672 research outputs found

    La mancomunidad de política hidrológica española : sectores y trayectorias políticas en Internet

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    En este trabajo nos acercamos a la transformación que la política de aguas española ha sufrido en las últimas décadas. La erosión de una cohesionada comunidad de política hidráulica ha dado paso a una red extendida y plural en la que se debate la política hidrológica contemporánea. En esta última, un nuevo discurso sobre la sostenibilidad (la «Nueva Cultura del Agua») articula a nuevos actores estatales y no estatales en torno a una novedosa «política de asuntos». A partir de la aplicación de estrategias de investigación extraídas de los análisis de controversias públicas en Internet, documentamos este fenómeno. Concretamente, rastreamos la red de la «Nueva Cultura del Agua» en la web, analizamos su estructura y reflexionamos sobre el sentido político de su historia. A partir del estudio realizado, proponemos la emergencia de una mancomunidad de política hidrológica en Internet.This paper deals with the transformation that water policy in Spain has undergone in recent decades. The erosion of a strongly united hydraulic policy community has given way to a widespread and plural network in which modern hydrological policy is under discussion. In this network, a new discourse about sustainability (the «New Water Culture») brings new State and non-governmental actors together in an innovative form of «issue politics». We document this phenomenon by using research strategies drawn from analyses of public issues on the Internet. More precisely, we trace the «New Water Culture» network on the Web, analyse its structure and consider the political meaning of its history. On the basis of the study carried out, we claim that a hydrological policy commonwealth has emerged on the Internet

    Aportació al coneixement de les cavitats de la Macaronèsia

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    En aquest treball descrivim una sèrie de cavitats de la Macaronèsia. Foren topografiades en el curs de les visites emmarcades a un Projecte de Recerca dirigit a determinar cronologies d’extincions d’espècies autòctones de vertebrats i d’introduccions d’espècies al·lòctones a illes macaronèsiques i a les Balears. Hi descrivim 15 cavitats, majorment de l’illa de Fuerteventura i d’altres de Lanzarote i Madeira. Entre aquestes cavitats presentam la topografia de la Cueva de Villaverde, un tub volcànic de 171 m de recorregut que hosteja una important estació aborigen de l’illa, així com la de la Sima de las Palomas de la Montaña de la Arena, on s’hi trobaren restes del la baldrija de la lava, Puffinus olsoni, endèmica de les Canàries orientals. Descrivim diferents avencs als voltants de la Montaña de l’Arena, on s’ha facilitat l’accés mitjançant caramulls de pedres en equilibri. Degut a la presència de coloms i baldritges a l’interior d’aquests avencs, aquestes estructures segurament es varen fer per poder caçar-les. Es descriuen tres cavitats petites de Madeira.[eng] In this paper we describe a series of caves from several Macaronesian islands surveyed in the course of the field work framed in a research project aimed at determining chronology of extinctions of native species of vertebrates and introductions of alien species on the Macaronesian and the Balearic Islands. 15 cavities are described, mostly from the island of Fuerteventura, and others from Lanzarote and Madeira. Among them, the topography of the Cueva de Villaverde, a volcanic tube of 171 m long that includes an important aboriginal station on the island, as well as the Sima de las Palomas on the Montaña de la Arena, containing remains of the extinct endemic Lava shearwater Puffinus olsoni, are presented. Several potholes around the Montaña de la Arena, where their access has been facilitated through rock accumulations inside them. Due to pigeons and shearwaters breed inside these caves, these structures very probably were made to allow the access for hunting chick of these birds. Finally, the description of three small cavities from Madeira completes the paper.[spa] En este trabajo describimos una serie de cavidades de la Macaronesia topografiadas en el curso de las visitas enmarcadas en un Proyecto de Investigación dirigido a determinar cronologías de extinciones de especies autóctonas e introducciones de especies alóctonas de vertebrados en diferentes islas macaronésicas y en Baleares. Se describen 15 cavidades, principalmente de la isla de Fuerteventura, así como otras de Lanzarote y Madeira. Entre estas cavidades presentamos la topografía de la Cueva de Villaverde, un tubo volcánico de 171 m de largo que alberga una importante estación aborigen de la isla, así como la de la Sima de las Palomas de la Montaña de la Arena, en donde se localizaron por primera vez los restos de la Pardela del Malpaís, Puffinus olsoni. Se describen diferentes simas en las laderas de la Montaña de la Arena, cuyo acceso se ha facilitado debido a la existencia de amontonamientos de piedras en su interior, probablemente construidas para la caza de pollos de palomas y pardelas que anidan en su interior. Por último, se describen tres pequeñas cavidades de Madeira.[por] Neste trabalho descrevemos uma série de cavidades topografiades da Macaronésia, feitas no decurso dum projecto de investigação com vista a determinar a cronologia de extinções de espécies nativas de animais vertebrados i d’introduccions de espécies exóticas nas ilhas Macaronesias e as ilhas Baleares. 15 cavidades são descritas, principalmente de Fuerteventura e outras de Lanzarote e Madeira. Apresentam a topografia da Cueva de Villaverde, um tubo vulcânico de 171 m de comprimento, que abriga uma importante estação aborígene na ilha, bem como a Sima de las Palomas na Montaña de la Arena, onde encontraram restos do Puffinus olsoni. Descrevemos vários buracos ao lado da Montanha da Areia, onde o acesso foi facilitado através de acúmulos de rocha. Devido a presencia de pombos e cagarras dentro destas cavernas, essas estruturas muito provavelmente foram feitas para permitir o acesso de caça dessas aves.Finalmente, descrevemos três pequenas furnas da Madeir

    El Geoparc Mundial de la UNESCO "Comarca Minera, Hidalgo": Un resultat de la cooperació científica entre Mèxic i Catalunya

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    La Comarca Minera de l'Estat d'Hidalgo, a la zona centreoriental de Mèxic, va rebre la designació de Geoparc Mundial de la UNESCO el 5 de maig de 2017. Aquest reconeixement va culminar un projecte transdisciplinari de tres anys, el qual va implicar una intensa cooperació entre diverses institucions de recerca mexicanes i catalanes. El projecte, encapçalat per la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), va reunir un grup nombrós d'especialistes en ciències de la Terra, i també en d'altres disciplines totalment alienes a la geologia, i va fomentar la participació d'organitzacions agràries (ejidos) i civils, a més de la col·laboració d'estudiants i voluntaris. Actualment la Comarca Minera es un dels sis únics geoparcs d'Amèrica (i un dels dos que hi ha a Mèxic), i conté un geopatrimoni excepcional, l'eix del qual es la mineria del districte argentífer històric de Pachuca-Real del Monte. A més dels excepcionals dipòsits de tipus epitermal, que es compten entre els més grans del món, el geoparc presenta els següents elements geològics de rellevància mundial: (a) la localitat tipus de la cristobalita i de la tridimita, (b) els basalts amb disjunció columnar de Huasca de Ocampo, descrits pel naturalista prussià Alexander von Humboldt l'any 1803, i (c) l'obsidiana del Cerro de Las Navajas, explotada ininterrompudament des d'abans del Virregnat i que fou estratègica pel comerç de diverses cultures de Mesoamèrica.The Comarca Minera, Hidalgo UNESCO Global Geopark (Mexico) was formally designated on May 5th, 2017. This achievement was the result of a transdisciplinary, three-year project, for which there has been close cooperation among Mexican and Catalan universities, as well as Hidalgo's government institutions. The project was leaded by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM in its Spanish acronym) and brought together geoscientists of all disciplines, as well as specialists outside geology. It also prompted the collaboration of agrarian (ejidos) and civil organizations, as well as of students and volunteers. At present Comarca Minera is one of the six geoparks in America, treasuring an outstanding geoheritage around the silver mining of the historical district of Pachuca-Real del Monte. In addition, the geoheritage includes the follow highlights: (a) the type locality of cristobalite and tridymite, (b) the columnar jointed basalts of Huasca de Ocampo, described for the first time by the Prussian naturalist Alexander von Humboldt in 1803, and (c) Cerro de Las Navajas, which was one of the most important obsidian deposits for Mesoamerican cultures.El Geoparque Mundial de la UNESCO Comarca Minera, Hidalgo (México) fue designado oficialmente el 5 de mayo de 2017, culminando de esta manera un proyecto transdisciplinario de tres años, periodo durante el cual se mantuvo una intensa cooperación entre instituciones de educación superior y gubernamentales mexicanas y universidades catalanas. El proyecto, liderado por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), aglutinó un nutrido grupo de especialistas en geociencias y en disciplinas totalmente ajenas a estas, y promovió la participación de organizaciones campesinas (ejidos) y de la sociedad civil, así como de voluntarios y estudiantes de diversas licenciaturas

    Teleassistència publica a Espanya : consideracions dels seus efectes en els serveis socials i sanitaris

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    El artículo analiza un servicio destinado a la asistencia domiciliaria a la gente mayor im¬plementado en España a lo largo de la década de los noventa: la teleasistencia. El objetivo es hacer constar algunos efectos de su oferta pública sobre los servicios sociales y sanitarios, llamando la atención a formuladores de políticas y gestores sobre aspectos clave respecto a la organización de esos servicios en la cartera de prestaciones sociosanitarias. Para perfeccionar el actual modelo de telecuidado e identificar posibles consecuencias no previstas en los sistemas social y sanitario, se sugiere la ampliación del debate público y la adopción de modelos participativos de evaluación de esas tecnologías.L'article analitza un servei destinat a l'assistència domiciliària a la gent gran im-plementat a Espanya al llarg de la dècada dels noranta: la teleassistència. L'objectiu és es-mentar alguns efectes de la seva oferta pública sobre els serveis socials i sanitaris, tot cridant l'atenció a formuladors de polítiques i gestors sobre aspectes clau pel que fa a l'organització d'aquests serveis a la cartera de prestacions sociosanitàries. Per tal de perfeccionar l'actual model de telecura i identificar possibles conseqüències no previstes en els sistemes social i sanitari, se suggereix l'ampliació del debat públic i l'adopció de models participa¬tius d'avaluació d'aquestes tecnologies.The article analyzes the home health assistan¬ce for the elderly implemented in Spain during the 1990s: the virtual home health assistance. The aim is to state its impact on the social and health service public offer, underlining key aspects to policy makers and managers about the organization of those services in social and health benefits. In order to improve the existing virtual home health assistance and being able to identify unexpected impact in the social and health system, we recommend developing public debate and to implement participatory models for the evaluation of those technolo¬gies

    La teleassistència domiciliària i la persona gran domesticada

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    Aquest estudi examina com la teleassistència domiciliària topa amb un nou repte: la conciliació, en la pràctica, de dues formes diferents de "bon envelliment": "l'envelliment en el lloc" i "l'envelliment actiu".El aumento de la población mayor de 65 años en los países europeos ha llevado a las autoridades e investigadores a preguntarse insistentemente cómo lograr un "buen envejecimiento". Nuevas tecnologías asistenciales y nuevos discursos sobre el envejecimiento están surgiendo como respuesta. Sin embargo, no solo ofrecen "soluciones"; también están creando retos nuevos. Este estudio examina cómo la teleasistencia domiciliaria lidia con uno de ellos: la conciliación, en la práctica, de dos formas distintas de "buen envejecimiento": el "envejecimiento en el lugar" y el "envejecimiento activo".The increasing amount of people over 65 years in Europe has led authorities and researchers to wonder insistently how to achieve a ‛successful aging'. New assistive technologies and new discourses on aging are emerging in response to this question. The answer does not only ‛solve' the issue of aging populations; they are also creating new challenges of their own. This study examines how home telecare services deal with one of this challenges: the conciliation, in practice, of two different forms of ‛aging well': ‛aging in place' and ‛active aging'

    Gaining confidence on dependability benchmarks conclusions through back-to-back testing

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    ©2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The main goal of any benchmark is to guide decisions through system ranking, but surprisingly little research has been focused so far on providing means to gain confidence on the analysis carried out with benchmark results. The inclusion of a back-to-back testing approach in the benchmark analysis process to compare conclusions and gain confidence on the final adopted choices seems convenient to cope with this challenge. The proposal is to look for the coherence of rankings issued from the application of independent multiple-criteria decision making (MCDM) techniques on results. Although any MCDM method can be potentially used, this paper reports our experience using the Logic Score of Preferences (LSP) and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Discrepancies in provided rankings invalidate conclusions and must be tracked to discover incoherences and correct the related analysis errors. Once rankings are coherent, the underlying analysis also does, thus increasing our confidence on supplied conclusions.Work partially supported by the Spanish project ARENES (TIN2012-38308-C02-01).Martínez Raga, M.; Andrés Martínez, DD.; Ruiz García, JC. (2014). Gaining confidence on dependability benchmarks conclusions through back-to-back testing. IEEE. doi:10.1109/EDCC.2014.20

    Particulate organic carbon : natural radionuclide ratios in zooplankton and their freshly produced fecal pellets from the NW Mediterranean (MedFlux 2005)

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    To discern controls on particulate organic carbon (POC) : natural radionuclide (RN) ratio variability in order to enhance the accuracy of water column radionuclide‐based carbon flux estimates, 234Th, 210Po, and POC were analyzed in seven size classes of mixed micro‐ and mesoplankton (1‐1,500‐µm size range), in larger zooplankton from different taxa (salps, euphausiids, copepods, pteropods), and in freshly produced feces from zooplankton collected during spring in the NW Mediterranean. POC:RN ratios in zooplankton ranged between 120 and 11,600 and between 89 and 9,200 µmol dpm−1 for 234Th and 210Po, respectively. In fecal pellets, POC:RN ratios were one to three orders of magnitude lower for 234Th and 3‐fold to 30‐fold lower for 210Po; the only exception was euthecosome pteropods, which had a higher POC: 210Po ratio in their pellets than in their whole bodies. Significant increases in POC:RN ratios with organism size were best described by a power relationship for POC: 234Th (p 33‐µm size classes, 210Po specific activity correlates negatively with the surface : volume ratio, while 234Th correlates positively with it (p < 0.004 and p < 0.001, respectively). POC:RN ratios vary greatly among species and to a lesser extent among fecal pellet types, most probably due to differences in zooplankton feeding strategies. Partial removal of most zooplankton "wimmers" from trap samples would not likely confound assessment of 234Th flux; however, it could considerably bias similar measurements of 210Po flux as well as those of POC:RN ratios

    Analysis of results in Dependability Benchmarking: Can we do better?"

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    ©2013 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Dependability benchmarking has become through the years more and more important in the process of systems evaluation. The increasing need for making systems more dependable in presence of perturbations has contributed to this fact. Nevertheless, even though many studies have focused on different areas related to dependability benchmarking, and some others have focused on the need of providing these benchmarks with good quality measures, there is still a gap in the process of the analysis of results. This paper focuses on providing a first glance at different approaches that may help filling this gap by making explicit the criteria followed in the decision making process.This work is partially supported by the Spanish project ARENES (TIN2012-38308-C02-01), the ANR French project AMORES (ANR-11-INSE-010), and the Intel Doctoral Student Honour Programme 2012.Martínez, M.; Andrés, DD.; Ruiz García, JC.; Friginal López, J. (2013). Analysis of results in Dependability Benchmarking: Can we do better?". IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/IWMN.2013.6663790

    A hybrid multi-start metaheuristic scheduler for astronomical observations

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    In this paper, we investigate Astronomical Observations Scheduling which is a type of Multi-Objective Combinatorial Optimization Problem, and detail its specific challenges and requirements and propose the Hybrid Accumulative Planner (HAP), a hybrid multi-start metaheuristic scheduler able to adapt to the different variations and demands of the problem. To illustrate the capabilities of the proposal in a real-world scenario, HAP is tested on the Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey (Ariel) mission of the European Space Agency (ESA), and compared with other studies on this subject including an Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) approach. The results show that the proposal outperforms the other methods in the evaluation and achieves better scientific goals than its peers. The consistency of HAP in obtaining better results on the available datasets for Ariel, with various sizes and constraints, demonstrates its competence in scalability and adaptability to different conditions of the problem.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version