semua orang ingin mendapatkan informasi yang cepat dan akurat. salah satu jenis informasi yang tersedia adalah Perpustakaan. Perpustakaan menjadi media dan pusat informasi serta sumber ilmu pengetahuan yang tidak habis-habisnya untuk digali, ditimba dan dikembangkan, melalui Perpustakaan dapat saling tukar-menukar informasi, menambah dan memperkaya wawasan dan pengalaman, saling memperoleh nilai tambah yang mengembangkan pola kehidupan.Perpustakaan ialah sebuah ruangan, bagian sebuah gedung ataupun gedung itu sendiri yang digunakan untuk menyimpan buku dan terbitan lainnya yang biasanya disimpan menurut tata susunan untuk digunakan pembaca, bukan untuk dijual (Sulistyo-Basuki,1991:03). Sedangkan menurut Undang-Undang Perpustakaan No 43 tahun 2007 pasal 1 ayat 1 adalah institusi pengolahan koleksi karya tulis, karya cetak atau karya rekam secara profesional dengan sistem yang baku guna memenuhi kebutuhan pendidikan, pelestarian, informasi dan rekreasi para pemustaka. Keberhasilan sebuah layanan Perpustakaan adalah desain gedung dan interior Perpustakaan. dalam gedung itulah segala aktivitas dan program Perpustakaan dirancang dan diselenggarakan. Perencanaan gedung dan interior Perpustakaan dilakukan secara arsitektual yang mempunyai nilai estetika yang tinggi tetapi tetap memperhatikan faktor fungsional ruang dari kegiatan Perpustakaan. nilai keindahan menjelaskan bagaimana sebuah ruangan Perpustakaan dapat terlihat indah dan memberikan kesan yang nyaman bagi orang yang berada didalamnya. sedangkan nilai fungsional menjelaskan fungsi sebuah ruangan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar akan sarana untuk berlindung dan melaksanakan kegiatan Perpustakaan. Berbagai hasil penelitian mengatakan ruang dan gedung Perpustakaan hanya mempunyai presentase terkecil sebagai salah satu aspek yang penting dalam Perpustakaan yaitu 5% tergabung atas fasilitas dan kelengkapan dan gedung atau ruang, 20% untuk koleksi-koleksi bahan pustaka sedangkan 75% yaitu berbagai kegiatan dan program dari kegiatan perpustakaan yang bersangkutan. kondisi gedung atau ruangan memberikan kontribusi 5% terhadap keberhasilan layanan Perpustakaan, faktor ini tetap harus menjadi perhatian bagi pengelola Perpustakaan, agar layanan yang diberikan dapat berhasil secara optimal.(Darmono, 2004:192-193) Menurut Brown (1991:29) dalam artikel Haryanto, Setidaknya ada 10 aspek kriteria dasar perencanaan desain sebuah Perpustakaan yaitu 1. Flexible/ fleksibilitas yaitu bentuk ruangan Perpustakaan dapat memenuhi segala dan sesuai dengan keinginan pengguna Perpustakaan. dalam penataan interior, ruang dapat diubah-ubah sesuai yang diperlukan. 2. Compactness/ kekompakan bentuk yaitu penataan interior dapat dijangkau ke segala arah dan dapat diubah sesuai dengan kebutuhan serta meminimalisir ruang yang tidak dimanfaatkan. 3. Accessable/ mudah dijangkau penataan interior Perpustakaan ditata agar mudah dijangkau oleh pengguna Perpustakaan. 4. Extendable/ mudah diperluas atau dikembangkan yaitu penataan ruangan/ bangunan harus dapat diperluas manakala diperlukan, paling tidak untuk 10 tahun yang akan datang. 5. Variety yaitu perencanaan desain interior untuk berbagai jenis ruangan. 6. Organized yaitu terdapat pembagian tugas dan terorganisir sesuai dengan tugasnya tersebut. 7. Comportable/ kenyamanan yaitu interior ditata untuk kenyamanan pengguna tanpa menganggu aktivitas. 8. Constant in environment yaitu penataan interior harus konstan terhadap lingkungan dan suhu ruangan harus terjaga dengan baik. 9. Security and safety yaitu keamanan ruang Perpustakaan harus diperhatikan. 10. Economy yaitu pendanaan dalam Perpustakaan dibuat seminim mungkin tetapi kegiatan dibuat semaksimal mungkin. Keberadaan gedung maupun ruang Perpustakaan dimaksudkan untuk menampung dan melindungi koleksi dari kerusakan sekaligus sebagai wadah untuk melaksanakan kegiatan kepustakawanan. gedung juga menjadi tempat berkumpul dan bertemu dalam proses belajar maka perlu suatu penataan yang memberikan kesan menyenangkan bagi pengunjung Perpustakaan. Faktor penting yang harus diperhatikan dalam menciptakan suasana ruang perpustakaan yang kondusif adalah tersedianya ruang yang nyaman dengan intensitas penerangan yang cukup, ruang yang tidak panas atau terlalu dingin, tingkat kebisingan yang rendah, juga desain fasilitas kerja yang ergonomis sehingga akan mendukung dalam kegiatan belajar bagi pemustaka. Perabotan Perpustakaan adalah semua kelengkapan fisik berupa mebeler yang digunakan diperpustakaan dalam rangka menunjang kelancaran tugas-tugas Perpustakaan, sedangkan perlengkapan perpustakaan adalah semua perangkat peralatan yang ada di perpustakaan untuk menunjang kelancaran tugas-tugas. (Abdul Rahman, 2009:241) Gedung Perpustakaan tidak dapat dikembangkan tanpa memperhitungkan faktor anggaran yang tersedia. kebanyakan anggaran yang ada digunakan untuk pengembangan koleksi. Saat ini ruang Perpustakaan rata-rata kurang mendapat perhatian. Seringkali himbauan tentang Perpustakaan namun tidak banyak yang memperbaiki interior Perpustakaan.padahal kondisi ruang itu faktor yang mempengaruhi pemustaka untuk mau atau tidaknya berkunjung.fasilitas yang tersedia juga menentukan minat mahasiswa untuk datang ke Perpustakaan seperti keamanan, tempat baca yang baik, kebersihan pada setiap ruangan, penerangan yang memadai, dan fasilitas pendukung yang lain
Localized indirect excitons in a short-period GaAs/AlAs superlattice
We have studied the optical properties of a short-period superlattice composed of 20.4-Å GaAs and 14.7-Å AlAs layers. The superlattice behaves as an indirect-gap material. A slow and nonexponential decay of the luminescence can be interpreted as the emission from the Λ indirect excitons localized at the GaAs/AlAs interfaces. The temperature dependence of the exciton decay time can be explained in terms of a transition by phonon-assisted tunneling, followed by a nonradiative transition
Antibiotic usage pattern among inpatients of a paediatric ward in a tertiary care hospital in Eastern India
Background: The inevitable consequence of the widespread use of antimicrobial agents has been the emergence of antibiotic resistant pathogens. The rising incidence of bacterial resistance to common antibiotics, particularly, multi-drug resistant pneumococci, has prompted the need to use antibiotics judiciously in paediatric practice. The present study thus attempted to understand the antibiotic usage pattern among inpatients in a paediatric ward of a tertiary care hospital.Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out for three months among the inpatients in the Department of Pediatrics in a tertiary care teaching hospital, Kolkata. The data regarding patient’s demographics and antibiotic use was collected daily in a pre-structured proforma. A descriptive statistical analysis of the data was performed.Results: A total of 124 patients were screened of which males and females represented 58.06% and 41.94% of the cases respectively with age group of 2-14 years presenting in majority. Among various causes of hospitalization, prevalence of respiratory disorders were maximum (25.81%), followed by hematological disorders (25%). Among various categories of prescribed drugs, antibiotics were found to be maximum (39.25%). Beta-lactum antibiotics were prescribed in majority (64.41%) with 56.91% being of cephalosporin group. The preferred route of administration was found to be parenteral (64%). 61.29 % cases were ordered laboratory investigations prior to the antimicrobial therapy initiation. About 63.16% of the total samples for culture & sensitivity tested were reported positive. 39.58% of these positive cases showed resistance to empirical antibiotic therapy on lab reports.Conclusions: The study enables to obtain information on the antibiotic usage pattern in the pediatric population, focusing on prevalence of antibiotic misuse in our set-up and suggesting strategies of its minimization.
Ectopic cardiovascular fat in middle-aged men: effects of race/ethnicity, overall and central adiposity. The ERA JUMP study.
Background/objectivesHigher volumes of ectopic cardiovascular fat (ECF) are associated with greater risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Identifying factors that are associated with ECF volumes may lead to new preventive efforts to reduce risk of CHD. Significant racial/ethnic differences exist for overall and central adiposity measures, which are known to be associated with ECF volumes. Whether racial/ethnic differences also exist for ECF volumes and their associations with these adiposity measures remain unclear.Subjects/methodsBody mass index (BMI), computerized tomography-measured ECF volumes (epicardial, pericardial and their summation) and visceral adipose tissue (VAT) were examined in a community-based sample of 1199 middle-aged men (24.2% Caucasians, 7.0% African-Americans, 23.6% Japanese-Americans, 22.0% Japanese, 23.2% Koreans).ResultsSignificant racial/ethnic differences existed in ECF volumes and their relationships with BMI and VAT. ECF volumes were the highest among Japanese-Americans and the lowest among African-Americans. The associations of BMI and VAT with ECF differed by racial/ethnic groups. Compared with Caucasians, for each 1-unit increase in BMI, African-Americans had lower, whereas Koreans had higher increases in ECF volumes (P-values<0.05 for both). Meanwhile, compared with Caucasians, for each 1-unit increase in log-transformed VAT, African-Americans, Japanese-Americans and Japanese had similar increases, whereas Koreans had a lower increase in ECF volumes (P-value<0.05).ConclusionsRacial/ethnic groups differed in their propensity to accumulate ECF at increasing level of overall and central adiposity. Future studies should evaluate whether reducing central adiposity or overall weight will decrease ECF volumes more in certain racial/ethnic groups. Evaluating these questions might help in designing race-specific prevention strategy of CHD risk associated with higher ECF
Utilisation of sexual health services by female sex workers in Nepal
The Nepal Demographic Health Survey (NDHS) in 2006 showed that more than half (56%) of the women with sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, in Nepal sought sexual health services. There is no such data for female sex workers (FSWs) and the limited studies on this group suggest they do not even use routine health services. This study explores FSWs use of sexual health services and the factors associated with their use and non-use of services.
This study aimed to explore the factors associated with utilisation of sexual health services by FSWs in the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal, and it used a mixed-method
approach consisting of an interviewer administered questionnaire-based survey and in-depth interviews.
The questionnaire survey, completed with 425 FSWs, showed that 90% FSWs self-reported sickness, and (30.8%) reported symptoms of STIs. A quarter (25%) of those reporting STIs had never visited any health facilities especially for sexual health services preferring to use non-governmental clinics (72%), private clinics (50%), hospital (27%)
and health centres (13%). Multiple regression analysis showed that separated, married and street- based FSWs were more likely to seek health services from the clinics or
hospitals. In- depth interviews with 15 FSWs revealed that FSWs perceived that personal, structural and socio-cultural barriers, such as inappropriate clinic opening hours,
discrimination, the judgemental attitude of the service providers, lack of confidentiality, fear of public exposure, and higher fees for the services as barriers to their access and utilisation of sexual health services.
FSWs have limited access to information and to health services, and operate under personal, structural and socio-cultural constraints. The ‘education’ to change individual behaviour, health worker and community perceptions, as well as the training of the health workers, is necessary
Za zavarivanje tankih limova s vrlo niskim unosom topline i minimalnim štrcanjem koristi se inačica MAG zavarivanje kratkim spojevima pri kojem se mijenja smjer gibanja elektrodne
žice. Ako se takav stabilan prijenos može ostvariti u području globularnoga, tj. prijelaznog luka u zaštiti plina CO2, postiže se dodatna produktivnost. Za dane uvjete u ovom radu je opisan razvoj međuspremnika žice tzv. Buffer Position Control uređaja koji
upravlja dodavanjem žice između motora koji gura i drugoga koji vuče žicu te može kompenzirati konstantnu brzinu dodavanja, uz primjenu tzv. Pulsed Dip Transfer Process, tj. kombinacije prijenosa metala impulsima i kratkim spojevima, čime se tijekom trajanja
električnog luka stabilizira prijenos metalnih kapi za ravnu statičku značajku (CV-constant voltage). Primjenom takvoga valnog oblika struje poboljšava se prijenos topline u osnovni materijal. Dodatno su analizirana načela upravljanja procesom i utjecaj zavarivanja
velikim brzinama na vrlo tankim limovima uz pojavu minimalnog štrcanja.A gas metal arc welding process that changes the wire feed direction according to the arc phenomena has been proposed and applied to a fi eld of the ultra-sheet plate joining on MAG welding process, due to the ultra-low spatter generation and the low heat input into
the base metal in a current range of the short-circuit transfer mode. When such the welding process can realize the stable metal transfer in a current range of the globular transfer mode under the carbon dioxide shielding gas supplying, it can contribute the improvement
of the further productivity. Under the circumstances, the authors have developed the Buffer Position Control which controls the interference reduction of the wire feed direction between the push feeder and the pull feeder and can compensate the constant mean wire feed rate, and the Pulsed Dip Transfer Process which forms the pulsatile output of the welding current during arc duration to stabilize the metal transfer by the constant voltage characteristic and improve the heat input to the base metal. In this paper, the principle of
these controls and the effect of high speed welding with ultra-low spatter generation of the sheet metal joining will be presented.Beim Schweißen von dünnen Blechen mit einem sehr niedrigen Wärmeeintrag und mit minimalen Spritzen wird MAG Schweißen benutzt bei dem sich die Richtung der Drahtelektrode ändert. Falls sich so ein stabiler Metallübergang erreicht, im Bereich der globularen
bzw. Übergehenden Lichtbogen beim CO2 Gas, kann man eine erweiterte Produktivität haben. Für die Konditionen in dieser Arbeit wurde die Entwicklung von dem Zwischendrahtbuffer
beschrieben, der so genannter Buffer Position Control die die Drahtzufuhr reguliert zwischen dem Motor der den Draht schiebt und einen anderen Motor der den Draht zieht, und diese Bufferposition kann die konstante Drahtzufuhrgeschwindigkeit kompensieren und einen Pulsed Dip Transfer Process erreichen, bzw. eine Kombination
des Metallübergangs mit Impulsen und Kurzlichtbogen wobei die statische Charakteristik des Lichtbogen gerade ist (CV-constant voltage). Mit der Anwendung so einer Strom Wellenform verbessert sich der Wärmeübergang in das Grundmaterial. Zusätzlich wurden
die Prinzipen der Prozesskontrolle und der Einfl uss beim Schweißen mit hoher Geschwindigkeit an sehr dünnen Blechen mit minimalen Spritzen gezeigt
Utilisation of Postnatal Care among Rural Women in Nepal
Background: Postnatal care is uncommon in Nepal, and where it is available the quality is often poor. Adequate utilisation of postnatal care can help reduce mortality and morbidity among mothers and their babies. Therefore, our study assessed the utilisation of postnatal care at a rural community level.
Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in two neighbouring villages in early 2006. A total of 150 women who had delivered in the previous 24 months were asked to participate in the study using a semi-structured questionnaire.
Results: The proportion of women who had received postnatal care after delivery was low (34%). Less than one in five women (19%) received care within 48 hours of giving birth. Women in one village had less access to postnatal care than women in the neighbouring one. Lack of awareness was the main barrier to the utilisation of postnatal care.
The woman's own occupation and ethnicity, the number of pregnancies and children and the husband's socio-economic status, occupation and education were significantly associated with the utilisation of postnatal care.
Multivariate analysis showed that wealth as reflected in occupation and having attended antenatal are important factors associated with the uptake of postnatal care. In addition, women experiencing health problems appear strongly motivated to seek postnatal care.
Conclusion: The postnatal care has a low uptake and is often regarded as inadequate in Nepal. This is an important message to both service providers and health-policy makers. Therefore, there is an urgent need to assess the actual quality of postnatal care provided. Also there appears to be a need for awareness-raising programmes highlighting the availability of current postnatal care where this is of sufficient quality
Effectiveness of different methods of health education: A comparative assessment in a scientific conference
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Every individual mode of health education has its own merits, drawbacks as well as their own sphere of effectiveness. A specific mode of communication is more useful in a specific setting on a specific group than others. To search for optimum mode of communication for a specific audience is a major area of research in health education. The issue of imparting health education to a gathering of educated people, representing different fields of knowledge has remained a relatively less lighted aspect of health education research. In this backdrop this study was initiated for making a comparative assessment of different methods of dissemination of health education among educated people. METHODS: A cross-sectional interviewer administered questionnaire survey was conducted involving 142 randomly selected subjects during the last session of a five-day conference having health as main theme when the opinion of the delegates regarding different communication methods was asked for. Collected data was analyzed not only to find out the optimum mode of education dissemination in such a setting but also to find the contribution of different factors in the preferences of the study subjects. RESULTS: The participants opted more (60%) for focused programs of smaller audience (sectional program). In both broad area (main program) and focused area programs (sectional), the participants preferred lectures (62% and 65.7% respectively). Specific topics were preferred both in lectures (67.6%) and symposia (57.7%). In the exhibition, exhibits seemed to be more attractive (62%) than the posters. Qualification has emerged to be a contributing factor in peoples' choice towards sectional programme and also in their affinity to symposia. Increased age was a significant contributor in participants' preference towards specific topics. Physical barriers of communication appeared to be a problem in the main program as well as in the exhibition. Lack of coherence among the speakers was reported (69%) to be a major reason for which symposia was not preferred. CONCLUSION: This study concluded that while planning for health education dissemination in an educated group a focused programme should be formulated in small groups preferably in the form of lectures on specific topics, more so while dealing with participants of higher age group having higher educational qualification
The contribution of female community health volunteers (FCHVs) to maternity care in Nepal: a qualitative study.
BACKGROUND: In resource-poor settings, the provision of basic maternity care within health centres is often a challenge. Despite the difficulties, Nepal reduced its maternal mortality ratio by 80% from 850 to an estimated 170 per 100,000 live births between 1991 and 2011 to achieve Millennium Development Goal Five. One group that has been credited for this is community health workers, known as Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHVs), who form an integral part of the government healthcare system. This qualitative study explores the role of FCHVs in maternal healthcare provision in two regions: the Hill and Terai. METHODS: Between May 2014 and September 2014, 20 FCHVs, 11 health workers and 26 service users were purposefully selected and interviewed using semi-structured topic guides. In addition, four focus group discussions were held with 19 FCHVs. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. RESULTS: All study participants acknowledged the contribution of FCHVs in maternity care. All FCHVs reported that they shared key health messages through regularly held mothers' group meetings and referred women for health checks. The main difference between the two study regions was the support available to FCHVs from the local health centres. With regular training and access to medical supplies, FCHVs in the hill villages reported activities such as assisting with childbirth, distributing medicines and administering pregnancy tests. They also reported use of innovative approaches to educate mothers. Such activities were not reported in Terai. In both regions, a lack of monetary incentives was reported as a major challenge for already overburdened volunteers followed by a lack of education for FCHVs. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that the role of FCHVs varies according to the context in which they work. FCHVs, supported by government health centres with emphasis on the use of local approaches, have the potential to deliver basic maternity care and promote health-seeking behaviour so that serious delays in receiving healthcare can be minimised. However, FCHVs need to be reimbursed and provided with educational training to ensure that they can work effectively. The study underlines the relevance of community health workers in resource-poor settings
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