973 research outputs found

    ISO LWS Spectra of T Tauri and Herbig AeBe stars

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    We present an analysis of ISO-LWS spectra of eight T Tauri and Herbig AeBe young stellar objects. Some of the objects are in the embedded phase of star-formation, whereas others have cleared their environs but are still surrounded by a circumstellar disk. Fine-structure lines of [OI] and [CII] are most likely excited by far-ultraviolet photons in the circumstellar environment rather than high-velocity outflows, based on comparisons of observed line strengths with predictions of photon-dominated and shock chemistry models. A subset of our stars and their ISO spectra are adequately explained by models constructed by Chiang & Goldreich (1997) and Chiang et al. (2001) of isolated, passively heated, flared circumstellar disks. For these sources, the bulk of the LWS flux at wavelengths longward of 55 µm arises from the disk interior which is heated diffusively by reprocessed radiation from the disk surface. At 45 µm, water ice emission bands appear in spectra of two of the coolest stars, and are thought to arise from icy grains irradiated by central starlight in optically thin disk surface layers

    Motion in Quantum Gravity

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    We tackle the question of motion in Quantum Gravity: what does motion mean at the Planck scale? Although we are still far from a complete answer we consider here a toy model in which the problem can be formulated and resolved precisely. The setting of the toy model is three dimensional Euclidean gravity. Before studying the model in detail, we argue that Loop Quantum Gravity may provide a very useful approach when discussing the question of motion in Quantum Gravity.Comment: 30 pages, to appear in the book "Mass and Motion in General Relativity", proceedings of the C.N.R.S. School in Orleans, France, eds. L. Blanchet, A. Spallicci and B. Whitin

    Advanced Diagnostics for the Study of Linearly Polarized Emission. II: Application to Diffuse Interstellar Radio Synchrotron Emission

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    Diagnostics of polarized emission provide us with valuable information on the Galactic magnetic field and the state of turbulence in the interstellar medium, which cannot be obtained from synchrotron intensity alone. In Paper I (Herron et al. 2017b), we derived polarization diagnostics that are rotationally and translationally invariant in the QQ-UU plane, similar to the polarization gradient. In this paper, we apply these diagnostics to simulations of ideal magnetohydrodynamic turbulence that have a range of sonic and Alfv\'enic Mach numbers. We generate synthetic images of Stokes QQ and UU for these simulations, for the cases where the turbulence is illuminated from behind by uniform polarized emission, and where the polarized emission originates from within the turbulent volume. From these simulated images we calculate the polarization diagnostics derived in Paper I, for different lines of sight relative to the mean magnetic field, and for a range of frequencies. For all of our simulations, we find that the polarization gradient is very similar to the generalized polarization gradient, and that both trace spatial variations in the magnetoionic medium for the case where emission originates within the turbulent volume, provided that the medium is not supersonic. We propose a method for distinguishing the cases of emission coming from behind or within a turbulent, Faraday rotating medium, and a method to partly map the rotation measure of the observed region. We also speculate on statistics of these diagnostics that may allow us to constrain the physical properties of an observed turbulent region.Comment: 34 pages, 25 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Maxwell-like Lagrangians for higher spins

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    We show how implementing invariance under divergence-free gauge transformations leads to a remarkably simple Lagrangian description of massless bosons of any spin. Our construction covers both flat and (A)dS backgrounds and extends to tensors of arbitrary mixed-symmetry type. Irreducible and traceless fields produce single-particle actions, while whenever trace constraints can be dispensed with the resulting Lagrangians display the same reducible, multi-particle spectra as those emerging from the tensionless limit of free open-string field theory. For all explored options the corresponding kinetic operators take essentially the same form as in the spin-one, Maxwell case.Comment: 77 pages, revised version. Erroneous interpretation and proof of the gauge-fixing procedure for mixed-symmetry fields corrected. As a consequence, the mixed-symmetry, one-particle Lagrangians are to be complemented with conditions on the divergences of the fields; all other conclusions unchanged. Additional minor changes including references added. To appear in JHE

    Higher-Spin Fermionic Gauge Fields and Their Electromagnetic Coupling

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    We study the electromagnetic coupling of massless higher-spin fermions in flat space. Under the assumptions of locality and Poincare invariance, we employ the BRST-BV cohomological methods to construct consistent parity-preserving off-shell cubic 1-s-s vertices. Consistency and non-triviality of the deformations not only rule out minimal coupling, but also restrict the possible number of derivatives. Our findings are in complete agreement with, but derived in a manner independent from, the light-cone-formulation results of Metsaev and the string-theory-inspired results of Sagnotti-Taronna. We prove that any gauge-algebra-preserving vertex cannot deform the gauge transformations. We also show that in a local theory, without additional dynamical higher-spin gauge fields, the non-abelian vertices are eliminated by the lack of consistent second-order deformations.Comment: 44 pages; references added, minor changes made, to appear in JHE

    On the cubic interactions of massive and partially-massless higher spins in (A)dS

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    Cubic interactions of massive and partially-massless totally-symmetric higher-spin fields in any constant-curvature background of dimension greater than three are investigated. Making use of the ambient-space formalism, the consistency condition for the traceless and transverse parts of the parity-invariant interactions is recast into a system of partial differential equations. The latter can be explicitly solved for given s_1-s_2-s_3 couplings and the 2-2-2 and 3-3-2 examples are provided in detail for general choices of the masses. On the other hand, the general solutions for the interactions involving massive and massless fields are expressed in a compact form as generating functions of all the consistent couplings. The St\"uckelberg formulation of the cubic interactions as well as their massless limits are also analyzed.Comment: 42 pages, 2 tables, LaTex. Comments on two-derivative couplings involving partially-massless spin-2 fields added, typos corrected, references added. v2: final version to appear in JHEP. v3: formulae (3.4) and (3.9) correcte

    Holography, Unfolding and Higher-Spin Theory

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    Holographic duality is argued to relate classes of models that have equivalent unfolded formulation, hence exhibiting different space-time visualizations for the same theory. This general phenomenon is illustrated by the AdS4AdS_4 higher-spin gauge theory shown to be dual to the theory of 3d conformal currents of all spins interacting with 3d conformal higher-spin fields of Chern-Simons type. Generally, the resulting 3d boundary conformal theory is nonlinear, providing an interacting version of the 3d boundary sigma model conjectured by Klebanov and Polyakov to be dual to the AdS4AdS_4 HS theory in the large NN limit. Being a gauge theory it escapes the conditions of the theorem of Maldacena and Zhiboedov, which force a 3d boundary conformal theory to be free. Two reductions of particular higher-spin gauge theories where boundary higher-spin gauge fields decouple from the currents and which have free boundary duals are identified. Higher-spin holographic duality is also discussed for the cases of AdS3/CFT2AdS_3/CFT_2 and duality between higher-spin theories and nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. In the latter case it is shown in particular that (dSdS) AdSAdS geometry in the higher-spin setup is dual to the (inverted) harmonic potential in the quantum-mechanical setup.Comment: 57 pages, V2: Acknowledgements, references, comments, clarifications and new section on reductions of particular HS theories associated with free boundary theories are added. Typos corrected, V3. Minor corrections: clarification in section 9 is added and typos correcte

    Medical and health sciences academics’ behaviours and attitudes towards open access publishing in scholarly journals: a perspective from South Korea

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    This article seeks to extend the knowledge of the behaviour and attitudes towards open access publishing through a survey that focusses on the attitudes and behaviours of academic researchers in Korea working in medicine and healthcare. Issues covered include: use of and intentions regarding OAP, and perceptions regarding advantages and disadvantages of OAP, journal article publication services, peer review, and re-use. A significant proportion of the articles (mean 58%) published by this group are published gold open access, consistent with the push in Korea towards international impact for their research. Researchers were more positive about the benefits of OAP than they were negative about its disadvantages. Analysis of responses on the basis of gender, and experience in publishing, showed some significant differences in attitudes to some statements

    A Note on Vectorial AdS5_5/CFT4_4 Duality for Spin-jj Boundary Theory

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    The vectorial holographic correspondences between higher-spin theories in AdS5_5 and free vector models on the boundary are extended to the cases where the latter is described by free massless spin-jj field. The dual higher-spin theory in the bulk does not include gravity and can only be defined on rigid AdS5_5 background with S4S^4 boundary. We discuss various properties of these rather special higher-spin theories and calculate their one-loop free energies. We show that the result is proportional to the same quantity for spin-jj doubleton treated as if it is a AdS5_5 field. Finally, we consider even more special case where the boundary theory itself is given by an infinite tower of massless higher-spin fields.Comment: 27 pages, version to appear in JHE

    Black holes in three dimensional higher spin gravity: A review

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    We review recent progress in the construction of black holes in three dimensional higher spin gravity theories. Starting from spin-3 gravity and working our way toward the theory of an infinite tower of higher spins coupled to matter, we show how to harness higher spin gauge invariance to consistently generalize familiar notions of black holes. We review the construction of black holes with conserved higher spin charges and the computation of their partition functions to leading asymptotic order. In view of the AdS/CFT correspondence as applied to certain vector-like conformal field theories with extended conformal symmetry, we successfully compare to CFT calculations in a generalized Cardy regime. A brief recollection of pertinent aspects of ordinary gravity is also given.Comment: 49 pages, harvmac, invited contribution to J. Phys. A special volume on "Higher Spin Theories and AdS/CFT" edited by M. R. Gaberdiel and M. Vasilie
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