2,833 research outputs found

    BIM para el diseño y planeación de puentes vehiculares de acero

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    "La infraestructura carretera y de puentes vehiculares es un factor para el desarrollo económico de una sociedad, en la actualidad, el sector construcción a nivel global, demanda mecanismos que optimicen los recursos invertidos en su construcción. Las herramientas tecnológicas en materia de diseño y gestión de proyectos, parecen ser una buena alternativa. En este contexto, BIM es una metodología que ha cobrado fuerza en recientes años, pero cuya adopción aún no está completa en el área de infraestructura, razón por la cual se realiza la presente tesis. Para sentar los precedentes del desarrollo de proyectos de puentes vehiculares en México mediante procesos BIM, la presente investigación consistió en una investigación sobre tal metodología y su relación con los índices de productividad e inversión en la construcción de infraestructura, centrándose en el planteamiento de una metodología BIM para elaborar un proyecto de un puente vehicular de acero"

    Data driven process for the energy assessment of building envelope retrofits

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    In the last decades, a growing industry has been created in relation to building envelope retrofits. Linked to the lack of financial capacity of many building owners, innovative instruments such as energy performance contracts have been promoted by public bodies. This kind of instruments require of detailed energy assessment processes in order to define the expected heat load reduction and the associated economic flows between building owners and Energy Services Companies. When dealing with building envelopes, existing methods for building envelope heat loss characterization require of substantial efforts in terms of equipment and time, which makes them difficult to apply in real practice. In this paper, a novel method is proposed based on whole-building heat load assessment by means of heat meters, and analytical calculations of building envelope transmission heat load coefficients. This method, which requires minimal or no additional equipment, can be used over historical data from District Heating systems. It assigns a specific load fraction to building envelope heat transfer and allows to assess the expected reduction due to the building envelope retrofit. Numerical and experimental data is presented based on an educational building in the city of Burgos, Spain.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 768567

    A bottom-up robot architecture based on learnt behaviors driven design

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    Draft previo a la revisión. El artículo definitivo tiene derechos de autor.In reactive layers of robotic architectures, behaviors should learn their operation from experience, following the trends of modern intelligence theories. A Case Based Reasoning (CBR) reactive layer could allow to achieve this goal but, as complexity of behaviors increases, thecurse of dimensionality arises: a too high amount of cases in the behaviors casebases deteriorate response times so robot's reactiveness is finally too slow for a good performance. In this work we analyze this problem and propose some improvements in the traditional CBR structure and retrieval phase, at reactive level, to reduce the impact of scalability problems when facing complex behaviors design.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Genotyping: Automation and Application in Routine Laboratory Testing

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    A large number of assays designed for genotyping human papillomaviruses (HPV) have been developed in the last years. They perform within a wide range of analytical sensitivity and specificity values for the different viral types, and are used either for diagnosis, epidemiological studies, evaluation of vaccines and implementing and monitoring of vaccination programs. Methods for specific genotyping of HPV-16 and HPV-18 are also useful for the prevention of cervical cancer in screening programs. Some commercial tests are, in addition, fully or partially automated. Automation of HPV genotyping presents advantages such as the simplicity of the testing procedure for the operator, the ability to process a large number of samples in a short time, and the reduction of human errors from manual operations, allowing a better quality assurance and a reduction of cost. The present review collects information about the current HPV genotyping tests, with special attention to practical aspects influencing their use in clinical laboratories

    Domestic hot water production system in a hospital: Energy audit and evaluation of measures to boost the solar contribution

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    Hospitals consume large quantities of energy to produce hot water and offset the distribution and recirculation thermal losses. This paper analyses a solar thermal system combined with gas boilers for domestic hot water production in a medium-size hospital. The solar contribution to the total demand (27%) is below design expectations (75%), resulting in significant gas consumption. The energy audit conducted in the first part of the paper highlights the vast thermal loss through poorly insulated pipes as the primary cause of the poor solar fraction. This issue is endemic to hot water-intensive buildings. The second part of the paper addresses the techno-economic evaluation of energy retrofit measures to reach a solar fraction of 60%. The simulation results indicate that cost-optimised solutions generally expand the solar caption area by 43–57% and improve insulations to reduce thermal losses by 70%. Depending on carbon taxes, the cost of hot water production would be 31–41 cent-€/kWh, which represents a 15–45% reduction from the current costs. Under stringent climate policies, installing heat pumps may further enhance economic competitiveness. The indicators and charts developed in this work are helpful decision-making tools concerning the energy refurbishment of solar domestic hot water systems.The authors acknowledge the Universidad de Málaga and “Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014–2020″ the financial support of the contract UMA18-FEDERJA-247.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Diseño de un sistema de enfriamiento en el área de acopio del Centro San Lorenzo - Gloria SA para optimizar el tiempo en el proceso de enfriamiento de leche

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación es realizar el diseño de un sistema de enfriamiento de leche en el área de acopio del centro San Lorenzo - Gloria SA para optimizar el tiempo en el proceso de enfriamiento de leche. Los resultados de esta investigación arrojan que este sistema de enfriamiento de leche deberá ser un sistema por compresión con uso de gas refrigerante y debe utilizar el refrigerante como el R22, para ello se utilizó el método científico de la modelación caracterizando una investigación de tipo Cuasi experimental aplicativa. Al diseñar el sistema de enfriamiento del circuito termodinámico por compresión de gas R22 mediante el software EES, los -93006.2W/s de absorción de calor cuando la leche entra a 25°C al evaporador en flujo másico de 1000g/s su temperatura varia en -23.368°C/s; es decir si la leche entra a 1000g/s al evaporador un segundo después esta tendrá una temperatura de 1.632 °C. Al analizar la consistencia del modelo termodinámico con el software Coolselector este nos indica que un modelo con un poder de enfriamiento de -93006.2W/s funcionaria al 100% es decir las líneas son consistentes para la relación presión y temperatura. Además, este software nos indica también que los componentes para el modelo termodinámico son comerciales y tecnológicamente adaptables.The objective of the present investigation is to carry out the design of a milk cooling system in the collection area of the San Lorenzo - Gloria SA center to accelerate the time in the milk cooling process. The results of this research show that this milk modification system must be a compression system with the use of refrigerant gas and the R22 refrigerant must be used, for this the scientific method of modeling should be used, characterizing an investigation of a quasi-experimental application. . When designing the compression system of the R22 gas compression thermodynamic circuit using the EES software, the -93006.2W / s of heat absorption when the milk enters 25 ° C to the evaporator in 1000g / s mass flow its temperature varies in -23,368 ° C / s; that is to say, if the milk enters the evaporator at 1000 g / s in a second, it will have a temperature of 1,632 ° C. When analyzing the consistency of the thermodynamic model with the Coolselector software, this indicates a model with an analysis power of - 93006.2 W/s that will work at 100%, that is, the lines are consistent for the pressure and temperature ratio. In addition, this software also indicates the components for the thermodynamic model are commercial and technologically adaptable

    a case–control study

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    Objectives: To determine the association between Toxoplasma gondii infection and Parkinson's disease and to investigate whether T. gondii seropositivity is associated with the general characteristics of patients with Parkinson's disease. Design Case–control study. Setting: Cases and controls were enrolled in Durango City, Mexico. Participants: 65 patients with Parkinson's disease and 195 age- and gender-matched control subjects without Parkinson's disease. Primary and secondary: outcome measures Serum samples of participants were analysed for anti-T. gondii IgG and IgM antibodies by commercially available enzyme-linked immunoassays. Prevalence of T. gondii DNA was determined in seropositive subjects using PCR. The association between clinical data and infection was examined by bivariate analysis. Results: Anti-T. gondii IgG antibodies were found in 6/65 cases (9.2%) and in 21/195 controls (10.8%) (OR 0.84; 95% CI 0.32 to 2.18; p=0.81). The frequency of high (>150 IU/mL) antibody levels was similar among cases and controls (p=0.34). None of the anti-T. gondii IgG positive cases and four of the anti-T. gondii IgG positive controls had anti-T. gondii IgM antibodies (p=0.54). The prevalence of T. gondii DNA was comparable in seropositive cases and controls (16.7% and 25%, respectively; p=1.0). Seroprevalence of T. gondii infection was associated with a young age onset of disease (p=0.03), high Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale scores (p=0.04) and depression (p=0.02). Seropositivity to T. gondii infection was lower in patients treated with pramipexole than in patients without this treatment (p=0.01). However, none of the associations remained significant after Bonferroni correction. Conclusions: The results do not support an association between T. gondii infection and Parkinson's disease. However, T. gondii infection might have an influence on certain symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Further research to elucidate the role of T. gondii exposure on Parkinson's disease is warranted

    Variaciones climáticas en la Zona Metropolitana de la Ciudad de Toluca, Estado de México: 1960-2007

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    Los científicos del Panel Intergubernamental para el Cambio Climático (ipcc, 2001), han analizado las posibles consecuencias que pueden representar los cambios climáticos en distintos espacios geográficos de la Tierra. En México, el cambio climático empieza a ser notorio, por esta razón se realizó una investigación en la Zona Metropolitana de la Ciudad de Toluca y su hinterland para estudiar el comportamiento de la temperatura y la precipitación entre 1960 y 2007, y demostrar la existencia de variaciones que pueden contribuir al cambio climático. El sustento teórico de esta investigación fue la geografía ambiental, y el metodológico se basó en la estadística, trabajo de campo, el método comparativo y la cartografía automatizada. Con los resultados obtenidos se puede concluir que el clima en la zmct y su hinterland están en proceso de cambio y, de acuerdo con las investigaciones e informes de la nasa y el ipcc, éste seguirá cambiando globalmente.Los cientíÀcos del Panel Intergubernamental para el Cambio Climático (ipcc, 2001), han analizado las posibles consecuencias que pueden representar los cambios climáticos en distintos espacios geográÀcos de la Tierra. En México, el cambio climático empieza a ser notorio, por esta razón se realizó una investigación en la Zona Metropolitana de la Ciudad de Toluca y su hinterland para estudiar el comportamiento de la temperatura y la precipitación entre 1960 y 2007, y demostrar la existencia de variaciones que pueden contribuir al cambio climático. El sustento teórico de esta investigación fue la geografía ambiental, y el metodológico se basó en la estadística, trabajo de campo, el método comparativo y la cartografía automatizada. Con los resultados obtenidos se puede concluir que el clima en la zmct y su hinterland están en proceso de cambio y, de acuerdo con las investigaciones e informes de la nasa y el ipcc, éste seguirá cambiando globalmente
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