260 research outputs found

    El tiempo de reacción específico visual en deportes de combate

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Formación de Profesorado y Educación, Departamento de Educación Física, Deporte y Motricidad Humana. Fecha de lectura : 15 de julio de 2014La tesis doctoral que a continuación se presenta estudia el tiempo de reacción específico en artes marciales y cómo se comporta este parámetro en función de los estímulos que se presentan, teniendo en cuenta la especificidad del estímulo y la respuesta. En esta tesis se estudian las diferencias en tiempo de reacción, si se dan y en qué grado entre grupos de expertos con rendimiento deportivo en Karate, Judo y Jiu Jits frente a participantes no practicantes de artes marciales. Los participantes fueron medidos con cámara de alta velocidad mientras respondían a videos con situaciones tácticas determinadas, con distinto grado de transferencia para cada una de las artes marciales, determinando con ello cuales son los factores que intervienen en el sistema perceptivo específico de los expertos de un deporte determinado ante un estímulo, sobre el cual se ha entrenado a lo largo de la carrera deportiva, detectando los preíndices clave del movimiento

    Could combat stress affect journalists' news reporting? A psychophysiological response

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    Covering war conflicts may compromise the psychological and physical health of journalists because chronic exposure to these environments has been related to depression, memory dissociative processes, and post-traumatic stress disorder; however, acute effects have not been studied yet. Thus, a combat simulation was carried out replicating actual warfare scenarios, including personnel and equipment. Psychophysiological response, memory, and information-processing were analysed of 40 professional soldiers (21 males and 19 females) and 19 journalists (12 males and 7 females) with international experience in current conflict areas such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo, in relation to their experience of a combat intervention. A significant increase (p < 0.05) in metabolic, muscular, cardiovascular, and cortical and psychological anxiety response, as well as a decrease in memory accuracy directly after and 24 h and 72 h post-combat were found; these modifications were modulated by the nature of the stimulus. Journalists presented higher cognitive and memory impairment than soldiers, resulting in a press reporting of real events accuracy of only 27%

    Anxiety levels in judokas participating in the 41th InterArmy Military Championship of Judo 2017 Abstract

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    I Congreso Nacional de Entrenadores de Judo, Murcia (España), July 13‐15Los objetivos del estudio fueron: describir los niveles de ansiedad en judokas de competición participantes en el 41º Campeonato Militar de Judo Interjércitos del año 2017; establecer posibles diferencias en los niveles de ansiedad hallados en función del sexo y el peso; y establecer posibles relaciones entre los niveles de ansiedad hallados y el puesto ocupado en campeonato individual. La muestra final estuvo compuesta por 28 judokas (18 hombres y 10 mujeres) pertenecientes a dos equipos participantes en el Campeonato (Ejército de Tierra y Guardia Civil), siendo la edad media de la muestra de 34.29 años (DT=5.12). De forma previa a la competición se administró el cuestionario de ansiedad ISRA‐B versión Respuestas. Los resultados mostraron que los judokas evaluados presentaron menores niveles de ansiedad cognitiva (p<.05), ansiedad fisiológica (p<.001) y ansiedad motora (p<.001) al compararlos con otras muestras de deportistas. Asimismo, se hallaron diferencias significativas en los niveles ansiedad en función del sexo, obteniendo mayores niveles de ansiedad motora el grupo de mujeres (p<.05). En función del peso sólo se mostraron resultados significativos en judokas masculinos (p<.05), donde los más pesados presentaron mayores niveles de ansiedad cognitiva (p<.05). Sólo se hallaron correlaciones significativas entre los niveles de ansiedad motora y el puesto obtenido en competición en el grupo masculino (rho= diferenciales considerando las ‐.635; p<.05). Los resultados confirman la necesidad de realizar intervenciones psicológicas variables sexo y categoría de pesoThe aims of this study were: to describe the anxiety levels of competitive judokas who participated in the 41st Inter‐army Military Championship of Judo, year 2017; to detect differences in anxiety levels depending on sex and weight categories; to explore if there was a relation between the anxiety levels and the judokas’ final results at the tournament. The sample was composed of 28 judokas (18 men and 10 women) belonging to two teams (Army and Guardia Civil), having an average age of 34.29 years (SD = 5.12). Before competition, the ISRA‐B questionnaire, answers version, was administered. The results showed that judokas had lower levels of cognitive anxiety (p<.05), physiological anxiety (p<.001) and motor anxiety (p<.001) than other samples of athletes. Likewise, there were significant differences in anxiety levels according to sex, having women higher levels of motor anxiety in (p<.05). In terms of weight, only significant results were found in male judokas (p<.05), where the heavier judokas had higher levels of cognitive anxiety (p<.05). Only significant correlations were found between motor anxiety levels and the position obtained in competition in the male group (rho = ‐.635, p<.05)ventions considering the sex and weight . The results confirmed the necessity to perform differential psychological intercategory variable

    Distribution and breeding performance of ahigh-density Eagle Owl Bubo bubo population in southeast Spain

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    CapsuleDespite very high breeding density, no density-dependent effects on reproductive parameterswere detected.AimsTo describe the distribution, abundance and breeding performance of Eagle Owls and to analysedensity-dependent effects on breeding parameters.MethodsWe censused a high-density population of Eagle Owls in southeast Spain between 2003 and2010. To census the population we employed acoustic signals and searched for field signs. Breedingperformance was determined by nest monitoring.ResultsThe population’s density, productivity and fledgling rate were the highest recorded for this species.We detected a negative relationship between the laying date and productivity. Despite breeding pairs’ highdensity, no density-dependent effects on reproductive parameters were detected.ConclusionsOur results suggest that resources in the study area (mainly the availability of RabbitsOryc-tolagus cuniculus) and adult turnover might be responsible for this population’s high density and breedingsuccess

    Conserving outside protected areas: edge effects and avian electrocutions on the periphery of Special Protection Areas

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    Electrocution on power lines is one of the principal problems facing raptors and other mediumand large-sized birds at the global scale. The recent European-based Spanish state legislation on avian electrocutions has focused on Special Protection Areas (SPA). Here we evaluate whether this policy has been successful, using the Community of Valencia, Spain, as a regional model. We compiled a database of 400 electrocution events from information on electrocuted birds taken into Wildlife Recovery Centres and incidents registered by the main local power company during the last decade. A small proportion (c.18%) of electrocution casualties occurred within SPA boundaries but the 5 km wide belt immediately surrounding the SPAs produced more than three times the number of avian electrocutions (c.60% of the total recorded). This was probably caused by higher densities of both power lines and susceptible birds, and higher use of the pylons for perching and roosting in the areas surrounding the SPAs. We therefore conclude that the focus on preventative measures being applied within SPAs is inefficient and that action should be targeted in these peripheral areas. Our results illustrate a classic problem of an edge effect associated with a protected area, where external human influences directly affect the persistence of protected species within reserves. Equally, they support the idea that management strategies within parks cannot be independent of the human activities surrounding them

    Anxiety levels in judokas participating in the 41th Inter-Army Military Championship of Judo 2017

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    [ES] Los objetivos del estudio fueron: describir los niveles de ansiedad en judokas de competición participantes en el 41º Campeonato Militar de Judo Interjércitos del año 2017; establecer posibles diferencias en los niveles de ansiedad hallados en función del sexo y el peso; y establecer posibles relaciones entre los niveles de ansiedad hallados y el puesto ocupado en campeonato individual. La muestra final estuvo compuesta por 28 judokas (18 hombres y 10 mujeres) pertenecientes a dos equipos participantes en el Campeonato (Ejército de Tierra y Guardia Civil), siendo la edad media de la muestra de 34.29 años (DT=5.12). De forma previa a la competición se administró el cuestionario de ansiedad ISRA‐B versión Respuestas. Los resultados mostraron que los judokas evaluados presentaron menores niveles de ansiedad cognitiva (p<.05), ansiedad fisiológica (p<.001) y ansiedad motora (p<.001) al compararlos con otras muestras de deportistas. Asimismo, se hallaron diferencias significativas en los niveles ansiedad en función del sexo, obteniendo mayores niveles de ansiedad motora el grupo de mujeres (p<.05). En función del peso sólo se mostraron resultados significativos en judokas masculinos (p<.05), donde los más pesados presentaron mayores niveles de ansiedad cognitiva (p<.05). Sólo se hallaron correlaciones significativas entre los niveles de ansiedad motora y el puesto obtenido en competición en el grupo masculino (rho= -.635; p<.05). Los resultados confirman la necesidad de realizar intervenciones psicológicas diferenciales considerando las variables sexo y categoría de peso.[EN] The aims of this study were: to describe the anxiety levels of competitive judokas who participated in the 41st Inter‐army Military Championship of Judo, year 2017; to detect differences in anxiety levels depending on sex and weight categories; to explore if there was a relation between the anxiety levels and the judokas’ final results at the tournament. The sample was composed of 28 judokas (18 men and 10 women) belonging to two teams (Army and GuardiaCivil), having an average age of 34.29 years (SD= 5.12). Before competition, the ISRA‐B questionnaire, answers version, was administered. The results showed that judokas had lower levels of cognitive anxiety (p<.05), physiological anxiety (p<.001) and motor anxiety (p<.001) than other samples of athletes. Likewise, there were significant differences in anxiety levels according to sex, having women higher levels of motor anxiety in (p<.05). In terms of weight, only significant results were found in male judokas (p<.05), where the heavier judokas had higher levels of cognitive anxiety (p<.05). Only significant correlations were found between motor anxiety levels and the position obtained in competition in the male group (rho = ‐.635, p<.05). The results confirmed the necessity to perform differential psychological interventions considering the sex and weight category variables

    Geomorphological record of extreme wave events during Roman times in the Guadalquivir estuary (gulf of cadiz, SW Spain): An archaeological and paleogeographical approach

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    Analysis of the geological record has made it possible to delimit for theGuadalquivir estuary the traces of extreme wave events (EWEs) during the Roman period in the Iberian Peninsula (218 BCE to 476 CE). The largest event occurred in the 2nd-3rd century CE. It generated clearly visible erosive effects in the coastal barriers, including washover fans and erosional scarps. In the inner estuary, however, the effects were minor: crevasse splays that broke levees and cheniers, as well as a residual sedimentary lag. The significant development of the spits protected the inner estuary from the marine incursion, which only caused a water level rise with low-regime waves. Correlation of the geomorphological and sedimentary marks left by this event with the archaeological and geological evidence of other events recognized elsewhere in the Gulf of Cadiz effectively argues for a tsunami as to the nature of the 2nd-3rd century CE event. Yet this and the other identified EWEs in the Guadalquivir estuary during the pre-Roman and the Roman period all fit a model of paleogeographic evolution dominated by processes of coastal progradation and estuarine infilling. Radiocarbon dating, geomorphological analysis, and historical references fail to warrant the so-called '218-209 BCE' Atlantic tsunami, as hypothesized in the received scientific literature. In pre-Roman and Roman times, human occupation at the mouth of the Guadalquivir River was strongly influenced by various geodynamic processes, the location of the settlements being contingent upon dependable, fast communication with the sea and, above all, upon adequate protection from EWEs, on the leeward side of spits. Progressive progradation of these coastal barriers combined with the gradual infilling of the estuary to make navigation to open sea increasingly difficult and, eventually, to result in the abandonment of settlements

    Estiércol solarizado y dos métodos de riego en la producción de chile jalapeño (Capsicum annuum L. var. annuum)

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    Increase of water use efficiency in crops through better irrigation systems and use of farmyard manure to fertilize plants and avoid contamination are needs in arid regions. The objective was to evaluate a jalapeño pepper crop with organic fertilization and two irrigation methods.This research was carried out at Gomez Palacio, Durango, Mexico, in 2013 and 2014. The experimental units were randomly distributed in a split plot design with four replications. Main plots were irrigation treatments and fertilizers were applied as split plot treatments within each irrigation treatment. Irrigation was applied with either a furrow irrigation system to apply 80% of the measured pan evaporation or drip irrigation set to deliver 60% of the measured evaporation. The drip irrigation treatment showed greater fruit yield than the surface irrigation (p&lt;0.05). Green fruit yield was similar among fertilized treatments in 2013 (p&gt;0.05) and different in 2014 (p&lt;0.05) with 40 t ha-1 solarized manure having the greatest fruit yield. Soil organic matter and nitrate-N content were greatest in 2013 when solarized manure 40 t ha-1 was used. There were no differences among fertilizer treatments in 2014 (p&gt;0.05). Soil pH and electrical conductivity remained unchanged among treatments in each year of the study. Drip irrigation had a positive effect in the fruit yield in spite of delivering a lesser amount of water. The solarized manure applied at 40 t ha-1 had the greater effect in the fruit yield in year 2 but not in year 1.Incrementar el uso eficiente del agua a través de mejores sistemas de irrigación y el uso de estiércol de vaca para fertilizar plantas y evitar la contaminación son necesidades en regiones áridas. El objetivo fue evaluar un cultivo de chile jalapeño con fertilización orgánica y dos métodos de irrigación. La investigación fue llevada a cabo en Gómez Palacio, Durango, México en 2013 y 2014. Las unidades experimentales fueron distribuidas aleatoriamente en un diseño de parcelas divididas con cuatro repeticiones. Las parcelas grandes fueron los tratamientos de irrigación y los tratamientos de fertilización fueron las subparcelas. El agua aplicada a través de surcos de irrigación fue el 80% de evaporación medida en un tanque evaporímetro o bien a través del riego por goteo para aplicar 60% del agua evaporada. El tratamiento de riego por goteo mostró mayor cosecha de fruto que el riego por surcos (p&lt;0,05). La cosecha de fruto fue igual entre los tratamientos de fertilización en 2013 (p&gt;0,05) y diferente en 2014 (p&lt;0,05) con el tratamiento de 40 t ha-1 de estiércol solarizado teniendo la mayor producción de fruto. La materia orgánica del suelo y el contenido de nitratos fueron mayores en 2013 en el tratamiento 40 t ha-1 de estiércol solarizado. No hubo diferencias entre tratamientos de fertilización en 2014. El pH del suelo y la conductividad eléctrica no tuvieron cambios entre tratamientos en los dos años de estudio. El riego por goteo tuvo un efecto positivo en la producción de fruto a pesar de que se aplicó menos cantidad de agua. El estiércol solarizado aplicado a 40 t ha-1 tuvo el mayor efecto en el año 2 pero no en el año 1.Fil: Maraña-Santacruz, José Ángel. Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango (México). Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia.Fil: Castellanos-Pérez, Edmundo. Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango (México). Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia.Fil: Vázquez-Vázquez, Cirilo. Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango (México). Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia.Fil: Martínez-Ríos, Juan José. Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango (México). Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia.Fil: Trejo-Escareño, Héctor Idilio. Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango (México). Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia.Fil: Gallegos-Robles, Miguel Ángel. Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango (México). Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia

    Progressive congestion management based on packet marking and validation techniques

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    © 2012 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Congestion management in multistage interconnection networks is a serious problem, which is not solved completely. In order to avoid the degradation of network performance when congestion appears, several congestion management mechanisms have been proposed. Most of these mechanisms are based on explicit congestion notification. For this purpose, switches detect congestion and depending on the applied strategy, packets are marked to warn the source hosts. In response, source hosts apply some corrective actions to adjust their packet injection rate. Although these proposals seem quite effective, they either exhibit some drawbacks or are partial solutions. Some of them introduce some penalties over the flows not responsible for congestion, whereas others can cope only with congestion situations that last for a short time. In this paper, we present an overview of the different strategies to detect and correct congestion in multistage interconnection networks, and propose a new mechanism referred to as Marking and Validation Congestion Management (MVCM), targeted to this kind of lossless networks, and based on a more refined packet marking strategy combined with a fair set of corrective actions, that makes the mechanism able to effectively manage congestion regardless of the congestion degree. Evaluation results show the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed mechanism.This work was supported by the Spanish MEC and MICINN, as well as European Commission FEDER funds, under Grants CSD2006-00046 and TIN2009-14475-C04-01.Ferrer Pérez, JL.; Baydal Cardona, ME.; Robles Martínez, A.; López Rodríguez, PJ.; Duato Marín, JF. (2012). Progressive congestion management based on packet marking and validation techniques. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 61(9):1296-1309. doi:10.1109/TC.2011.146S1296130961

    Cancer treatment-induced oral mucositis: a critical review

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    Introduction.- Head and neck cancer represents actually one of the main oncological problems. In its treatment, radiotherapy and chemotherapy leads to mucositis, as well as other side effects. Objective.- To review the high-quality evidence published over the last twenty-five years on the treatment of cancer treatment-induced oral mucositis. Material and methods.- A search of double blind randomised controlled clinical trials between 1985 and 2010 was performed in the Medline database. Oral mucositis, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, head and neck were used as keywords. Results.- The different therapeutic approaches found for cancer treatment-induced oral mucositis included: intensive oral hygiene care, use of topical antiseptics and antimicrobial agents, use of anti inflammatory agents, cytokines and growth factors, locally applied non-pharmacological methods, antioxidants, immune modulators, anticholeric agents and homoeopathic agents. Discussion.- To date no intervention has been able to prevent and treat oral mucositis on its own. Therefore, it is necessary to combine interventions that act on the different phases of mucositis. Conclusions.- It is still unclear as to which strategies reduce oral mucositis, as there is not enough evidence that describes a treatment with a proven efficiency and better than the other treatments for this conditio