57 research outputs found

    A ascensão de “autoritários benevolentes” no retorno político à direita: de onde vêm e para onde vão?

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    A escola moralizada : um encontro com a antropologia da educação no Brasil

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    Este Trabalho de Conclusão de Licenciatura investiga a afirmação de que a Antropologia da Educação encontra-se em um atual processo de consolidação dentro da Antropologia brasileira há mais de 30 anos. A maior parte das referências especializadas atribui a dificuldade de consolidação ao uso equivocado da etnografia em análises voltadas para a educação escolar, método de pesquisa qualitativa consagrado na Antropologia. Foram empregadas duas etapas para pesquisar essa problemática: a primeira, observação participante e etnografia realizadas em duas escolas urbanas de Porto Alegre e, como segunda, revisão de literatura das pesquisas consolidadas da área. Como resultado, foi encontrada a presença de uma moral tácita compartilhada entre antropólogas/os da educação que concebe um ideal do que é a escola e do que ela deveria ser. Isso torna as pesquisas da área enraizadas na denúncia de uma escola “ruim” e prescritoras de modelos de escola “boa” por intermédio dos benefícios do envolvimento da Antropologia na educação formal. Os aspectos encontrados na pesquisa de campo da autora, mostram características heterogêneas da escola que acabam sendo excluídas da análise pela pesquisa ser induzida por posições morais das/os antropólogas/os da educação.This Degree Completion Work investigates the claim that the Anthropology of Education has been in a current process of consolidation within Brazilian Anthropology for over 30 years. Most of the specialized references attribute the difficulty of consolidation to the mistaken use of ethnography in analyses focused on school education, a qualitative research method established in Anthropology. Two stages were used to research this problem: the first, participant observation and ethnography carried out in two urban schools in Porto Alegre and, second, a literature review of consolidated research in the area. As a result, it was found the presence of a tacit morality shared among anthropologists of education that conceives an ideal of what the school is and what it should be. This makes research in the area rooted in the denunciation of a “bad” school and prescribers of models of a “good” school through the benefits of the involvement of Anthropology in formal education. The aspects found in the author's field research show heterogeneous characteristics of the school that end up being excluded from the analysis because the research is induced by moral positions of the anthropologists of education

    Análise comparativa entre o saneamento privado da Praia Brava (Florianópolis, SC) e a concessionária estadual

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil.São notórios no Brasil os problemas de saneamento básico, os problemas de perdas (fugas), a baixa qualidade dos serviços prestados pela maioria das concessionárias de serviços de saneamento à população. Acresça-se a isto as dificuldades de planejamento a médio e longo prazo, sem contar o fato de, muitas vezes, os recursos financeiros necessários não serem satisfatoriamente alocados. Sobretudo, a carência de bases cadastrais confiáveis tornam estes sistemas convencionais altamente vulneráveis à crítica, tanto técnica como operacionalmente. Esta dissertação tem por objetivo análisar o sistema de água e esgoto utilizada pela empresa Acqualan, com o entuito de trazer a tona os benefícios deste sistema que aparentemente pode tornar-se dispendioso mas que a longo prazo pode trazer benefícios a comunidade que dele usufruem. Esta análise engloba desde o processo de captura dos dados até a apresentação do resultado das aplicações e sua interpretação pelo usuário para sua tomada de decisão. Além da revisão bibliográfica realizada, as demais contribuições desta dissertação são a proposta de critérios básicos para a avaliação de um sistema de saneamento inovador utilizado pela Empresa Acqualan em comparação com o sistema convencional utilizado pela Concessionária Casan, aliando a isto, a simplicidade de operação, a eficiência, do sistema Acqualan que uma solução viável e adequada para a melhoria da qualidade das águas e despoluição dos cursos d'água em nosso país. Finalmente, e ainda como parte da proposta de trabalho, foi iniciada a montagem dos mapas temáticos como ferrramenta para um futuro Sistema de Informação Geográfico (SIG), que permita tornar explícita aos usuários a informação sobre a qualidade

    Aktivierung des Lymphotoxin-ß-Rezeptors in chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen

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    Girando na paróquia: catolicismo e crianças em movimento

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    Apresentação Maiêutica de Gestão Ambienta


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    Apresentação Maiêutica Geografi

    Therapeutic Blockade of LIGHT Interaction With Herpesvirus Entry Mediator and Lymphotoxin β Receptor Attenuates In Vivo Cytotoxic Allogeneic Responses.

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    BACKGROUND: Tumor necrosis factor/tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily members conform a group of molecular interaction pathways of essential relevance during the process of T-cell activation and differentiation toward effector cells and particularly for the maintenance phase of the immune response. Specific blockade of these interacting pathways, such as CD40-CD40L, contributes to modulate the deleterious outcome of allogeneic immune responses. We postulated that antagonizing the interaction of LIGHT expression on activated T cells with its receptors, herpesvirus entry mediator and lymphotoxin β receptor, may decrease T cell-mediated allogeneic responses. METHODS: A flow cytometry competition assay was designed to identify anti-LIGHT monoclonal antibodies capable to prevent the interaction of mouse LIGHT with its receptors expressed on transfected cells. An antibody with the desired specificity was evaluated in a short-term in vivo allogeneic cytotoxic assay and tested for its ability to detect endogenous mouse LIGHT. RESULTS: We provide evidence for the first time that in mice, as previously described in humans, LIGHT protein is rapidly and transiently expressed after T-cell activation, and this expression was stronger on CD8 T cells than on CD4 T cells. Two anti-LIGHT antibodies prevented interactions of mouse LIGHT with its two known receptors, herpesvirus entry mediator and lymphotoxin β receptor. In vivo administration of anti-LIGHT antibody (clone 10F12) ameliorated host antidonor short-term cytotoxic response in wild type B6 mice, although to a lesser extent than that observed in LIGHT-deficient mice. CONCLUSION: The therapeutic targeting of LIGHT may contribute to achieve a better control of cytotoxic responses refractory to current immunosuppressive drugs in transplantation

    “How can Dual-Track agile contribute to a better design process and workflow in larger teams?”

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    This research conducted a research at Cybercom with focus on the project process and the work methods which were used. Due to design often being placed second to development during these processes, this research will look into different work methodologies that can contribute to a better structure, for instance the Dual-Track agile method. The aim was to solve how larger teams can benefit and get a better workflow with the use of Dual-Track agile. Drawing parallels with methods currently in practise for instance agile, Scrum and the waterfall method but also drawing focus on other methods like human centred design, agile user centred design and agile UX. The research was conducted using ethnographic and action research methods with observations and interviews. Continuing with a workshop where focus was on the design process and communication, resulting in a set of cards which aim to start discussions in the beginning of project as well as a need for a change of work methods, suggesting the Dual-Track agile method

    Undervisningens likvärdighet i idrott och hälsa ur ett genusperspektiv

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    Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka huruvida undervisningen i idrott och hälsa på högstadiet möjliggör likvärdiga förutsättningar för pojkar och flickor att utvecklas och nå kunskapskraven. Undersökningens syfte grundar sig i det faktum att tidigare forskning bland annat pekar på att pojkarna verkar vara de som tar störst plats i idrottsundervisningen, har större möjlighet till inflytande på undervisningen, är mer positivt inställda till ämnet och därmed mer aktiva under lektionerna. Den frågeställning som undersökningen sökt svar på är: Vilka faktorer kan bidra till att idrott och hälsa är det enda ämne i den svenska grundskolan där pojkar som grupp har bättre betyg än flickor? För att undersöka och söka svar på frågan intervjuades fem aktiva idrottslärare kring sina uppfattningar och erfarenheter om skillnader mellan pojkar och flickor i ämnet, samt sitt eget sätt att tänka och förhålla sig till frågan. Empirin från intervjuerna har analyserats utifrån Yvonne Hirdmans teori om genussystemet, som grundar sig i de två begreppen isärhållande och hierarki. Resultatet av intervjustudien visar att undervisningens innehåll, föreställningar och normer samt lärarens förhållningssätt och bedömningspraktik kan vara faktorer som i vissa fall ger pojkarna en fördel i ämnet idrott och hälsa. Resultatet pekar på att pojkarna tar över och verkar ha en fördel främst då undervisningen innehåller bollspel eller kampmoment.The purpose of this study was to investigate whether education in Physical Education at the upper secondary school in Sweden enables equivalent conditions for boys and girls to develop and reach the highest grades. The purpose of the study is based on the fact that Physical Education is the only topic in the Swedish compulsory school where boys as a group have better grades than girls. The question that the study sought to answer is: What factors can contribute to physical education being the only topic in the Swedish elementary school where boys as a group have better grades than girls? In order to investigate and seek answers to the question, five active P.E. teachers were interviewed about their perceptions and experiences about differences between boys and girls on the subject, as well as their own way of thinking and relate to the question. The empirical evidence from the interviews has been analyzed on the basis of Yvonne Hirdman's theory of the gender system, which is based on the two concepts of separation and hierarchy. The result of the study shows that the content, beliefs and norms of the teaching and the teacher's approach and assessment practice can be factors that contribute to boys having better grades than girls in physical education. The result indicates that the boys take over and seem to have an advantage when the teaching contains ball games or contest moments. In addition, there seems to be an expectation and a notion that the boys should be most proficient in the subject