39 research outputs found

    Foreign language programs at the middle school level in the state of Montana

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    Sistema de Contabilidad Computarizada y mejoramiento del Control de Inventarios en la Asociación de Productores Agropecuarios de los Molinos de Cajanleque, distrito Chocope, periodo 2020-2021

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    La presente tesis de investigación tiene como propósito determinar que la implementación de un sistema de contabilidad computarizado mejorará el control de inventarios en la Asociación de Productores Agropecuarios de los Molinos de Cajanleque, ubicada en el distrito Chocope, periodo 2020-2021; la metodología empleada es de tipo no experimental, transversal y correlacional, la población estuvo conformada por todas las áreas de la Asociación, la muestra por el área de contabilidad. La técnica para la recolección de datos fue el análisis de revisión documental y el instrumento que usamos fueron las hojas de registros. Como principal resultado obtuvimos que la presente entidad desarrolle sus actividades de control y contable de manera tradicional y técnica, trabajando el área de contabilidad y almacén de manera distinta en tres hojas de cálculo de Microsoft Excel. Concluyendo que la implementación de un sistema computarizado destinado al control de los inventarios mejora el control, organización y supervisión materiales utilizados por la empresa teniendo en cuenta las principales contribuciones que son el ahorro de tiempo gracias a los procesos automatizados, mayor seguridad en los procesos contables dando menos posibilidad de fallas en estos procedimientos, información detallada y completa de los productos, y la rotación de estos mismosThe purpose of this research thesis is to determine that the implementation of a computerized accounting system will improve inventory control in the Association of Agricultural Producers of the “Molinos de Cajanleque”, located in the Chocope district, period 2020-2021; the methodology used is of a non-experimental, cross- sectional and correlational type, the population was made up of all the areas of the Association, the sample by the accounting area. The data collection technique was document review analysis and the instrument we used was record sheets. As a main result, we obtained that this entity develops its control and accounting activities in a traditional and technical way, working the accounting and warehouse area differently in three Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Concluding that the implementation of a computerized system for inventory control improves the control, organization and supervision of materials used by the company, taking into account the main contributions that are saving time thanks to automated processes, greater security in accounting processes. giving less possibility of failures in these procedures, detailed and complete information of the products, and their rotation.Tesi

    Temozolomide in paediatric high-grade glioma: a key for combination therapy?

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    This report describes a single-centre study with temozolomide (TMZ) (200 mg m(-2) day(-1) x 5 per cycle of 28 days) in children with ( recurrent) high-grade glioma. Magnetic resonance imaging was performed every two cycles. In all, 20 patients were treated between 1998 and 2001 after the UKCCSG/SFOP TMZ phase II trial. All patients had measurable disease. Totally, 15 patients had a relapse after surgery+/-radiotherapy+/-chemotherapy. Overall, five patients received TMZ after surgery or biopsy, awaiting radiotherapy. There were one clinically malignant grade II glioma, II grade III and eight grade IV gliomas. Seven tumours had oligodendroglial features. Mean age at start of TMZ was 12.0 years (range 3-20.5 years). In total, eight patients had >8 cycles (range 3-30). One VGPR (currently in CR after surgery), three PRs (with a PFS of 4, 4 and 11 months, respectively) and one MR (PFS 14 months) were observed. Three out of five responses occurred after >4 courses. The overall response rate was 20%. Median progression-free survival (PFS) was 2.0 months (range 3 weeks-34(+) months). PFS rate was 20% after 6 months. Median overall survival ( OS) was 10 months. Nine patients showed a clinical improvement. Three patients vomitted shortly after TMZ administration, eight patients ( 13 cycles) experienced grade III/IV thrombocytopenia, occurring predominantly during the fourth week of the first two cycles. Five patients experienced neutropenia, and three patients febrile neutropenia. TMZ is a well-tolerated ambulatory treatment for children with malignant glial tumours. This drug warrants further study in these highly chemoresistant tumours and should be studied either as upfront therapy or in combination therap

    Brain Tumor Stem Cells as Therapeutic Targets in Models of Glioma

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    At this time, brain tumor stem cells remain a controversial hypothesis while malignant brain tumors continue to present a dire prognosis of severe morbidity and mortality. Yet, brain tumor stem cells may represent an essential cellular target for glioma therapy as they are postulated to be the tumorigenic cells responsible for recurrence. Targeting oncogenic pathways that are essential to the survival and growth of brain tumor stem cells represents a promising area for developing therapeutics. However, due to the multiple oncogenic pathways involved in glioma, it is necessary to determine which pathways are the essential targets for therapy. Furthermore, research still needs to comprehend the morphogenic processes of cell populations involved in tumor formation. Here, we review research and discuss perspectives on models of glioma in order to delineate the current issues in defining brain tumor stem cells as therapeutic targets in models of glioma

    Influence of Caloric Restriction on Constitutive Expression of NF-κB in an Experimental Mouse Astrocytoma

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    Many of the current standard therapies employed for the management of primary malignant brain cancers are largely viewed as palliative, ultimately because these conventional strategies have been shown, in many instances, to decrease patient quality of life while only offering a modest increase in the length of survival. We propose that caloric restriction (CR) is an alternative metabolic therapy for brain cancer management that will not only improve survival but also reduce the morbidity associated with disease. Although we have shown that CR manages tumor growth and improves survival through multiple molecular and biochemical mechanisms, little information is known about the role that CR plays in modulating inflammation in brain tumor tissue.Phosphorylation and activation of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) results in the transactivation of many genes including those encoding cycloxygenase-2 (COX-2) and allograft inflammatory factor-1 (AIF-1), both of which are proteins that are primarily expressed by inflammatory and malignant cancer cells. COX-2 has been shown to enhance inflammation and promote tumor cell survival in both in vitro and in vivo studies. In the current report, we demonstrate that the p65 subunit of NF-κB was expressed constitutively in the CT-2A tumor compared with contra-lateral normal brain tissue, and we also show that CR reduces (i) the phosphorylation and degree of transcriptional activation of the NF-κB-dependent genes COX-2 and AIF-1 in tumor tissue, as well as (ii) the expression of proinflammatory markers lying downstream of NF-κB in the CT-2A malignant mouse astrocytoma, [e.g. macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2)]. On the whole, our date indicate that the NF-κB inflammatory pathway is constitutively activated in the CT-2A astrocytoma and that CR targets this pathway and inflammation.CR could be effective in reducing malignant brain tumor growth in part by inhibiting inflammation in the primary brain tumor

    BMC Cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Although some countries have observed a stabilization in the incidence of CNS, an increasing incidence has been reported from multiple studies. Recent observations point out to the heterogeneity of incidence trends according to histological subtypes, gender and age-groups. Using a high-quality regional CNS tumor registry, this article describes the trends of CNS tumor incidence for main histological subtypes, including benign and malignant tumors, in the French department of Gironde from 2000 to 2012. METHODS: Crude and age-standardized incidence rates were calculated globally, by histological subtypes, malignant status, gender and age groups. For trends, annual percent changes (APC) were obtained from a piecewise log-linear model. RESULTS: A total of 3515 CNS tumors was registered during the period. The incidence of overall CNS tumors was 19/100000 person-years (8.3/100000 for neuroepithelial tumors and 7.3/100000 for meningeal tumors). An increased incidence of overall CNS tumors was observed from 2000 to 2012 (APC = + 2.7%; 95%-confidence interval (CI): 1.8-3.7). This trend was mainly explained by an increase in the incidence of meningiomas over the period (APC = + 5.4%, 95%-CI: 3.8-7.0). The increased incidence rate of CNS tumors was more pronounced in female and in older patients even though the incidence rate increased in all age groups. CONCLUSIONS: Part of the temporal variation may be attributed to improvement in registration, diagnosis and clinical practices but also to changes in potential risk factors. Thus, etiological studies on CNS tumors are needed to clarify this rising trend

    The Rip-Off is Over!

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    Human Pluripotent Stem Cells and Early Brain Development

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    My research focuses on understanding the biological processes that control stem cell identity and how they impact brain development. I will present my project which involves directing the differentiation of genetically engineered human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) into 3-dimensional brain tissues called ‘organoids’. With the hPSCs, we are able to study the early stages of brain development using human cells. These engineered stem cells carry a mutation that causes epilepsy and autism. The effects of this mutation, we believe, are present during earlier stages of brain development than what has been previously appreciated. The goal of my research is to understand how this mutation affects the earliest stages of human brain development.In my presentation I will demonstrate how, in our laboratory, we differentiate hPSCs into the mix of cell types that make up the brain. Specifically, I am measuring the amount of brain stem cells and neurons that are generated in order to understand how the disease mutation affects this balance. I will discuss how we culture stem cells in a sterile environment, and how we turn them into brain tissue using defined media formulations and engineered extracellular matrices. To analyze these brain organoids, I stain them with fluorescent antibodies that detect proteins that identify stem cells and neurons, and then image them using cutting-edge microscopy techniques. These ground- breaking technologies have been developed by current leaders in the stem cell field, many of whom work in Canada and the Vancouver region

    Multicultural Understanding: Leveraging the Advantages of Diversity in Scrum Adoption

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    University of Minnesota Final Project in partial fulfillment of the Master of Liberal Studies Program, Advisor Josh Borowicz . Fall 2018. Degree: Master of Liberal Studies. 1 digital files (pdf).This paper introduces a positive view of multicultural differences in a U.S. IT software development team with a discussion around the intersection of Scrum values with the cross-cultural dimensions of power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and individualism/collectivism. The comparative analysis between cultural dimensions, Scrum values, and their relation to group development theory uncovered key advantages of cultural diversity; group effectiveness and performance, and creativity and innovation. These advantages present opportunities to enhance the forming and functioning phases of group development as teams adopt Scrum values

    Leptomeningeal Disease from Oligodendroglioma: Clinical and Molecular Analysis

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