18 research outputs found

    Obtención de documentos de investigación sobre la competitividad de las pequeñas y medianas empresas: un enfoque basado en las redes de autores

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    This study aims to present a scientometric analysis, based on author’s network maps, to determine the most influential and relevant authors with papers published about the subject Small- and medium-sized enterprises, competitiveness and its measurement, including the use of key performance indicators. Academic research relies on the prospection to retrieve the most relevant research studies and establishing links to authors from key international research groups. To facilitate this study, we used the Scopus and Web of Science databases research results, due to the significant number of indexed scientific articles. The extracted data were compiled and analysed through author’s networks using the statistical software Sci2 Tool, which supports temporal, geospatial, topical, and networks analysis. This study also attempts to point out the research trends and gaps in this area. Results obtained are illustrated by maps of author’s networks that reveal the main authors and research subject groups, thereby enhancing access to information from a scientific approach.Este estudio tiene como objetivo presentar un análisis cientométrico, basado en mapas de redes de autores, para determinar los autores más influyentes y relevantes con trabajos publicados sobre el tema Pequeñas y medianas empresas, la competitividad y su medición, incluido el uso de indicadores clave de rendimiento. La investigación académica se basa en la prospección para recuperar los estudios de investigación más relevantes y establecer vínculos con autores de grupos de investigación internacionales clave. Para facilitar este estudio, utilizamos los resultados de la investigación de las bases de datos Scopus y Web of Science, debido a su número significativo de artículos científicos indexados. Los datos extraídos fueron compilados y analizados a través de redes de autores utilizando el software estadístico Sci2 Tool, que es compatible con el análisis temporal, geoespacial, tópico y de redes. Este estudio también intenta señalar las tendencias de investigación y las brechas en esta área. Los resultados obtenidos se ilustran mediante mapas de redes de autores, que revelan los principales autores y grupos de temas de investigación, mejorando así el acceso a la información de una manera científica


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    Os centros automotivos são empresas de serviços responsáveis por manutenções preventivas básicas em veículos automotores. Enquadradas como micro ou pequenas empresas suas características gerenciais são influenciadas fortemente pelos proprietários, tornando difícil a passagem de uma estrutura administrativa vertical para horizontal, característica da visão baseada em processos. Este artigo objetiva utilizar o Value Stream Mapping (VSM) para identificar desperdícios de ordem Lean e Green nos principais processos de um centro automotivo. Este estudo de caso se baseia em informações coletadas através de entrevistas com os gestores e observação dos processos analisados. Aplicar o VSM a uma empresa de pequeno porte de serviços automotivos é relevante pela originalidade em aliar uma técnica de detalhamento de processos para obter oportunidades de melhorias Lean e Green. Os resultados obtidos foram sugestões de melhorias relativas a movimentação, estoque, tempo e energia, podendo ser diminuídos os tempos de realização das atividades, economizados recursos e diminuídos custos

    A biocompatible hybrid material with simultaneous calcium and strontium release capability for bone tissue repair

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    The increasing interest in the effect of strontium in bone tissue repair has promoted the development of bioactive materials with strontium release capability. According to literature, hybrid materials based on the system PDMS–SiO2 have been considered a plausible alternative as they present a mechanical behavior similar to the one of the human bone. The main purpose of this study was to obtain a biocompatible hybrid material with simultaneous calcium and strontium release capability. A hybrid material, in the system PDMS–SiO2–CaO–SrO, was prepared with the incorporation of 0.05 mol of titanium per mol of SiO2. Calcium and strontium were added using the respective acetates as sources, following a sol–gel technique previously developed by the present authors. The obtained samples were characterized by FT-IR, solid-state NMR, and SAXS, and surface roughness was analyzed by 3D optical profilometry. In vitro studies were performed by immersion of the samples in Kokubo's SBF for different periods of time, in order to determine the bioactive potential of these hybrids. Surfaces of the immersed samples were observed by SEM, EDS and PIXE, showing the formation of calcium phosphate precipitates. Supernatants were analyzed by ICP, revealing the capability of the material to simultaneously fix phosphorus ions and to release calcium and strontium, in a concentration range within the values reported as suitable for the induction of the bone tissue repair. The material demonstrated to be cytocompatible when tested with MG63 osteoblastic cells, exhibiting an inductive effect on cell proliferation and alkaline phosphatase activity

    An Algorithm-based Approach to Map the Players’ Network for Photovoltaic Energy Businesses

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    Due to economic, social, and environmental factors that influence businesses related to renewable energy sources, such as photovoltaic energy (PV), several players are acting on these business models, forming a complex network of interrelations. In this sense, this paper aims to identify the players involved in PV businesses, mapping the main relations between the players, and discussing these interactions in the context of PV businesses. A systematic review (SR) based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and a Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement was used to identify who the players were and to group them into clusters. The Apriori algorithm was used to build a players’ network and a clusters’ network, enabling a detailed discussion of these relationships. 35 players were identified, being grouped into 7 clusters, which can be related to the PV’s businesses. 20 players achieved relevance through Apriori rules, appearing in the players' network. With the players' network related to the PV businesses, business models can be defined or improved, exploring the conditioning, and limiting factors to improve business processes

    GIANN - a methodology for optimizing competitiveness performance assessment models for small and medium-sized enterprises

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    The adoption of models based on key performance indicators to diagnose and evaluate the competitiveness of companies has been presented as a trend in the operations' management. These models are structured with different variables in complex interrelationships, making diagnosis and monitoring difficult due to the number of variables involved, which is one of the main management challenges of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. In this sense, this article proposes the Gain Information Artificial Neural Network (GIANN) method. GIANN is a method to optimize the number of variables of assessment models for the competitiveness and operational performance of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. GIANN is a hybrid methodology combining Multi-attribute Utility Theory with Entropy and Information Gain concepts and computational modeling through Multilayer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network. The model used in this article integrates variables such as fundamental points of view, critical success factors, and key performance indicators. GIANN was validated through a survey of managers of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Southern Brazil. The initial model was adjusted, reducing the number of key performance indicators by 39% while maintaining the accuracy of the results of the competitiveness measurement. With GIANN, the number of variables to be monitored decreases considerably, facilitating the management of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

    Aplicação de métodos multicritérios para ordenação e comparação da eficiência financeira dos clubes de Futebol do campeonato brasileiro de Futebol da série A

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    O futebol brasileiro movimenta a economia e, quanto mais acirrados os jogos, maior o interesse dos torcedores em comparecer. Com o objetivo de propor um novo modelo de ordenação da classificação do Campeonato Brasileiro de Futebol aplicou-se o método ordinal Condorcet e o método de superação Elimination et Choix Traduisant la Réalité (Electre II). Para a análise econômica e financeira dos times utilizou-se o método não paramétrico Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Utilizou-se os softwares WebPROA, J-ELECTRE e OSDEA. O Electre II se mostrou mais eficaz do que o Condorcet. Através do método DEA pode-se analisar que vários clubes tiveram sua eficiência financeira em posição diferente da ordenação através dos resultados em campo. Comprova-se que nem sempre o clube com melhores resultados em campo possui a melhor eficiência financeira e clubes com grandes recursos financeiros não obrigatoriamente apresentaram os melhores resultados em campo.Brazilian football moves an economy and, the more fiercely, the greater interest of fans in appearing. With the objective of proposing a new classification model of the Brazilian Football Championship, the Condorcet ordinary method was applied and the method of overcoming Elimination et Choix Traduisant la Réalité (Electre II) was applied. For an economic and financial analysis of the clubs, the non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method was used. WebPROA software was used, J-ELECTRE and OSDEA. The Electre II proved to be more effective than the Condorcet. Through the DEA method one can analyze that several clubs had their own economy in different position from the ordering by results in the field. It has been proven that the club with the best results in the field is not always better financially and clubs with large financial resources do not necessarily have the best results in the field

    Management Challenges and Opportunities for Energy Cloud Development and Diffusion

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    The use of emerging technologies such as cloud computing, Internet of Things, and Big Data, is increasing as tools to assist the management of data and information related to energy systems grow. This allows for greater flexibility, scalability of solutions, optimization of energy use, and management of energy devices. In this sense, the objective of this research is to present the basic elements and requirements for the energy cloud and its management and discuss the main management challenges and opportunities for the development and diffusion of the energy cloud. This study was based on a systematic review carried out to identify the elements that compose the energy cloud and what is necessary for its management, and to list the challenges and opportunities that may be explored by researchers and practitioners. The results show that the layout for the energy cloud and its management can be structured in layers and management support blocks’ format. It was found that 70 basic elements make up the main layers and 36 basic elements make up the management support blocks. The findings of this article also provide insights into the technical, scientific, and management development necessary for the evolution of energy systems toward the cloud computing environment