3,082 research outputs found

    Prevalencia y riesgo anual de infeccion por tuberculosis en la población escolar de 7 años de edad de Ceuta

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    ResumenObjetivoConocer la prevalencia de la infección tuberculosa y el riesgo anual de infección en la población escolar de Ceuta.MétodoEstudio transversal. Se realizó la prueba de la tuberculina (2UT RT-23 Tween 80) a los niños de 7 años de edad escolarizados en Ceuta en 2008. Se consideraron positivos los niños no vacunados con una induración ≥5mm a las 72 horas.ResultadosSe estudiaron 612 niños. La prevalencia de la infección fue del 0,98% (intervalo de confianza del 95%, margen de error del 2,5%). Su distribución mostró diferencias entre las tres zonas de salud, y fue mayor en las zonas más deprimidas, donde llegó al 2,07%. El riesgo anual de infección fue del 0,15%.ConclusionesLa prevalencia de la infección es de las más altas de España, según los últimos estudios realizados. Los resultados no se corresponden con los datos epidemiológicos de tuberculosis de Ceuta, al tener en cuenta los casos importados.AbstractObjectiveTo determine the prevalence of tuberculosis infection and annual risk of infection in the school population of Ceuta.MethodA cross-sectional study was conducted. A tuberculin test (2UT RT-23 Tween 80) was given to 7-year-old schoolchildren in Ceuta in 2008. A positive result was considered as an induration of ≥5mm at 72hours in unvaccinated children.ResultsA total of 612 children were studied. The prevalence of tuberculosis infection was 0.98% (95% confidence interval with a 2.5% margin of error). The distribution showed differences among three health areas, and was greatest in the most deprived area (2.07%). The annual risk of infection was 0.15%.ConclusionsAccording to the most recent studies, the prevalence of tuberculosis infection in Ceuta is one of the highest of Spain. Our results do not agree with the epidemiological data for tuberculosis in Ceuta, which also includes imported cases

    Rutas hacia la sostenibilidad desde el análisis del comportamiento un análisis Metacontingencial

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    Se realizó un análisis metacontingencial al Plan de Desarrollo Nacional de Colombia para el periodo 2014-2018, en relación al tema de sostenibilidad y desarrollo sostenible. Este estudio es uno de los primeros en su tipo, ya que no se han realizado aproximaciones metacontingenciales a la temática medioambiental, resulta de suma importancia analizar desde una postura analítico-comportamental la formación de prácticas culturales sostenibles para comprender cómo contribuir al desarrollo sostenible del mundo.In the present investigation we conducted a metacontingency analysis of a section of the Colombian governmental plan for national development, that focused on the sustainable development of the country for the period 2014-2018. Since no other metacontingency analysis of the laws concerning sustainability has been made until now, this study is one of the first of its kind, an analytic behavioral perspective is useful in the path to understanding the procedures involved in the appearing and maintenance of cultural practices concerning a sustainable development.Psicólogo (a)Pregrad

    Mitigating energy poverty: Potential contributions of combining PV and building thermal mass storage in low-income households

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    The issue of energy poverty has devastating implications for the society, and it has been aggravated in the past years due to the economic crisis and the increase of energy prices. Among the most affected are those with low incomes and living in inefficient buildings. Unfortunately, the bitter reality is that sometimes this part of the population are facing the next question: Heating, or eating? The declining prices of distributed energy technologies such as photovoltaics provides an opportunity for positive social change. Although their use does not address energy poverty directly, substantial contributions may be made. Measurements of indoor temperatures in a social housing district of southern Spain in 2017 have revealed the unbearable temperatures that the occupants have to endure, both in summer and winter. Using this district as a case study, the present work aims to evaluate the benefits of exploiting its rooftop PV potential to cover part of the electricity consumption of the district (reducing the energy bills), and use the surplus electricity to supply power for the heat pumps in the district. Optimal alternatives regarding maximum PV production, maximum self-sufficiency ratio and minimum investment costs have been found, considering as well different options when sharing the available electricity surplus to improve the thermal comfort of the occupants. As far as the authors know, no previous study has followed an approach aimed at energy poverty alleviation such as the one presented in this work. The results show that using the surplus electricity to heat or cool the whole dwellings would improve the thermal comfort of the occupants in average up to 11% in winter and 26% in summer. If all the PV generation was used or more buildings in the area were employed to install PV modules, improvements up to 33% in winter and 67% in summer could be obtained, reducing at the same time the thermal comfort differences among the dwellings of the district

    Tecnología lítica de las Edades del Cobre y Bronce en la Marisma del Cuervo (Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz)

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    Abordamos el estudio de la tecnología lítica prehistórica de la Marisma del Cuervo, reflexionando sobre las actuales perspectivas teóricas de interpretación, considerando las grandes posibilidades que ofrece el Materialismo Histórico. Se presenta el marco de la Marisma y sus potencialidades de recursos líticos. Esbozamos el análisis espacial y diacrónico, para desarrollar los procesos tecnológicos de extracción, talla, desbaste y distribución del utillaje desde los talleres ubicados en los rebordes de Las Peñas de "El Cuervo" hacia la Marisma y otros asentamientos de la Campiña de Jerez.We consider the study of the prehistoric lithic tecnology of the "Marisma del Cuervo" thinking about the present perspectives of interpretation,considering the great possibilities the Historic Materialism offers. The landscape of the "Marisma" and its potentialities of lithic ressources is presented. We sketch the diachronic and spatial analysis to develope the technological processes of extraction, carving, smoothing and distribution of the tools from the workshops situated on the ledges of the "El Cuervo" cliffs towards the "Marisma" and other settles of the "Campiña de Jerez"

    Preparation and Characterization of New Liposomes. Bactericidal Activity of Cefepime Encapsulated into Cationic Liposomes

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    Cefepime is an antibiotic with a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. However, this antibiotic has several side effects and a high degradation rate. For this reason, the preparation and characterization of new liposomes that are able to encapsulate this antibiotic seem to be an important research line in the pharmaceutical industry. Anionic and cationic liposomes were prepared and characterized. All cationic structures contained the same cationic surfactant, N,N,N-triethyl-N-(12-naphthoxydodecyl)ammonium. Results showed a better encapsulation-efficiency percentage (EE%) of cefepime in liposomes with phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol than with 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (DOPE). The presence of cholesterol and the quantity of egg-yolk phospholipid in the liposome increased the encapsulation percentage. The bactericidal activity against Escherichia coli of cefepime loaded into liposomes with phosphatidylcholine was measured. The inhibitory zone in an agar plate for free cefepime was similar to that obtained for loaded cefepime. The growth-rate constant of E. coli culture was also measured in working conditions. The liposome without any antibiotic exerted no influence in such a rate constant. All obtained results suggest that PC:CH:12NBr liposomes are biocompatible nanocarriers of cefepime that can be used in bacterial infections against Escherichia coli with high inhibitory activity

    Analysis on the yeasts population during Jerez wines fermentation

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    Motivation: To study the yeasts population present during each of the main stages in Jerez de la Frontera’s fine wine, comparing the traditional fermentation in oak butts to the current one in stainless steel tanks. Special attention will be paid to the presence of the so-called “flor yeasts”. Due to their ability to create a velum that covers the wine surface during the wine aging process, they are the principal responsible for the properties associated with this type of wine (1).Methods: Samples were taken at four different fermentation stages in two butts and three tanks in the winecellar, and plated on YPD media. From each of the samples, ten colonies were isolated and analyzed by using the DNA mitochondrial restriction technique and microsatellite analysis (2,3). The results were compared according to band patterns after the electrophoretic separation of the fragments obtained by both techiques to differentiate the yeast present in each step of the fermentation. The strains that showed patterns simmilar to those previously detected in flor yeasts, were inoculated in wine to observe if they developed as a velum.Results: In this analysis, 22 different patterns for the mitocondrial DNA restriction technique, and 22 for microsatellite analysis, were obtained. Combining these results a total of 32 wine yeasts were identified. In the oak butts, the yeasts population got homogenized earlier than the one performed in tanks.Conclusions: As the wine fermentation process progresses, wine yeasts variability diminishes, being liable to homogenize in most cases. The pattern followed by yeasts population during the wine process is divergent in oak butts and tanks. This difference may be due to the fact that there was a flor yeasts population in the butts prior to the grape must introduction.These yeast therefore prevailing in the wine since the beginning of the fermentation process

    Classical and quantum nonlinear localized excitations in discrete systems

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    Pre-pint tomado de ArxivDiscrete breathers, or intrinsic localized modes, are spatially localized, time–periodic, nonlinear excitations that can exist and propagate in systems of coupled dynamical units. Recently, some experiments show the sighting of a form of discrete breather that exist at the atomic scale in a magnetic solid. Other observations of breathers refer to systems such as Josephson–junction arrays, photonic crystals and optical-switching waveguide arrays. All these observations underscore their importance in physical phenomena at all scales. The authors review some of their latest theoretical contributions in the field of classical and quantum breathers, with possible applications to these widely different physical systems and to many other such as DNA, proteins, quantum dots, quantum computing, etc

    Distinct Microglial Responses in Two Transgenic Murine Models of TAU Pathology

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    Microglial cells are crucial players in the pathological process of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Microglial response in AD has been principally studied in relation to amyloid-beta pathology but, comparatively, little is known about inflammatory processes associated to tau pathology. In the hippocampus of AD patients, where tau pathology is more prominent than amyloid-beta pathology, a microglial degenerative process has been reported. In this work, we have directly compared the microglial response in two different transgenic tau mouse models: ThyTau22 and P301S. Surprisingly, these two models showed important differences in the microglial profile and tau pathology. Where ThyTau22 hippocampus manifested mild microglial activation, P301S mice exhibited a strong microglial response in parallel with high phospho-tau accumulation. This differential phospho-tau expression could account for the different microglial response in these two tau strains. However, soluble (S1) fractions from ThyTau22 hippocampus presented relatively high content of soluble phospho-tau (AT8-positive) and were highly toxic for microglial cells in vitro, whereas the correspondent S1 fractions from P301S mice displayed low soluble phosphotau levels and were not toxic for microglial cells. Therefore, not only the expression levels but the aggregation of phospho-tau should differ between both models. In fact, most of tau forms in the P301S mice were aggregated and, in consequence, forming insoluble tau species.We conclude that different factors as tau mutations, accumulation, phosphorylation, and/or aggregation could account for the distinct microglial responses observed in these two tau models. For this reason, deciphering the molecular nature of toxic tau species for microglial cells might be a promising therapeutic approach in order to restore the deficient immunological protection observed in AD hippocampus.CIBERNEDJunta de Andalucía. Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo CTS-2035Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el BuenoMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y UniversidadesInstituto de Salud Carlos III. Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. PI15/00957 PI15/00796Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional PI15/00957 PI15/0079


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    Reading is one of the processes which has been cultivated over time in order to be shown as a reflection of the situation of female and all the conditioning factors that they face. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyse some variables in relation to the reading habits of university students, from the perspective of gender. With regard to method carried out, an ex post facto design of single group was planned. The sample was composed of 277 university students (Mage = 22.20, SE = 4.367) of both genders (20.7% male; 79.3% female). The results show reading as the leisure activity practiced the most by female, especially during holidays, and a statistically significant difference regarding the types of reading was observed (books and comics for female and comics and newspapers for male). For female, their group of friends positively influences the promotion of reading, and with respect to reading competence, the promotion of imagination was the category valued by female the most, also with statistical differences. Thus, knowing the reading habits of university students in a gender-differentiated manner, contributes to helping teachers be sensitive in this educational stage.La lectura es un proceso que se ha culturalizado con el tiempo, a fin de mostrarse como reflejo de la situación de la mujer y de los condicionantes a los que se enfrenta. Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar variables relacionadas con el hábito lector en universitarios, desde una perspectiva de género. Por lo que se refiere al método empleado, se planificó un diseño ex post facto, prospectivo de grupo único. La muestra, estuvo formada por 277 estudiantes universitarios (Medad = 22.20, DE = 4.367) de ambos sexos (20.7% hombres; 79.3% mujeres). Los resultados mostraron la lectura como una actividad de ocio más practicada por las mujeres, especialmente en vacaciones y se observó una preferencia diferenciada estadísticamente en los tipos de lectura (libros y revistas en mujeres, y cómics y periódicos en hombres). Para las mujeres, el grupo de amigos influyó positiva y significativamente en el fomento de la lectura, y respecto a la competencia lectora, el fomento de la imaginación fue la categoría más valorada por mujeres, también con diferenciación significativa. Así, conocer el hábito lector que presentan los estudiantes universitarios diferenciados por género, contribuye a sensibilizar a los docentes de la necesidad de fomentar la lectura en este nivel educativo.Чтение - это процесс, который со временем приобрел культурный характер, с тем чтобы быть показанным как отражение положения женщин и тех обуславливающих факторов, с которыми они сталкиваются. По этой причине целью данного исследования было проанализировать переменные, связанные с привычкой к чтению среди студентов университета с гендерной точки зрения. Что касается используемого метода, то планировался постфактумный, проспективный, одногрупповой дизайн. Выборка состояла из 277 студентов университета ( Mean = 22.20, SD = 4.367) обоих полов (20.7% мужчин; 79.3% женщин). Результаты показали, что чтение как вид досуга больше практикуется женщинами, особенно во время отпуска, и статистически значимое предпочтение наблюдалось в видах чтения (книги и журналы для женщин, комиксы и газеты для мужчин). Для женщин группа друзей оказала положительное и значительное влияние на продвижение чтения, а что касается компетенции чтения, то продвижение воображения было категорией, наиболее высоко оцененной женщинами, также со значительной дифференциацией. Таким образом, знание привычек чтения студентов университета, дифференцированных по полу, помогает повысить осведомленность преподавателей о необходимости поощрения чтения на этом уровне образования.阅读是随着时间的推移而培养的过程之一,目的是反映女性的处境和她们所面临的所有条件因素。因此,本研究的目的是从性别的角度分析与大学生阅读习惯相关的一些变量。关于所使用的方法,研究计划进行事后的单组前瞻性设计。样本包括 277 名大学生(Mage = 22.20,SE = 4.367)(20.7% 为男性;79.3% 为女性)。结果表明,阅读是女性最常进行的休闲活动,尤其是在假期中。并且在阅读类型(女性的书籍和杂志,男性的漫画和报纸)中我们可以观察到了统计学上的显著差异。对于女性来说,朋友群对阅读的提升有显着的正向影响,而在阅读能力方面,想象力的提升是女性最看重的类别,差异也很显着。因此,了解不同性别的大学生所呈现的阅读习惯有助于让教师意识到在这个教育水平上促进阅读的必要性