86 research outputs found

    Experiències Benicarlandes. Anàlisi de la gestió i els recursos amb potencial per al turisme experiencial al municipi de Benicarló

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    Treball de Final de Grau en Turisme. Codi: TU0944. Curs acadèmic 2016-201

    Valuation of sewage sludge ash as a component of precast concrete

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    Se plantea la combinación binaria y ternaria de cenizas de lodo de depuradora (CLD) con ceniza volante, polvo de mármol y ceniza de cáscara de arroz, como sustitución parcial o como adición respecto al cemento Portland en hormigones, con una dosificación similar a la utilizada en la prefabricación de bloques (consistencia muy seca). Se llevaron a cabo ensayos físico-mecánicos sobre probetas de mortero y hormigón con edades de curado de 28 y 90 días: densidad, absorción y resistencia a compresión. Se comprueba que la sustitución de cemento por CLD supone una disminución de la densidad y de la resistencia respecto a la muestra patrón, sin embargo, las combinaciones con otros residuos mejoran notablemente las características de los materiales cementantes. La adición de CLD proporcionó densidades y resistencias similares a la muestra de control y reduce significativamente la absorción de agua.This paper proposes binary and ternary combinations of sewage sludge ash (SSA) with fly ash, marble dust and rice hull ash, as partial replacement or addition relative to Portland cement in concretes with a similar dosage to that used in the manufacture of precast blocks, with very dry consistency given its manufacturing process in plant. Several physical-mechanical tests were carried out on concrete and mortar specimens with curing ages of 28 and 90 days: density, water absorption and compressive strength. It is proved that replacing cement by SSA involves a decrease in density and compressive strength compared to the reference sample, however, the combinations of residues significantly improve the characteristics of the cementitious materials. The addition of SSA provided densities and resistances similar to the control sample and significantly reduces the water absorption

    Estudios sobre cenizas volantes: separación balística de una ceniza volante

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    The object of this study is the characterization of several sized fractions from a "spanish fly ash" originating in the thermoelectric power plant in Andorra (Teruel). Physical (size distributions, densities) chemical (chemical composition) and mineralogical characteristics (X-ray diffractograms and infrared spectra) for those sized fractions have been analyzed. Initial fly ash was ballistically separated (horizontal draft) into four fractions using an aerodynamic tunnel with horizontal air current The separation effectivity was adapted for our later studies. The results obtained were interesting: in the first case, the simplicity of the separation method, by this way we will be able to use it for further studies on sized fractions. On the other hand, differences on granulometric distributions and vitreous nature will allow us to study the effect of several fractions on mechanic properties of concrete with them.El objeto de este estudio es la caracterización de las diferentes fracciones de distintas granulometrías y tamaños obtenidas de una ceniza volante española producida en la central termoeléctrica de Andorra (Teruel). Se han estudiado las propiedades físicas (distribución granulométrica, densidad) químicas (composición química) y mineralógicas (difracción de rayos X y espectroscopia infrarroja) de dichas fracciones. La técnica de separación aplicada es la "balística" (tiro horizontal), de la que se obtienen cuatro fracciones. Se usó un túnel aerodinámico con corriente horizontal de aire. La efectividad de la separación conseguida fue satisfactoria para nuestros objetivos. Los resultados obtenidos son interesantes desde dos puntos de vista: Por una parte, la simplicidad del método permite aplicarlo para posteriores estudios en cantidades importantes. Por otra parte, las diferencias en las distribuciones granulométricas y su naturaleza vitrea nos permitirá diseñar un estudio posterior acerca de la influencia de cada fracción sobre las propiedades mecánicas del hormigón en el que se emplee como sustituyente del cemento

    Portland cement systems with addition of sewage sludge ash. Application in concretes for the manufacture of blocks

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    This study analyzes the viability of using sewage sludge ash (SSA) as a raw material in the composition of concrete, with a similar dosage to when it is used to manufacture blocks, therefore, with dry consistency given the type of the industrial process of these precast. These ashes are a serious problem, so their valorization in a sector like construction, with a high demand of resources, would be a great advantage from an economic and environmental perspective. A scale with the percentages of addition of ash in relation to cement (5, 10, 15 and 20%) was designed and the replacement of sand by this material, as well as the addition of an inert material such as marble dust. For a better understanding about how these mixtures behave in other cementitious systems, thermogravimetric analysis were performed on pastes with curing ages of 7, 28 and 90 d, and physical and mechanical tests on mortars cured for 28 and 90 d. It was proved that the addition of SSA in concrete used for manufacturing blocks cured for 28 d provided densities and resistances similar to the control sample (without SSA) and significantly reduces the water absorption. The replacement of sand by the mineral addition significantly improves the parameters mentioned above.This research was financed by the University of Alicante through Projects VIGROB-256 and GRE10-28 and by Generalitat Valenciana through project GV/2012/113.Baeza-Brotons, F.; Garces, P.; Paya, J.; Saval, JM. (2014). Portland cement systems with addition of sewage sludge ash. Application in concretes for the manufacture of blocks. Journal of Cleaner Production. 82:112-124. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.06.072S1121248

    Microscopic chemical characterization and reactivity in cementing systems of elephant grass leaf ashes

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    [EN] Many agrowastes are being used for energy production by combustion in power plants. This process generates huge amounts of ash, which has a potential pozzolanic activity for blending with Portland cement or hydrated lime. In this paper, the ash obtained from elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum var. purple) leaves (EGLs) was studied, including the silicon content and its distribution, the presence of other compounds, and in addition, the presence of silica bodies (phytoliths). Combustion temperatures of 450 and 650°C produced an unaltered inorganic skeleton (spodogram), whereas at 850°C, there is a sintering process because of high potassium content in the ash. Phytoliths and different types of hairs were identified, and they contained high percentages of silica. Magnesium (mainly as periclase) was distributed in the most porous parts in the interior of the leaves. The silica can react with calcium hydroxide (pozzolanic reaction) forming calcium silicate hydrates (observed by field-emission scanning electron microscopy and thermogravimetric analysis). Fixed lime percentages at 28 curing days (63%) indicated the high reactivity of EGL ashes in calcium hydroxide pastes due to the pozzolanic reaction. This study demonstrates the possibility of the reuse of ashes from EGLs for the production of environmental-friendly cements.Rosello Caselles, J.; Soriano Martinez, L.; Savastano, H.; Borrachero Rosado, MV.; Santamarina Siurana, MP.; Paya Bernabeu, JJ. (2018). Microscopic chemical characterization and reactivity in cementing systems of elephant grass leaf ashes. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 24(6):593-603. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1431927618015192S59360324

    Combining fMRI and DISC1 gene haplotypes to understand working memory‑related brain activity in schizophrenia

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    Schizophrenia; Magnetic Resonance Imaging; HaplotypesEsquizofrenia; Resonancia Magnética; HaplotiposEsquizofrènia; Ressonància magnètica; HaplotipsThe DISC1 gene is one of the most relevant susceptibility genes for psychosis. However, the complex genetic landscape of this locus, which includes protective and risk variants in interaction, may have hindered consistent conclusions on how DISC1 contributes to schizophrenia (SZ) liability. Analysis from haplotype approaches and brain-based phenotypes can contribute to understanding DISC1 role in the neurobiology of this disorder. We assessed the brain correlates of DISC1 haplotypes associated with SZ through a functional neuroimaging genetics approach. First, we tested the association of two DISC1 haplotypes, the HEP1 (rs6675281-1000731-rs999710) and the HEP3 (rs151229-rs3738401), with the risk for SZ in a sample of 138 healthy subjects (HS) and 238 patients. This approach allowed the identification of three haplotypes associated with SZ (HEP1-CTG, HEP3-GA and HEP3-AA). Second, we explored whether these haplotypes exerted differential effects on n-back associated brain activity in a subsample of 70 HS compared to 70 patients (diagnosis × haplotype interaction effect). These analyses evidenced that HEP3-GA and HEP3-AA modulated working memory functional response conditional to the health/disease status in the cuneus, precuneus, middle cingulate cortex and the ventrolateral and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices. Our results are the first to show a diagnosis-based effect of DISC1 haplotypes on working memory-related brain activity, emphasising its role in SZ

    Reusing Ceramic Waste as a Precursor in Alkali-Activated Cements: A Review

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    Concrete and ceramic products are among the most widely used materials in the construction sector. The production of ceramic materials has significantly grown in recent years. Concrete is one of the most widely used materials worldwide and most of its carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emissions are attributed to Portland cement (PC) production. This review analyzed previous research works into the use of ceramic waste (CW) as a precursor in alkali-activated (AA) cements. The physico-chemical properties of different CW materials were analyzed, and the properties and environmental impact of three main categories of AA CW cements were explored: those developed solely with CW; hybrid cements combining CW with traditional binders (PC, calcium hydroxide or calcium aluminate cement); combinations of CW with other precursors (i.e., blast furnace slag, fly ash, fluid catalytic cracking residue, etc.). The results evidenced that CW can be successfully employed as a precursor in AA cements, particularly in the context of prefabricated products where thermal curing is a prevalent procedure. When enhanced mechanical strength is requisite, it is feasible to attain improvements by employing hybrid systems or by combining CW with other precursors, such as blast furnace slag. This new alternative reuse option allows progress to be made toward sustainable development by reducing not only CO2 emissions and embodied energy compared to PC but also PC consumption and CW accumulation in landfills

    Morteros aligerados con cascarilla de arroz: diseño de mezclas y evaluación de propiedades

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    En el presente trabajo se analiza la posibilidad de utilizar la cascarilla de arroz con y sin pretratamientos, como una adición en la fabricación de morteros ligeros. Se estudiaron diversos pretratamientos de la cascarilla, tales como el lavado con agua destilada, baño en disolución ácida durante 24 horas, baño en disolución básica durante 24 horas, así como combinaciones y variaciones de los anteriores pretratamientos. Se determinaron propiedades como la densidad, la resistencia a flexión y la resistencia a compresión de los morteros realizados. Finalmente se sometieron a análisis de microscopia electrónica tres de las muestras más representativas. Los resultados muestran que se obtuvieron morteros de muy baja densidad y elevada porosidad que los convierten en candidatos para elaborar materiales de construcción para aislamiento térmico y acústico, pero no para fabricar elementos portantes debido a su baja resistencia mecánica. Se concluye que el tratamiento químico de la cascarilla con reactivos alcalinos y la adición de cloruro cálcico como acelerante del fraguado, son dos propuestas efectivas para la reutilización de estos residuos en morteros aligerados

    Performance of white portland cement matrixes blended with nanosilica and limestone for architectural applications

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    Permission is granted by ICE Publishing to print one copy for personal use. Any other use of these PDF files is subject to reprint feesʺPermission is granted by ICE Publishing to print one copy for personal use. Any other use of these PDF files is subject to reprint fees.”This research evaluates the combination of nanosilica particles and ground limestone as mineral additions for white Portland cement (WPC) matrixes, envisioning architectural applications where the whiteness of the final product is a key feature. The WPC pastes and mortars were fabricated with additions of nanosilica and substitutions of cement by limestone. An experimental campaign was carried out to study the effect of the combination of nanoparticles and mineral additions over the hydration process, whiteness and mechanical performance of the WPC matrices. It was found that nanosilica in combination with limestone is an excellent option as a mineral addition for WPC, since it can improve its properties in the fresh and hardened states without altering the colour of the final product.Tobón, JI.; Mendoza, OA.; Paya Bernabeu, JJ. (2016). Performance of white portland cement matrixes blended with nanosilica and limestone for architectural applications. Advances in Cement Research. 28:606-615. doi:10.1680/jadcr.16.00015S6066152

    Geopolymers based on spent catalyst residue from a fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) process

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    This paper assesses the use of alkali activation technology in the valorization of a spent fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) catalyst, which is a residue derived from the oil-cracking process, to produce geopolymer binders. In particular, the effects of activation conditions on the structural characteristics of the spent catalyst- based geopolymers are determined. The zeolitic phases present in the spent catalyst are the main phases participating in the geopolymerization reaction, which is driven by the conversion of the zeolitic material to a highly Al-substituted aluminosilicate binder gel. Higher alkali content and SiO2/Na2O ratio lead to a denser structure with a higher degree of geopolymer gel formation and increased degree of crosslinking, as identified through 29Si MAS NMR. These results highlight the feasibility of using spent FCC catalyst as a precursor for geopolymer production.This study was sponsored by research scholarship BES-2008-002440 and EEBB-2011-43847 from the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia of Spain, the European regional development fund (FEDER), and the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain). The participation of SAB and JLP was funded by the Australian Research Council through the Discovery Projects program, and also including partial funding through the Particulate Fluids Processing Centre, a Special Research Centre of the ARC. The authors wish to acknowledge the Advanced Microscopy Facility at The University of Melbourne for assistance with the electron microscopy experiments conducted in this study.Rodriguez Martinez, ED.; Bernal, SA.; Provis, JL.; Gehman, JD.; Monzó Balbuena, JM.; Paya Bernabeu, JJ.; Borrachero Rosado, MV. (2013). Geopolymers based on spent catalyst residue from a fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) process. Fuel. 109:493-502. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2013.02.053S49350210