139 research outputs found

    Functional first order definability of LRTp

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    The language LRTp is a non-deterministic language for exact real number computation. It has been shown that all computable rst order relations in the sense of Brattka are denable in the language. If we restrict the language to single-valued total relations (e.g. functions), all polynomials are denable in the language. This paper is an expanded version of [12] in which we show that the non-deterministic version of the limit operator, which allows to dene all computable rst order relations, when restricted to single-valued total inputs, produces single-valued total outputs. This implies that not only the polynomials are denable in the language but also allcomputable rst order functions

    Computing the Clique-width of Cactus Graphs

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    Similar to the tree-width (twd), the clique-width (cwd) is an invariant of graphs. A well known relationship between tree-width and clique-width is that cwd(G) ≤ 3 · 2twd(G)−1. It is also known that tree-width of Cactus graphs is 2, therefore the clique-width for those graphs is smaller or equal than 6. In this paper, it is shown that the clique-width of Cactus graphs is smaller or equal to 4 and we present a polynomial time algorithm which computes exactly a 4-expression

    The Incremental Satisfiability Problem for a Two Conjunctive Normal Form

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    We propose a novel method to review K ⊢ φ when K and φ are both in Conjunctive Normal Forms (CF). We extend our method to solve the incremental satisfiablity problem (ISAT), and we present different cases where ISAT can be solved in polynomial time. Especially, we present an algorithm for 2-ISAT. Our last algorithm allow us to establish an upper bound for the time-complexity of 2-ISAT, as well as to establish some tractable cases for the 2-ISAT problem

    Low-Exponential Algorithm for Counting the Number of Edge Cover on Simple Graphs

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    A procedure for counting edge covers of simple graphs is presented. The procedure splits simple graphs into non-intersecting cycle graphs. This is a “low exponential” exact algorithm to count edge covers for simple graphs whose upper bound in the worst case is O(1.465575(m−n) × (m + n)), where m and n are the number of edges and nodes of the input graph, respectively

    Ethnography, visual narratives and learning ecologies. The 'Universidad Rural Paulo Freire' case.

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    In this paper, we present some of the results of the R&D Project called "Ecologies of learning in multiple contexts: analysis of expanded education projects and citizenship configurations" funded by Minister of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain). The interest of this project arises after considering that much of the individual and organizational learnings have been turning invisible in different educational spaces. Therefore, our purpose is to study the different socio-educational mechanisms that individuals and organizations put into play in different scenarios: schools, asociations, virtual academical contexts, etc. On this ocassion, we present some of the methodological issues and results of a specific case: "La Universidad Rural Paulo Freire de la Serranía de Ronda" (onwards URPF), a rural socio-educative organization. The ethnography is being developed in Benalauría (Ronda mountain range). This organization is focused in the recovery of traditional learnings that people used to have around the rural world. It is settled in a critical perspective that connects their educational actions under the approaches of sustainability, dignity, feminism, etc. The general objectives we consider for this project are the following: - To know life style of people in Benalauría context. - To understand the configuration of URPF group and its impact in the territory. - To promote learning communities of practice with other organizations. As specific objectives, we emphasize: - To review the conceptual frameworks those allow us to understand the practices of invisible learning in this experience. - To generate visual narratives those evidence the work and identity features of the URPF. - To analyse the life stories of the people who are part of this experience (as well as the collective story), for the understanding of socio-educational action in rural contexts through dialogue of knowledge, generation of democratic practices and collaborative participation. - To generate spaces for dialogue with other organizations, groups and people for the creation of networks and learning communities.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Efectos de diferentes niveles de proteína y aminoácidos azufrados en el rendimiento productivo de gallinas ponedoras

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    This research aims to evaluate the effect of three protein levels (15.0, 16.5, and 18.0 %) and three sulfur amino acid levels (0.71, 0.78, and 0.86 %) on hens’ production efficiency and egg quality. It used Hy-Line Brown layers (n = 216) at 25 weeks of age. The nine treatments were distributed in a completely randomized design with a 3 x 3 factorial pattern. The experiment lasted 12 weeks. The best egg production was reported by hens fed 18.0 % protein, while the best egg weight value was obtained with 15.0 % protein. The highest weight gain was achieved with diets containing 16.5 % protein. Except for weight gain, there were no significant effects (p > 0.05) of methionine + cystine levels on the factors studied, obtaining the most significant weight gain with a methionine + cystine level of 0.86 %. The highest returns were attained with protein and sulfur amino acid levels of 16.5 and 0.71 % or 15.00 and 0.86 %, respectively.El objetivo de la presente investigación fue evaluar el efecto de tres niveles de proteína (15,0 %, 16,5 % y 18,0 %) y tres niveles de aminoácidos azufrados (0,71 %, 0,78 %, 0,86 %) sobre el comportamiento productivo y calidad de los huevos en gallinas. Se emplearon 216 gallinas de postura de la línea Hy-Line Brown de 25 semanas de edad, en la que los nueve tratamientos fueron distribuidos en un diseño completamente al azar con un arreglo factorial de 3 × 3, con una duración del experimento de 12 semanas. La mayor producción de huevos fue registrada en las aves alimentadas con 18,0 % de proteína bruta (PB), mientras que el mayor peso de huevo fue obtenido con 15,0 % de PB. La mayor ganancia de peso se obtuvo con las dietas que contenían 16,5 % de PB. A excepción de la ganancia de peso, no se observaron efectos significativos (p > 0,05) de los niveles de metionina + cistina sobre los factores estudiados, donde la mayor ganancia de peso se obtuvo con el nivel de metionina + cistina de 0,86 %. Las mayores retribuciones económicas se obtuvieron con los niveles de proteína y aminoácidos azufrados de 16,50 % y 0,71 % o 15,00 % y 0,86 %, respectivamente

    Alteraciones del hemograma que apoyan al diferimiento de donantes de sangre del Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo - 2021

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    El hemograma automatizado es un examen auxiliar o de apoyo que no muchos bancos de sangre cuentan debido a que no figura como prueba fundamental en el Programa Nacional de Hemoterapia y Bancos de Sangre (PRONAHEBAS) para la selección del donante, por ello, la investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar las alteraciones del hemograma que apoyan al diferimiento de donantes de sangre del Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo durante el 2021. Metodológicamente el estudio fue retrospectivo y de tipo transversal, en el que se identificaron los resultados alterados del hemograma automatizado de los donantes de sangre. La población y muestra fueron 1 553 fichas de resultados alterados en el periodo de enero a octubre del 2021. En los resultados se encontraron mayor cantidad de diferidos del sexo masculino en 847 donantes (54,5 %) y en el sexo femenino en 706 donantes (44,5 %). Con respecto a la serie eritrocitaria presentaron hemoglobina baja 797 donantes (51,32 %) y hematocrito bajo 485 donantes (31,2 %). En la serie leucocitaria presentaron recuento elevado 260 donantes (16,7 %) debido a un posible proceso infeccioso, monocitos elevados en 304 donantes (19,5 %) denotando así una monocitosis que puede ser a causa de una infección bacteriana o viral y por último linfocitos bajos en 81 donantes (5,2 %). En la serie plaquetaria se encontraron 45 donantes con alteraciones en el recuento plaquetario, 35 donantes con recuentos bajos (2,25 %) y 10 donantes con recuento plaquetario elevado (0,64 %). Esta investigación concluye en que el uso del hemograma automatizado, ayuda a realizar una adecuada selección del donante, ya que estudia las tres series de la sangre, debido a que se encontró una gran cantidad de donantes diferidos en la serie eritrocitaria, siendo la hemoglobina y hematocrito bajo las dimensiones mayormente alteradas, también se encontró una gran cantidad de diferidos en la serie leucocitaria, en especial los valores elevados de monocitos y recuento leucocitario elevado del total de donantes diferidos

    Reading virtual slide using web viewers: results of subjective experience with three different solutions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Virtual slides are viewed using interactive software that enables the user to simulate the behaviour of a conventional optical microscope, like adjusting magnifications and navigating to any portion of the image. Nowadays, information about the performance and features of web-based solutions for reading slides in real environments is still scarce. The objective of this study is analyzing the subjective experience of pathologists with virtual slides, comparing the time needed to read slides using different web viewers and different network connections.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Eight slides were randomly selected (4 biopsies and 2 cytologies) from Hospital General de Ciudad Real (HGCR) archives. Three different virtual slide web-viewing solutions were analyzed: Aperio web server, Olympus NetImage Server, and Aurora mScope. Five pathologists studied to time needed to access images of each virtual slide, selecting a panoramic view, 10 low magnification fields, and 20 high magnification fields.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Aperio viewer is very efficient in overview images. Aurora viewer is especially efficient in lower magnifications (10×). For larger magnifications (20× and 40×) no significant differences were found between different vendors. Olympus was found to be the most user-friendly interface. When comparing Internet with intranet connections, despite being slower, users also felt comfortable using virtual slides through Internet connection.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Available web solutions for virtual slides have different advantages, mainly in functionalities and optimization for different magnifications. Pathologist should select the solutions adapted to their needs.</p

    Reversibility for Quantum Programming Language QML

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    We present an extension of the denotational semantic model of the quantum programming language QML, to which computational reversibility is incorporated. The semantics of QML is defined in a functional setting which consider classical and quantum data, to which we add inverse functions. Additionally we incorporate into the semantics a history track which allows reversibility in QML. From the generation and processing of the history track and the final result of a program, the rules for executing reversibility allow to compute the original input data. This work contributes to the study of reversibility in quantum programming languages and considering that there is not yet a quantum computer in which the language can be implemented, this history and the proposed inverse functions are not trivial and allows us to determine that this language is reversible

    A New Optimization Strategy for Solving the Fall-Off Boundary Value Problem in Pixel-Value Di®erencing Steganography

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    In Digital Image Steganography, Pixel-Value Di®erencing (PVD) methods use the di®erence between neighboring pixel values to determine the amount of data bits to be inserted. The main advantage of these methods is the size of input data that an image can hold. However, the fall- o® boundary problem and the fall in error problem are persistent in many PVD steganographic methods. This results in an incorrect output image. To ¯x these issues, usually the pixel values are either somehow adjusted or simply not considered to carry part of the input data. In this paper, we enhance the Tri-way Pixel-Value Di®erencing method by ¯nding an optimal pixel value for each pixel pair such that it carries the maximum input data possible without ignoring any pair and without yielding incorrect pixel values