12,759 research outputs found

    Bit error simulation of DQPSK for a slow frequency hopping CDMA system in mobile radio communications

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    From Anglicisation to Loyalism? New York, 1691-1783

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    This dissertation investigates the development of loyalism in the colony of New York during the American Revolution. It argues that the decision to remain loyal was largely determined by local, rather than ideological, factors. In contrast to interpretations that see loyalism as a fixed, ideological construct, this dissertation shows that the loyalist experience differed greatly between distinct geographic regions within a single colony: different counties entered the war at different stages, loyalist claimants described different motivations for remaining loyal, while the nature of the activities and services provided by loyalists to advance the British cause varied considerably. Crucially, the local factors which shaped the nature of New York loyalism had historic roots which extended back into the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. New York is deserving of a detailed study because of the unique role which it played during the conflict. Captured by the British during the summer of 1776, New York City formed their military headquarters for the duration of the war and became the centre of loyalism in British North America. Responding to the emergence of recent scholarship on upstate New York during the Revolutionary era, this dissertation shows that significant reserves of loyalist support could also be found within more rural and frontier regions. However, this allegiance to Britain was not necessarily guaranteed: New York had initially been established as a Dutch colony but, during the early eighteenth-century, underwent a significant process of Anglicisation. This dissertation is divided into two parts. Beginning with Jacob Leisler’s Rebellion of 1691, Part One considers New York’s transformation from a Dutch colony to an English province. Tracing New York’s social, cultural, political and material development, it questions the extent to which the process of Anglicisation was felt uniformly within the colony. It argues that the uneven impact of such changes produced distinctly different regions within New York, each with their own local character. Part Two forms a detailed and sustained analysis of the post-war compensation claims submitted by New York’s loyalists to the British Loyalist Claims Commission. Comparing the claims of loyalists from three counties – the city and county of New York, Albany County and Tryon County – it demonstrates that the exact nature of loyalism in each of these regions was mainly influenced by local circumstance and the unique complexities of each region; the nature of which have been outlined in Part One. This study is original in the way that it makes use of the loyalist claims. Despite their vast potential, limited scholarly attention has been paid to the claims and they remain an under-utilised resource. Furthermore, this study bridges a scholarly gap that has emerged between the histories of New York City and upstate New York: in contrast to studies that exclusively focus on the revolution within either region, this dissertation is the first to compare the loyalist experience between the colony’s urban and rural areas. Finally, as scholars continue to comprehend the complexity of loyalist identities, this dissertation contributes to the growing field of loyalist studies by demonstrating that the nature of loyalism varied greatly, even within a single colony. This variance not only supports the conclusions of existing scholarship which argues that loyalist identities were neither static nor homogenous, but it also indicates that the exact nature of loyalism was ultimately a product of local circumstance

    A Upf3b-mutant mouse model with behavioral and neurogenesis defects.

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    Nonsense-mediated RNA decay (NMD) is a highly conserved and selective RNA degradation pathway that acts on RNAs terminating their reading frames in specific contexts. NMD is regulated in a tissue-specific and developmentally controlled manner, raising the possibility that it influences developmental events. Indeed, loss or depletion of NMD factors have been shown to disrupt developmental events in organisms spanning the phylogenetic scale. In humans, mutations in the NMD factor gene, UPF3B, cause intellectual disability (ID) and are strongly associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and schizophrenia (SCZ). Here, we report the generation and characterization of mice harboring a null Upf3b allele. These Upf3b-null mice exhibit deficits in fear-conditioned learning, but not spatial learning. Upf3b-null mice also have a profound defect in prepulse inhibition (PPI), a measure of sensorimotor gating commonly deficient in individuals with SCZ and other brain disorders. Consistent with both their PPI and learning defects, cortical pyramidal neurons from Upf3b-null mice display deficient dendritic spine maturation in vivo. In addition, neural stem cells from Upf3b-null mice have impaired ability to undergo differentiation and require prolonged culture to give rise to functional neurons with electrical activity. RNA sequencing (RNAseq) analysis of the frontal cortex identified UPF3B-regulated RNAs, including direct NMD target transcripts encoding proteins with known functions in neural differentiation, maturation and disease. We suggest Upf3b-null mice serve as a novel model system to decipher cellular and molecular defects underlying ID and neurodevelopmental disorders

    A prospective study of bipolar disorder vulnerability in relation to behavioural activation, behavioural inhibition and dysregulation of the Behavioural Activation System.

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    The weak regulation, or "dysregulation", of the Behavioural Activation System (BAS) is implicated in the development and recurrence of bipolar disorder. However, there has been a lack of prospective studies investigating the predictive role of BAS dysregulation in relation to bipolar-vulnerability. Furthermore, no studies have tested the prospective predictive utility of the DYS self-report measure of BAS dysregulation in an analogue sample. The goal of the current study was to redress this gap.Participants (n=127) completed baseline self-report measures of mood symptoms (Internal States Scale [ISS]), the Hypomanic Personality Scale (HPS), behavioural activation, inhibition and dysregulation of BAS (BIS/BAS and DYS), and at six months, the Mood Disorders Questionnaire (MDQ).Linear regression analysis indicated a significant main effect of BAS Dysregulation, and a significant interaction between BIS and BAS Fun Seeking, on prospective MDQ scores whilst controlling for baseline mood symptoms and HPS scores. The interaction effect indicated that the relationship between high BAS Fun Seeking and follow-up MDQ scores was strongest when BIS scores were high, whilst the lowest MDQ scores were observed for a combination of low BAS Fun Seeking and high BIS. However, DYS scores were the stronger predictor of MDQ scores compared to the BAS Fun Seeking and BIS interaction.Bipolar-vulnerability is prospectively associated with heightened BAS Dysregulation, as measured by the DYS subscale, similar to prior findings in clinical samples. Further research investigating the longer-term associations between BAS Dysregulation with the development of clinically significant bipolar mood symptoms is required

    Systems impact of zinc chelation by the epipolythiodioxopiperazine dithiol gliotoxin in Aspergillus fumigatus: a new direction in natural product functionality.

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    The non-ribosomal peptide gliotoxin, which autoinduces its own biosynthesis, has potent anti-fungal activity, especially in the combined absence of the gliotoxin oxidoreductase GliT and bis-thiomethyltransferase GtmA. Dithiol gliotoxin (DTG) is a substrate for both of these enzymes. Herein we demonstrate that DTG chelates Zn2+ (m/z 424.94), rapidly chelates Zn2+ from Zn(4-(2-pyridylazo)-resorcinol) (Zn(PAR)2) and also inhibits a Zn2+-dependent alkaline phosphatase (AP). Zn2+ addition rescues AP function following DTG-associated inhibition, and pre-incubation of DTG with Zn2+ completely protects AP activity. Zn2+ (1-50 μM) also significantly relieves the potent gliotoxin-mediated inhibition of Aspergillus fumigatus ΔgliT::ΔgtmA (p < 0.05), which infers in vivo dithiol gliotoxin-mediated sequestration of free Zn2+ or chelation from intracellular metalloenzymes as inhibitory mechanisms. Quantitative proteomic analysis revealed that excess Zn2+ alters the effect of gliotoxin on A. fumigatus ΔgliT, with differential abundance of secondary metabolism-associated proteins in the combinatorial condition. GtmA abundance increased 18.8 fold upon co-addition of gliotoxin and Zn2+ compared to gliotoxin alone, possibly to compensate for disruption to GtmA activity, as seen in in vitro assays. Furthermore, DTG effected significant in vitro aggregation of a number of protein classes, including Zn2+-dependent enzymes, while proteins were protected from aggregation by pre-incubating DTG with Zn2+. We conclude that DTG can act in vivo as a Zn2+ chelator, which can significantly impede A. fumigatus growth in the absence of GliT and GtmA

    Photonic Torque Microscopy of the Nonconservative Force Field for Optically Trapped Silicon Nanowires

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    We measure, by photonic torque microscopy, the nonconservative rotational motion arising from the transverse components of the radiation pressure on optically trapped, ultrathin silicon nanowires. Unlike spherical particles, we find that nonconservative effects have a significant influence on the nanowire dynamics in the trap. We show that the extreme shape of the trapped nanowires yields a transverse component of the radiation pressure that results in an orbital rotation of the nanowire about the trap axis. We study the resulting motion as a function of optical power and nanowire length, discussing its size-scaling behavior. These shape-dependent nonconservative effects have implications for optical force calibration and optomechanics with levitated nonspherical particles

    Effects of serum proteins on corrosion behavior of ISO 5832–9 alloy modified by titania coatings

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    Stainless steel ISO 5832–9 type is often used to perform implants which operate in protein-containing physiological environments. The interaction between proteins and surface of the implant may affect its corrosive properties. The aim of this work was to study the effect of selected serum proteins (albumin and γ-globulins) on the corrosion of ISO 5832–9 alloy (trade name M30NW) which surface was modified by titania coatings. These coatings were obtained by sol– gel method and heated at temperatures of 400 and 800 °C. To evaluate the effect of the proteins, the corrosion tests were performed with and without the addition of proteins with concentration of 1 g L−1 to the physiological saline solution (0.9 % NaCl, pH 7.4) at 37 °C. The tests were carried out within 7 days. The following electrochemical methods were used: open circuit potential, linear polarization resistance, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. In addition, surface analysis by optical microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) method was done at the end of weekly corrosion tests. The results of corrosion tests showed that M30NW alloy both uncoated and modified with titania coatings exhibits a very good corrosion resistance during weekly exposition to corrosion medium. The best corrosion resistance in 0.9 % NaCl solution is shown by alloy samples modified by titania coating annealed at 400 °C. The serumproteins have no significant effect onto corrosion of investigated biomedical steel. The XPS results confirmed the presence of proteins on the alloy surface after 7 days of immersion in proteincontaining solutions.The investigations were supported by the National Science Centre project No. N N507 501339. The authors gratefully acknowledge Dr. Janusz Sobczak and Dr. hab. Wojciech Lisowski from Institute of Physical Chemistry of PAS for XPS surface analyses

    New empirical fits to the proton electromagnetic form factors

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    Recent measurements of the ratio of the elastic electromagnetic form factors of the proton, G_Ep/G_Mp, using the polarization transfer technique at Jefferson Lab show that this ratio decreases dramatically with increasing Q^2, in contradiction to previous measurements using the Rosenbluth separation technique. Using this new high quality data as a constraint, we have reanalyzed most of the world e-p elastic cross section data. In this paper, we present a new empirical fit to the reanalyzed data for the proton elastic magnetic form factor in the region 0 < Q^2 < 30 GeV^2. As well, we present an empirical fit to the proton electromagnetic form factor ratio, G_Ep/G_Mp, which is valid in the region 0.1 < Q^2 < 6 GeV^2