177 research outputs found

    Standardized reporting of the Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI) and the Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM): a recommendation by the Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) Initiative

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    Several organizations from multiple fields of medicine are setting standards for clinical research including protocol development,1 harmonization of outcome reporting,2 statistical analysis,3 quality assessment4 and reporting of findings.1 Clinical research standardization facilitates the interpretation and synthesis of data, increases the usability of trial results for guideline groups and shared decision‐making, and reduces selective outcome reporting bias. The mission of the Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) initiative is to establish an agreed‐upon core set of outcomes to be measured and reported in all clinical trials of atopic dermatitis (AD)

    Zur Landschafts- und Gewässergeschichte der Müritz: Umweltgeschichtlich orientierte Bohrungen 2004-2006 zur Rekonstruktion der nacheiszeitlichen Entwicklung

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    Mit 113,5 km2 Wasserfläche und einem Einzugsgebiet von 1230 km2 ist die Müritz (62 m HN) der zweitgrösste See des nordmitteleuropäischen Tieflandes (Knapp et al. 1999). Sie war in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten bereits mehrfach das Ziel paläohydrologischer und landschaftsgenetischer Untersuchungen,researc

    Zur jungquartären Landschaftsentwicklung der Mecklenburgischen Kleinseenplatte

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    Der Band „Zur jungquartären Landschaftsentwicklung der Mecklenburgischen Kleinseenplatte“ dokumentiert die Ergebnisse geomorphologischer, bodenkundlicher und limnologischer Untersuchungen am Krummen See bei Blankenförde. Er gibt damit einen tieferen Einblick in die jungquartäre Landschaftsentwicklung der Kleinseenlandschaft östlich der Müritz. Der Krumme See wird geomorphologisch als mittelgroßer Rinnen-Tiefsee in der Sanderlandschaft südlich der Pommerschen Haupteisrandlage sowie hydrologisch als abflussloser, oligomesotropher, subalkalischer Klarwassersee mit überwiegender Grundwasserspeisung charakterisiert. Er stellt damit ein repräsentatives Forschungsobjekt dar.researc

    Demonstration of supercomputing activities

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    During the inauguration of HLRS a broad variety of supercomputing-activities was demonstrated. As HLRS is involved in the development of Software for supercomputers as well as in their usage, the demos concentrated on the development of novel simulation-codes in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics, the software-tools which are necessary for the developper and on the presentation of typical applications from engineering in the VR-lab

    Molecular Background of Pi Deficiency-Induced Root Hair Growth in Brassica carinata – A Fasciclin-Like Arabinogalactan Protein Is Involved

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    Formation of longer root hairs under limiting phosphate (P) conditions can increase the inorganic P (Pi) uptake. Here, regulatory candidate genes for Pi deficiency-induced root hair growth were identified by comparison of massive analysis of cDNA ends (MACE) provided expression profiles of two Brassica carinata cultivars (cv.) differing in their root hair response to Pi deficiency: cv. Bale develops longer root hairs under Pi deficiency, but not cv. Bacho. A split-root experiment was conducted for the differentiation between locally and systemically regulated genes. Furthermore, plants were exposed to nitrogen and potassium deficiency to identify P-specific reacting genes. The latter were knocked out by CRISPR/Cas9 and the effect on the root hair length was determined. About 500 genes were differentially expressed under Pi deficiency in cv. Bale, while these genes did not respond to the low P supply in cv. Bacho. Thirty-three candidate genes with a potential regulatory role were selected and the transcriptional regulation of 30 genes was confirmed by quantitative PCR. Only five candidate genes seemed to be either exclusively regulated locally (two) or systemically (three), whereas 25 genes seemed to be involved in both local and systemic signaling pathways. Potassium deficiency affected neither the root hair length nor the expression of the 30 candidate genes. By contrast, both P and nitrogen deficiency increased the root hair length, and both affected the transcript levels in 26 cases. However, four genes reacted specifically to Pi starvation. These genes and, additionally, INORGANIC PHOSPHATE TRANSPORTER 1 (BcPHT1) were targeted by CRISPR/Cas9. However, even if the transcript levels of five of these genes were clearly decreased, FASCICLIN-LIKE ARABINOGALACTAN PROTEIN 1 (BcFLA1) was the only gene whose downregulation reduced the root hair length in transgenic hairy roots under Pi-deficient conditions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study describing a fasciclin-like arabinogalactan protein with a predicted role in the Pi deficiency-induced root hair elongation

    Editorial notes

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    Anatomy of avian rictal bristles in Caprimulgiformes reveals reduced tactile function in open-habitat, partially diurnal foraging species

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    Avian rictal bristles are present in many species of birds, especially in nocturnal species. Rictal bristles occur along the upper beak and are morphologically similar to mammalian whiskers. Mammalian whiskers are important tactile sensors, guiding locomotion, foraging and social interactions, and have a well‐characterised anatomy. However, it is not yet known whether avian rictal bristles have a sensory function, and their morphology, anatomy and function have also not been described in many species. Our study compares bristle morphology, follicle anatomy and their association with foraging traits, across 12 Caprimulgiform species. Rictal bristle morphology and follicle anatomy were diverse across the 12 species. Nine of the 12 species had mechanoreceptors around their bristle follicles; however, there was large variation in their musculature, mechanoreceptor numbers and bristle morphology. Overall, species with short, thin, branching bristles that lacked mechanoreceptors tended to forage pre‐dusk in open habitats, whereas species with mechanoreceptors around their bristle follicle tended to forage at night and in more closed habitats. We suggest that rictal bristles are likely to be tactile in many species and may aid in navigation, foraging and collision avoidance; however, identifying rictal bristle function is challenging and demands further investigation in many species