642 research outputs found

    Gestión de la información en las revistas de Brasil y Argentina: un análisis de la última década

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    Understanding how information management is being handled by the area's journals assists both in the growth of the area itself and in the professionals who work in it. Therefore, the general objective of this communication was to carry out a detailed analysis of the articles of the journals with Qualis Capes A1, A2 and B1 strata of the Communication and Information area, addressed to the Information Management, Brazil and Argentina. With regard to the specific objectives, we tried to identify which are the periodicals that most published articles in the theme; Discover in which year there were more publications; Knowing who are the most productive authors; Listing the most commonly used keywords in the articles; To ascertain the methodological procedures used and the way the recovered texts are discussing the information management theme, as well as their models in these contexts. Regarding the methodology, the article is exploratory with a qualitative-quantitative approach based on a bibliographical review on the topics of information and competitiveness; information management; Information management models and, later, a bibliometric study carried out in the articles of Brazilian and Argentine periodicals from January 2007 to January 2017. As results, they show that there is considerable production on the subject and that it is being. Maintained over the years. it is considered that there is the interest of researchers in the importance of information management for the area


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    O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a contribuição dos modelos de previsão deinsolvência de Kanitz, de Elizabetsky e de Altman na análise da situação econômica Financeira das empresas nacionais do segmento de carnes e derivados que negociação ações na BM&FBovespa. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como descritiva de procedimento de análise documental com abordagem quantitativa. Os dados foram extraídos do Balanço Patrimonial, Demonstração do Resultado e Notas Explicativas e sites das empresas dos períodos de 2013 a 2015. A amostra foi composta por empresas do segmento de carnes e derivados que negociam ações na BM&FBovespa. Os resultados obtidos a partir da aplicação dos modelos de previsão de insolvência de Elizabetsky, Altman e Kanitz não contribuem para a identificação da situação econômico-financeira das empresas, pois não existe unanimidade na classificação das empresas pelos modelos. O estudo identificou coerência nos resultados obtidos a partir da análise dos indicadores econômicos e financeiros com os do modelo de Kanitz, todavia, não é possível afirmar que este modelo seja o mais indicado para a previsão de insolvência das empresas analisadas

    Surface Morphology Alterations In Bovine Dentin Exposed To Different Bleaching Agents

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    Aim: This study evaluated the morphological changes caused by internal bleaching agents on dentin surface. Methods: Twenty crowns of bovine incisors were cut into slabs that were randomly distributed in six experimental groups (n = 5), according to the bleaching agent used: G1 – sodium perborate + water, G2 – sodium perborate + 2% chlorhexidine gel, G3 – sodium perborate + 30% hydrogen peroxide, G4 – 30% hydrogen peroxide, G5 – 37% carbamide peroxide and G6 – gel base without carbamide. Two Control Groups were used: C1 with distilled water and C2 with 2% chlorhexidine gel. The specimens were immersed in the respective test bleaching agent and incubated at 37 °C for seven days. Following, they were prepared for scanning electron microscopy and five images from each tooth segment were recorded and analyzed for surface morphological alterations, by three previously calibrated examiners. Inter-examiner agreement was verified using the Kappa test. The rank averages obtained for the groups were subjected to Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance at 5% significance level. Results: The analysis of the scores obtained indicated that all tested materials caused some morphological alteration on dentin, except for sodium perborate + water (G1) and Control Groups 1 and 2. Hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide caused significantly more severe alterations (p < 0.05) to dentin structure, than the other bleaching agents evaluated. Conclusions: Sodium perborate-based pastes seemed to be the most harmless agent to dentin structures in non-vital tooth bleaching, while hydrogen peroxide solutions and carbamide peroxide agents caused the greatest alterations.8125-2

    Proposta de ensino de química sócio-ambiental através de práticas de aproveitamento de água da chuva.

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    A contextualização do ensino de química é tema de diversos debates entre educadores noBrasil. Simultaneamente, surgem discussões ao redor do mundo devido às preocupações com osproblemas sócio-ambientais, culmina o aumento da demanda pela água potável, sua difícil obtenção,poluição, escassez e o desperdício, enquanto milhares de pessoas sequer têm acesso a este bem.Devido a estas preocupações, surgiram iniciativas que evidenciam a viabilidade do aproveitamento daágua pluvial como forma sustentável de obtenção. Vê-se, no entanto, uma grande oportunidade deconjugar uma problemática sócio-ambiental ao ensino de química. Por esta razão problematizou-se aaplicabilidade de conceitos químicos nesta temática, objetivando uma proposta didática para aplicaçãode aula, abordando um tema de cunho global e explorando os conceitos químicos estudados no ensinomédio que podem ser relacionados a ele. Deste modo, forma-se um vínculo entre o conhecimentocientífico e as preocupações sociais, contribuindo para a formação de cidadãos interventores

    Information management in the Brazil and Argentina journals: an analysis of the last decade

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    Percibir cómo la gestión de la información está siendo trabajada por las revistas del área auxilia tanto en el crecimiento de la propia área, así como en la de los profesionales que en ella actúan. El objetivo general de esta comunicación fue realizar un análisis minucioso de los artículos de las revistas con estrato Qualis Capes A1, A2 y B1 del área de Comunicación e información, direccionados para la temática de la Gestión de la Información, de Brasil y de Argentina. Con relación a los objetivos específicos, se buscó identificar cuáles son las revistas que más publicaron artículos en la temática; descubrir en qué año hubo un mayor número de publicaciones; conocer quiénes son los autores más productivos; encasillar las palabras-clave más empleadas en los artículos; averiguar los procedimientos metodológicos utilizados y la manera como los textos recuperados están discutiendo la temática gestión de la información, así como sus modelos en estos contextos. En cuanto a la metodología, el artículo es de naturaleza exploratoria con abordaje tanto cualitativa como cuantitativa, a partir de una revisión bibliográfica sobre los temas información y competitividad; gestión de la información; modelos de gestión de la información y, posteriormente, un estudio bibliométrico realizado en los artículos de revistas brasileñas y argentinas en el período de enero de 2007 a enero de 2017. Como resultado, se demuestra que hay una producción considerable sobre la temática, y que se mantiene con el transcurrir de los años. Se considera que existe un interés de los investigadores en cuanto a la importancia de la gestión de la información para el área disciplinar.Understanding how information management is being handled by the area's journals assists both in the growth of the area itself and in the professionals who work in it. Therefore, the general objective of this communication was to carry out a detailed analysis of the articles of the journals with Qualis Capes A1, A2 and B1 strata of the Communication and Information area, addressed to the Information Management, Brazil and Argentina. With regard to the specific objectives, we tried to identify which are the periodicals that most published articles in the theme; Discover in which year there were more publications; Knowing who are the most productive authors; Listing the most commonly used keywords in the articles; To ascertain the methodological procedures used and the way the recovered texts are discussing the information management theme, as well as their models in these contexts. Regarding the methodology, the article is exploratory with a qualitative-quantitative approach based on a bibliographical review on the topics of information and competitiveness; information management; Information management models and, later, a bibliometric study carried out in the articles of Brazilian and Argentine periodicals from January 2007 to January 2017. As results, they show that there is considerable production on the subject and that it is being. Maintained over the years. it is considered that there is the interest of researchers in the importance of information management for the area.Dossier: Gestión de la información: dilemas y perspectivaFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Molecular identification of non-conventional yeasts and the screening for α-terpineol assimilation: Identificação molecular de leveduras não convencionais e triagem para assimilação de α-terpineol

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    The present research aimed to analyze the potential consumption of a monoterpene compound, α-terpineol, by aroma-producing Yeasts. For this purpose, 23 non-conventional yeasts were selected and identified by molecular tools. Subsequently, a screening test was performed to evaluate their tolerance to α-terpineol, by cultivating them in YM broth, at pH 5.0, for 48 h. A mixture of α-terpineol and ethyl alcohol was added to the broth in concentrations ranging from 2.5 to 10.0 μL/mL (intervals of 2.5). The yeasts that survived any of these concentrations were cultured again, but this time in mineral DP liquid culture medium to assess the consumption of α-terpineol. TLC analysis was conducted to analyze the consumption of α-terpineol. The yeasts studied were identified as Clavispora lusitaniae (n=12), Rhodotorula mucilaginosa (n=8), and Lodderomyces elongisporus (n=3). Furthermore, according to the phylogenetic tree, two of these strains (C. lusitaniae and L. elongisporus) have greater genetic proximity than the yeast R. mucilaginosa. From the 23 yeasts, 6 of them were shown to be tolerant to the concentration of 2.5 μL/mL of α-terpineol. The tolerant strains were identified as C. lusitaniae (n = 1), L. elongisporus (n = 2), and R. mucilaginosa (n = 3). However, the yeast that resisted the highest concentration, R. mucilaginosa, was only 12 hours in all concentrations. It is more likely that the defense mechanism of the yeast was not able to prevent further damage to the membrane as the time in contact with α-terpineol increased. The TLC results showed that the extracts from R. mucilaginosa (CMRP3205) and L. elongisporus (CMRP3192) could be interpreted as potentially promising results of new compounds production by the yeasts

    Neutral Sterols of Cephalic Glands of Stingless Bees and Their Correlation with Sterols from Pollen

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    Sterols are essential molecules in the membrane lipid composition and precursors of important sterol hormones that regulate many developmental processes. Insects are unable to synthesize sterols de novo and, thus, all phytophagous insects depend on an exogenous source of sterols for growth, development, and reproduction. The sterol requirements of social bees are not fully known due to the fact that there is no well-defined diet available throughout the year with regard to floral resources. Our study aimed to characterize the sterols present in pollen stored in Melipona marginata and Melipona scutellaris colonies, as well as evaluating their presence in the mandibular, hypopharyngeal, and cephalic salivary gland secretions. We analyzed the chemical composition of pollen stored in the colonies and the composition of the cephalic glands of workers in three adult functional phases (newly emerged, nurses, and foragers) by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. The results showed that the pollen analyzed contained campesterol, stigmasterol, sitosterol, isofucosterol, lanosterol, and small amounts of cholesterol. The glands showed the same compounds found in the pollen analyzed, except lanosterol that was not found in M. scutellaris glands. Surprisingly, cholesterol was found in some glands with relative ratios greater than those found in pollen
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