152 research outputs found

    Assessing individual support needs to enhance personal outcomes

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    Education and human service organizations providing services to people with intellectual and closely related developmental disabilities are increasingly being impacted by the supports paradigm, the quality of life concept, and the evaluation of personal outcomes. In this article the authors discuss the relationship among these three areas, including examples that illustrate how assessed support needs data can be aligned with quality-of-life-related core domains so as to establish individualized support systems that enhance personal outcomes. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications for educators and habilitation professionals of integrating the supports paradigm, the quality of life concept, and the evaluation of personal outcomes

    Estimating the Cost-Effectiveness of Quality-Improving Interventions in Oral Anticoagulation Management within General Practice

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    AbstractObjectivesA clinical trial, “Belgian Improvement Study on Oral Anticoagulation Therapy (BISOAT),” significantly improved the quality after implementing four different quality-improving interventions in four randomly divided groups of general practitioners (GPs). The quality-improving interventions consisted of multifaceted education with or without feedback reports on their performance, international normalized ratio (INR) testing by the GP with a CoaguChek device or computer-assisted advice for adapting oral anticoagulation therapy. The quality improvement in INR control versus baseline was similar in the four groups. The aim of the current study was to calculate the cost-effectiveness and influencing factors of the four quality-improving interventions compared with usual care.MethodsActivity-based costing techniques with questionnaires were used to determine the global costs per patient per month in the different intervention groups. Effectiveness data were obtained from the BISOAT study. Cost-effectiveness was expressed as cost per additional day within a 0.5 range from INR target.ResultsThe one-time cost of multifaceted education was €49,997 for the whole study. Monthly continuous costs per intervention ranged between €37 and €54 per patient. Using the CoaguChek in combination with the multifaceted education was associated with net savings and quality improvement, hence dominated usual care. Sensitivity analyses showed improved cost-effectiveness with extended duration and with increased program size.ConclusionImplementation of the combination multifaceted education with the use of the CoaguChek is a cost-effective new organizational model of oral anticoagulation management in general practice

    Manual de la Escala de Eficacia y Eficiencia Organizacional (OEES): un enfoque sistemático para mejorar los resultados organizacionales

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    [ES]La Escala de Eficacia y Eficiencia Organizacional (OEES; la Escala) fue desarrollada por el Consorcio Internacional de Investigación sobre Prácticas Basadas en la Evidencia (2013) [International Research Consortium on Evidence-Based Practices] para ayudar a las organizaciones no lucrativas a afrontar la necesidad creciente de ser más eficaces en términos de lograr los resultados buscados, más eficientes en términos de utilización de recursos, y más sostenibles en términos de adaptarse al cambio y proporcionar una serie de oportunidades y prácticas sólidas de prestación de servicios. Estas necesidades son reflejo de los retos de más amplio calado que afrontan las organizaciones no lucrativas de hoy en día. Entre estos retos, los principales son la mayor demanda de servicios y apoyos en un momento en el que los recursos se reducen, un movimiento de estructura organizacional vertical a horizontal, un cambio de servicios generales a apoyos individualizados, la necesidad de alinear los valores con las prácticas de apoyo de los servicios, el foco de interés en prácticas basadas en evidencia, y la necesidad de construir capacidad en cuanto a la autoevaluación organizacional, planificación estratégica y evaluación del rendimiento (Schalock y Verdugo, 2012)

    M & L Jaargang 1/2

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    Edgard Goedleven - EditoriaalFrans Baudouin en Nora De Poorter Het gerestaureerde Kolveniershof en het Rubenianum te Antwerpen. [The Antwerp Kolveniershof and Rubenianum restored.]Herman Stynen Het huis Guiette (1962) van architect Le Corbusier te Antwerpen. [The Guiette house (1962) by Le Corbusier in Antwerp.]Jos Vandenbreeden Het Vlaams Huis te Watermaal-Bosvoorde, een ontwerp van Albert Charle (1821-1889). [The Flemish House at Watermaal-Bosvoorde (Brussels), a design by Albert Charle (1821-1889).]Marjan Buyle en Leon Smets De Begijnhofkerk te Sint-Truiden en haar muur- en pijlerschilderingen. [The beguinage church of Sint-Truiden and its wall and column paintings.]Wim Claes en Roger Deneef Het plateau van Overijse. [The Plateau of Overijse.]Anthony Demey Het bouwkundig erfgoed van het arrondissement Sint-Niklaas in vogelvlucht. [Architectural heritage in the Sint-Niklaas arrondissement: a birds eye view.]Lut Pans Sociale stadsvernieuwing van naderbij bekeken. [Social aspects of urban renovation: a close view.]Toespraak van Gemeenschapsminister K. PomaM&L Binnenkran

    Pengaruh Brand Trust dan Brand Equity terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen pada Produk Kosmetik Wardah (Survey Konsumen pada PT. Paragon Technology And Innovation Cabang Pekanbaru)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of brand trust ( X1 ) and brand equity ( X2 ) customer loyalty ( Y ) in cosmetic products Wardah ( consumer survey on PT . Paragon technology and innovation branches pekanbaru ) . The method in this research is quantitatively using SPSS 21 program , where samples were used that consumers using cosmetic products Wardah by respondents as many as 100 people sampling technique is accidental sampling using the formula slovin . The results showed that the test results simultaneously obtained from the F count was 34.888 while the value of F table 3.090 . This means that F count> F table and significant value 0,000 < alpha of 0.05 . This means that brand trust and brand equity simultaneously significant effect on consumer loyalty to cosmetic products Wardah