15 research outputs found

    What Food Do We Tweet about on a Rainy Day?

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    Food choice is a complex phenomenon shaped by factors such as taste, ambience, culture or weather. In this paper, we explore food-related tweeting in different weather conditions. We inspect a Latvian food tweet dataset spanning the past decade in conjunction with a weather observation dataset consisting of average temperature, precipitation, and other phenomena. We find which weather conditions lead to specific food information sharing; automatically classify tweet sentiment and discuss how it changes depending on the weather. This research contributes to the growing area of large-scale social network data understanding of food consumers' choices and perceptions

    Utility of Large-scale Recipe Data in Food Computing

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    This article aims to look at the recipe data analysis from a critical perspective, offering the authorsā€™ own learning experience from successes and failures of the research process. The present recipe research has been limited by the availability of data, which in the case of recipes mostly consists of texts depicting a variety of ingredients. This has contributed to a better understanding of flavour formation and nutritional value of food but has not led further to establishing a corpus of healthy and unhealthy foods. Time-related cooking aspects have remained largely out of the present researchā€™s scope due to the difficulties in obtaining immediately analyzable data. The same goes for the recipe-relate research on food texture, color and other aspects. In this research the methodology of topic modelling has been applied to analyze recipes in North American and Mexican cuisines in order to highlight the core culinary themes within these two cuisines. Potential for result analysis, as well as its limitations, are also discussed. Topic models of agglomerated data can be helpful in further multisensory research, as they provide some insights into the colour, the flavour and, potentially, the texture of certain groups of dishes. It can be combined further on with social media sentiment analysis and other research methods to better grasp the human relationship with food. Ā© 2021 Baltic Journal of Modern Computing. All rights Reserved

    The occurrence of Ilarviruses in Latvian fruit orchards

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    In order to study the occurrence of ilarviruses in fruit orchards in Latvia the samples from apple, pear and Prunus trees from commercial orchards and varietal collections were collected during spring 2007 and 2008. Polyclonal antibodies were used for DAS ELISA test for large-scale screening. In Total 890 samples from apple, 252 samples from pear and 655 samples from Prunus spp. were tested for the occurrence of fruit tree ilarviruses ā€“ ApMV, PDV and PNRSV. The screening results showed that all tested ilarviruses were present in the fruit orchards. ApMV was detected in 2.1% of the tested apple samples and in 1.8% of the plum samples, but it was not detected in pears. In Prunus spp. PNRSV was detected in 13.6% and PDV in 11.6% of samples. Mixed infections of ilarviruses were detected in 4% of the tested Prunus spp. samples of which 2% was PNRSV in combination with PDV. The plant samples from apple and pear trees were tested for ApMV infection also by RT-PCR and compared with data obtained by DAS ELISA. The RT-PCR results showed that 22% and 20.2% of tested apple and pear trees are infected with ApMV, respectively. The occurrence of ilarviruses in the tested plants varied greatly among the cultivars. The commonly grown cultivars such as ā€˜Ausmaā€™, ā€˜Rubinā€™, ā€˜Kursaā€™, ā€˜Bere Kievskayaā€™, ā€˜Perdrigonā€™, ā€˜Mirabelle de Nancyā€™ and ā€˜Skoroplodnayaā€™ were highly infected. Since a certification system for planting material is not established in the country, there is very high risk for continuous spread of these viruses in the orchards. Similarly, as showed for ApMV, also PNRSV and PDV possibly are more widely spread than detected with preliminary screening by DAS ELISA. The study should be continued and other test methods, such as RT-PCR, used. The obtained data indicate a great need for the establishment of a certification system for fruit tree propagation.Keywords: ApMV, apple, ELISA, PDV, pear, PNRSV, Prunus, RT-PC

    Studies in Dhāraį¹‡Ä« Literature II: Pragmatics of Dhāraį¹‡Ä«s

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    This article is one of a series that reassesses the dhāraį¹‡Ä« texts of Mahāyāna Buddhism. The article seeks to examine dhāraį¹‡Ä« texts by using the linguistic tools of pragmatics, especially historical pragmatics, to assist the understanding of their statements. Rather than the meaning of the term dhāraį¹‡Ä« as a subject term, the domain of truth-conditional semantics, this paper examines statements in texts labelled dhāraį¹‡Ä«. Pragmatics examines meaning in context, and the categories of speech acts developed by Searle has been especially helpful in mapping out differences within such texts and the formalization of statements across texts. The grammaticalization of specific speech elements, especially interjections, in the context of mantra-dhāraį¹‡Ä«s is also discussed

    Building a new conceptual framework for a better understanding of food consumers: an interdisciplinary large-scale data approach

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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusAutores motivācija promocijas darba ietvaros ir veidot jaunu pielietojumu lielajiem datiem par pārtiku. Autore ir izstrādājusi vairākus veidus, kā izmantot liela mēroga datus, apvienojot kognitÄ«vo un datorzinātņu metodiskos ietvarus, balstoties uz dabiskās valodas apstrādi un ietverot sekojoÅ”o metodoloÄ£iju pielietojumu: a) sentimenta analÄ«zi par afektÄ«vām reakcijām uz pārtiku un multisensoro pieredzi saistÄ«bā ar pārtikas patēriņu, b) dažādu valstu virtuvju salÄ«dzinoÅ”o analÄ«zi, izmantojot tēmu modelÄ“Å”anas metodoloÄ£iju un c) bigrammu analÄ«zi, lai izsekotu veidus, kā pārtikas patērētāji runā par veselÄ«gu pārtiku. Promocijas darba rezultāti apkopoti jaunā konceptuālā ietvarā, ilustrējot tā pielietojumu praksē, kur ar dažādu datorzinātņu metodoloÄ£iju palÄ«dzÄ«bu veikti vairāki pētÄ«jumi, kas apkopoti publikāciju sarakstā. Atslēgvārdi: pārtikas skaitļoÅ”ana, lielie dati, starpdisciplinaritāteThe authorā€™s motivation for this Doctoral Thesis is to create a new application of big data to food. The author, by combining the methodological frameworks of cognitive and computer sciences, has developed several methods for using big data, based on the natural language processing and by applying the following methodologies: a) sentiment analysis of affective reactions about food and multi-sensory eating experience; b) comparative analysis of different national cuisines, by applying the topic modelling methodology; and c) bigram analysis to trace ways how food consumers talk about healthy food. Results of the Doctoral Thesis have been summarised in a new conceptual framework by illustrating its application in practice; in the course of application, several researches, which are specified in the list of publications, have been conducted using various computer science methodologies. Keywords: food computing, big data, interdisciplinarit

    Alternative and augmentative communication in occupational therapy practice: a scoping review

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    ErgoterapijaVeselÄ«bas aprÅ«peOccupational TherapyHealth CareBakalaura darba nosaukums: AlternatÄ«vās un augmentatÄ«vās komunikācijas tehnoloÄ£ijas ergoterapeitu praksē: darbÄ«bas jomu noteikÅ”anas pārskats. Bakalaura darba autors: RÄ«gas Stradiņa universitātes Rehabilitācijas fakultātes studiju programmas ā€œErgoterapijaā€ 4. studiju gada studente Anete Kāle. PētÄ«juma aktualitāte: AlternatÄ«vās un augmentatÄ«vās komunikācijas tehnoloÄ£ijas veicina personas neatkarÄ«bu ikdienas aktivitātēs, kā arÄ« var nodroÅ”ināt personas autonomiju, vienlÄ«dzÄ«bu un izvēles iespējas. AlternatÄ«vā un augmentatÄ«vās komunikācijas joma ir multidisciplināra, tāpēc, izvēloties un pielietojot personai atbilstoÅ”as alternatÄ«vās un augmentatÄ«vās komunikācijas tehnoloÄ£ijas, ir nepiecieÅ”ama laba sadarbÄ«ba multidisciplinārā komandā, katram speciālistam strādājot atbilstoÅ”i savām kompetencēm. LÄ«dz Å”im nav tikuÅ”as apkopotas ergoterapijas metodes alternatÄ«vās un augmentatÄ«vās komunikācijas tehnoloÄ£iju jomā. PētÄ«juma jautājums: kādas ir pielietotās ergoterapijas metodes alternatÄ«vās un augmentatÄ«vās komunikācijas tehnoloÄ£iju jomā? PētÄ«juma mērÄ·is: apkopot un analizēt pieejamās publikācijas par ergoterapijas pielietotajām metodēm alternatÄ«vās un augmentatÄ«vās komunikācijas tehnoloÄ£iju jomā. Metodes: publikāciju sistemātiska meklÄ“Å”ana veikta datubāzēs PubMed, ScienceDirect un EBSCOhost. Katrā datubāzē tika veikta pētÄ«jumu meklÄ“Å”ana, izmantojot tādus atslēgas vārdus kā augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), occupational therapy, occupational therapy intervention, daily activities, kā arÄ« boolean operatorus AND un OR. Rezultāti: DarbÄ«bas jomu pārskatā tika iekļautas piecas publikācijas. Visbiežāk pielietotā ergoterapijas metode ir novērtÄ“Å”ana, kura tika Ä«stenota un aprakstÄ«ta četrās publikācijās. Ergoterapijas metode ā€“ darbs komandā, tika Ä«stenota un aprakstÄ«ta trÄ«s publikācijās, savukārt metodes ā€“ apmācÄ«ba palÄ«glÄ«dzekļa lietoÅ”anā, palÄ«glÄ«dzekļu un vides pielāgoÅ”ana un pacienta pozicionÄ“Å”ana, tika aprakstÄ«tas divās publikācijās. Secinājumi: Izstrādātajā darbÄ«bas jomu noteikÅ”anas pārskatā tika noteikts, ka ergoterapeiti alternatÄ«vās un augmentatÄ«vās komunikācijas tehnoloÄ£iju jomā pielieto tādas metodes kā novērtÄ“Å”anu, darbu komandā, apmācÄ«bu palÄ«glÄ«dzekļa lietoÅ”anā, palÄ«glÄ«dzeļu un vides pielāgoÅ”anu un pacienta pozicionÄ“Å”anu. Ergoterapeiti alternatÄ«vās un augmentatÄ«vās komunikācijas jomā vairumā analizēto publikāciju pielieto ergoterapijas metodi ā€“ novērtÄ“Å”anu, retāk ā€“ apmācÄ«bu palÄ«glÄ«dzekļa lietoÅ”anā, palÄ«glÄ«dzekļu un vides pielāgoÅ”anu un pacienta pozicionÄ“Å”anu.Title of Bachelor thesis: Alternative and augmentative communication in occupational therapy practice: a scoping review. Author of Bachelor thesis: RÄ«ga StradiņŔ University, Faculty of Rehabilitation, study programme ā€œOccupational Therapyā€, student of the 4th study year Anete Kāle. Background: Alternative and augmentative communication promote person's independence in daily activities and can also ensure a person's autonomy, equality and making choices. Alternative and augmentative communication is multidisciplinary, so it is possible that good cooperation in a multidisciplinary team is necessary with each specialist working according to his/her competences, using appropriate alternative and augmentative communication to the person. So far, occupational therapy methods in alternative and augmentative communication have not been collected. Question of study: what occupational therapy methods can be used in alternative and augmentative communication? Aim of the study: to compile and analyze the scientific publications on the occupational therapy methods in the alternative and augmentative communication. Methods: systematic searches of publications in databases PubMed, ScienceDirect and EBSCOhost, by keywords augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), occupational therapy, occupational therapy intervention, daily activities, using boolean operators AND and OR. Results: Five publications were included in the scoping review. The most commonly used occupational therapy method is assessment, which was implemented and described in four publications. The occupational therapy method ā€“ team work ā€“ was implemented and described in three publications, while the methods ā€“ training in the use of an aid, adjustment of aids and environment and positioning were described in two publications. Conclusions: The developed scoping review determined that occupational therapists in alternative and augmentative communication use methods such as assessment, working in a team, training in the use of aids, aids and environmental adaptation, and patient positioning. Occupational therapists in alternative and augmentative communication in most of the analyzed publications use the occupational therapy method ā€“ assessment, less often ā€“ training in the use of an aid, adjustment of aids and environment and positioning of the patient

    Femininity and masculinity in the novel "Gone with the Wind", views of the audience

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    Bakalaura darbs ā€œFeminÄ«nais un maskulÄ«nais romānā ā€œVējiem lÄ«dziā€, auditorijas vērtējumsā€ ir pētÄ«jums par to, kā lasÄ«tāji vērtē feminÄ«nās un maskulÄ«nās iezÄ«mes Margaretas Mičelas romānā ā€œVējiem lÄ«dziā€. Darbs sastāv no trim daļām ā€“ teorētiskā, metodoloÄ£iskā un pētÄ«juma daļa. Teorētiskajā daļā tiek skatÄ«ts feminisms un tā vēsture, feministiskā teorija, feminitāte un maskulinitāte, vispārÄ«gi par romānu ā€œVējiem lÄ«dziā€, kā arÄ« ar to saistÄ«to kritiku. MetodoloÄ£ijas daļa apskata padziļināto interviju un fokusgrupu interviju pielietojum. PētÄ«juma daļas pamatā ir četras dažādas intervijas. PētÄ«juma rezultāti liecina par auditorijas romāna vērtējumu, sievieÅ”u un vÄ«rieÅ”u sociālajām lomām un to izmaiņām salÄ«dzinot ar 19.gadsimta beigām un mÅ«sdienām.Bachelor paper ā€œFemininity and masculinity in the novel ā€œGone with the Windā€, views of the audienceā€ is the study of how readers evaluate feminine and masculine features in Margaret Mitchellā€™s novel ā€œGone with the Windā€. The paper consists of three parts ā€“ theoretical, methodological and research part. In theoretical part is viewed feminism and its history, feminist theory, femininity and masculinity, about the novel ā€œGone with the Windā€ in general, as well as to the novel related criticism. Methodological part views the use of in-depth interviews and focus group interviews. The research part consists of four different interviews. The research results reveal the audiences views on the novel, womenā€™s and menā€™s social roles and their changes comparing to the end of 19th century and present day

    Everybody burns out differently? Burnout as boundary object in Latvian society

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    Sociālā antropoloÄ£ijaSocioloÄ£ija, politoloÄ£ija un antropoloÄ£ijaSocial AnthropologySociology, Politics and AnthropologyDarbā ā€œKatrs sadeg neparasti? IzdegÅ”ana kā robežobjekts Latvijas sabiedrÄ«bāā€ tiek analizētas izdegÅ”anas daudzveidÄ«gās nozÄ«mes Latvijā. Å is ir antropoloÄ£isks darbs, kura pamatā ir etnogrāfiskas metodes un daļēji strukturētas intervijas ar cilvēkiem, kam ir izdegÅ”anas pieredze, kā arÄ« medicÄ«nas jomas un darba devēju pārstāvjiem. Darba otrajā daļā tiek aplÅ«kota izdegÅ”ana kā robežobjekts. Lai arÄ« izdegÅ”anas izpratne atŔķiras ārstu, darbinieku, darba devēju, mediju un citu sabiedrÄ«bas grupu vidÅ«, tomēr visas puses spēj runāt par it kā vienotu tematu un meklēt risinājumus it kā vienotai problēmai. LÄ«dz ar to izdegÅ”ana Latvijā ir robežobjekts, ar kura palÄ«dzÄ«bu sabiedrÄ«bā tiek aktualizētas darba vides un mentālās veselÄ«bas problēmas. SabiedrÄ«bā pastāvoŔās izdegÅ”anas izpratnes varētu iedalÄ«t izdegÅ”anā kā emocijā, izdegÅ”anā kā rakstura vājumā, izdegÅ”anā kā metaforā neveselÄ«bas stāvoklim, kā arÄ« izdegÅ”anā kā medicÄ«niskā terminā. DaudzveidÄ«gās izpratnes vieno tas, ka cēlonis izdegÅ”anai ir saistÄ«ts ar darbu. IzdegÅ”ana kā medicÄ«nisks termins novērÅ” uzmanÄ«bu no sociālajām un darba vides problēmām, kuru rezultātā izdegÅ”ana radusies. Lai padziļināti analizētu izdegÅ”anu Latvijā, darba treÅ”ajā daļā tiek piemērota pārejoÅ”as kaites teorija, kas ļauj uz izdegÅ”anu skatÄ«ties kā uz pārejoÅ”u kaiti, kas aizpilda aktuālas niÅ”as Latvijas sabiedrÄ«bā un darba vidē. Identificētās niÅ”as ir sociālekonomiskais stress, tiekÅ”anās uz augoÅ”u produktivitāti, nerisinātas darba vides problēmas, pieaugoÅ”s darba apjoms un indivÄ«da atbildÄ«ba sistemātiskas nedroŔības apstākļos. AplÅ«kojot darba devēju piedāvātos risinājumus darbinieku mentālās veselÄ«bas uzlaboÅ”anai, izkristalizējas fokuss uz darbinieku ārstÄ“Å”anu un Ä£imeniskuma veidoÅ”anu darbavietā, tā vietā, lai risinātu problēmas, ko izgaismo izdegÅ”anas niÅ”as.Masterā€™s thesis ā€œEverybody burns out differently? Burnout as a boundary object in Latvian societyā€ analyses the varied interpretations of burnout in Latvia. It is an anthropological research based on ethnographic methods and semi-structured interviews with people who have experienced burnout and representatives of the medical field and employers. The second part is dedicated to burnout as a boundary object. Although interpretations of burnout differ among doctors, employees, employers, the media, and other social groups, they all seem to be able to talk about the same topic and develop solutions for seemingly the same problem. This illustrates burnout as a boundary object in Latvia which highlights problems with work and mental health. The varied interpretations of burnout can be segmented in burnout as an emotion, burnout as a character flaw, burnout as a metaphor for unwell health, and burnout as a medical term. The uniting element of these interpretations is the relation of burnout to issues at work. Usage of burnout as medical term has the tendency to move the focus away from social and work-related problems that have caused burnout in the first place. To further analyse burnout in Latvia, the third part focuses on the transient illness theory. Burnout as a transient illness addresses pressing issues in the society and work environment in Latvia. These include socioeconomic stress, aspiration for higher productivity, unresolved work problems, growing workload, and individual responsibility in precarious circumstances. When looking at the solutions provided by employers to help employees improve their mental health, the focus is mostly on ā€œhealingā€ employees and providing them with the sense of belonging to a workplace, rather than solving the problems illuminated by burnout

    Opportunities to improve research skills in the subject of economics for high school students

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    Pēdējos gados arvien vairāk nostiprinās nepiecieÅ”amÄ«ba attÄ«stÄ«t skolēnu pētniecisko prasmi, sākot jau no sākumskolas. Pētnieciskās prasmes aktualizācija mācÄ«bu procesā ir daudzu izglÄ«tÄ«bas iestāžu primārais mērÄ·is. Pasaulē Ŕī tendence joprojām tiek uzskatÄ«ta par novitāti. Par mācÄ«bu procesa uzdevumu kļūst nevis iegÅ«to zināŔanu daudzums, bet gan prasme tās lietot pazÄ«stamās un izmantot jaunās situācijās gan skolā, gan ikdienas dzÄ«vē. Vidusskolas mācÄ«bu saturs prasa, lai Ŕīs prasmes tiktu attÄ«stÄ«tas pārsvarā eksaktajos priekÅ”metos. Bet pētnieciskās prasmes ir starpdiscpilināras un to pilnveide ir nepiecieÅ”ama ikvienā priekÅ”metā, veicinot arÄ« skolotāju savstarpējo sadarbÄ«bu. Ekonomikas priekÅ”metā, izmantojot dažādās pētnieciskās metodes, ir iespējams veicināt pētniecisko prasmju pilnveidi.In recent years, the need to develop pupils' research skills from the beginning of school has become increasingly important. The actualization of research skills in the learning process is the primary goal of many educational institutions. In the world, this trend is still considered novelty. The task of the study process is not the quantity of acquired knowledge, but the skill to use it in the familiar and to use in new situations both in school and in everyday life. The content of the highschool requires that these skills are developed in science related subjects. But research skills are interdisciplinary and need to be perfected in every subject, also promoting mutual co-operation between teachers. In economics, using different research methods, it is possible to promote the development of research skills