949 research outputs found

    Results on existence of solution for an optimal design problem

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    In this paper we study a control problem for elliptic nonlinear monotone problems with Dirichlet boundary conditions where the control variables are the coefficients of the equation and the open set where the partial differential problem is studied.Dirección General de Enseñanza Superior e Investigación Científic

    The limit of Dirichlet systems for variable monotone operators in general perforated domains

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    We study the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of nonlinear Dirichlet systems when the operators and the open sets where they are posed vary simultaneously. We obtain a representation of the limit problem and we prove that it is stable by homogenization. A corrector result is also given.On étudie le comportement asymptotique des solutions des systémes de Dirichlet non linéaires quand ils varient simultanement les opérateurs et les ouverts oú les problémes sont posés. On obtient une représentation du probléme limite, laquelle on montre qui est stable par homogénéisation. On donne aussi un résultat de correcteur

    Nonlocal limits in the study of linear elliptic systems arising in periodic homogenization

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    In the present paper, we obtain the two-scale limit system of a sequence of linear elliptic periodic problems with varying coefficients. We show that this system has not the same structure than the classical one, obtained when the coefficients are fixed. This is due to the apparition of nonlocal effects. Our results give an example showing that the homogenization of elliptic problems with varying coefficients, depending on one parameter, gives in general a nonlocal limit problem

    Homogenization of Dirichlet parabolic problems for coefficients and open sets simultaneously variable and applications to optimal design

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    In a previous paper, we studied the homogenization of a sequence of parabolic linear Dirichlet problems, when the coefficients and the domains vary arbitrarily. Here, we improve the convergence result given in this paper by showing the strong convergence in every time. This is applied to obtain an existence result for control problems in optimal design written in a relaxed form. The control variables are the material and the shape

    Anales de Geografía 2014, vol. 34, núm. 2 9-24 10 La localisation des gares ferroviaires à grande vitesse en Espagne

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    La expansión de la red de alta velocidad ferroviaria (AVF) española ha comportado la combinación de lógicas diferentes de implantación. A continuación se analizan las tipologías de la localización de las estaciones teniendo en cuenta su inserción en el tejido urbano y su relación con el conjunto del sistema ferroviario. La lógica de eficacia económica en la que se basa el modelo español y que privilegia las relaciones entre las grandes metrópolis explica que la localización de la estación en éstas suela ser central o tangente, mientras que la localización periférica suele responder a espacios intermedios y menos densamente poblados. Las estaciones se inscriben en sistemas territoriales complejos en los que la localización tiende a una optimización triple: la de la velocidad, la del servicio y la de sus potencialidades.The expansion of the Spanish high-speed rail (HSR) network has endured the combination of different logics of implantation. In the text there are analyzed the typologies of HSR station location bearing in mind his insertion in the urban structure and his relation with the set of the railway system. The logic of economic efficiency, which is on the base of the Spanish HSR system, favors the relationship between big metropolises. As a result the station location in these urban spaces tends to be central or tangent .Meanwhile peripheral location ones are usually the case of intermediate spaces and less densely populated. The stations register in complex territorial systems in which station location tends to answer a triple optimization: that of the speed, that of the service and that of his potentials.L’expansion du réseau de la grande vitesse espagnole (AVF) a comporté une combinaison d’implantations différentes. Voici l’analyse de la localisation des gares en tenant compte de leur insertion dans le tissu urbain et de leur relation avec l’ensemble du système ferroviaire. Pour comprendre comment la localisation d’une gare devient centrale ou tangente, on suit la logique de l’efficacité économique sur laquelle est basé le modèle espagnol et qui favorise les relations entre les grandes métropoles, alors que la localisation périphérique répond habituellement à des espaces intermédiaires et moins densément peuplés. Les gares s’inscrivent dans des systèmes territoriaux complexes où la localisation est dirigée vers une optimisation triple: celle de la vitesse, celle du service et celle des potentialités

    Educational Innovation Project: Resources for teaching and (self)learning the analysis, drafting and translation of agrifood text (English, French, German, Spanish)

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    El presente artículo describe la ejecución de un proyecto de innovación docente llevado a cabo por profesores de las Universidades de Córdoba, Almería y Huelva, todas ellas pertenecientes al Campus de Excelencia Agroalimentaria CeiA3. El proyecto tiene como principal objetivo recopilar recursos para la traducción de textos especializados. De esta forma, los estudiantes también podrán aprender aquella terminología propia del sector agroalimentario en alemán, español, francés e inglés.This article present the research activity of a group of teachers from the Universities of Cordoba, Almería and Huelva, all of them belong to the Agrarian-Food Excelence Campus CeiA3. This project aims on the re sources, that teachers and students have, to translate specialized texts. So students can learn also, specific terminology of the agrarian and food semantic field in German, Spanish, French and English

    Extranjeros jubilados : ¿residentes no empadronados o turistas residenciales? Metodología para la cuantificación de la población no empadronada

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    Ante el problema de subregistro de los extranjeros jubilados que vienen a vivir a las zonas litorales e insulares españolas este artículo propone una metodología para evaluar la población no empadronada. La variable base para la cuantificación de la población flotante es la generación de los residuos sólidos urbanos, validándose dicha medida mediante el nivel medio de ocupación de las viviendas al distinguir entre los distintos tipos de población flotante (turistas hoteles, viviendas…). La propuesta se aplica en el municipio de Benahavís de la Costa del Sol.Faced with the problem of “under-registered” retired foreigners who come to live in coastal and island areas of Spain, this article makes a methodologic proposal for calculating the non-listed in the Spanish census population based on the amount of solid waste generated, and defining the length of stay of retired foreigners and residential tourists. This measure will be validated by the average level of dwellings’ occupancy. This proposal is made to the municipality of Benahavis, Costa del Sol, Spain

    The presence of French in German tourist lexicon: Word formation and webpage translation

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    El presente artículo aborda el léxico turístico presente en la red en lengua francesa y alemana, de forma que constituya una orientación para el traductor de textos multimedia en materia de información turística. Por ello, el análisis presentado en las páginas siguientes se llevará a cabo teniendo en cuenta la combinación lingüística alemán-francés-español, a fin de constatar las posibles traducciones, influencias y relaciones terminológicas entre las unidades de significado especializadas seleccionadas para el presente estudio.This paper deals with the tourist lexicon found in German and French network and it is thought to become a guidance for the translator of multimedia text in the subject of tourist information. For that purpose the analysis applied in the following pages is done taking into account the linguistic combination of German, French and Spanish in order to verify the possible translations, influences and terminological relationships in units with specialized meanings chosen for this research

    New Burnout Evaluation Model Based on the Brief Burnout Questionnaire: Psychometric Properties for Nursing

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    Health care personnel are considered one of the worker sectors most exposed to heavier workloads and work stress. One of the consequences associated with the exposure to chronic stress is the development of burnout syndrome. Given that evaluating this syndrome requires addressing the context in which they are to be used, the purpose of this work was to analyze the psychometric properties and structure of the Burnout Brief Questionnaire (CBB), and to propose a more suitable version for its application to health professionals, and more specifically nurses. The final study sample was made up of 1236 working nursing professionals. An exploratory factorial analysis was carried out and a new model was proposed through a confirmatory factorial analysis. Thus, validation of the CBB questionnaire for nursing health care personnel showed an adequate discrimination of the items and a high internal consistency of the scale. With respect to the factorial analysis, four factors were extracted from the revised model. Specifically, these new factors, called job dissatisfaction, social climate, personal impact, and motivational abandonment, showed an adequate index of adjustment. Thus, the Brief Burnout Questionnaire Revised for nursing staff has favorable psychometric properties, and this model can be applied to all health care professionals