164 research outputs found

    Annotation: Children’s relationships with their non-resident fathers.

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    Background: The frequency of parental separation means that increasing numbers of children have fathers who live in different households from mother-and-child; the significance of contact and relationships between children and their nonresident fathers for children's adjustment is receiving growing attention. Lessons from this research are considered. Methods: Recent meta-analyses and overviews of research, and key research projects, are discussed. Findings related to contact and relationship quality are the main focus of the annotation. Results: Economic support from nonresident fathers is related to children's well-being, and continues to be a key factor. Findings on contact are more mixed, especially from early studies; the effect size of associations between contact and positive child outcome has increased in recent research. Quality of child-father relationships is consistently related to adjustment outcome. Authoritative parenting, involvement and feelings of closeness are of particular importance in relation to adjustment, and these links are related to the quality of mother-nonresident father relations, and the mother-child relationship. Age differences, patterns over time, and gender are discussed; the perspectives of fathers and the problems they face in maintaining authoritative relationships are considered. Conclusions: The significance of child-nonresident father relationships for children's and fathers' well-being is clear and merits further research; fruitful new directions for such research, within the framework of other family relationships, are outlined

    Academic & Non-Academic Variables Impacting BSN Students Who are Unsuccessful on Initial NCLEX-RN

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    Nursing program quality is measured byfirst time National Council Licensure Examination-Registered Nurse (NCLEX-RN) pass rates. Therefore,many schools of nursing have implemented aggressiveprediction and remediation measures to improve firsttime NCLEX-RN pass rate success. The purpose ofthis retrospective study was to determine predictors ofsuccess or failure on the NCLEX-RN for graduates ofa Southeastern, Baccalaureate nursing program. Datawas examined from academic records of students whocompleted Baccalaureate School of Nursing (BSN)program of study from Spring 2007 to Fall 2011.Results of the study reveal the importance of earlyidentification of at risk students. Early identificationallows for the implementation of strategies to aid inpromoting student success on NCLEX-RN. Thesestrategies include tutoring, state board review courses,study skills classes, time management classes andpractice questions

    The inositol phosphatase MTMR4 is a novel target of the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4

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    The inositol phosphatase, MTMR4 (myotubularin-related protein 4), was identified as a novel interactor of the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4 (neural-precursor-cell-expressed developmentally down-regulated 4). hMTMR4 (human MTMR4) and Nedd4 co-immunoprecipitated and co-localized to late endosomes. The PY (Pro-Tyr) motif of hMTMR4 binds to WW (Trp-Trp) domains of hNedd4. MTMR4 expression was decreased in atrophying muscle, whereas Nedd4 expression was increased and hMTMR4 was ubiquitinated by hNedd4, suggesting that this novel interaction may underlie the biological process of muscle breakdown

    The mechanism of catalysis by type-II NADH : quinone oxidoreductases

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    Type II NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (NDH-2) is central to the respiratory chains of many organisms. It is not present in mammals so may be exploited as an antimicrobial drug target or used as a substitute for dysfunctional respiratory complex I in neuromuscular disorders. NDH-2 is a single-subunit monotopic membrane protein with just a flavin cofactor, yet no consensus exists on its mechanism. Here, we use steady-state and pre-steady-state kinetics combined with mutagenesis and structural studies to determine the mechanism of NDH-2 from Caldalkalibacillus thermarum. We show that the two substrate reactions occur independently, at different sites, and regardless of the occupancy of the partner site. We conclude that the reaction pathway is determined stochastically, by the substrate/product concentrations and dissociation constants, and can follow either a ping-pong or ternary mechanism. This mechanistic versatility provides a unified explanation for all extant data and a new foundation for the development of therapeutic strategies

    О становлении трансплантологии в Украине: юридические аспекты

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    Рассмотрены основные аспекты развития трансплантологии, их положительное и отрицательное влияние на прогресс пересадки органов в странах с различным уровнем развития демократических принципов. Показано значение юридических проблем в развитии клинической и экспериментальной трансплантологии.Main aspects of transplantology development, their favorable and unfavorable influence on the process of organ transplantation in the countries with different level of democracy are featured. Significance of legal problems in clinical and experimental transplantology is shown

    CATALISE: A multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study. Identifying language impairments in children

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    © 2016 Bishop et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Delayed or impaired language development is a common developmental concern, yet there is little agreement about the criteria used to identify and classify language impairments in children. Children\u27s language difficulties are at the interface between education, medicine and the allied professions, who may all adopt different approaches to conceptualising them. Our goal in this study was to use an online Delphi technique to see whether it was possible to achieve consensus among professionals on appropriate criteria for identifying children who might benefit from specialist services. We recruited a panel of 59 experts representing ten disciplines (including education, psychology, speech-language therapy/pathology, paediatrics and child psychiatry) from English-speaking countries (Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom and USA). The starting point for round 1 was a set of 46 statements based on articles and commentaries in a special issue of a journal focusing on this topic. Panel members rated each statement for both relevance and validity on a sevenpoint scale, and added free text comments. These responses were synthesised by the first two authors, who then removed, combined or modified items with a view to improving consensus. The resulting set of statements was returned to the panel for a second evaluation (round 2). Consensus (percentage reporting \u27agree\u27 or \u27strongly agree\u27) was at least 80 percent for 24 of 27 round 2 statements, though many respondents qualified their response with written comments. These were again synthesised by the first two authors. The resulting consensus statement is reported here, with additional summary of relevant evidence, and a concluding commentary on residual disagreements and gaps in the evidence base

    Advancing the Selection of Neurodevelopmental Measures in Epidemiological Studies of Environmental Chemical Exposure and Health Effects

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    With research suggesting increasing incidence of pediatric neurodevelopmental disorders, questions regarding etiology continue to be raised. Neurodevelopmental function tests have been used in epidemiology studies to evaluate relationships between environmental chemical exposures and neurodevelopmental deficits. Limitations of currently used tests and difficulties with their interpretation have been described, but a comprehensive critical examination of tests commonly used in studies of environmental chemicals and pediatric neurodevelopmental disorders has not been conducted. We provide here a listing and critical evaluation of commonly used neurodevelopmental tests in studies exploring effects from chemical exposures and recommend measures that are not often used, but should be considered. We also discuss important considerations in selecting appropriate tests and provide a case study by reviewing the literature on polychlorinated biphenyls

    Translating research in elder care: an introduction to a study protocol series

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The knowledge translation field is undermined by two interrelated gaps – underdevelopment of the science and limited use of research in health services and health systems decision making. The importance of context in theory development and successful translation of knowledge has been identified in past research. Additionally, examination of knowledge translation in the long-term care (LTC) sector has been seriously neglected, despite the fact that aging is increasingly identified as a priority area in health and health services research.</p> <p>Aims</p> <p>The aims of this study are: to build knowledge translation theory about the role of organizational context in influencing knowledge use in LTC settings and among regulated and unregulated caregivers, to pilot knowledge translation interventions, and to contribute to enhanced use of new knowledge in LTC.</p> <p>Design</p> <p>This is a multi-level and longitudinal program of research comprising two main interrelated projects and a series of pilot studies. An integrated mixed method design will be used, including sequential and simultaneous phases to enable the projects to complement and inform one another. Inferences drawn from the quantitative and qualitative analyses will be merged to create meta-inferences.</p> <p>Outcomes</p> <p>Outcomes will include contributions to (knowledge translation) theory development, progress toward resolution of major conceptual issues in the field, progress toward resolution of methodological problems in the field, and advances in the design of effective knowledge translation strategies. Importantly, a better understanding of the contextual influences on knowledge use in LTC will contribute to improving outcomes for residents and providers in LTC settings.</p