356 research outputs found

    Miradas queer y gay al arte contemporáneo español: la obra de Pepe Espaliú

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    El presente trabajo pretende analizar la presencia de la alteridad de aquellas identidades de género y orientaciones sexuales no reglamentarias que se ha venido articulando en un discurso artístico catalogado como queer, cuyo origen viene a situarse en la década de los noventa del siglo pasado, sobre la base de la lucha por los derechos de los gays y las lesbianas y a la luz de las nuevas aportaciones teóricas postestructuralistas, poscolonialistas y de los estudios de género. Esta temática queer se ha plasmado en diversas manifestaciones artísticas y plásticas como la pintura, la fotografía o el cine. Así las cosas, procederemos a su estudio a través del análisis de la prolífica obra del insigne y polifacético artista Pepe Espaliú, cuya figura ha sido notoriamente ignorada y minusvalorada por la historiografía como inmediato precedente a la eclosión del movimiento artístico queer en nuestro país, abordándolo desde una metodología interdisciplinar y al amparo de las nuevas perspectivas historiográficas. Abstract: The present essay aims to analyze the presence of the otherness of those gender identities and non-regulatory sexual orientations that have been articulated in an artistic discourse cataloged as queer, whose origin comes to be located in the nineties of the last century, on the base of the fight for the rights of gays and lesbians and in the light of the new theoretical contributions poststructuralist, postcolonialist and gender studies. This queer theme has been reflected in various artistic and plastic manifestations such as painting, photography or cinema. As a matter of fact, we will proceed to study it through the analysis of the prolific work of the distinguished and multifaceted artist Pepe Espaliú, whose figure has been notoriously ignored and undervalued by historiography as an immediate precedent to the emergence of the queer art movement in our country, addressing it from an interdisciplinary methodology and under the protection of new historiographic perspectives

    Arte de torear a pie y a caballo

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 201

    Clinical Determinants of HIV-1B Between-Host Evolution and their Association with Drug Resistance in Pediatric Patients

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    Understanding the factors that modulate the evolution of virus populations is essential to design efficient control strategies. Mathematical models predict that factors affecting viral within-host evolution may also determine that at the between-host level. Although HIV-1 within-host evolution has been associated with clinical factors used to monitor AIDS progression, such as patient age, CD4 cells count, viral load, and antiretroviral experience, little is known about the role of these clinical factors in determining between-host HIV-1 evolution. Moreover, whether the relative importance of such factors in HIV-1 evolution vary in adult and children patients, in which the course of infection is different, has seldom been analysed. To address these questions, HIV-1 subtype B (HIV-1B) pol sequences of 163 infected children and 450 adults of Madrid, Spain, were used to estimate genetic diversity, rates of synonymous and non-synonymous mutations, selection pressures and frequency of drug-resistance mutations (DRMs). The role and relative importance of patient age, %CD4, CD4/mm3, viral load, and antiretroviral experience in HIV-1B evolution was analysed. In the pediatric HIV-1B population, three clinical factors were primary predictors of virus evolution: Higher HIV-1B genetic diversity was observed with increasing children age, decreasing CD4/mm3 and upon antiretroviral experience. This was mostly due to higher rates of non-synonymous mutations, which were associated with higher frequency of DRMs. Using this data, we have also constructed a simple multivariate model explaining between 55% and 66% of the variance in HIV-1B evolutionary parameters in pediatric populations. On the other hand, the analysed clinical factors had little effect in adult-infecting HIV-1B evolution. These findings highlight the different evolutionary dynamics of HIV-1B in children and adults, and contribute to understand the factors shaping HIV-1B evolution and the appearance of drug-resistance mutation in pediatric patients

    Green zero valent iron nanoparticles dispersion through a sandy column using different injection sequences

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    The contamination of soils is a global environmental problem that urges an increased effort to recover polluted sites. In Europe, there are an estimated 20,000 polluted sites that need to be remediated and around 350,000 sites that are classified as potentially contaminated by the European Environment Agency (EEA). Remediation is a part of the solution to this problem, requiring the most innovative and sustainable technologies. In this context, the use of zero valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI) is a promising, low cost and efficient technology for the remediation of soil and groundwater contaminated with a wide range of organic and inorganic pollutants. Among the nZVIs, the ones produced using Green synthesis methods (green nZVIs (gnZVI)) using natural extracts, such as green tea, are increasingly considered an alternative technology for the future. However, there are issues related to the application of gnZVI in soil that are still not fully understood, requiring further research, among these is the study of their transport in soils. Therefore, this work aims to study the transport of gnZVIs in sandy soils under diverse conditions such as soil particle size, soil saturation level and injection sequence. Several experiments were performed in an acrylic column with two sandy soils with different particle sizes (between 0.5 and 1.0 mm and higher than 1.0 mm), using two distinct water saturation conditions (saturated and dry) and four injection sequences. After these tests the distribution of the gnZVI along the soil column was determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy. This work allowed concluding that the injection sequence might be one of the most important factors influencing the rate of nZVI dispersion through a sandy column. According to the results it was possible to propose, for distinct types of contamination (deep, superficial, hot spot or dispersed), the most appropriate injection sequence.António Soares is grateful to REQUIMTE for his postdoctoral research grant (associated to Project UID/QUI/50006/2013), as well as to FCT/MEC for funding through national funds, co-financed by the Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER), in the context of the partnership agreement PT2020. The authors also thank “Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia” (Project UID/QUI/50006/2013) for the financial support for this work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Study of protein expresion [sic] in peri-infarct tissue after cerebral ischemia

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    In this work, we report our study of protein expression in rat peri-infarct tissue, 48 h after the induction of permanent focal cerebral ischemia. Two proteomic approaches, gel electrophoresis with mass spectrometry and combined fractional diagonal chromatography (COFRADIC), were performed using tissue samples from the periphery of the induced cerebral ischemic lesions, using tissue from the contra-lateral hemisphere as a control. Several protein spots (3408) were identified by gel electrophoresis, and 11 showed significant differences in expression between peri-infarct and contralateral tissues (at least 3-fold, p < 0.05). Using COFRADIC, 5412 proteins were identified, with 72 showing a difference in expression. Apart from blood-related proteins (such as serum albumin), both techniques showed that the 70 kDa family of heat shock proteins were highly expressed in the peri-infarct tissue. Further studies by 1D and 2D western blotting and immunohistochemistry revealed that only one member of this family (the inducible form, HSP72 or HSP70i) is specifically expressed by the peri-infarct tissue, while the majority of this family (the constitutive form, HSC70 or HSP70c) is expressed in the whole brain. Our data support that HSP72 is a suitable biomarker of peri-infarct tissue in the ischemic brain

    El Vizconde de Eza, adalid del conservadurismo católico en el primer tercio del siglo XX

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    The Viscount of Eza was a distinguished politician of the Restoration and also excelled as agrarian and social reformer. But, above all, he was the champion of Spanish catholic conservatism in the first third of the twentieth century. On the one hand, he developed a huge and prolonged work as a publicist and disseminator of its ideological principles, with a constant presence in all the media of the time. A relevant example of this work was his campaign in favor of industrial consortiums, within the current of economic nationalism. On the other hand, he tried to put into practice the aforementioned principles from the various positions of power that he enjoyed, even in a so specific area as scientific knowledge: in particular, he was responsible for the conservative reorientation of the Spanish Association for the Progress of Science, truncating what could have been a good support for Spanish scientific development, and anticipating in a certain way the scientific policy of the first Francoism.; El Vizconde de Eza fue un distinguido político de la Restauración y también sobresalió como agrarista y reformador social. Pero, sobre todo, fue el principal adalid del conservadurismo católico español en el primer tercio del siglo XX. Por un lado, desarrolló una ingente y prolongada labor como publicista y divulgador de sus principios ideológicos, con una presencia constante en todos los medios de difusión de la época. Como ejemplo relevante de esta labor destaca especialmente su campaña a favor de los consorcios industriales, dentro de la corriente del nacionalismo económico. Por otro lado, intentó poner en práctica dichos principios desde las distintas instancias de poder que ocupó, incluso en ámbitos tan específicos como el del conocimiento científico: así, por ejemplo, fue responsable de la reorientación "menéndez-pelayista" de la Asociación Española para el Progreso de las Ciencias, truncando lo que podía haber sido un buen apoyo para el desarrollo científico español, y anticipando en cierto modo lo que luego sería la política científica del primer franquismo

    Vicente Burgaleta and the “lights” and “shadows” of an era: Between technical-scientific competence and corruption

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    El ingeniero industrial Vicente Burgaleta (1891-1952) encarna bien algunos claroscuros de la España del primer tercio del siglo XX. En el lado de las “luces”, refleja la importancia que llegaron a tener los ingenieros en la incorporación de España a las innovaciones de la segunda revolución industrial, así como la mejora que experimentó el país en el ámbito de la formación técnica. De hecho, Burgaleta aunó brillantemente competencia técnica, inquietudes científico-académicas, e interés por aspectos económicos y de gestión. Así, fue uno de los mayores expertos en tracción eléctrica, estuvo vinculado al grupo de los primeros “relativistas” españoles, se contó entre los precursores de la fallida introducción del taylorismo, y reflexionó con criterio sobre múltiples cuestiones socioeconómicas. Sin embargo, en el lado de las “sombras”, la etapa de Burgaleta como Inspector General de Pósitos y su posterior fuga a Bolivia –acusado de malversación y falsificación de documentos– ejemplifica los viejos problemas de corrupción, ineficacia y fraude de la Administración Pública.Vicente Burgaleta, an industrial engineer (1891-1952) embodies some “lights” and “shadows” in Spain in the first third of the 20th century. On the side of the “lights”, his figure reflects the importance of engineers in the incorporation of Spain to the innovations of the second industrial revolution. It also illustrates the improvement experienced by the country in the field of technical training. In fact, Burgaleta brilliantly combined technical competence, scientific-academic concerns, and interest in economic and management issues. For example, he was one of the greatest experts in electric traction, was linked to the group of the first Spanish “relativists”, was among the forerunners of the failed introduction of Taylorism, and reflected on multiple socioeconomic issues. However, on the side of the “shadows”, Burgaleta’s position as General Inspector of Stores and his subsequent escape to Bolivia –accused of embezzlement and falsification of documents– exemplifies the old problems of corruption, inefficiency and fraud of the Public Administration

    Previsão de gravidez pós‐fertilização in vitro de acordo com valor de β‐hCG e progesterona

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    ResumoIntroduçãoMúltiplos estudos sugerem que os valores de β‐hCG e de progesterona podem ser bons preditores de gravidez.ObjetivoInvestigar o potencial dos valores de β‐hCG e progesterona na previsão de gravidez evolutiva e de gravidez gemelar, 14 dias após punção ovocitária em ciclos FIV/ICSI, e estabelecer um modelo de previsão.MétodosEstudo retrospetivo de ciclos com punção e transferência de embriões a fresco entre maio/2011 e setembro/2015. Os grupos definidos foram: sem gravidez; gravidez não evolutiva; gravidez evolutiva (única ou gemelar). A análise estatística considerou α = 5%. Para avaliar a capacidade de prever gravidez evolutiva e gravidez gemelar recorreu‐se a um modelo de análise multivariada e usou‐se um processo de regressão logística binária. Recorreu‐se às curvas ROC para avaliar a capacidade do valor de β‐hCG e progesterona na distinção entre gravidez não evolutiva e evolutiva.ResultadosVerificaram‐se 149 casos: sem gravidez 11,4%, gravidez não evolutiva 24,8%, gravidez evolutiva 63,8% (83 única, 12 gemelares). Com exceção dos valores de progesterona e β‐hCG, não se verificaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as variáveis do grupo gravidez não evolutiva e evolutiva (β‐HCG: 38,9 vs 159 UI/L; progesterona: 20,4 vs 60ng/mL). Na comparação entre gravidez única e gemelar, apenas o valor de β‐hCG foi estatisticamente significativo (β‐HCG: 147 vs 331 UI/L). Quando o valor de progesterona é≥25, a probabilidade de gravidez é 5,4 vezes superior (IC95%, 1,18‐24,8). Na regressão logística para gravidez gemelar apenas o valor de β‐hCG foi estatisticamente significativo.ConclusãoUma avaliação única de progesterona e β‐hCG, 14 dias após punção, tem um bom valor preditivo de gravidez evolutiva, porém com capacidade limitada para discriminar entre gravidez única e gemelar.AbstractIntroductionMultiple studies suggest that the amount of β‐hCG and progesterone can be good predictors of pregnancy.ObjectiveTo investigate the potential of β‐hCG and progesterone values in predicting evolutive pregnancy and twin pregnancy, 14 days after oocyte puncture in IVF/ICSI cycles, establishing a predictive model.MethodsA retrospective study of cycles with the use of a puncture and fresh embryo transfer between May/2011 and September/2015. The defined groups were: with no pregnancy; without evolutive pregnancy; and with evolutive (single or twin) pregnancy. Statistical analysis considered α=5%. To assess the ability to predict evolutive pregnancy and twin pregnancy, a multivariate analysis model was carried out, with the use of a binary logistic regression process. ROC curves were used to evaluate the ability of β‐hCG and progesterone values in differentiating between non‐evolutive and evolutive pregnancy.Results149 cases were found: no pregnancy 11.4%, without evolutive pregnancy 24.8%, with evolutive pregnancy 63.8% (83 single, 12 twins). Excluding progesterone and β‐hCG values, there were no statistically significant differences between the variables of non‐evolutive and evolutive pregnancy groups (β‐HCG: 38.9 vs. 159 IU/L, progesterone: 20.4 vs. 60ng/mL). In a comparison between single and twin pregnancies, only the amount of β‐hCG was statistically significant (β‐HCG: 147 vs. 331 IU/L). When progesterone value is >25, the probability of pregnancy is 5.4 times greater (95% CI, 1.18‐24.8). In a logistic regression for twin pregnancies, only β‐hCG value was statistically significant.ConclusionA single assessment of progesterone and β‐hCG values 14 days after the puncture has a good predictive value of evolutive pregnancy, but with limited ability to discriminate between single and twin pregnancies

    Estudio de las barreras de género para la promoción a puestos directivos y medidas de igualdad en una entidad financiera

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    This paper analyzes the perceptions of employees about gender barriers for equality in the promotion to management positions, their importance and the most relevant measures to eliminate inequality in the access and promotion of women in the management positions. This study is carried out in a financial entity that is implementing its II Equality Opportunities Plan. The results reflect that, despite the company’s sensitivity towards equal opportunities, some barriers are perceived that difficult promotion and access to managerial positions for women. Barriers related to organizational culture, accessing power and influence networks and the unequal performance appraisal that women receive appear as the most relevant obstacles for women’s promotion. Women perceive to a greater extent than men the existence of barriers to promotion and give more relevance than their male coworkers to different measures for equality.Este trabajo analiza la percepción de las barreras de género para la promoción de mujeres a puestos directivos, el grado de importancia de las barreras percibidas y las medidas consideradas más relevantes para eliminar la desigualdad en el acceso y promoción de mujeres a los niveles de dirección. El estudio se realiza en una entidad financiera que está implantando su II Plan de Igualdad de Oportunidades. Los resultados reflejan que, a pesar de la sensibilidad hacia la igualdad de oportunidades, se perciben ciertas barreras que dificultan a las mujeres su acceso y promoción a puestos directivos. Destacan las barreras relativas a la cultura organizacional, el acceso a las redes de poder y la evaluación diferenciada que reciben las mujeres. Las mujeres perciben en mayor medida la existencia de las barreras a la promoción y otorgan más relevancia que los hombres a diferentes medidas para la igualdad