451 research outputs found

    Hepatocyte transplantation, a step forward?

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    Hepatocyte transplantation emerged a few decades ago as a possible strategy to overcome some of the limitations of liver transplantation, among them the availability of organ donors and the functional quality of grafts. Nowadays, allogenic cell transplantation is still to be confirmed as a viable therapeutic option for patients with hereditary metabolic liver diseases. Although we have now overseen 5 decades of basic and animal research in the field, the number of successfully treated patients remains low. Limitations in cell engraftment and selective proliferation of transplanted cells remain a constraint to the generalized use of this therapeutic approach

    Anti-tumour activity of fatty acid maltotriose esters

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    The anti-tumour properties of two fatty acid esters of maltotriose, 6’’-O-lauroylmaltotriose and 6’’-O-palmitoylmaltotriose, in which the 6-OH at the non-reducing end of the maltotriose has been regioselectively acylated, were studied. Both compounds were synthesised by transesterification of vinyl laurate or vinyl palmitate with maltotriose, in presence of immobilized lipase from Thermomyces lanuginosus. A mixture formed by 2-methyl-2-butanol and dimethylsulfoxide (80:20 v/v) was the reaction medium. Their cytotoxic activities against two human cancer cell lines, Hep-G2 and HeLa, were studied. 6’’-O-palmitoylmaltotriose showed 50% inhibition values (IC50) of 2.3 M (1.7 g/ml) for Hep-G2 and 3.6 M (2.7 g/ml) for HeLa cells, whereas 6’’-O-lauroylmaltotriose displayed a lower inhibitory effect. 6’’-O-palmitoylmaltotriose showed a marginal cytotoxicity to rat hepatocytes, confirming its potential as a new anti-tumour agent.We thank Prof. Manuel Bernabé (Instituto de Química Orgánica, CSIC, Madrid) for help with NMR analysis. This work was supported by European Union (project MERG-CT-2004-505242) and the Spanish CICYT (Project BIO2002-00337).Peer reviewe

    The assessment of the potential hepatotoxicity of new drugs by in vitro metabolomics

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    Drug hepatotoxicity assessment is a relevant issue both in the course of drug development as well as in the post marketing phase. The use of human relevant in vitro models in combination with powerful analytical methods (metabolomic analysis) is a promising approach to anticipate, as well as to understand and investigate the effects and mechanisms of drug hepatotoxicity in man. The metabolic profile analysis of biological liver models treated with hepatotoxins, as compared to that of those treated with non-hepatotoxic compounds, provides useful information for identifying disturbed cellular metabolic reactions, pathways, and networks. This can later be used to anticipate, as well to assess, the potential hepatotoxicity of new compounds. However, the applicability of the metabolomic analysis to assess the hepatotoxicity of drugs is complex and requires careful and systematic work, precise controls, wise data preprocessing and appropriate biological interpretation to make meaningful interpretations and/or predictions of drug hepatotoxicity. This review provides an updated look at recent in vitro studies which used principally mass spectrometry-based metabolomics to evaluate the hepatotoxicity of drugs. It also analyzes the principal drawbacks that still limit its general applicability in safety assessment screenings. We discuss the analytical workflow, essential factors that need to be considered and suggestions to overcome these drawbacks, as well as recent advancements made in this rapidly growing field of research

    Formulación química inorgánica en educación secundaria (Póquer de química)

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    Uno de los principales problemas al que se\ud enfrenta, en general, el profesorado de Ciencias Experimentales (en su labor de transmisor de conceptos) es la especificidad y dificultad que tiene, para el alumnado, la nomenclatura y epistemología utilizadas en las distintas áreas que conforman la Ciencia. Es a raíz de este problema práctico que planteamos la siguiente propuesta metodológica para la enseñanza de la Formulación Química Inorgánica en segundo ciclo de la E.S.O. En ella proponemos\ud al alumnado que, con un juego de cartas, con\ud su implicación directa y con un ambiente de\ud aula abierto al intercambio de planteamientos y opiniones pueda construir su propio aprendizaje, en colaboración con sus compañeros/as y el profesorado.One of the main problems Science teachers\ud must face while transmitting concepts is that\ud Science nomenclature and epistemology is\ud too specifi c and difficult for students. Starting\ud from this practical problem we introduce the\ud following methodological proposal to teach\ud chemical formulae for inorganic compounds in\ud the second cycle of the Secondary Education\ud (E.S.O.). We aim at making our students build\ud their own learning with the help of classmates\ud and teachers. To do that, we use a card game\ud which increases students’ involvement in the\ud task and improves classroom atmosphere by\ud offering students opportunities for exchanging\ud approaches and/or opinions

    La aplicación del juego en la recuperación de dos casos de rotacismo

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    Con este trabajo de fin de grado busco relacionar la importancia que tiene el uso del juego con la recuperación de dos casos de rotacismo. A través del juego se puede notar un gran progreso puesto que el juego aumenta la motivación y mejora el estado de ánimo, dos factores claves en el aprendizaje.With this final degree work I seek to relate the importance of the use of the game with the recovery of two cases of rotacism. Through the game a great progress can be noticed since the game increases motivation and improves mood, two key factors in learning.Departamento de PsicologíaGrado en Educación Primari

    La lectura y su propuesta de animación para el tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria

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    Este trabajo de fin de grado tiene como objetivo principal fomentar el interés por la lectura y animar a leer a los alumnos que están en el tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria, a través de una propuesta de animación, cuyo factor principal es el juego. Es conveniente que en esta edad tengan adquirido el hábito lector, puesto que, la lectura es una actividad vital en nuestra vida. Y por ello, es necesario que entiendan esta como una actividad lúdica y divertida, no obligada. A lo largo de este trabajo, veremos conceptos relacionados con este tema, como son el de lectura, la lectura en la legislación, teorías sobre la enseñanza – aprendizaje de la lectura, concepto e importancia de la animación a la lectura y las estrategias y los componentes implicados en este proceso. Además, en este trabajo el juego adopta un papel fundamental, puesto que, esta actividad lúdica guarda una gran relación con la lectura, siendo un gran precursor. Finalmente, he planteado como propuesta, una unidad didáctica cuyo objetivo principal es la animación a la lectura a través de juegos, con el fin de acercar al alumnado a la lectura y crear una actitud positiva hacia ella.The main objective of this final degree project is to promote interest in reading and encourage pupils in the third cycle of Primary Education to read, through a proposal for encouragement, the main factor of which is play. It is convenient that at this age they have acquired the habit of reading since reading is a vital activity in our lives. For this reason, it is necessary that they understand reading as a fun and playful activity, not an obligatory one. Throughout this work, we will see concepts related to this topic, such as reading, reading in legislation, theories about teaching - learning to read, the concept and importance of encouraging reading and the strategies and components involved in this process. Moreover, in this work the game plays a fundamental role, since this playful activity is closely related to reading, being a great precursor. Finally, I have proposed a didactic unit whose main objective is to encourage reading through games, with the aim of bringing students closer to reading and creating a positive attitude towards it.Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y LiteraturaGrado en Educación Primari

    Long-term properties and end-of-life of polymers from renewable resources

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    The long-term properties and end-of-life of polymers are not antagonist issues. They actually are inherently linked by the duality between durability and degradation. The control of the service-todisposal pathway at useful performance, along with low-impact disposal represents an added-value. Therefore, the routes of design, production, and discarding of bio-based polymers must be carefully strategized. In this sense, the combination of proper valorisation techniques, i.e. material, energetic and/ or biological at the most appropriate stage should be targeted. Thus, the consideration of the end-of-life of a material for a specific application, instead of the end-of-life of a material should be the fundamental focus. This review covers the key aspects of lab-scale techniques to infer the potential of performance and valorisation of polymers from renewable resources as a key gear for sustainability

    Formulación química inorgánica en educación secundaria (Póquer de química)

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    Uno de los principales problemas al que se enfrenta, en general, el profesorado de Ciencias Experimentales (en su labor de transmisor de conceptos) es la especificidad y dificultad que tiene, para el alumnado, la nomenclatura y epistemología utilizadas en las distintas áreas que conforman la Ciencia. Es a raíz de este problema práctico que planteamos la siguiente propuesta metodológica para la enseñanza de la Formulación Química Inorgánica en segundo ciclo de la E.S.O. En ella proponemos al alumnado que, con un juego de cartas, con su implicación directa y con un ambiente de aula abierto al intercambio de planteamientos y opiniones pueda construir su propio aprendizaje, en colaboración con sus compañeros/as y el profesorado.One of the main problems Science teachers must face while transmitting concepts is that Science nomenclature and epistemology is too specifi c and difficult for students. Starting from this practical problem we introduce the following methodological proposal to teach chemical formulae for inorganic compounds in the second cycle of the Secondary Education (E.S.O.). We aim at making our students build their own learning with the help of classmates and teachers. To do that, we use a card game which increases students’ involvement in the task and improves classroom atmosphere by offering students opportunities for exchanging approaches and/or opinions

    Suitability of Blends from Virgin and Reprocessed Polylactide: Performance and Energy Valorization Kinetics

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    A blending strategy of virgin and reprocessed polylactide may be postulated as an alternative to reduce the material cost at industrial level, and as a valorization route to plastic waste management of production scraps. The performance of blends prepared from virgin polylactide and polylactide mechanically reprocessed up to two cycles (PLA-V/R) was assessed in terms of thermo-oxidative stability, morphology, viscoelasticity and thermal kinetics for energetic valorization. PLA-V/R blends showed appropriate thermo-oxidative stability. The amorphous nature of polylactide was preserved after blending. The viscoelastic properties showed an increment of the mechanical blend effectiveness, which suggested the feasibility of using PLA-V/R blends under similar mechanical conditions to those of virgin PLA goods. Finally, it was shown that the energetic valorization of PLA-V/R blends would result in a more feasible process, due to the lower required activation energy, thus highlighting the advantages of the energetic demand for the process. In conclusion, PLA-V/R blends showed similar processability, service performance and valorization routes as virgin PLA and therefore could be relevant in the sustainable circular industry of bioplastics