1,664 research outputs found

    Exploring discourse ethics for tourism transformation

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    The \u27critical turn\u27 in tourism is defined as a research perspective that explores social transformation in and through tourism by facing the negative impact of strategic-instrumental rationality on this activity. This work explores the features of discourse ethics that may normatively support tourism transformation, a gap that has not been thoroughly discussed in tourism research. For this purpose, the study combines the use of critical and ethical theory with an analysis of discourse ethics in tourism literature to demonstrate that the use of Habermasian discourse ethics needs to be complemented with the Apelian approach. Through these steps the work reveals the theoretical bases of discourse ethics to discuss whether understandings between stakeholders guided by strategic-instrumental rationality can be reached not only in the political sphere —Habermas—, but also in the ethical field —Apel

    La turistificación del trabajo: bases para la crítica de un fenómeno de la aceleración social manifestado en el bleisure y el workation

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    Una de las manifestaciones más ejemplificadoras del aumento de las velocidades y del cambio social, característico de las sociedades aceleradas, se da en la creación de tendencias laborales basadas en la hibridación entre trabajo y tiempo libre. Proyectadas sobre una idea positiva de la flexibilidad y del autocontrol, mantienen una estrecha relación con niveles altos de autointensificación. Este artículo reconstruye los rasgos básicos de prácticas formalizadas como el bleisure o el workation para caracterizar un fenómeno de la aceleración más específico dentro de esta tendencia, al que denomino “turistificación del trabajo”. Este concepto resalta la atribución específica de rasgos atractivos de la práctica turística al trabajo con fines productivos. Frente a los discursos positivos sobre la movilidad y el turismo asociados a este fenómeno, se sugieren las bases de un modelo de crítica para reconocer sus implicaciones alienantes negativas en relación con la vida buena

    Evolution and study of a copycat effect in intimate partner homicides: A lesson from Spanish femicides

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    Objectives This paper focuses on the issue of intimate partner violence and, specifically, on the distribution of femicides over time and the existence of copycat effects. This is the subject of an ongoing debate often triggered by the social alarm following multiple intimate partner homicides (IPHs) occurring in a short span of time. The aim of this research is to study the evolution of IPHs and provide a far-reaching answer by rigorously analyzing and searching for patterns in data on femicides. Methods The study analyzes an official dataset, provided by the system VioGén of the Secretaría de Estado de Seguridad (Spanish State Secretariat for Security), including all the femicides occurred in Spain in 2007-2017. A statistical methodology to identify temporal interdepen-dencies in count time series is proposed and applied to the dataset. The same methodology can be applied to other contexts. Results There has been a decreasing trend in the number of femicides per year. No interdependen-cies among the temporal distribution of femicides are observed. Therefore, according to data, the existence of copycat effect in femicides cannot be claimed. Conclusions Around 2011 there was a clear change in the average number of femicides which has not picked up. Results allow for an informed answer to the debate on copycat effect in Spanish femicides. The planning of femicides prevention activities should not be a reaction to a perceived increase in their occurrence. As a copycat effect is not detected in the studied time period, there is no evidence supporting the need to censor media reports on femicides.The work by Torrecilla has been partially supported by Spanish Grant MTM2016-78751-P. The research of Liberatore has been supported by the Government of Spain, grant MTM2015-65803-R, and by the Government of Madrid, grant S2013/ICE-284

    Study by DTA/TG of the formation of calcium aluminate obtained from an aluminium hazardous waste

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    A Spanish hazardous waste from tertiary aluminium industry was used as a raw material for the synthesis of calcium aluminate. An amorphous precursor was obtained by a hydrothermal method at different values of pH. The transformation of the precursor in a crystalline aluminate was followed by TG/DTA up to 1300 C. At temperatures between 719 and 744 C, the precursors evolve towards the formation of C12A7 which becomes CA at circa 1016 C. Mass spectrometry coupled to thermal analyser allowed the identification of the decomposition productsMEC for financing project CTM2005-01964 and the company Recuperaciones y Reciclajes Roman S.L. (Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Spain) for supplying the waste and Dr. M. I. Martı´n for the FRX analysis and Dr. I. Padilla for the technical assistance. Laura Delgado-Gonzalo is grateful to the CSIC (Spanish National Research Council) for an I3P contractPeer reviewe

    Uprolides N, O and P from the Panamanian Octocoral Eunicea succinea.

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    Three new diterpenes, uprolide N (1), uprolide O (2), uprolide P (3) and a known one, dolabellane (4), were isolated from the CH₂Cl₂-MeOH extract of the gorgonian octocoral Eunicea succinea, collected from Bocas del Toro, on the Caribbean coast of Panama. Their structures were determined using spectroscopic analyses, including 1D and 2D NMR and high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) together with molecular modeling studies. Compounds 1-3 displayed anti-inflammatory properties by inhibiting production of Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) and Interleukin (IL)-6 induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in murine macrophages

    A psychometric study of a Spanish version of the negative acts questionnaire-revised: confirmatory factor analysis.

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    Background: The NAQ (Negative Acts Questionnaire) has been widely used in more than 40 countries to measure the mobbing phenomenon. This research aims to present a psychometric study based on the Spanish version of the NAQ-R carried out by González-Trijueque and Graña (2013). As opposed to the original scale, this sample contains 23 items and a three-dimension model (personal bullying, work-related bullying, and physically intimidating forms of bullying). Methods: We used a heterogeneous occupational sample of 2,538 Spanish employees to analyze internal consistency and concurrent validity. In addition, a Confirmatory Factor Analysis was carried out based on the GLS (generalized least squares) method. Results: Results showed high internal reliability (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.91) and high correlations containing clinical symptoms, burn-out indicators, and coping resources. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis developed upon the heterogeneous occupational sample validates the three-dimension structure in the Spanish version of the NAQ-R aimed to measure harassment behaviors at the workplace. Conclusion: The NAQ-R reaffirms its validity and reliability as a measure for mobbing-related behaviors. Hence, the scale may become a useful tool in research and forensic practice.post-print779 K

    Path generation and control of humanoid robots during extravehicular activities

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    This paper proposes and investigates strategies that can be used to plan the motion and control of humanoid robots in some elementary tasks that characterize extravehicular activities. The humanoid robot taken into account is a torso with two arms and two grippers at their extremities. This study addresses the problem of robot motion on the complex system of handrails and handles that characterize the International Space Station. Such a complex task has been divided into two elementary sub-tasks: motion planning and tracking the planned trajectories. First, an optimization procedure is presented to plan and coordinate the robot's arms motions and graspers to achieve the desired location using handrails. Then, a low-level controller is used to guarantee that the robots' actuators can follow these previously generated trajectories. Simulation results assess the applicability of the proposed strategy in different typical operations that potentially can be performed in an extravehicular activity scenario

    Real-time 3D PET image with pseudoinverse reconstruction

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    Real-time positron emission tomography (PET) may provide information from first-shot images, enable PET-guided biopsies, and allow awake animal studies. Fully-3D iterative reconstructions yield the best images in PET, but they are too slow for real-time imaging. Analytical methods such as Fourier back projection (FBP) are very fast, but yield images of poor quality with artifacts due to noise or data incompleteness. In this work, an image reconstruction based on the pseudoinverse of the system response matrix (SRM) is presented. w. To implement the pseudoinverse method, the reconstruction problem is separated into two stages. First, the axial part of the SRM is pseudo-inverted (PINV) to rebin the 3D data into 2D datasets. Then, the resulting 2D slices can be reconstructed with analytical methods or by applying the pseudoinverse algorithm again. The proposed two-step PINV reconstruction yielded good-quality images at a rate of several frames per second, compatible with real time applications. Furthermore, extremely fast direct PINV reconstruction of projections of the 3D image collapsed along specific directions can be implemented.Part of the calculations in this work were performed in the “Clúster de Cálculo para Técnicas Físicas” funded in part by UCM and in part by UE Regional Funds. We acknowledge the support from the Spanish Government (FPA2015-65035-P, RTC-2015-3772-2, and RTI2018-095800-A-I00), Comunidad de Madrid (S2013/MIT-3024 TOPUS-CM, B2017/BMD-3888 PRONTO-CM), and European Regional Funds. This work was also supported by the EU’s H2020 under MediNet, a Networking Activity of ENSAR-2 (grant agreement 654002), and by a NIH R01 CA215700-2 grant. The CNIC is supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505)

    Fully 3D GPU PET reconstruction

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    Fully 3D iterative tomographic image reconstruction is computationally very demanding. Graphics Processing Unit(GPU) has be enproposed formany years as potential accelerators incomplex scientific problems, but it has not be enuseduntil there cent advances in the programmability of GPU sthat the best available reconstruction code shave started tobe implemented toberunon GPUs. This work presents a GPU based fully 3D PET iterative reconstruction sofware. This new code may reconstruct sinogram data from several commercially available PET scanners. The most important and time consuming part soft he code,the forward and backward projection operations, arebasedonan accurate model of the scanner obtained with the MonteCarlo code PeneloPET and they have been massively parallelize don the GPU.For the PET scanners considered, the GPU based code is more than 70 times faster than asimilar code running on a single core of a fast CPU, obtainingin both cases the same images. The code has been designed to be easily adapted to reconstruct sinograms from any other PET scanner, including scanner prototypes.This work has been supported by MEC(FPA200762216), UCM (Grupos UCM,910059), CPAN(Consolider Ingenio 2010) CSPD 200700042,the RECAVARETIC network, ARTEMISS2009/ DPI 1802, European Regional Development,ENTEPRASE grant, PSE 30000020095 and TEC20080675C0201, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spanish Government.Publicad