5,383 research outputs found

    Reactive Microservices - An Experiment

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    Os microserviços são geralmente adotados quando a escalabilidade e flexibilidade de uma aplicação são essenciais para o seu sucesso. Apesar disto, as dependências entre serviços transmitidos através de protocolos síncronos, resultam numa única falha que pode afetar múltiplos microserviços. A adoção da capacidade de resposta numa arquitetura baseada em microserviços, através da reatividade, pode facilitar e minimizar a proliferação de erros entre serviços e na comunicação entre eles, ao dar prioridade à capacidade de resposta e à resiliência de um serviço. Esta dissertação fornece uma visão geral do estado da arte dos microserviços reativos, estruturada através de um processo de mapeamento sistemático, onde são analisados os seus atributos de qualidade mais importantes, os seus erros mais comuns, as métricas mais adequadas para a sua avaliação, e as frameworks mais relevantes. Com a informação recolhida, é apresentado o valor deste trabalho, onde a decisão do projeto e a framework a utilizar são tomadas, através da técnica de preferência de ordem por semelhança com a solução ideal e o processo de hierarquia analítica, respetivamente. Em seguida, é realizada a análise e o desenho da solução, para o respetivo projeto, onde se destacam as alterações arquiteturais necessárias para o converter num projeto de microserviços reativo. Em seguida, descreve-se a implementação da solução, começando pela configuração do projeto necessária para agilizar o processo de desenvolvimento, seguida dos principais detalhes de implementação utilizados para assegurar a reatividade e como a framework apoia e simplifica a sua implementação, finalizada pela configuração das ferramentas de métricas no projeto para apoiar os testes e a avaliação da solução. Em seguida, a validação da solução é investigada e executada com base na abordagem Goals, Questions, Metrics (GQM), para estruturar a sua análise relativamente à manutenção, escalabilidade, desempenho, testabilidade, disponibilidade, monitorabilidade e segurança, finalizada pela conclusão do trabalho global realizado, onde são listadas as contribuições, ameaças à validade e possíveis trabalhos futuros.Microservices are generally adopted when the scalability and flexibility of an application are essential to its success. Despite this, dependencies between services transmitted through synchronous protocols result in one failure, potentially affecting multiple microservices. The adoption of responsiveness in a microservices-based architecture, through reactivity, can facilitate and minimize the proliferation of errors between services and in the communication between them by prioritizing the responsiveness and resilience of a service. This dissertation provides an overview of the reactive microservices state of the art, structured through a systematic mapping process, where its most important quality attributes, pitfalls, metrics, and most relevant frameworks are analysed. With the gathered information, the value of this work is presented, where the project and framework decision are made through the technique of order preference by similarity to the ideal solution and the analytic hierarchy process, respectively. Then, the analysis and design of the solution are idealized for the respective project, where the necessary architectural changes are highlighted to convert it to a reactive microservices project. Next, the solution implementation is described, starting with the necessary project setup to speed up the development process, followed by the key implementation details employed to ensure reactivity and how the framework streamlines its implementation, finalized by the metrics tools setup in the project to support the testing and evaluation of the solution. Then, the solution validation is traced and executed based on the Goals, Questions, Metrics (GQM) approach to structure its analysis regarding maintainability, scalability, performance, testability, availability, monitorability, and security, finalized by the conclusion of the overall work done, where the contributions, threats to validity and possible future work are listed

    Daily low-dose of Tadalafil improves pain and frequency in Bladder pain syndrome/Interstitial cystitis patients

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    Daily low-dose of Tadalafil improves pain and frequency in Bladder pain syndrome/Interstitial cystitis patients José Simães a, Pedro Abreu-Mendes a b, Pedro Pereira b, Nuno Dias b, Francisco Cruz a b c, Paulo Dinis a b c, Rui Pinto a b c a Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto b Departamento de Urologia CHU São João c I3s - i3S Institute Investigation and Innovation in Health Porto, Portugal Resumo: PALAVRAS CHAVE: Dor, Bexiga, Tadalafil INTRODUÇÃO E OBJETIVO: O Síndrome Doloroso Vesical/Cistite Intersticial (BPS/IC) é uma doença inflamatória crónica caracterizada por dor supra-púbica ou relacionada com área vesical associada a outros sintomas do trato urinário baixo (LUTS) como o aumento da frequência urinária, a urgência urinária ou noctúria, na ausência de outras causas indentificáveis como a por exemplo a infecção. A hiperatividade aferente da bexiga, consequência da inflamação neurogénica e da disfunção urotelial presentes na BPS/IC, desempenha um papel fundamental na fisiopatologia desta doença. Os inibidores da 5 fosfodiesterase (PDE5i) , através da via da guanosina- 3'-5' monofosfato ciclico (GMPc) diminuem a hiperatividade aferente da bexiga, promovendo o relaxamento detrusor e a melhoria da microcirculação. O nosso objetivo consistiu em avaliar a eficácia, tolerabilidade e segurança de 5mg de tadalafil diários (po) em doentes com BPS/IC refratária. MÉTODOS: Um total de 13 doentes do sexo feminino com BPS/IC refratária a tratamento médico, previamente avaliadas com exame físico, diário miccional, escala visual analógica da dor (VAS, 0-10), Score O'Leary-Sant (OSS) para sintomas e problemas e com a escala de qualidade de vida (QoL) do IPSS (0-6), completaram 5mg de tadalafil diários (po) durante 3 meses. As doentes foram reavaliadas após as 1 e 3 meses nos mesmos parâmetros. Tambem foi avaliada a ocorrência de efeitos adversos e infeções do trato urinário. Os resultados são apresentados em valor médio ± desvio padrão. O teste t foi utilizado para as comparações. RESULTADOS: A idade média das doentes foi de 43±13 anos. No inicio do estudo o VAS foi de 6,7±1,4, o OSS de 25,7±4,3 e a frequência urinaria de 16,9±7,16. A capacidade máxima vesical funcional baseline foi de 185,7±56,9 ml e o QoL de 5±1. A frequência urinária, OSS e QoL melhoraram significativamente no primeira avaliação mensal (10±2,5, 21,9±4,1 e 4±1,5, respetivamente, p<0,05). A intensidade da dor e capacidade máxima funcional melhoraram significativamente aos 3 meses de seguimento (3,5±2 e 266,7±60,5, p<0,05). Quando perguntado às doentes, a melhoria da frequência urinária foi o parâmetro melhorado mais assinalado, seguido da dor aos 3 meses apenas. Não existiram diferenças entre as doentes sem e com lesões de Hunner (7). Não existiram infeções do trato urinário. Quatro doentes desistiram, 2 por insatisfação com os resultados obtidos e outras 2 por cefaleias persistentes/taquicardia. CONCLUSÕES: 5mg diários de tadalafil sao bem tolerados e eficazes em mulheres com BPS/IC refratária a outras terapêuticas.Daily low-dose of Tadalafil improves pain and frequency in Bladder pain syndrome/Interstitial cystitis patients José Simães a, Pedro Abreu-Mendes a b, Pedro Pereira b, Nuno Dias b, Francisco Cruz a b c, Paulo Dinis a b c, Rui Pinto a b c a Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto b Departamento de Urologia CHU São João c I3s - i3S Institute Investigation and Innovation in Health Porto, Portugal Abstract: INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis (BPS/IC) is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by suprapubic pain associated with other lower urinary tract symptoms: increased frequency, urinary urgency, and nocturia. Increasing evidence suggests that bladder afferent hyperexcitability, through neurogenic bladder inflammation and urothelial dysfunction, plays a key role in the pathophysiology of BPS/IC. The rationale of using phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5i) would be to hinder cyclic guanosine monophosphate cGMP pathway and decrease bladder afferent hyperactivity. Consequently, relaxation of the detrusor, improvement of microcirculation and decreasing adrenergic nociceptive overactivity would be noted. We aimed to evaluate efficacy, tolerability, and safety of a daily low dose of 5 mg tadalafil in refractory BPS/IC patients. METHODS: A total of 13 refractory BPS/IC female patients, previously evaluated with a physical examination, bladder diary, bladder-pain related visual analog score (VAS), O'Leary-Sant Scores (OSS) for symptoms and problems and quality of life (QoL) question from IPSS, were treated with a daily low-dose of tadalafil (5 mg, oral) for 3 months. Patients were evaluated after 4 and 12 weeks, for the same parameters. Adverse events and urinary tract infections were also assessed. Results are shown as mean values ± standard deviation. T-test was used for comparisons. RESULTS: BPS/IC patient's age was 43±13 years. At baseline, pain intensity in VAS (0-10) was 6.7±1.4, OSS was 25,7±4,3, day and night frequency were 12,6±5,2 and 4,4±2,7, respectively; maximal bladder capacity (CC) was 185,7±56.9 ml and QoL score (0-6) was 5±1. Urinary frequency, OSS and QoL were significantly improved at 1-month follow-up (10±2.5, 21,9±4,1 and 4±1,5, respectively, p<0.05). Pain intensity and volume voided were significantly improved at a 3-month follow-up (3,5±2 and 266,7±60,5, p<0.05). Patients referred to urinary frequency as the most important reported parameter improved at 1-month follow-up and pain at 3 months. Seven patients had Hunner's lesions but there were no differences between ulcer and non-ulcerated patients. Two patients dropped out due to unsatisfactory results and 2 due to persistent headache and/or tachycardia. No urinary tract infections were reported, during the trial. CONCLUSIONS: Daily low-dose tadalafil is an easy, well-tolerated and effective treatment for refractory BPS/IC in women

    Forest waste composting—operational management, environmental impacts, and application

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    In Portugal, the number of fres and the size of burnt areas are rising dramatically every year, increasing with improper management of agroforestry wastes (AFRs). This work aims to study the composting of these wastes with minimal operational costs and understand the environmental impact and the compost application on burnt soil. Thus, a study of life cycle assessment (LCA) was carried out based on windrow composting processes, considering the avoided environmental impacts associated with the end-product quality and its application as an organic amendment. Three composting piles were made with AFRs from the Residual Biomass Collection Centre (RBCC) in Bodiosa (Portugal). Sewage sludges (SS) from an urban wastewater treatment plant were used as conditioning agent. One pile with AFRs (MC) and another with AFRs and SS (MCS) were managed according to good composting practices. Another pile with the AFRs was developed without management (NMC), thus with a minimal operational cost. Periodically, it was measured several physical and chemical parameters according to standard methodologies. Eleven environmental impacts of compost production, MC and MCS, were analyzed by a LCA tool, and their efect on the growth of Pinus pinea was evaluated, using peat as reference. Composting evolution was expected for both piles. Final composts, MC and MCS, were similar, complying with organic amendment quality parameters. Compost NMC, with no operational management, showed the highest germination index. Piles MC and MCS showed similar environmental impacts, contributing to a negative impact on global warming, acidifcation, and eutrophication. Greater growth was obtained with application of MCS, followed by MC, and fnally, peat. Composting is a sustainable way to valorize AFRs wastes, producing compost that could restore burnt soils and promote plant growth and circular economy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Water-based polyurethane dispersions: chemistry, technology and applications

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    Over the past few decades, polyurethane-polyurea aqueous dispersions (PUDs) have developed a solid reputation for high performance applications, particularly in the field of adhesives and coatings. PUDs are mostly environmentally compatible products; they are totally devoid or contain only low amounts of volatile organic compounds (VOC). This is an important feature in view of the present environmental policies where governments and internal agencies are placing emphasis on developing sustainable processes, improving work conditions and reducing emissions of toxic and polluting substances into the atmosphere. In the past years, our research group has been involved in the development of polyurethane-polyurea aqueous dispersions for two main applications (footwear and indirect food contact). With this work we intend to review this theme and describe some of the achieved developments. Characterization of commercial dispersions will be presented and examples of synthesis will be described, following a modified pre-polymer process developed in our group

    the case of Alentejo Protected Areas

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    Os Sistemas Locais de Turismo (SLT) podem ser analisados com base em conceitos que derivam da economia industrial aplicada aos “distritos industriais”, sistemas produtivos locais ou “regiões inteligentes”. O conceito de SLT constitui uma poderosa ferramenta analítica útil para percepcionar a estrutura, diversidade e as diferentes formas de organização dos resorts turísticos. Os resorts podem ser pensados como clusters ou “distritos industriais”, representando ou um acordo perfeito entre a esfera produtiva e a comunidade local ou uma mera justaposição industrial sem qualquer ligação económica ou social. Este artigo tenta analisar o processo de criação de micro- clusters turísticos baseados em práticas de turismo sustentável. As áreas protegidas do Alentejo - Estuário do Sado; Lagoas de Santo André e da Sancha; Vale do Guadiana; Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina; e Serra de S. Mamede – são analisadas com vista à possibilidade de microestruturas específicas permitirem desenvolvimento turístico sustentável. As questões de recursos, competências e da governância são também analisadas.publishersversionpublishe

    Percepção de primigestas adolescentes sobre saúde bucal / Oral health perception of teenage primiparous women

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    Introdução: A gravidez na adolescência tem sido motivo de grande preocupação para toda a sociedade, devido a sérias conseqüências tanto para o adolescente, seus pais e toda comunidade. É uma fase que requer cuidados e acompanhamento prénatal. Objetivo: Conhecer o perfil de primigestas adolescentes sobre sua saúde bucal e dos seus bebês. Método: Foi realizado um estudo observacional, com abordagem qualitativa em 40 gestantes de 14 a 18 anos de idade, primeira gestação, inscritas num programa pré-natal em uma maternidade pública de São Luís-MA, no período de junho a novembro de 2011. Foi aplicado um questionário com perguntas relativas à identificação, dados socioeconômicos, acesso aos serviços de saúde, informações sobre saúde bucal e problemas bucais decorrentes do período gestacional. Resultados: Verificou-se entre as participantes, que a idade mais frequente foi 17 anos; 22,5% possuem ensino médio completo, 72,5% possuem uma renda mensal familiar menor que 01 salário mínimo e 68,5% vivem com um companheiro; 87,5% acreditam que a gravidez causa cárie; 85% não realizaram tratamento odontológico durante o período; 10% receberam orientações bucais do cirurgião dentista durante o período gestacional, 87,5% escovam seus dentes três vezes ao dia e 95% não utilizam o fio dental, mas 50% são satisfeita com seu sorriso; 35% não sabem quando realizar a higiene bucal do bebê; 62,5% não sabem como realizá-la e 87,5% não sabem o período de levar o bebê ao dentista. Conclusão: Os fatores comportamentais, educacionais e socioeconômicos contribuem para desconhecimento das gestantes adolescentes sobre saúde bucal.Palavras-chave: Saúde do adolescente. Gestantes. Saúde bucal.AbstractIntroduction: Teenage pregnancy has been of a great concern to society due to its severe consequences for the teenagers, as well as for their parents and the whole society. This is a period that requires prenatal accompaniment and care. Objective: To know the profile of primiparous teenagers about their and their babies' oral health. Methods: Observational and qualitative approach study with 40 pregnant women at age from 14 to 18 years, which were in the first pregnancy as well as enrolled in a prenatal program of a public maternity in São Luís-MA, in the period of June to November 2011. It was applied a questionnaire, which questions were related to identification, socioeconomic data, access to health services, information about oral health and oral problems during the gestational period. Results: Among the women, the most frequent age was 17 years, 22.5% of them had complete high school, 72.5% reported a monthly family income of less than 1 minimum wage, and 68.5% lived with their partner. 87.5% of women believe that the pregnancy causes caries and 85% did not do dental treatment during the period. 10% received oral orientation from the surgeon dentist during the gestational period. Nevertheless, 87.5% brush their teeth three times a day and 95% don't use dental floss. 50% are satisfied with their smile; 35% don't know when to do the oral hygiene of the baby; 62.5% don't know how to do it and 87.5% don't know the period to take the baby to the dentist. Conclusion: The behavioral, educational and socioeconomic factors contribute to lack of oral health knowledge of pregnant teenagers.Keywords: Teenage health. Pregnant women. Oral health

    Intraarticular osteoid osteoma of the elbow – a challenging case

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    Osteoid osteoma is a common bone tumor, usually found in young patients. Intraarticular locations are rare, occurring in approximately 13% of cases. The most commonly involved joint is the hip, while the elbow is less commonly affected.Intraarticular osteoid osteoma may be associated with atypical clinical features and imaging findings often differ from the classical hallmarks of extraarticular lesions.Patients with osteoid osteoma of the elbow frequently present pain, chronic synovitis, joint effusion and limitation in range of motion, simulating inflammatory arthropathy. Additionally, in intraarticular lesions, reactive cortical thickening or sclerosis is minimal or absent giving a subtle radiographic appearance that often delays the diagnosis. Careful search for history data and extensive imaging procedures with computed tomography, bone scintigraphy and magnetic resonance can lead to the correct diagnosis.The case of a young male with an osteoid osteoma of the elbow is presented

    The critical hermeneutics And studies in marketing : approaches and possibilities

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    Este ensaio tem por objetivo contribuir para uma reflexão sobre a formação, geração e evolução do conhecimento em marketing sob a luz da hermenêutica crítica. Trata-se de uma análise em que os autores vislumbram novas possibilidades de estudos críticos nesse campo das ciências sociais. Argumenta-se que a abordagem epistemológica da hermenêutica crítica fornece um arcabouço teórico-metodológico para o avanço dos estudos críticos em marketing, na medida em que se concentra em pressuposições interpretativas de base filosófica e sociológica. Evidencia-se, dessa forma, que a hermenêutica crítica é apontada como uma forma de análise e de reflexão crítica no ensino do marketing, uma vez que contribui para a interpretação e para os processos menos procedimentais e mais reflexivos. Assim, se avança na discussão de que a lente hermenêutica no marketing pode aparecer no momento em que esse campo se percebe mais desbastado e ao mesmo tempo em que a mobilidade de comportamentos ganha velocidades diferenciadas em relação a concepções passadas.This paper aims to contribute to a reflection on the formation, generation and development of knowledge in marketing in light of critical hermeneutics. This is a review in which the authors envision new possibilities of critical studies in the field of social sciences. It is argued that the epistemological approach to critical hermeneutics provides a theoretical and methodological framework for the advancement of critical studies in marketing in that it focuses on interpretive assumptions of philosophical and sociological basis. It is evident, therefore, that the hermeneutic criticism is seen as a form of analysis and critical reflection on the marketing education, since this contributes to interpretation and less procedural and more reflective processes. Thus, it is advancing in the discussion that hermeneutic lens marketing may appear when this field is perceived more chopped and at the same time the mobility behavior gains at different speeds in relation to past designs

    Saline stress and cell toxicity evaluation using suspended plant cell cultures of horticultural crops grown in a bioreactor

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    Crop salt damage consists, usually, of leaf burn and defoliation, and it is associated with accumulation of toxic levels of sodium and/or chloride in leaf cells (Storey and Walker, 1999). The cell and tissue culture are simple biological systems that offer a direct approach to the metabolic changes. The plant cell growth in a controlled environment, as a bioreactor, is a unique tool for cell ion transport studies. Cell suspension culture of citrus cell line was exposed to a medium containing different sodium chloride concentrations (0mM, 42.7mM and 85.5mM). The growth profile of control cells (absence of NaCl) and 85.5mM cells were similar. The lack of inhibition of biomass accumulation, of all tested saline conditions clearly showed that the level of NaCl concentration used was not toxic for the cell metabolism. Also its ability to resist to 85.5mM NaCl can be on evidence that this suspension cel culture might have salt tolerance characteristics

    Endodontic Output in Public Healthcare under Different Instrumentation Techniques: A Quantitative and Qualitative Study

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    Objective: To evaluate output of endodontic in oral public healthcare by analyzing differences in instrumentation techniques, quantitative and qualitatively. Material and Methods: Endodontic services were differentiated by instrumentation techniques: hand techniques with stainless steel instruments (SS) or rotary using NiTi rotary instruments. Secondary data on the productivity of 2011 were obtained from the information system. Student’s t and Mann-Whitney tests were used. Qualitative data were based on semi-structured interviews, direct observation and field diary. Results: Service I employed SS hand techniques, service II used both techniques, while NiTi rotary system was used in service III. Statistically significant differences were observed in total endodontic productivity, with I presenting more productive results than II (p=0.001) and III (p=0.009); III presenting more productive results than II (p&lt;0.001). Comparisons of endodontic treatment types revealed that I performed more multiradicular tooth treatments than did II and III (p=0.005), and III performed more treatments on biradicular teeth than did I and II (p=0.002). Qualitative analyses were divided into themes: “perceptions of the service” and “perceptions of the employed instrument”. Conclusion: Professional experience and high productivity per hour can be a differential; the use of rotary instrumentation can be useful in solving unmet demands. Perception of endodontists showed that chosen endodontic technique influenced job satisfaction and lack of integrality of the treatment is a problem in secondary care