136 research outputs found

    Burkholderia pseudomallei Is Spatially Distributed in Soil in Northeast Thailand

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    Melioidosis is a severe infection caused by the environmental bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei. Soil sampling is important to identify geographic regions where humans and animals are at risk of exposure. The purpose of this study was to examine a factor that has a major bearing on the accuracy of soil sampling: the spatial distribution of B. pseudomallei in soil of a specified sampling site. Soil sampling was performed using a fixed-interval grid of 100 sampling points in each of two sites (disused land and rice field) in northeast Thailand, and the presence and amount of B. pseudomallei determined using culture. Mapping of the presence and B. pseudomallei count demonstrated that samples taken from areas adjacent to sampling points that were culture positive (negative) for B. pseudomallei were also likely to be culture positive (negative), and samples taken from areas adjacent to sampling points with a high (low) B. pseudomallei count were also likely to yield a high (low) count (spatial autocorrelation). These data were used as the basis for highlighting several pitfalls in current approaches to soil sampling, together with a discussion of the suitability of a range of sampling strategies in different geographical locations and for different study objectives

    A mathematical model of quorum sensing regulated EPS production in biofilm communities

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Biofilms are microbial communities encased in a layer of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). The EPS matrix provides several functional purposes for the biofilm, such as protecting bacteria from environmental stresses, and providing mechanical stability. Quorum sensing is a cell-cell communication mechanism used by several bacterial taxa to coordinate gene expression and behaviour in groups, based on population densities.</p> <p>Model</p> <p>We mathematically model quorum sensing and EPS production in a growing biofilm under various environmental conditions, to study how a developing biofilm impacts quorum sensing, and conversely, how a biofilm is affected by quorum sensing-regulated EPS production. We investigate circumstances when using quorum-sensing regulated EPS production is a beneficial strategy for biofilm cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We find that biofilms that use quorum sensing to induce increased EPS production do not obtain the high cell populations of low-EPS producers, but can rapidly increase their volume to parallel high-EPS producers. Quorum sensing-induced EPS production allows a biofilm to switch behaviours, from a colonization mode (with an optimized growth rate), to a protection mode.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A biofilm will benefit from using quorum sensing-induced EPS production if bacteria cells have the objective of acquiring a thick, protective layer of EPS, or if they wish to clog their environment with biomass as a means of securing nutrient supply and outcompeting other colonies in the channel, of their own or a different species.</p

    The First Post-Kepler Brightness Dips of KIC 8462852

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    We present a photometric detection of the first brightness dips of the unique variable star KIC 8462852 since the end of the Kepler space mission in 2013 May. Our regular photometric surveillance started in October 2015, and a sequence of dipping began in 2017 May continuing on through the end of 2017, when the star was no longer visible from Earth. We distinguish four main 1-2.5% dips, named "Elsie," "Celeste," "Skara Brae," and "Angkor", which persist on timescales from several days to weeks. Our main results so far are: (i) there are no apparent changes of the stellar spectrum or polarization during the dips; (ii) the multiband photometry of the dips shows differential reddening favoring non-grey extinction. Therefore, our data are inconsistent with dip models that invoke optically thick material, but rather they are in-line with predictions for an occulter consisting primarily of ordinary dust, where much of the material must be optically thin with a size scale <<1um, and may also be consistent with models invoking variations intrinsic to the stellar photosphere. Notably, our data do not place constraints on the color of the longer-term "secular" dimming, which may be caused by independent processes, or probe different regimes of a single process

    Beyond equilibrium climate sensitivity

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    The First Post-Kepler Brightness Dips of KIC 8462852

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    Characterization of conjugal transfer functions of Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti plasmid pTiC58.

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    Physical characterization of 13 transposon Tn5 insertions within the agrocinopine-independent, transfer-constitutive Ti plasmid pTiC58Trac identified three separate loci essential for conjugation of this nopaline/agrocinopine A + B-type Ti plasmid. Complementation analysis with relevant subcloned DNAs indicated that the three physically separated blocks of conjugal genes constitute distinct complementation groups. Two independent Tn5 insertions within the wild-type, agrocinopine-dependent, repressed pTiC58 plasmid resulted in constitutive expression of conjugal transfer. These two insertions were physically indistinguishable and could not be complemented in trans. However, the Trac phenotype resulted when the Tn5-mutated fragment cointegrated into the wild-type Ti plasmid. While the spontaneous Trac mutant Ti plasmids were also derepressed for agrocinopine catabolism, those generated by Tn5 insertions remained inducible, indicating that this apparent cis-acting site is different from that affected in the spontaneous mutants. No chromosomal Tn5 insertion mutations were obtained that affected conjugal transfer. An octopine-type Ti plasmid, resident in different Agrobacterium tumefaciens chvB mutants, transferred at normal frequencies, demonstrating that this virulence locus affecting plant cell binding is not required for Ti plasmid conjugation. None of our conjugal mutants limited tumor development on Kalanchoe diagremontiana. Known lesions in pTiC58 vir loci had no effect on conjugal transfer of this Ti plasmid. These results show that pTiC58 Ti plasmid conjugal transfer occurs by functions independent of those required for transfer of DNA to plant cells