2,021 research outputs found

    Proposta de um sistema de controlo de cheias no rio Séqua/Gilão

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    Os eventos hidrológicos extremos, consequência de precipitações extremas, podem afectar a população das cidades ribeirinhas quando o caudal ultrapassa a capacidade de transporte da linha de água, inundando parcelas de terreno fora do leito normal. Na cidade de Tavira ocorre, com alguma frequência, inundação das áreas urbanas marginais ao Rio Gilão por efeito do hidrograma de cheia, originado pelas precipitações extremas, por efeito da maré ou pela ocorrência em simultâneo dos dois fenómenos. Tendo em conta o impacto das inundações na segurança da população, dos bens materiais e do ambiente, este trabalho tem como objectivo a avaliação das inundações e a apresentação de um sistema de controlo para a cidade de Tavira. O objectivo principal é a validação de uma solução que reduza a probabilidade de ocorrência das inundações e o risco associado. O estudo faz uma análise comparativa entre a situação actual e cinco soluções alternativas para controlo das inundações; ### ABSTRACT: Proposal for Flood Control System in the River Sequa/Gilão Analysis of the Efficiency in the City of Tavira The extreme hydrological events, consequence of extreme precipitations, can affect the population of riverine cities when the volume exceeds the watercourse transport capacity, flooding land parcels out of the main channel. In the city of Tavira it occurs, with some frequency, flooding of the urban marginal areas to the River Gilão due to flood hydrograph effect, originated by extreme precipitations, the tide effect or the occurrence in simultaneous of the two phenomena. Taking into account the impact of flooding on the population safety, material goods and the environment, this work aims at evaluating and presenting a flood control system for the city of Tavira. The main objective is the validation of a solution that reduces the probability of occurrence of floods and the associated risk. The study makes a comparative analysis between the current situation and five alternatives for flood control

    A cortiça nos debates parlamentares da nação portuguesa (1839-1899)

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    A riqueza dos Debates Parlamentares como fonte de estudo permite a quem os analisa alcançar uma abrangência temática conseguida por muito poucos documentos enquanto tal. O nosso trabalho contém um fio condutor transversal, a cortiça, abarcando áreas como a política, a indústria, a agricultura, o comércio interno e externo, os transportes marítimos e terrestres, as vias de comunicação, as finanças, os impostos, o pensamento político, e o pensamento económico. Destas formas de pensar tenta-se demonstrar a importância da cortiça enquanto produto internacional, nacional e regional, através das vozes dos ilustres deputados clarificando quando teve aquele produto dimensão suficiente para ser debatido na Câmara dos Senhores Deputados da Nação Portugueza. Tendo como base principal a pesquisa digital, através do site da Assembleia da República, são percorridos sessenta anos da Monarquia Constitucional (1839-1899) sendo incluída toda a riqueza conjuntural política, económica e social associada

    Successful use of geochemical tools to trace the geographic origin of Long-Snouted Seahorse Hippocampus guttulatus raised in captivity

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    The global market of dried seahorses mainly supplies Traditional Chinese Medicine and still relies on blurry trade chains that often cover less sustainable practices targeting these pricey and endangered fish. As such, reliable tools that allow the enforcement of traceability, namely to confirm the geographic origin of traded seahorses, are urgently needed. The present study evaluated the use of elemental fingerprints (EF) in the bony structures of long-snouted seahorses Hippocampus guttulatus raised in captivity in two different locations (southern Portugal and Northern Spain) to discriminate their geographic origin. The EF of different body parts of H. guttulatus were also evaluated as potential proxies for the EF of the whole body, in order to allow the analysis of damaged specimens and avoid the use of whole specimens for analysis. The contrasting EF of H. guttulatus raised in the two locations allowed their reliable discrimination. Although no single body part exactly mimicked the EF of the whole body, seahorse trunks, as well as damaged specimens, could still be correctly allocated to their geographic origin. This promising forensic approach to discriminate the geographic origin of seahorses raised in captivity should now be validated for wild conspecifics originating from different locations, as well as for other species within genus Hippocampus.PTDC/BIA-BMA/29491/2017, UIDB/04326/2020, UIDP/50017/2020, UIDB/50017/2020,info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Efficacy and safety of percutaneous left atrial appendage closure in chronic kidney disease patients with atrial fibrillation : results of a 7-year registry

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    © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved.INTRODUCTION AND AIMS: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia, the most devastating complication being thromboembolism leading to fatal or disabling stroke. Although oral anticoagulation (OAC) is the mainstay of prevention therapy in the general population, its benefit in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients is less well defined. End-stage renal disease patients treated with vitamin K antagonists present increased risk of bleeding, accelerated cardiovascular calcification and increased risk of calciphylaxis. Left atrial appendage closure (LAAC) is performed to prevent complications in high-risk AF patients with contraindications to OAC and in AF patients with events despite OAC.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Species of the genus Spondias, such as ambarella, are propagated primarily by vegetative parts. However, for planting it is necessary to use plant regulators. In addition to propagation related aspects, the availability of good quality water for seedling production in semi-arid regions is a limiting factor. The objective of this work was to evaluate the rooting of semi-herbaceous cuttings of ambarella using different concentrations of IBA conveyed in solution and talc, irrigated with different concentrations of treated domestic effluent. The experiment was carried out in a nursery with 50% shade in a completely randomized design in a 4 x 4 factorial scheme consisting of four doses of treated domestic effluent (EDT) diluted in water supply [E1 = 0% of EDT (100% AA - control); E2 = 33.3% of EDT (66.7% of AA); E3 = 66.7% of EDT (33.3% of AA) and E4 = 100% of EDT (0% AA)] used in daily irrigation and four IBA dilution managements (M1 = control without IBA, M2 = IBA carried in water at 6,000 mg L-1, M3 = IBA delivered in alcohol (70%) at 4,000 mg L-1 and M4 = IBA in Talc at 5000 mg L-1), with four replicates. The treated domestic effluent is viable for irrigation of ambarella seedlings in its diluted or concentrated. The use of 5,000 mg L-1 of IBA delivered to talc is management satisfactory for the propagation of seedlings of ambarella by means of semi-herbaceous cuttings

    notes on the present distribution and conservation of the sooty mangabey (Cercocebus atys) in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa

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    UIDB/04038/2020 UIDP/04038/2020The West-African sooty mangabey (Cercocebus atys) is threatened by habitat loss, hunting for meat consumption, and mortality during crop-foraging events. The species’ overall demographic trend is unknown. Presence and distribution in Guinea-Bissau, a country neighbored by Senegal and Republic of Guinea, was confirmed in 1946 but the species was declared extinct in 1989 and not observed in subsequent countrywide expeditions. Narratives of its presence across southern Guinea-Bissau are scattered in reports and occurrence in the eastern part was reported in 2017, but the limits of its distribution are currently unknown. Here, we present recent geo-referenced visual and molecular-based records of the sooty mangabey for three protected areas in southern Guinea-Bissau collected as part of a region-wide survey. Individuals were observed in Cufada Lagoons Natural Park (2015) and Dulombi National Park (NP) (2016) and photographed in Boé NP (2007, 2015 and 2020). Thirty-six samples collected in Boé NP (2017) were identified as sooty mangabey using a 402 base pair fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Our work suggests a wider distribution in Guinea-Bissau than previously described, augments knowledge of the populations’ current habitat use and threats, and has implications for efforts to conserve the species in West Africa. Considering the sooty mangabey as the reservoir of the simian immunodeficiency virus that led to the human variant, HIV-2, confirmation that the Guinea-Bissau population is not extinct may lead to a better understanding of early viral jump to humans and consequent epidemic spread, specifically of the HIV-2 Subgroup A. We highlight the need for extra conservation measures by Guinea-Bissau authorities.publishersversionpublishe

    Arbustus unedo essence: morphological and genetic characterization of the strawberry tree of Castelo de Paiva

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    O medronheiro é um arbusto da região mediterrânica que pode ser encontrada por todo o país. Ao contrário do que verifica na região sul do país, no concelho de Castelo de Paiva é atribuída uma reduzida importância económica a esta espécie. Com o intuito de preservar e potenciar a produção desta espécie e contribuir para a dinamização da economia do concelho, procedeu-se à caracterização morfológica e genética de uma amostra da população de medronheiros de Castelo de Paiva. A caracterização morfológica e genética foi realizada para um total de 10 genótipos. Para tal recolheram-se 70 folhas aleatoriamente em cada árvore. Em 40 folhas mediu-se o comprimento, largura, comprimento do pedúnculo, peso fresco, peso seco e determinou-se a área foliar. Dos caracteres morfológicos analisados, aqueles que se revelaram mais úteis na distinção dos vários genótipos foram: comprimento do pedúnculo, peso fresco e peso seco. As restantes 30 folhas foram utilizadas para a caracterização genética. Esta caracterização foi realizada recorrendo a um marcador de DNA, ISSR. Os 5 primeiros exemplaresutilizados na técnica de ISSR demonstraram-se polimórficos. Os resultados da caracterização genética sugerem que a variabilidade genética na população é média a alta.The strawberry tree is a shrub native in the Mediterranean region and it can be found throughout Portugal. Unlike the case in the southern region of the country, in Castelo de Paiva a minor economic importance is given to this species. In order to preserve, to enhance the production of this species and to contribute to the boosting of the economy of the region, we proceeded to the characterization of a small sample population of this fruit tree of Castelo de Paiva in what concerns to its morphology and genetics. The morphological and genetic characterization was performed for a total of 10 genotypes. For this, 70 leaves were randomly collected from each tree. For 40 leaves, it was measured the length, the width, the peduncle length, the wet weight, the dry weight and determined the leaf area. Of the morphological characteristics analyzed, the ones that proved most useful in distinguishing the various genotypes were: the length peduncle, the wet weight and the dry weight. The remaining 30 leaves were used in the genetic characterization. This characterization was performed using a DNA marker, the ISSR. The 5 primers used in the ISSR technique proved to be polymorphic. The results from the genetic characterization suggest that variability in population genetics is medium to high

    Reduced expression of the murine HLA-G homolog Qa-2 is associated with malignancy, epithelialmesenchymal transition and stemness in breast cancer cells.

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    Qa-2 is believed to mediate a protective immune response against cancer; however, little is known about the role of Qa-2 in tumorigenesis. Here, we used 4T1 breast cancer cells to study the involvement of Qa-2 in tumor progression in a syngeneic host. Qa-2 expression was reduced during in vivo tumor growth and in cell lines derived from 4T1-induced tumors. Tumor-derived cells elicited an epithelialmesenchymal transition associated with upregulation of Zeb1 and Twist1/2 and enhanced tumor initiating and invasive capacities. Furthermore, these cells showed increased stem characteristics, as demonstrated by upregulation of Hes1, Sox2 and Oct3/4, and enrichment of CD44high/CD24median/low cells. Remarkably, Qa-2 cell-surface expression was excluded from the CD44high/CD24median/low subpopulation. Tumor-derived cells showed increased Src activity, and treatment of these cells with the Src kinase inhibitor PP2 enhanced Qa-2 but reduced Sox2 and CD44high/CD24median/low expression levels, suggesting that Src signaling, while positively associated with stemness, negatively regulates Qa-2 expression in breast cancer. Finally, overexpression of the Qa-2 family member Q7 on the cell surface slowed down in vivo tumor growth and reduced the metastatic potential of 4T1 cells. These results suggest an anti-malignant role for Qa-2 in breast cancer development, which appears to be absent from cancer stem cells.post-print2122 K