247 research outputs found

    Savetovanje za izbor zanimanja i uspešnost učenika sa smetnjama u razvoju posle srednje škole

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    Због економских, технолошких и других промена које су присутне у модерном добу, ученицима са сметњама у развоју потребна је подршка при избору занимања или наставку школовања. У том процесу значајно место заузима саветовање за избор занимања. Циљ рада је био да на основу прегледа литературе и доступних истраживања сумирамо научна сазнања о утицају саветовања за избор занимања на успешност ученика након завршене средње школе у смислу запошљавања или наставка школовања. Истраживачка питања била су: да ли каријерно саветовање ученика са сметњама у развоју доприноси успешности у запошљавању; да ли каријерно саветовање ученика са сметњама у развоју доприноси успешности у школовању након завршетка средње школе; које стратегије саветовања за избор занимања се најчешће користе у процесу каријерног усмеравања ученика са сметњама у развоју; које су најуспешније стратегије сарадње у саветовању за избор занимања ученика са сметњама у развоју. Преглед литературе извршен је преко електронских база Google Scholar, SCIndeks, Кobson и Research Gate. Прегледом су обухваћени радови објављени у периоду од 2000. до 2020. године. Кроз преглед радова и анализу ставова различитих аутора могуће је потврдити постављена истраживачка питања и закључити да каријерно саветовање ученика са сметњама у развоју доприноси успешности у запошљавању, као и успешности у школовању ученика након завршене средње школе. Стратегије које младе са сметњама у развоју најбоље усмеравају ка избору занимања јесу каријерно информисање, образовање и практично стицање вештина.Due to economic, technological and other changes that are present in the modern age, students with disabilities need support in career choice or continuing their education. In that process, career counseling occupies an important place. Based on literature reviews and available research, the aim of this paper was to summarize the scientific knowledge of the impact of career counseling on student success after graduating from high school in terms of employment or continuing education. The research questions were: whether career counseling of students with disabilities contributes to employment success; whether career counseling of students with disabilities contributes to post-secondary school success; which career counseling strategies are the most frequently used in the process of career guidance of students with disabilities; what are the most successful strategies of cooperation in career counseling of students with disabilities. The literature review was performed through the electronic databases Google Scholar, SCIndeks, Kobson and Research Gate. The review includes scientific articles published in the period from 2000 until 2020. Through review papers and analysis of the views of various authors, it is possible to confirm the research questions and conclude that career counseling of students with disabilities contributes to employment success, as well as success in educating students after high school. Strategic solutions that best guide young people with disabilities towards the career choice are career information, education and practical acquisition of skills

    Kvalitet života porodica dece sa teškoćama u razvoju

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    Циљ овог мастер рада је да се прегледом литературе издвоје и анализирају студије које су се бавиле упоређивањем квалитета живота породица деце са тешкоћама у развоју, и породица деце типичне популације. За потребе рада искоришћено је двадесетједно истраживање које је објављено у временском размаку од 2009. године која се сматра годином увођења инклузивног образовања и васпитања, па до 2020. године. Прегледом и проучавањем доступне литературе може се закључити како родитељство детета с потешкоћама у развоју доноси бројне изазове. Резултати показују да постоји статистички значајна разлика ниског интензитета између родитеља деце с тешкоћама у развоју и родитеља деце типичне популације у погледу субјективне процене квалитета живота, при чему је лошији квалитет живота родитеља деце с тешкоћама у развоју. Родитељи деце са тешкоћама у развоју имају нижи квалитет живота и лошије здравствено стање, и присуство посебно менталних болести, од родитеља деце типичне популације. Сензибилизација и образовање друштва и родитеља о специфичностима и проблемима који се јављају код деце са тешкоћама у развоју као и побољшање образовног система и интеграција деце са развојним поремећајима у друштво су неки од предлога за постизање циљева унапређења квалитета живота. Побољшање квалитета живота, посебно побољшање менталног здравља и социјалних интеракција родитеља требало би бити један од кључних циљева интервенција намењених породицама деце с тешкоћама у развоју.The aim of this master thesis is to review and analyze studies that have compared the quality of life of families of children with disabilities, and families of children of the typical population. For the needs of the work, twenty-one research was used, which was published in the period from 2009, which is considered the year of the introduction of inclusive education, until 2020. By reviewing and studying the available literature, it can be concluded that parenting a child with developmental difficulties brings numerous challenges. The results show that there is a statistically significant difference in low intensity between parents of children with disabilities and parents of children of the typical population in terms of subjective assessment of quality of life, with poorer quality of life of parents of children with disabilities. Parents of children with disabilities have a lower quality of life and poorer health, and the presence of especially mental illnesses, than parents of children of the typical population. Sensitization and education of society and parents about the specifics and problems that occur in children with disabilities, as well as improving the education system and integration of children with developmental disorders into society are some of the proposals for achieving the goals of improving quality of life. Improving the quality of life, especially improving the mental health and social interactions of parents, should be one of the key objectives of interventions aimed at the families of children with disabilities

    Organic production in protected areas of the upper Danube region

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    Organic production requires strictly controlled conditions for the implementation on specific locality. Fulfillment of conditions of reduced use of chemicals, the use of unpolluted water, creating a protective belt around the farms and fields, preventing pollution, we get the basis for the development of this method of production with environmental protection and good quality of final products. Organic products have a major role in the strengthening of the local environment; it provides certified production provides a stable economic niche to sell in the domestic and foreign markets. The advantages of the area of the Upper Danube region lies in the fact that the spreads in the part of Serbia known for intensive organic agriculture in the AP Vojvodina. This paper will present recent results in organic production in the Republic of Serbia, with emphasis on the territory of the Upper Danube, as well as opportunities for future development of organic farming in the territory of the protected area of the Upper Danube municipal administration. Closeness of the Danube River opens new possibilities for connecting local markets

    Regional characteristics of individual housing units in Serbia from the aspect of applied building technologies

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    Individual housing units in Serbia have been studied from the aspect of applied technical solutions. Analyzed data have been collected during a field research in accordance with the current administrative regional division, and they represent a basis for definition of regional typology of individual housing units. Characteristic types of objects of each region’s typology have been further analyzed. Upon these analyses regional characteristics of individual housing units regarding applied construction types, building technologies and materials have been defined and presented. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 36034: Investigation and Systematization of Serbian Housing in Context of Globalization and European Integration in the Framework of Quality and Living-Standard Improvement

    Energy management system in manufacturing in Serbia

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    Циљ истраживања је утврђивање тренутног стања по питању примене пракси менаџмента енергије у индустрији Србије, и на основу резултата, предлог начина за побољшање. Мотивација за овакву тему је притисак европске регулативе на примену мера за уштеду енергије, као и потреба за испуњавањем одредби једног од најзахтевнијих поглавља за приступање Европској унији, поглавља 27, које се односи на заштиту животне средине. Стандарди за систем менаџмента енергије, на којима се ово истраживање заснива, разматрају енергетску перформансу коју постиже организација. Један од најпознатијих представника ове врсте стандарда је ISO 50001. Iстраживањем је закључено да индустријски сектор „Прерађивачка индустрија“ има у свету највећи број сертификата за систем менаџмента енергије (75%). Ова анализа је коришћена како би се даље истраживање усмерило на наведени индустријски сектор. Коришћењем АХП методе као алата одлучивања, дефинисани су приоритети за побољшање менаџмента енергије међу секторима прерађивачке индустрије у Србији. Критеријуми који су коришћени су: 1) Промена у нивоу производње, 2) Учешће у извозу, 3) Емисије CO2 из употребе фосилних горива, 4) Учешће у укупном финалном коришћењу енергије, и 5) Сертификација ISO 50001 у Европи. АХП метода је коришћена као алат за идентификовање у којим секторима прерађивачке индустрије у Србији постоји највећа потреба и оправданост за побољшање менаџмента енергије, а добијени резултати се могу користити као улазни елементи за креирање енергетске политике и основа за поређење са другим државама. На основу резултата, за даљу анализу су изабрани сектори „Прехрамбена индустрија“ и „Производња производа од осталих неметалних минерала“. На овај начин је проширено подручје примене АХП методе на нове проблеме и дефинисани су до сада некоришћени критеријуми одлучивања у случају предметног проблема. Спроведена је анализа нивоа примене захтева за систем менаџмента енергије у приоритетним секторима прерађивачке индустрије у Србији, која показује да се ниво примене менаџмента енергије у Србији креће од 11,76% до 100%, средња вредност је 59,05%, а одступање од средње вредности је 25,90%. 53,85% организација има ниво примене захтева испод просека, док је проценат организација које се налазе изнад просека 46,15%. Потпуна примена захтева за систем менаџмента енергије је утврђена у само 5,8% испитаних организација...The aim of this research is to determine the current status of the energy management application in Serbian industry, and, based on the results, to propose ways to improve the current situation. The motivation for the topic is increasing pressure on the European regulation on energy savings, as well as the need to meet the provisions of one of the most challenging chapters for accession to the European Union, Chapter 27, which relates to environmental protection. Standards for energy management system, on which this research is based, discusses energy performance achieved by the organization. ISO 50001 is one of the representatives of this kind of standards. The analysis showed that the industrial sector "Manufacturing" has the world's highest number of certificates for the energy management system (75%). Such an analysis directed research toward manufacturing industry in Serbia. By using AHP method as a decision tool, priorities for improving the energy management among the sectors of manufacturing industry in Serbia were structured. The criteria used are: 1) Change in the production level, 2) Participation in exports, 3) CO2 emissions from fossil fuel use, 4) Share in total final energy use, and 5) Certification ISO 50001 in Europe. The AHP method was used as a tool for identifying which sectors of manufacturing industry in Serbia have the greatest need for the energy management improvement. The results can be used as inputs for energy policy, as well as the basis for benchmarking with other countries. Based on the results, sectors „Food Industry“ and „Manufacture of other non-metallic minerals“ were chosen for further analysis in this research. In this way, the scope of the AHP application was expanded to new problems, and so far unused decision criteria for the decision problem were defined. An analysis of the implementation level of energy management system in priority sectors of the manufacturing industry in Serbia was conducted. Results show that the level of energy management implementation in Serbia ranges from 11.76% to 100%, with a mean of 59.05%, and standard deviation of 25.90%. 53.85% of organizations have an implementation level below average while the percentage of organizations that are above the average is 46.15%. Full implementation of energy management system was determined in only 5.8% of the surveyed organizations. Organizations usually have a defined energy profile, communicate about energy management topics, and energy performance is considered in the design..

    Getting the balance right: Established and emerging therapies for major depressive disorders

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common and serious illness of our times, associated with monoamine deficiency in the brain. Moreover, increased levels of cortisol, possibly caused by stress, may be related to depression. In the treatment of MDD, the use of older antidepressants such as monoamine oxidase inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants is decreasing rapidly, mainly due to their adverse effect profiles. In contrast, the use of serotonin reuptake inhibitors and newer antidepressants, which have dual modes of action such as inhibition of the serotonin and noradrenaline or dopamine reuptake, is increasing. Novel antidepressants have additive modes of action such as agomelatine, a potent agonist of melatonin receptors. Drugs in development for treatment of MDD include triple reuptake inhibitors, dual-acting serotonin reuptake inhibitors and histamine antagonists, and many more. Newer antidepressants have similar efficacy and in general good tolerability profiles. Nevertheless, compliance with treatment for MDD is poor and may contribute to treatment failure. Despite the broad spectrum of available antidepressants, there are still at least 30% of depressive patients who do not benefit from treatment. Therefore, new approaches in drug development are necessary and, according to current research developments, the future of antidepressant treatment may be promising


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    The goal of this research is to deepen the knowledge about the phenomenon of digital violence against children with and without developmental disabilities and to raise environmental awareness of the presence of digital violence in the population of children and youth with and without developmental disabilities in order to guide society in the direction of the possibility of protection from it. In the research participated 5227 elementary school age students with and without disabilities.The data was collected in elementary schools and schools for students with developmental disabilities in the territory of AP Vojvodina within the project of the Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities - National Communities "Violence on the Internet: How to prevent and fight against violence on the Internet?". The results of the research showed that digital violence among children and young people with and without disabilities in the territory of AP Vojvodina is represented in a significant percentage.  Research data shows that the largest number of children and young people access the Internet through their mobile phones, which supports the fact that the risk of children and young people experiencing this type of violence is significant.  Likewise, the data analysis showed that the largest percentage of children and young people believe that they, their parents and teachers are responsible for protecting children and young people from digital violence.  From this arises a clear need for the education of children and young people, better communication between schools and teachers, students and parents and clearer procedures related to the prevention and protection of children and young people from violence on the Internet or procedures when violence occurs, all for the purpose of preventing  numerous negative outcomes that digital violence can lead to


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    The principal aim of the paper was to examine what kind of experience international exchange students, as future professionals in tourism industry, gained during their study at the Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism in Phuket, Thailand. Thus, the paper deals with how often they encountered the unethical issues in the tourism industry, and how these issues affect their perception of the image of Thailand as a tourist destination. The paper also explores how formal education in Tourism ethics affects the perception of Thailand tourism unethical practices, and as such, it is one of the first studies in this field. In addition, the paper intends to show if there is a relationship between formal education in Ethics in tourism and the respondents’ experience and perception of unethical issues. The results show that these unethical issues have the significant and very strong influence on tourism perception of Thailand with a special emphasis on exploitation of women and children in sex tourism. Also, the study indicates that respondents who have a formal education in Ethics were more aware and had a clearer picture of the negative effect of these unethical issues on the image of Thailand as a destination

    Contents of phenolics and carotenoids in tomato grown under polytunnels with different UV-transmission rates

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    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is among the economically most important vegetables in Europe, valued for its bioactive properties due to significant contents of vitamins, carotenoids, and phenolic compounds. In this study, the tomato cultivar Big Beef F1 was grown in the open field (OF) and under polytunnels in central Serbia during 3 years. Polytunnels were covered with two foils (both with 57% reduced photosynthetic active radiation, PAR) differing in UV-A and UV-B transmittance. The aim of our work was to determine the influence of light conditions on accumulation of phytonutrients (carotenoids and phenolics) in the peel and flesh of ripe tomato fruits. The amount of effective antioxidants, caffeic acid, and quercetin (phenolics with ortho-dihydroxy substitution) in the peel was the highest in tomato fruits grown in the OF (maximal PAR and UV-A and UV-B radiation). Moreover, the content of leaf epidermal flavonoids was the highest in the OF. The content of lycopene and beta-carotene in the flesh of tomato fruit was higher under the polytunnel with higher UV-transmittance. Our results showed that selection of the right light conditions (quality and intensity) for tomato production has a significant effect on the accumulation of beneficial phenolics and carotenoids