3,387 research outputs found

    Neighbourhood’s narratives as cultural heritage: from country lanes to urban narratives

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    This research is based on the dialectic City – Neighbourhood, focusing on the importance of the ancient rural settlements – important districts of Lisbon – as fundamental urban structures for a new historical and cultural city approach. It is essential, in the light of the new economic paradigm of post-industrial city, to understand the role that this may have on both economic and social development of the contemporary city. Our study will focus on the urban and tourist potential, which comes from understanding the city as a network of historical cores where the urban, cultural and social heritage, when properly integrated, potentiate the city as a whole. The territory is a palimpsest where it is rewritten, at each moment, a new urban history. Our research considers the urban narratives’ importance, supported in territorial elements (such as country lanes), in their role on structuring the territory and creating identity relations.Peer Reviewe

    Guimarães ecological program for the learning of sustainable environmental development-PEGADAS

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    [Resumo] Inserido no âmbito de um projeto municipal mais amplo que visa o desenvolvimento sustentável do território, o programa PEGADAS – Programa Ecológico de Guimarães para o Desenvolvimento Ambiental Sustentável pretendeu reforçar a educação e sensibilização ambiental num contexto de promoção dos objetivos mundiais consagrados na Agenda 2030 e que impõe como objetivo essencial a garantia da aquisição de “conhecimento e habilidades necessárias para promover o desenvolvimento sustentável por meio da educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável e estilos de vida sustentáveis”, ao mesmo tempo que coloca como prioritários os eixos da proteção ambiental, através do uso de energias renováveis, ação contra as alterações climáticas, proteção da vida marinha e terrestre, produção e consumos sustentáveis ou desenvolvimento de comunidades sustentáveis (Centro Regional das Nações Unidas para a Europa Ocidental, 2016). Tem como princípios a equidade, a transversalidade e a abrangência de ação nas suas interações com as escolas em particular e a comunidade alargada no geral.[Abstract] As part of a broader municipal project aimed at sustainable development of the territory, the PEGADAS program-Ecological Program for Sustainable Environmental Development of Guimarães aimed to reinforce education and environmental awareness in a context of promoting the global objectives enshrined in Agenda 2030. The main goal is to guarantee the acquisition of “knowledge and skills necessary to promote sustainable development through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles”. At the same time PEGADAS assume as priority the environmental protection, through the use of renewable energy, action against climate change, the protection of marine and terrestrial life, the sustainability of production and consumption and the development of sustainable communities (United Nations Regional Center for Western Europe, 2016). Its principles are equity, transversality and scope of action in its interactions with schools in particular and the community in general

    Constraint reasoning for differential models

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    The basic motivation of this work was the integration of biophysical models within the interval constraints framework for decision support. Comparing the major features of biophysical models with the expressive power of the existing interval constraints framework, it was clear that the most important inadequacy was related with the representation of differential equations. System dynamics is often modelled through differential equations but there was no way of expressing a differential equation as a constraint and integrate it within the constraints framework. Consequently, the goal of this work is focussed on the integration of ordinary differential equations within the interval constraints framework, which for this purpose is extended with the new formalism of Constraint Satisfaction Differential Problems. Such framework allows the specification of ordinary differential equations, together with related information, by means of constraints, and provides efficient propagation techniques for pruning the domains of their variables. This enabled the integration of all such information in a single constraint whose variables may subsequently be used in other constraints of the model. The specific method used for pruning its variable domains can then be combined with the pruning methods associated with the other constraints in an overall propagation algorithm for reducing the bounds of all model variables. The application of the constraint propagation algorithm for pruning the variable domains, that is, the enforcement of local-consistency, turned out to be insufficient to support decision in practical problems that include differential equations. The domain pruning achieved is not, in general, sufficient to allow safe decisions and the main reason derives from the non-linearity of the differential equations. Consequently, a complementary goal of this work proposes a new strong consistency criterion, Global Hull-consistency, particularly suited to decision support with differential models, by presenting an adequate trade-of between domain pruning and computational effort. Several alternative algorithms are proposed for enforcing Global Hull-consistency and, due to their complexity, an effort was made to provide implementations able to supply any-time pruning results. Since the consistency criterion is dependent on the existence of canonical solutions, it is proposed a local search approach that can be integrated with constraint propagation in continuous domains and, in particular, with the enforcing algorithms for anticipating the finding of canonical solutions. The last goal of this work is the validation of the approach as an important contribution for the integration of biophysical models within decision support. Consequently, a prototype application that integrated all the proposed extensions to the interval constraints framework is developed and used for solving problems in different biophysical domains

    Online data reliability for monitoring tourism activities in cities

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    Studying the spatial structure of destinations has long been considered an important topic on tourism research. Researchers focus their attention on the analysis of tourism consumption and production. Recent studies found that non-traditional data, either from social media or peer-to-peer digital platforms, is useful for managing and monitoring tourism activities on dynamic destinations such as cities. However, more research is needed to address data reliability since it is important to understand the strengths and limitations of this novel data. This paper compares visitor counts to Lisbon city identified by their digital footprints on social media (i.e., visitors’ geotagged photos from Flickr) with official hotel occupancy rates, as well as the accommodation supply from Airbnb listings with local accommodation official statistics. Findings demonstrated that the number of visitors identified by their digital footprints matches relatively well the visitation pattern reproduced by hotel occupancy rates. Datasets representing the accommodation supply uncovered the spatial concentration of local lodgings, not exclusively in the well-known tourist areas. Despite the strong correlation between datasets, there are some areas where the lodging counts deviate significantly, as we move from the periphery to tourism cores. Results showed the value of data from social media and peer-to-peer digital platforms as proxy for monitoring city tourism activities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Where to vacation? An agent-based approach to modelling tourist decision-making process

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    Agent-based models (ABMs) are becoming more relevant in social simulation due to the potential to model complex phenomena that emerge from individual interactions. In tourism research, complexity is a subject of growing interest and researchers start to analyse the tourism system as a complex phenomenon. However, there is little application of ABMs as a tool to explore and predict tourism patterns. The purpose of the paper is to develop an ABM that increases knowledge in tourism research by (i) considering the complexity of tourism phenomenon, (ii) providing tools to explore the complex relations between system components and (iii) giving insights on the functioning of the system and the tourist decision-making process. A theoretical ABM is developed to improve knowledge on tourist decision-making in the selection of a destination to vacation. Tourists’ behaviour, such as individual motivation, and social network influence in the vacation decision-making process are hereby discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The collective challenges of epidemics

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020Currently, COVID-19 is perceived as an epidemic, a new «plague», referring to the matrix metaphor of the pestis expressed in the series contagion – death – fear – isolation. This article aims to understand the multiple collective challenges posed by plague epidemics. The analysis of these challenges may contribute to the reflection on several dimensions that shape the COVID-19 pandemic threat. Individuals interpret the different pasts aiming to solve the problems they face in the present. The collective challenges that the political and medical «management» of the plague place are shaped by circumstantial coalitions of diverse interests, enabling the recognition, demarcation, and legitimisation of actions regarding its public management and control, materialised in concrete health policies, such as the development of several specific devices (isolation, health cordons, lazarettos, quarantine), thus intervening in the configuration of «collective management» of epidemics.publishersversionpublishe

    The Children’s Bathing Colony O Século

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020This article aims to understand the process of institutionalisation of the social configuration of a bathing colony aimed at lower-class children, promoted by the leaders of the newspaper O Século in the early twentieth century. A perspective that conceptually relates to the social space of health and tourism was favoured. Health is a cultural construction – as a notion – and a political construction – as a space – that can be apprehended relationally, as a product of the social world. In the conceptualisation of tourism, mobility and leisure are central (although not exclusive) axes, understood as dynamic phenomena and concepts, taking on various forms and multiple meanings according to sociohistorical contexts. The paper seeks to demonstrate that the institution of the bathing colony was socially defined, with specific individuals and groups being decisive in this process.publishersversionpublishe

    Disortografia: a escrita criativa na reeducação da escrita

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    Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação: Educação Especial, área de especialização em Domínio Cognitivo e MotorDesde os primeiros traços simbólicos até à composição de um texto, a aquisição da escrita é uma competência que se reveste por diversas dificuldades. Estas, apesar de ocorrerem de forma natural ao das diversas etapas da aprendizagem da escrita, também podem ser originadas por diversos fatores intrínsecos ou extrínsecos ao sujeito. A disortografia, perturbação específica da composição escrita, caraterizada pela falta de vontade de escrever ou a apresentação habitual de textos curtos, desorganizados e com diversos tipos de erros de omissão, substituição, inversão, adição, sintaxe e semântica inadequada em jovens que, nas palavras dos professores e pais, poderiam fazer muito melhor, poderá ser um dos fatores que leva a esta dificuldade. Tratando-se de uma perturbação muitas vezes encoberta por uma ótima capacidade leitora e QI elevado, a investigação tem-nos demonstrado que muitos jovens tardiamente ou nunca são diagnosticados ao longo de todo o processo de ensino e aprendizagem. O presente trabalho pretende implementar um programa de reeducação da composição da escrita, desenvolvido a partir de atividades e estratégias da escrita criativa, num jovem de dez anos diagnosticado com disortografia a fim partilhar estratégias e know-hows de atividades oriundas da escrita criativa e provocar alterações no âmbito da composição escrita designadamente no que concerne à extensão do texto, organização, variedade semântica e sintaxe, e redução da ocorrência de erros.From the first symbolic traces to the writing of a text, the acquisition of writing is a skill that is surrounded by several difficulties. These, though they occur naturally in the various stages of learning to write, can also be caused by several intrinsic or extrinsic factors. The dysorthographia, a specific disorder of written expression, characterized by the unwillingness to write or usual presentation of short, disorganized texts and with different types of errors of omission, substitution, inversion, addition, inadequate syntax and semantics in young people who, in the words of teachers and parents, could do much better, can be one of the factors that lead to this kind of difficulty. In the case of a disturbance often overshadowed by a great reading capacity and high IQ, research has shown us that many young people are later or never diagnosed throughout the process of teaching and learning. This work intends to implement a program of reeducation of written expression, developed from the activities and strategies of creative writing, on a ten years old pupil diagnosed with dysorthographia in order to analyze changes within the written expression regarding the length of the text, errors, organization, syntax and semantics

    Disortografia: a escrita criativa na reeducação da escrita

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    Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação: Educação Especial, área de especialização em Domínio Cognitivo e MotorDesde os primeiros traços simbólicos até à composição de um texto, a aquisição da escrita é uma competência que se reveste por diversas dificuldades. Estas, apesar de ocorrerem de forma natural ao das diversas etapas da aprendizagem da escrita, também podem ser originadas por diversos fatores intrínsecos ou extrínsecos ao sujeito. A disortografia, perturbação específica da composição escrita, caraterizada pela falta de vontade de escrever ou a apresentação habitual de textos curtos, desorganizados e com diversos tipos de erros de omissão, substituição, inversão, adição, sintaxe e semântica inadequada em jovens que, nas palavras dos professores e pais, poderiam fazer muito melhor, poderá ser um dos fatores que leva a esta dificuldade. Tratando-se de uma perturbação muitas vezes encoberta por uma ótima capacidade leitora e QI elevado, a investigação tem-nos demonstrado que muitos jovens tardiamente ou nunca são diagnosticados ao longo de todo o processo de ensino e aprendizagem. O presente trabalho pretende implementar um programa de reeducação da composição da escrita, desenvolvido a partir de atividades e estratégias da escrita criativa, num jovem de dez anos diagnosticado com disortografia a fim partilhar estratégias e know-hows de atividades oriundas da escrita criativa e provocar alterações no âmbito da composição escrita designadamente no que concerne à extensão do texto, organização, variedade semântica e sintaxe, e redução da ocorrência de erros.From the first symbolic traces to the writing of a text, the acquisition of writing is a skill that is surrounded by several difficulties. These, though they occur naturally in the various stages of learning to write, can also be caused by several intrinsic or extrinsic factors. The dysorthographia, a specific disorder of written expression, characterized by the unwillingness to write or usual presentation of short, disorganized texts and with different types of errors of omission, substitution, inversion, addition, inadequate syntax and semantics in young people who, in the words of teachers and parents, could do much better, can be one of the factors that lead to this kind of difficulty. In the case of a disturbance often overshadowed by a great reading capacity and high IQ, research has shown us that many young people are later or never diagnosed throughout the process of teaching and learning. This work intends to implement a program of reeducation of written expression, developed from the activities and strategies of creative writing, on a ten years old pupil diagnosed with dysorthographia in order to analyze changes within the written expression regarding the length of the text, errors, organization, syntax and semantics

    Exercícios de respiração para uma boa aprendizagem do clarinete

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    O presente trabalho encontra-se dividido em três partes. Visto ter obtido a acreditação à unidade Curricular de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, em 2014, a primeira parte deste trabalho diz respeito a uma reflexão sobre a minha experiência profissional, bem como a contextualização escolar onde essa experiência foi adquirida. A segunda parte remete para um enquadramento teórico da investigação e a terceira e última parte aborda a metodologia aplicada na investigação. Na primeira parte, é feita a caracterização da escola, bem como do meio envolvente. Apresentam-se as disciplinas de Clarinete e a de Classe de Conjunto, com os seus objectivos e respectivos critérios de avaliação. A primeira parte conclui-se com uma reflexão crítica sobre a Prática de Ensino Supervisionada e Experiência Profissional adquirida ao longo de treze anos de docência. Na segunda parte, é feito um enquadramento teórico sobre o Clarinete, a sua história e as suas características, e também é descrita a postura e embocadura do clarinetista. Faz-se uma descrição do sistema respiratório e do ciclo respiratório, focando no processo de respiração em instrumentistas de sopro. O objetivo principal deste projeto, é observar a evolução dos três aspetos da aprendizagem do clarinete, a qualidade do som, a qualidade da articulação e da afinação, antes e depois da aplicação, em contexto de aula, de exercícios de respiração. Desta forma, ainda na segunda parte é feita uma descrição dos três parâmetros em análise, o som, a articulação e a afinação. Na terceira e última parte deste trabalho de insvestigação, é apresentada a metodologia aplicada, quais as técnicas e instrumentos usados para a recolha dos dados pretendidos. É feita a apresentação e caracterização das três alunas intervenientes neste estudo, bem como dos relatórios das aulas das mesmas que serviram de base para a investigação. Seguidamente, foi elaborado um inquérito por questionário destinado a cinco professores de clarinete, a fim de verificar se a nossa convicção de que a aplicação de exercícios de respiração contribuiem para a melhoria da performance das alunas. Este questionário, é apoiado pelos dados recolhidos através de uma observação sistemática focada na performance de um excerto musical, enquadrado com o nível de cada aluna em análise. Posteriormente, foi feita a recolha e apresentação dos dados obtidos, para conclusão do estudo. Este projeto contém algumas implicações e motivações que estão ainda descritas nesta última parte.Abstract : The following paper is divided in three parts. Since I have obtained accreditation to the curricular unit of Supervised Teaching Practice in 2014, the first part of this work is related to the reflection of my professional experience as well as the school contextualization where the experience was gained. The second part refers to a theoretical framework of the investigation and the third and last part approaches the methodology applied to the investigation. In the first part, a characterization of the school, as well as of the surroundings is made. The subjects of Clarinet and Ensemble classes are presented as well as their objectives and evaluation criteria. The first part ends with a critical reflection about the Supervised Teaching Practice and professional experience gained throughout the thirteenth years of teaching. On the second part, a theoretical framework of the Clarinet is made, as well as of its history and characteristics. The posture and the mouth piece of the clarinetist are also described. A description of the respiratory system and cycle is given, focusing on the breathing process in wind instrument payers. The main goal of this project is to observe the three aspects of the clarinet's learning process, the quality of sound, the quality of articulation and pitch, before and after the application of breathing exercises in class context. Thus, still in the second part, a description of three parameters under analysis: sound, articulation and pitch is made. On the third and last part of this research paper, the applied methodology, the techniques and the instruments used for the collection of the intended data are presented. The presentation and characterization of the three students involved in the study are presented as well as the reports of their lessons that were used as a basis for the investigation. Following, a questionnaire survey was addressed to five clarinet teachers to determine whether our conviction that the application of breathing exercises contribute to the improvement of the students performance. This questionnaire is supported by the data collected from the constant observation focused on the performance of a musical excerpt framed with the level of each student in analysis. Subsequently, the data were collected and presented in order to conclude the study. This project has some implications and motivations that are still being described in this last part