251 research outputs found

    Metabólitos séricos e escore de condição corporal associados a metrite, endometrite, cetose e mastite em vacas da raça Holandesa

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    The objective of this work was to identify the serum metabolites and the body condition score (BCS) of Holstein cows associated with the occurrence of periparturient diseases, when under heat stress. Blood samples were collected from 181 cows one week after calving, and the BCS was recorded at calving. Cows with β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) concentration ≥ 0.8 mmol L-1 were 2.2 times more likely to develop metritis and 4.4 times more likely to develop clinical endometritis (CE). Cows with serum creatinine levels ≥ 2.0 mg dL-1 showed 2.2 and 4.5 greater risk (p ≤ 0.05) of suffering from metritis and CE, respectively, during the current lactation. The odds of metritis and CE occurrence were 2.7 and 4.6 times greater (p < 0.01) in cows with serum total protein (TP) ≥ 5.0 mg dL-1. Cows with serum glucose levels ≤ 70 mg dL-1 and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs) ≥ 0.5 had 9.4 and 8.8 times greater odds of developing clinical ketosis, respectively, than cows with lower glucose and NEFA blood levels. The strategic use of metabolic tests to monitor transition Holstein cows, aiming to prevent some postpartum diseases due to heat stress, should focus on blood BHBA, NEFAs, glucose, creatinine, and TP. Additionally, the BCS ≤ 3.2 should be avoided to prevent endometritis.O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar os metabólitos séricos e o escore de condição corporal (BCS) de vacas Holandesas associados à ocorrência de doenças periparturientes, quando sob estresse térmico. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas de 181 vacas uma semana após o parto, e o BCS foi determinado no parto. Vacas com concentração de β-hidroxibutirato (BHBA) ≥ 0,8 mmol L-1 tinham 2,2 vezes mais chances de desenvolver metrite e 4,4 vezes mais chances de desenvolver endometrite clínica (EC). Vacas com níveis séricos de creatinina ≥ 2,0 mg dL-1 apresentaram 2,2 e 4,5 vezes maior risco (p ≤ 0,05) de sofrer de metrite e EC, respectivamente, na lactação atual. As chances de metrite e EC foram 2,7 e 4,6 vezes maiores (p < 0,01) em vacas com proteína total sérica (TP) ≥ 5,0 mg dL-1. Vacas com níveis séricos de glicose ≤ 70 mg dL-1 e ácidos graxos não esterificados (NEFAs) ≥ 0,5 tiveram 9,4 e 8,8 vezes mais chances de desenvolver cetose clínica, respectivamente, que vacas com níveis mais baixos de glicose e NEFAs no sangue. O uso estratégico de testes metabólicos para monitorar vacas Holandesas em transição, para prevenir algumas doenças pós-parto devido ao estresse térmico, deve se concentrar em BHBA, NEFAs, glicose, creatinina e TP no sangue. Além disso, o BCS ≤ 3,2 deve ser evitado para prevenir a endometrit

    Numerical simulation to assess the elastic-strain energy distribution in a silicon rubber disk subjected to a punch shear test (PST)

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    Finite element method simulations were implemented to understand how the strain energy is distributed in a disk-like sample during a punch shear test. Material’s Young modulus can be estimated from this test; however, there is not enough available information about the distribution of the strain energy inside the sample during the deformation process. The proposed methodology seeks to give insight into the deformation process. Experimental results for a cured silicon rubber sample were used to validate the simulation results. It was found that the estimation of the Young modulus with the punch shear test depends on the ratio between the span-to-punch diameters. This conclusion applies to the simulated results, following Timoshenko’s theory for the deformation of thin plates. Understanding how energy is accumulated during a punch shear test is an important and useful characteristic in terms of the design of armor systems

    Los estados de afecto positivo y afecto negativo como variables explicativas de la ansiedad escénica en estudiantes de Magisterio

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    En estudiantes de magisterio vemos cómo la ansiedad escénica musical resulta ser uno de los problemas clave para la superación de asignaturas relacionadas con el estudio y práctica musical. Así vemos cómo este problema está relacionado con características personales como la ansiedad general, bien rasgo bien estado, la competencia musical autopercibida o los afectos, bien positivos bien negativos, tanto rasgo como estado. En este estudio buscamos analizar el valor predictivo que estas variables tienen sobre los niveles de ansiedad escénica experimentados. Los resultados muestran cómo la mitad de los estudiantes participantes en el estudio presentan valores de ansiedad escénica superiores a la media teórica del instrumento de medida empleado y cómo este constructo está significativamente relacionado con la ansiedad general, la habilidad musical autopercibida y los afectos. También se ha comprobado cómo, de cara a explicar la mayor o menor presencia de ansiedad escénica, tanto el afecto positivo como el negativo en su medida estado son los que mayor capacidad explicativa poseen. Se hace necesaria más investigación de cara a poder crear programas de formación específicos que ayuden a los estudiantes a generar mecanismos adaptativos regulatorios que ayuden a enfocar mejor la actuación en los procesos evaluativos de este tipo de asignaturas. In the students of Primary Education Teaching we see how music performance anxiety proves to be one of the key problems for the overcoming of subjects related to musical study and practice. Thus we see how this problem is related to personal characteristics such as general anxiety, either trait or state, self-perceived musical competence or affects, either positive or negative, both trait and state. In this study we sought to analyse the predictive value that these variables have on the levels of the performance anxiety experienced. The results show how half of the students participating in the study show higher levels of performance anxiety than the theoretical mean of the measuring instrument used and how this construct is significantly related to general anxiety, self-perceived musical ability and affect. It has also been shown how, in order to explain the greater or lesser presence of music performance anxiety, both positive and negative affect in their state measure are those with greater explanatory capacity. More research is needed in order to create specific training programs that help students to generate regulatory adaptive mechanisms that help to better focus the music performance during the evaluative processes of this type of subjects

    Bacterial and fungal community dynamics during different stages of agro-industrial waste composting and its relationship with compost suppressiveness

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    Composting is an advantageous and efficient process for recycling organic waste and producing organic fertilizers, and many kinds of microorganisms are involved in obtaining quality compost with suppressive activity against soil-borne pathogens. The aim of this work was to evaluate the main differences in the effects of three composting piles on the whole bacterial and fungal communities of baby-leaf lettuce crops and to determine the specific communities by high-throughput sequencing related to suppressiveness against the soil-borne plant pathogen Pythium irregulare- (P. irregulare). Compost pile A was composed of 47% vineyard pruning waste, 34% tomato waste and 19% leek waste; pile B was composed of 54% vineyard pruning waste and 46% tomato waste; and pile C was composed of 42% vineyard pruning waste, 25% tomato waste and 33% olive mill cake. The temperature and the chemical properties of the piles were monitored throughout the composting process. In addition, the potential suppressive capacity of the three composts (C_A, C_B and C_C) against P. irregulare in baby-leaf lettuce was assessed. We found that the bacterial community changed according to the composting phases and composting pile and was sensitive to chemical changes throughout the composting process. The fungal community, on the other hand, did not change between the composting piles and proved to be less influenced by chemical properties, but it did change, principally, according to the composting phases. All composts obtained were considered stable and mature, while compost C_C showed higher maturity than composts C_A and C_B. During composting, the three piles contained a greater relative abundance of Bacterioidetes, Proteobacterias and Actinobacterias related to the suppression of soil-borne pathogens such as Pythium irregulare. Composts C_A and C_B, however, showed higher suppressiveness against P. irregulare than compost C_C. Deeper study showed that this observed suppressiveness was favored by a higher abundance of genera that have been described as potential suppressive against P. irregulare, such as Aspergillus, Penicillium, Truepera and Luteimonas.This study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and by European Regional Development Funds (ERDF, “Una manera de hacer Europa”) in the framework of the project “Compoleaf” (Compost as biofertilizer, resistance inductor against plant pathogens and healthy property promoter under a crop intensive sustainable production) (Project AGL2017-84085-C3-1-R, C3-2-R and C3- 3-R). Alicia Hernández-Lara acknowledges the financial support she has received from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the "FPI" Program [PRE2018-085802] for the training of research personne

    Childhood leukemias in Mexico: towards implementing CAR-T cell therapy programs

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    Leukemias are the most common type of pediatric cancer around the world. Prognosis has improved during the last decades, and many patients are cured with conventional treatment as chemotherapy; however, many patients still present with a refractory disease requiring additional treatments, including hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Immunotherapy with monoclonal antibodies or cellular therapy is a promising strategy for treating refractory or relapsed hematological malignancies. Particularly, CAR-T cells have shown clinical efficacy in clinical trials, and different products are now commercially approved by regulatory agencies in the USA and Europe. Many challenges still need to be solved to improve and optimize the potential of these therapies worldwide. Global access to cell therapy is a significant concern, and different strategies are being explored in the middle- and low-income countries. In Mexico, leukemias represent around 50% of total cancer diagnosed in pediatric patients, and the rate of relapsed or refractory disease is higher than reported in other countries, a multi-factorial problem. Although significant progress has been made during the last decades in leukemia diagnosis and treatment, making new therapies available to Mexican patients is a priority, and cell and gene therapies are on the horizon. Efforts are ongoing to make CAR-T cell therapy accessible for patients in Mexico. This article summarizes a general landscape of childhood leukemias in Mexico, and we give a perspective about the current strategies, advances, and challenges ahead to make gene and cell therapies for leukemia clinically available

    Intercambio gaseoso de plantas jóvenes de Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex A. Juss.) Müll. Arg. (Euphorbiaceae) en Antioquia (Colombia)

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    The aim of this study was to determine the behavior of the rubber plant Hevea brasiliensis regarding its photosynthetic performance in the rubber producer regions in Nordeste and Bajo Cauca, in the department of Antioquia, Colombia, as a baseline for future clonal performance studies among environments. Gas exchange was recorded using a portable infrared gas analyzer, and for the photosynthetic parameters for seven genotypes (clones) a medium value was calculated and was later used to estimate the area under the curve. The maximum photosynthetic value was reached at 8:00 hours in San Roque (10.97 µmol [CO2] m-2s-1) and at 9:00 hours in Caucasia (7.84 µmol [CO2] m-2s-1). Maximum transpiration was 3.55 mmol [H2O] m-2s-1 in San Roque and 5.16 mmol [H2O] m-2s-1 in Caucasia, while the maximum stomatal conductance was 0.18 mol [CO2] m-2s-1 and 0.16 mol [CO2] m-2s-1 in San Roque and Caucasia, respectively. The rubber plants in Caucasia had a higher accumulated net assimilation rate (271,934 µmol [CO2] m-2day-1) than what was found in San Roque (226,287 µmol [CO2] m-2day-1), showing a difference of 45.647,52 µmol [CO2] m-2day-1. The highest carbon accumulation with the lowest light energy investment (697,638 µmol [CO2] µmol [photon]-1day1) was found in San Roque. Therefore, regarding gas exchange and the use of light energy Hevea brasiliensis showed greater environmental adaptation in San Roque.El objetivo de este estudio consistió en conocer el comportamiento de Hevea brasiliensis en lo que se refiere al desempeño fotosintético, en las regiones caucheras del nordeste y el Bajo Cauca (Antioquia, Colombia), como base para futuros estudios de desempeño clonal entre ambientes. El intercambio de gases se cuantificó mediante un analizador infrarrojo de gases portátil, y en las variablesfotosintéticas para los siete clones se calculó un valor medio, a partir del cual se estimó el área bajo la curva. El máximo valor de fotosíntesis se alcanzó a las 8:00 en San Roque (10,97 μmol [CO2] m-2s-1), y 9:00 en Caucasia (7,84 μmol [CO2] m-2s-1). La transpiración máxima fue de 3,55 mmol [H2O] m-2s-1 en San Roque, y de 5,16 mmol [H2O] m-2s-1 en Caucasia, mientras que la conductancia estomática máxima&nbsp;&nbsp; fue&nbsp;&nbsp; de&nbsp;&nbsp; 0,18&nbsp;&nbsp; mol&nbsp;&nbsp; [CO2]&nbsp;&nbsp; m-2s-1 &nbsp;y&nbsp;&nbsp; de&nbsp;&nbsp; 0,16 mol [CO2] m-2s-1, respectivamente. Las plantas de caucho en Caucasia presentaron una mayor tasa de&nbsp;&nbsp; asimilación&nbsp;&nbsp; neta&nbsp;&nbsp; acumulada&nbsp;&nbsp; (271.934&nbsp;&nbsp; μmol [CO2]&nbsp;&nbsp; m-2día-1),&nbsp;&nbsp; superando&nbsp;&nbsp; los&nbsp;&nbsp; 226.287&nbsp;&nbsp; μmol [CO2] m-2 día-1 de San Roque, lo que representa una diferencia de 45.647,52 μmol [CO2] m-día -1. La mayor acumulación de carbono con menor inversión de energía lumínica (697.638μ mol [CO2] μ mol&nbsp;&nbsp; [f otón]-1 día -1) se obtuvo en San Roque. Por lo tanto, en lo que respecta al intercambio gaseoso y al uso de la energía lumínica, Hevea brasiliensis presentó una mayor adaptación ambiental en San Roque

    Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with α1-antitrypsin deficiency genotypes PI*ZZ and PI*SZ in the Spanish registry of EARCO

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    Background: The Spanish registry of α1-antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) integrated in the European Alpha-1 Research Collaboration (EARCO) provides information about the characteristics of patients, in particular those with the PI*SZ genotype, which is frequent in Spain. Method: Individuals with severe AATD defined as proteinase inhibitor (PI) genotypes PI*ZZ, PI*SZ and other rare deficient variants were included from February 1, 2020, to February 1, 2022. The analysis focused on a comparison of the characteristics of PI*ZZ and PI*SZ patients. Results: 409 patients were included (53.8% men) with a mean±sd age of 53.5±15.9 years. Genotypes were PI*ZZ in 181 (44.7%), PI*SZ in 163 (40.2%), PI*SS in 29 (7.2%) and other in 32 (7.9%). 271 (67.4%) had lung disease: 175 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (43.5%), 163 emphysema (40.5%) and 83 bronchiectasis (20.6%). Patients with the PI*SZ genotype were younger, more frequently non-index cases and had a lower frequency of respiratory diseases except asthma compared with PI*ZZ patients. Among patients with respiratory diseases, PI*SZ individuals were significantly older both at onset of symptoms and at diagnosis; only asthma was more frequent in PI*SZ than in PI*ZZ individuals. Twelve PI*SZ patients (15.4%) received augmentation therapy compared with 94 PI*ZZ patients (66.2%; p<0.001). Conclusions: There is a high prevalence of PI*SZ in Spain. Patients with the PI*SZ genotype were older at symptom onset and diagnosis and had less severe lung disease compared with PI*ZZ patients. The prevalence of asthma was higher in PI*SZ, and up to 15% of PI*SZ patients received augmentation therapy.Acknowledgements: The Spanish registry would like to acknowledge the support of the EARCO Steering committee: Christian Clarenbach and Marc Miravitlles (co-chairs), Robert Bals, Jan Stolk, Joanna Chorostowska-Wynimko, Karen O’Hara, Marion Wilkens, José Luis López-Campos, Alice M. Turner, Ilaria Ferrarotti, Gerry McElvaney and Robert A. Stockley

    Predicting cardiac surgery–associated acute kidney injury: The CRATE score

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    Producción CientíficaPurpose: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a frequent complication after cardiac surgery and is associated with increased mortality. The aim was to design a nondialytic AKI score in patients with previously normal renal function undergoing cardiac surgery. Methods: Data were collected on 909 patients who underwent cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass between 2012 and 2014. A total of 810 patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Patients were classified as having AKI based on the RIFLE criteria. Postoperative AKI occurred in 137 patients (16.9%). Several parameters were recorded preoperatively, intraoperatively, and at intensive care unit admission, looking for a univariate andmultivariate associationwith AKI risk. A second data set of 741 patients, from2 different hospitals,was recorded as a validation cohort. Results: Four independent risk factors were included in the CRATE score: creatinine (odds ratio [OR], 9.66; 95% confidence interval [CI], 4.77-19.56; P b .001), EuroSCORE (OR, 1.40; CI, 1.29-1.52; P b .001), lactate (OR, 1.03; CI, 1.01- 1.04; P b .001), and cardiopulmonary bypass time (OR, 1.01; CI, 1.01-1.02; P b .001). The accuracy of the model was good, with an area under the curve of 0.89 (CI, 0.85-0.92). The CRATE score retained good discrimination in validation cohort, with an area under the curve of 0.81 (95% CI, 0.78-0.85). Conclusions: CRATE score is an accurate and easy to calculate risk score that uses affordable andwidely available variables in the routine care surgical patients

    E X I T (ex-utero intrapartum therapy) en linfangioma cervical fetal

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    Se presenta un caso clínico de una embarazada primigesta de 17 años, con un feto con gran masa cervical a las 20 semanas, se diagnostica como linfangioma cervical. La evaluación prenatal concluye que existe gran riesgo de asfixia perinatal por obstrucción de la vía aérea superior, se resuelve el parto mediante procedimiento EXIT (ex-utero intrapartum therapy) a las 37 semanas. Se logra realizar intubación con larin-goscopia directa, con un tiempo de by-pass uteroplacentario de 7 minutos. Se obtiene un recién nacido de 3300 g, al segundo día se opera del tumor con buenos resultados. Se revisa el protocolo del procedimiento EXIT en sus aspectos anestésicos, obstétricos, quirúrgicos y neonatológicos. Se concluye que el EXIT debe ser planteado en todo caso en que se sospeche obstrucción de la vía aérea superior y puede ser realizado en hospitales que cuenten con equipamiento habitual y un equipo médico multidisciplinario

    Complejo hormonal y micronutrientes en calidad del fruto de mandarina (Citrus reticulata blanco) cv Dancy / Complexo hormonal e micronutrientes na qualidade da tangerina (Citrus reticulata blanco) cv Dancy

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    Se evaluaron los efectos de un complejo hormonal con micronutrientes en algunas características de calidad del fruto de mandarina en Montemorelos, Nuevo León, los objetivos de este trabajo fueron cuantificar los efectos del complejo hormonal Biozyme TF®  y micronutrientes en calidad de la mandarina Dancy e identificar las mejores dosificaciones que den como resultado una mayor calidad del fruto en dos ciclos de producción (2017 – 2018). Se trabajó con un suelo no salino, arcilloso, con un pH de 7.1, rico en materia orgánica, y árboles con niveles deficientes de nitrógeno, magnesio y zinc, óptimo de potasio, calcio, hierro y cobre, pero bajos en manganeso. Se usaron como fuente el complejo hormonal Biozyme TF® y micronutrientes foliares: Poliquel zinc® y Poliquel multi®. Las variables evaluadas fueron: diámetro polar y ecuatorial, peso del fruto, firmeza del fruto, grosor de cáscara , número de gajos, número de semillas, grados Brix, pH, contenido de jugo, peso del jugo, volumen de jugo y contenido de vitamina “C”. Los resultados de las variables que se evaluaron muestran la  no inexistencia de diferencias estadísticas significativas en los tratamientos al evaluar las variables: diámetro polar, grados brix, número de gajos, número de semillas, ph del jugo, porcentaje de jugo, peso de jugo y vitamina “C”. En cambio hubo diferencias estadísticas significativas en los tratamientos peso de fruto, diámetro ecuatorial y volumen de jugo y diferencias altamente significativas en la evaluación de firmeza y grosor de cáscara del fruto.