257 research outputs found

    Cemento-ossifying fibroma of the mandible: presentation of a case and review of the literature

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    Introduction: Cemento-ossifying fibroma is a benign fibro-osseous maxillary tumor belonging to the same category as fibrous dysplasia and cement-ossifying dysplasia. The aim of present study was report a case of cement-ossifying mandibular fibroma and offers a review of the literature on this disorder. Case report: A 41-year-old woman presented for conventional dental treatment. A control panoramic X-ray study revealed a rounded, mixed-type image in the mandible, located in the periapical zone from tooth 4.3 to 3.3. The patient presented no symptoms and had no medical history of interest. A sample of the lesion was obtained for histopathological study, which yielded a definitive diagnosis of cemento-ossifying fibroma. Discussion: The World Health Organization classifies cemento-ossifying fibroma as a fibro-osseous neoplasm included among the non-odontogenic tumors derived from the mesenchymal blast cells of the periodontal ligament, with a potential to for fibrous tissue, cement and bone, or a combination of such elements. These are slow-growing lesions, and are more frequent in women between the third and fourth decades of life. Although the underlying cause is not known, there have been reports of past trauma in the area of the lesion. Due to the good delimitation of the tumor, surgical removal and curettage is the treatment of choice

    Arquitectura e ingeniería en Alcoy. 90 años del puente de San Jorge

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    A finales del año 1925 se comenzó en Alcoy la construcción del puente de San Jorge. Se trata de uno de los primeros viaductos de grandes dimensiones construido enteramente en hormigón armado visto de España, pero además constituye uno de los únicos ejemplos contundentes que utilizó el lenguaje formal Art Déco en sus elementos. El 90 aniversario de esta construcción debe servir para conmemorar el éxito de una estrecha colaboración entre ingeniería y arquitectura. Este puente tuvo peculiares problemas y modificaciones importantes durante la construcción que fueron resueltos satisfactoriamente en un momento de la historia en el que la cultura se dirigía hacia la modernidad. En el caso que nos ocupa, el oficio del ingeniero y del arquitecto, oportunamente elegidos por una empresa constructora sagaz y efectiva en sus habilidades constructoras, dio como resultado una magnífica obra olvidada que conviene rehabilitar en la memoria colectiva.Picó Silvestre, JF. (2017). Arquitectura e ingeniería en Alcoy. 90 años del puente de San Jorge. Informes de la Construcción. 69(545):1-10. doi:10.3989/ic.15.146S1106954

    El puente de Sant Jordi. Un caso de modernidad para Alcoi

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es el análisis del Art Déco en la ciudad de Alcoy partiendo del Puente de San Jorge y observando su transcendencia. El análisis se centra en una época muy poco estudiada que transcurre desde mediados de los años veinte hasta la guerra civil del siglo XX. Recurrir a la historia para aumentar el conocimiento comprendiéndola y así utilizarla después con la imaginación como instrumento para la revitalización de las ciudades y del patrimonio existente, como elemento sobre el cual extraer valores innovadores para el mercado, es actualmente de vital importancia.Picó Silvestre, JF. (2013). El puente de Sant Jordi. Un caso de modernidad para Alcoi. Compobell, S.L. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/73774

    Clinical-therapeutic management of drooling : review and update

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    Drooling is the uncontrolled leakage of saliva outside the mouth, generally as a result of difficulty in swallowing the saliva produced. Many factors contribute to drooling, though it is more commonly seen in children with brain paralysis - particularly those receiving anticonvulsivant medication. Drooling is also often seen in patients with lip sealing problems or malocclusions such as anterior open bite. Clinically, the affected patients can develop skin irritation or abrasions, problems of hygiene, unpleasant smell and - in the more severe presentations - the need to wear protectors or frequently change clothing. Treatment of this disorder is complex, and should be addressed from a multidisciplinary perspective, with planning on an individualized basis. Among the different existing managements, myofunctional therapy, behavioral change programs and drug treatments are the most widely used options, though there are also more invasive surgical techniques designed to reduce or cause submandibular saliva secretion to be rerouted towards posterior zones of the oral cavity. In any case, no scientific evidence-based management protocol has yet been established capable of affording favorable results in the majority of cases. The present study offers a review and update on the clinical and dental management aspects of drooling. © Medicina Oral S. L

    Oral biopsy in dental practice

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    The conclusions drawn from the study of an oral biopsy are considered essential for the definitive diagnosis of diseases of the oral mucosa, and for the subsequent planning of appropriate treatment. Although the obtainment of biopsies is widely used in all medical fields, the practice is not so widespread in dental practice - fundamentally because of a lack of awareness of the procedure among dental professionals. In this context, it must be taken into account that the early diagnosis of invasive oral malignancy may be critical for improving the patient prognosis. However, in some cases the results are adversely affected by incorrect manipulation of the biopsy material. The present study provides an update on the different biopsy sampling techniques and their application. Such familiarization in turn will contribute to knowledge of the material and instruments required for correct biopsy performance in dentistry, as well as of the material required for correct sample storage and transport

    Water adsorption in hydrophilic zeolites: experiment and simulation

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    We have measured experimental adsorption isotherms of water in zeolite LTA4A, and studied the regeneration process by performing subsequent adsorption cycles after degassing at different temperatures. We observed incomplete desorption at low temperatures, and cation rearrangement at successive adsorption cycles. We also developed a new molecular simulation force field able to reproduce experimental adsorption isotherms in the range of temperatures between 273 K and 374 K. Small deviations observed at high pressures are attributed to the change in the water dipole moment at high loadings. The force field correctly describes the preferential adsorption sites of water at different pressures. We tested the influence of the zeolite structure, framework flexibility, and cation mobility when considering adsorption and diffusion of water. Finally, we performed checks on force field transferability between different hydrophilic zeolite types, concluding that classical, non-polarizable water force fields are not transferable.The European Research Council through an ERC Staring Grant (Sofia Calero), and the MICINN (CTQ2010-16077) project

    Dental treatment under general anesthesia in mentally disabled patients based on an ambulatory surgery model : a Case-control study

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    Mentally disabled patients commonly offer little or no cooperation in dental treatments, and general anesthesia may become necessary in such cases. The present study was to identify the most relevant factors in dental treatment under general anesthesia i

    Influencia del aditivo KD-40 y la valva de concha de abanico para estabilización de subrasante, Avenida Carapongo - Lurigancho, 2022

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar de qué manera el aditivo KD-40 y la valva de concha de abanico influyen en la estabilización de una subrasante. El tipo de investigación es aplicada, el diseño es experimental y el tipo de muestreo es no probabilístico. Se empleó el aditivo químico líquido KD40 será comprado a un proveedor de químicos y la valva de concha de abanico será adquirido en el distrito de Ancón, Lima, para los ensayos de granulometría obtuvimos el suelo SUCS SM de tipo (arena limosa), el Proctor modificado nos dio un MDS de 2.30 gr/cm3 y su OCH 9.80%, para el ensayo del CBR dio una capacidad de resistencia o soporte con la adición de 8%+40% de KD-40 y VCA donde se obtuvo el mayor valor de 39.5% > 20.9% considerando la como buena para la subrasante. Para los ensayos de límites de Atterberg él LL salió 20, el LP salió 17 y el IP salió 3. Se busca que el suelo natural aumente su capacidad portante y cumpla con las especificaciones como material estabilizador, como lo pide la ASTM C 977

    Consensus on the Clinical Approach to Moderate-to-Severe Atopic Dermatitis in Spain: A Delphi Survey

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    Background. The purpose of this study was to gather information on the current assessment and management of patients with moderate-to-severe AD in routine daily practice. Methods. A cross-sectional two-round Delphi survey with the participation of dermatologists and allergologists throughout Spain was conducted. They completed a 46-item questionnaire, and consensus was defined when responses of >= 80% of participants coincided in the categories of a 5-point Likert scale for that item. Results. A total of 105 specialists (aged 40-59 years) completed the two rounds. Participants agreed regarding the consideration of AD as a multifaceted disease and the differences in clinical presentation of AD according to the patient's age. It is recommendable to perform a skin biopsy to exclude early stage T-cell cutaneous lymphoma, psoriasis, or dermatitis herpetiformis, among others (99.1%). Also, consensus was reached regarding the use of the SCORAD index to quantify the severity of the disease (86.7%), the use of wet wraps to increase the effect of topical corticosteroids (90.4%), the usefulness of proactive treatment during follow-up (85.6%) and tacrolimus ointment (91.2%) to reduce new flares, and the fact that crisaborole is not the treatment of choice for severe AD (92.4%). AD was not considered a contraindication for immunotherapy in patients with allergic respiratory diseases (92.4%). In patients with severe AD, the use of immune response modifier drugs (97.6%) or phototherapy (92.8%) does not sufficiently cover their treatment needs. Consensus was also obtained regarding the role of the new biologic drugs (93.6%) targeting cytokines involved in the Th2 inflammatory pathway (92.0%) and the potential role of dupilumab as first-line treatment (90.4%) in moderate-to-severe AD patients. Conclusion. This study contributes a reference framework to the care of AD patients. There is no diagnostic test or biomarkers to direct treatment or to assess the severity of the disease, and many therapeutic challenges remain