144 research outputs found

    Estudio de la tormenta severa del 11-09-09 en Játiva

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    Ponencia presentada en: III Simposio Nacional de Predicción del Instituto Nacional de Meteorología, celebrado en 1996 en Madri

    Mechanical and Durability Properties of Concrete with Coarse Recycled Aggregate Produced with Electric Arc Furnace Slag Concrete

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    ABSTRACT: The search for more sustainable construction materials, capable of complying with quality standards and current innovation policies, aimed at saving natural resources and reducing global pollution, is one of the greatest present societal challenges. In this study, an innovative recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) is designed and produced based on the use of a coarse recycled aggregate (CRA) crushing concrete with electric arc furnace slags as aggregate. These slags are a by-product of the steelmaking industry and their use, which avoids the use of natural aggregates, is a new trend in concrete and pavement technology. This paper has investigated the effects of incorporating this type of CRA in concrete at several replacement levels (0%, 20%, 50% and 100% by volume), by means of the physical, mechanical and durability characterization of the mixes. The analysis of the results has allowed the benefits and disadvantages of these new CRAs to be established, by comparing them with those of a natural aggregate concrete (NAC) mix (with 0% CRA incorporation) and with the data available in the literature for concrete made with more common CRA based on construction and demolition waste (CDW). Compared to NAC, similar compressive strength and tensile strength values for all replacement ratios have been obtained. The modulus of elasticity, the resistance to chloride penetration and the resistance to carbonation are less affected by these CRA than when CRA from CDW waste is used. Slight increases in bulk density over 7% were observed for total replacement. Overall, functionally good mechanical and durability properties have been obtained.Funding: This research was co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO) within the framework of the project RTC-2016-5637-3 and in collaboration with the company INGECID and the department LADICIM (University of Cantabria)

    Seroprevalencia de Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis en pequeños rumiantes de un aprisco de Antioquia, Colombia

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    1 recurso en línea (páginas 49-58).La paratuberculosis es una enfermedad infecciosa crónica causada por Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP). El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la seroprevalencia de MAP y la asociación existente entre el estatus serológico a MAP y factores individuales en cabras y ovejas de un aprisco en Antioquia, Colombia. Se estudiaron 53 caprinos y 6 ovinos mayores a dos años de edad, de los cuales se tomó información sobre factores individuales y una muestra de sangre para obtener suero sanguíneo. La presencia de anticuerpos contra MAP se determinó por medio de una prueba de ELISA, mientras que la información se analizó descriptivamente. La prueba de ELISA no detectó ningún animal positivo o sospechoso entre los 59 analizados, por lo que no se pudo establecer asociación entre el estatus serológico a MAP y factores individuales. Este es el primer estudio que reporta la búsqueda de anticuerpos contra MAP en una población caprina, y el cuarto en una población ovina en Colombia. Diversos factores pueden explicar el estatus serológico de los animales muestreados. Es necesario continuar con estudios similares en otros apriscos de la región y del país para determinar el estatus real de la infección en pequeños rumiantes en Colombia.Paratuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP). This study aimed at determining the presence of antibodies against MAP, and the association between the serological status of MAP and individual factors in goats and sheep in a flock in Antioquia, Colombia. We studied fifty-three goats and 6 sheep over two years old, and took blood samples to obtain serum and information on individual factors. The presence of antibodies against MAP was determined by ELISA, whereas the information was descriptively analyzed. ELISA did not detect any positive or suspect animal among the 59 tested animals, so an association between serological status to MAP and individual factors could not be established. This is the first and the fourth study reporting the search for antibodies against MAP in a goat and in a sheep population in Colombia, respectively. Several factors may explain the serological status of the sampled animals. It is necessary to continue with similar studies in other flocks of the region and the country to determine the current MAP infection status in small ruminants in Colombia.Bibliografía y webgrafía: páginas 56-58

    Seroprevalence of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis in small ruminants in a flock in Antioquia, Colombia

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    Paratuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP). This study aimed at determining the presence of antibodies against MAP, and the association between the serological status of MAP and individual factors in goats and sheep in a flock in Antioquia, Colombia. We studied fifty-three goats and 6 sheep over two years old, and took blood samples to obtain serum and information on individual factors. The presence of antibodies against MAP was determined by ELISA, whereas the information was descriptively analyzed. ELISA did not detect any positive or suspect animal among the 59 tested animals, so an association between serological status to MAP and individual factors could not be established. This is the first and the fourth study reporting the search for antibodies against MAP in a goat and in a sheep population in Colombia, respectively. Several factors may explain the serological status of the sampled animals. It is necessary to continue with similar studies in other flocks of the region and the country to determine the current MAP infection status in small ruminants in Colombia

    Application of the Game Theory with Perfect Information to an agricultural company

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    [EN] This paper deals with the application of Game Theory with Perfect Information to an agricultural economics problem. The goal of this analysis is demonstrating the possibility of obtaining an equilibrium point, as proposed by Nash, in the case of an agricultural company that is considered together with its three sub-units in developing a game with perfect information. Production results in terms of several crops will be considered in this game, together with the necessary parameters to implement different linear programming problems. In the game with perfect information with the hierarchical structure established between the four considered players (a management center and three production units), a Nash equilibrium point is reached, since once the strategies of the rest of the players are known, if any of them would use a strategy different to the one proposed, their earnings would be less than the ones obtained by using the proposed strategies. When the four linear programming problems are solved, a particular case of equilibrium point is reached.Supported by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) (Projects No. A2/039476/11).Cabrera García, S.; Imbert Tamayo, JE.; Carbonell Olivares, J.; Pacheco Cabrera, Y. (2013). Application of the Game Theory with Perfect Information to an agricultural company. Agricultural Economics (AGRICECON). 59(1):1-7. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/66307S1759

    Nosocomial Vs. Community-Acquired Infective Endocarditis in Spain: Location, Trends, Clinical Presentation, Etiology, and Survival in the 21st Century

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    Major changes have occurred in the epidemiology and etiology of infective endocarditis (IE). Nevertheless, the differences between nosocomial infective endocarditis (NIE) and community-acquired infective endocarditis (CIE) have not been addressed in a population-based study. We conducted a retrospective, nationwide, temporal trend study from 1997 to 2014 analyzing the epidemiology, clinical, geographical, meteorological characteristics of patients diagnosed with IE in Spain, to distinguish NIE from CIE. Among 25,952 patients with IE (62.2 ± 18·6 years; 65.9% men), 45.9% had NIE. The incidence of IE increased from 2.83 to 3.73 due to the NIE incidence increment with a decline in CIE. Patients with NIE were older (63.8 years vs. 60.8 years, p < 0·001), presented a higher Charlson index (1.22 vs. 1.03, p < 0.001), a greater history of implanted cardiac devices (8.7% vs. 4.6%, p < 0.001), and higher mortality (31.5% vs. 21.7%, p < 0.001). The most frequent microorganism for both NIE and CIE was Staphylococcus (p < 0.001), and the North reported a higher incidence (p < 0.001). Risk factors of mortality for NIE were age, Charlson index, hemodialysis, shock, heart failure, and stroke. Risk factors for CIE included female sex, renal disease, and cardiac-device carriers. The etiology of IE shifted from community origins to mostly nosocomial-associated infections. Higher morbidity, mortality, and poorer outcomes are associated with NIE.This research received no external funding. The authors thank Consejería de Educación, Junta de Castilla y León, Spain (reference: VA161G18), for covering the publication charges of this article.S

    IFNL3 rs12980275 Polymorphism Predicts Septic Shock-Related Death in Patients Undergoing Major Surgery: A Retrospective Study

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    Interferon lambda 3 (IFNL3, previously called IL-28B) is a cytokine with effects against viral and bacterial pathogens. We aimed to analyze the IFNL3 rs12980275 SNP in patients who underwent major surgery, in order to establish its relationship with susceptibility to septic shock and septic shock-related death in these patients. We performed a case-control study on 376 patients to establish the association between IFNL3 rs12980275 SNP and the susceptibility to develop septic shock. Besides, we performed a longitudinal study among 172 septic shock patients using survival analysis with one censoring point of 28-days mortality. The IFNL3 rs12980275 polymorphism was genotyped by Agena Bioscience's MassARRAY platform. IFNL3 rs12980275 polymorphism was not associated with higher susceptibility to infection and septic shock development. Regarding survival analysis, the Kaplan-Meier analysis showed that patients with IFNL3 rs12980275 AA genotype had higher survival than patients with GG genotype (p = 0.003). The Cox regression analysis adjusted by the most relevant clinical and epidemiological characteristics showed that the GG genotype (recessive model) and the presence of the G allele (additive model) were associated with higher risk of death [adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) = 2.15, p = 0.034; aHR = 1.50, p = 0.030, respectively]. In conclusion, IFNL3 rs12980275 polymorphism was associated with septic shock-related death in patients who underwent major surgery. The A allele was linked to protection, and the G allele was associated with an increased risk of death. This is a first preliminary study that suggests for the first time a role of IFNL3 polymorphisms in the prognosis of septic shock.This work has been supported by grants given by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grant numbers PI15/01451 to ET), Gerencia de Salud, Consejería de Sanidad, Junta de Castilla y Leon (grant number GRS 463/A/10 and 773/A/13 to ET), and PFIZER (grant number CT25-ESP01-01 to SR). MJ-S and AF-R are supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grant numbers CP17CIII/00007 and CP14CIII/00010, respectively).S

    Servicios de infraestructura con Servidor Zentyal Linux

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    En el siguiente artículo se da a conocer el proceso de instalación y configuración del servidor Zentyal por medio del cual se implementan los servicios y plataformas de infraestructura IT para internet y extranet, tales como DHCP Server, DNS Server, Controlador de Dominio, proxy no transparente, cortafuegos, File Server y Print Server y VPN.The following article describes the installation and configuration process of the Zentyal server through which the IT infrastructure services and platforms for the internet and extranet are implemented, such as DHCP Server, DNS Server, Domain Controller, non-transparent proxy , firewall, File Server and Print Server and VPN

    Aguas subterráneas, humedales y servicios ecosistémicos en Colombia

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    Because of the effects of ENSO (2010 – 2011), a new project was undertaken in Colombia, among other initiatives, to generate technical inputs for the delimitation of strategic ecosystems of mountaintop moors and wetlands. Some of these ecosystems are related to groundwater when they exchange flows in recharge, transit and discharge zones of the aquifers. In wet periods the wetlands contribute to the regulation of river flow and in dry periods they maintain flow due to the contributions from aquifers. Some human actions on land or on the aquifers can put their functions and services to their related ecosystems at risk. The interconnection between wetlands and groundwater in Colombia was revealed as a result of the mutual collaboration agreement No. 15-13-014-068 CE between the Institute Alexander von Humboldt and the University of Antioquia. From the information available, fourteen wetlands’ interactions with groundwater were identified, to make a first characterization of their ecosystem services based on cartographic overlay exercises and to determine their current status and major factors of change. In this study the current state and trends of both the ecosystem services as well as the factors of change factors, and the most relevant aspects found in the fourteen wetlands analyzed are highlighted. It is important to emphasize that efforts must be made to integrate and make coherent the formulation and application of management and protection measures for Environmental Plans related to water and its biodiversity, including both wetlands and aquifers.A raíz de los efectos del ENSO (2010 – 2011), en Colombia se emprendió, entre otras iniciativas, el proyectode generación de insumos técnicos para la delimitación de ecosistemas estratégicos de páramos y humedales.Algunos de estos ecosistemas están relacionados con las aguas subterráneas al intercambiar aportes en zonasde recarga, tránsito o descarga de acuíferos. En épocas lluviosas los humedales contribuyen a la regulación decaudales y en tiempo de sequía se mantienen gracias al agua que les llega desde el subsuelo. Algunas accioneshumanas sobre el terreno o los acuíferos ponen en riesgo sus funciones y servicios y la de los ecosistemasrelacionados. En el marco del convenio No. 15-13-014-068 CE entre el Instituto de Investigación de RecursosBiológicos Alexander von Humboldt y la Universidad de Antioquia, quedó manifiesta la interconexión entrehumedales y aguas subterráneas en Colombia. A partir de la información disponible se identificaron catorcehumedales relacionados con sistemas hidrogeológicos, para una primera caracterización de los serviciosecosistémicos con base en ejercicios de superposición cartográfica y en el estado y tendencia de los principalesfactores de cambio. Se identifica en este estudio el estado y tendencia tanto de los servicios ecosistémicoscomo de los factores de cambio resaltando los aspectos más importantes encontrados en los catorce humedalesanalizados. Es importante resaltar que se deben aunar esfuerzos para integrar y hacer coherente la formulacióny aplicación de medidas de manejo y protección desde los Planes Ambientales referidos al agua y subiodiversidad, incluyendo tanto humedales como acuíferos