547 research outputs found

    Magnetic and thermal properties of 4f-3d ladder-type molecular compounds

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    We report on the low-temperature magnetic susceptibilities and specific heats of the isostructural spin-ladder molecular complexes L2_{2}[M(opba)]_{3\cdot xDMSO⋅y\cdot yH2_{2}O, hereafter abbreviated with L2_{2}M3_{3} (where L = La, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho and M = Cu, Zn). The results show that the Cu containing complexes (with the exception of La2_{2}Cu3_{3}) undergo long range magnetic order at temperatures below 2 K, and that for Gd2_{2}Cu3_{3} this ordering is ferromagnetic, whereas for Tb2_{2}Cu3_{3} and Dy2_{2}Cu3_{3} it is probably antiferromagnetic. The susceptibilities and specific heats of Tb2_{2}Cu3_{3} and Dy2_{2}Cu3_{3} above TCT_{C} have been explained by means of a model taking into account nearest as well as next-nearest neighbor magnetic interactions. We show that the intraladder L--Cu interaction is the predominant one and that it is ferromagnetic for L = Gd, Tb and Dy. For the cases of Tb, Dy and Ho containing complexes, strong crystal field effects on the magnetic and thermal properties have to be taken into account. The magnetic coupling between the (ferromagnetic) ladders is found to be very weak and is probably of dipolar origin.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Cross-cultural effects of color, but not morphological masculinity, on perceived attractiveness of men's faces

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    This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2012 ElsevierMuch attractiveness research has focused on face shape. The role of masculinity (which for adults is thought to be a relatively stable shape cue to developmental testosterone levels) in male facial attractiveness has been examined, with mixed results. Recent work on the perception of skin color (a more variable cue to current health status) indicates that increased skin redness, yellowness, and lightness enhance apparent health. It has been suggested that stable cues such as masculinity may be less important to attractiveness judgments than short-term, more variable health cues. We examined associations between male facial attractiveness, masculinity, and skin color in African and Caucasian populations. Masculinity was not found to be associated with attractiveness in either ethnic group. However, skin color was found to be an important predictor of attractiveness judgments, particularly for own-ethnicity faces. Our results suggest that more plastic health cues, such as skin color, are more important than developmental cues such as masculinity. Further, unfamiliarity with natural skin color variation in other ethnic groups may limit observers' ability to utilize these color cues

    Therapeutic challenges in two adolescent male patients with Fabry disease and high antibody titres

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    Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) has been shown to stabilize certain aspects of Fabry disease (FD). However, in some patients on ERT, high antibody titres have been documented, with limited clinical improvement in systemic manifestations and often with significant adverse drug reactions. We present two related adolescent males with a 4.5 kb GLA deletion, not amenable to chaperone therapy, leading to profound reduction in alpha-galactosidase A (alpha-gal A) enzyme activity. Over a 3-year period of ERT, increasing IgG antibody titres against alpha-gal A were noted. After starting ERT serial urine globotriaosylceramide (Gb(3)) measurements showed an upward trend from 333 to 2260 mu g/mmol creatinine for patient 1 and 1165 to 2260 mu g/mmol creatinine for patient 2. Markedly increased levels of urine and plasma globotriaosylsphingosine (Lyso-Gb(3)) analogues were also found. The patients experienced recurrent infusion-associated reactions necessitating premedication and prolonged infusion times. Over the 3-year period of ERT, the patients experienced continued malaise, gastrointestinal symptoms and neuropathic pain. In addition, they had increasing anxiety related to their disease and apparent lack of response to ERT which led to a decision to ultimately stop ERT. No other approved treatment options are currently available for these patients. It is possible that the rapid development of the high antidrug neutralizing antibody (ADA) titres is related to the large GLA deletion leading to virtually absent enzyme activity. It remains unclear if their symptomatology during the period of receiving ERT is related to lack of its efficacy, the rising ADA titres, or both. These two patients highlight the need for further research into the management of antidrug antibodies and additional therapeutic approaches for FD.Synopsis: The development of very high antidrug antibody titres in response to ERT in two related adolescent males with FD highlight the need for other therapeutic options for patients in whom ERT or other currently approved therapies does not meet their treatment needs.Medical Biochemistr

    Dimensional Crossover of Localisation and Delocalisation in a Quantum Hall Bar

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    The 2-- to 1--dimensional crossover of the localisation length of electrons confined to a disordered quantum wire of finite width LyL_y is studied in a model of electrons moving in the potential of uncorrelated impurities. An analytical formula for the localisation length is derived, describing the dimensional crossover as function of width LyL_y, conductance gg and perpendicular magnetic field BB . On the basis of these results, the scaling analysis of the quantum Hall effect in high Landau levels, and the delocalisation transition in a quantum Hall wire are reconsidered.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Statistical Multifragmentation of Non-Spherical Expanding Sources in Central Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    We study the anisotropy effects measured with INDRA at GSI in central collisions of Xe+Sn at 50 A.MeV and Au+Au at 60, 80, 100 A.MeV incident energy. The microcanonical multifragmentation model with non-spherical sources is used to simulate an incomplete shape relaxation of the multifragmenting system. This model is employed to interpret observed anisotropic distributions in the fragment size and mean kinetic energy. The data can be well reproduced if an expanding prolate source aligned along the beam direction is assumed. An either non-Hubblean or non-isotropic radial expansion is required to describe the fragment kinetic energies and their anisotropy. The qualitative similarity of the results for the studied reactions suggests that the concept of a longitudinally elongated freeze-out configuration is generally applicable for central collisions of heavy systems. The deformation decreases slightly with increasing beam energy.Comment: 35 pages, 19 figures, submitted to Nuclear Physics

    Theory of spin-polarized bipolar transport in magnetic p-n junctions

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    The interplay between spin and charge transport in electrically and magnetically inhomogeneous semiconductor systems is investigated theoretically. In particular, the theory of spin-polarized bipolar transport in magnetic p-n junctions is formulated, generalizing the classic Shockley model. The theory assumes that in the depletion layer the nonequilibrium chemical potentials of spin up and spin down carriers are constant and carrier recombination and spin relaxation are inhibited. Under the general conditions of an applied bias and externally injected (source) spin, the model formulates analytically carrier and spin transport in magnetic p-n junctions at low bias. The evaluation of the carrier and spin densities at the depletion layer establishes the necessary boundary conditions for solving the diffusive transport equations in the bulk regions separately, thus greatly simplifying the problem. The carrier and spin density and current profiles in the bulk regions are calculated and the I-V characteristics of the junction are obtained. It is demonstrated that spin injection through the depletion layer of a magnetic p-n junction is not possible unless nonequilibrium spin accumulates in the bulk regions--either by external spin injection or by the application of a large bias. Implications of the theory for majority spin injection across the depletion layer, minority spin pumping and spin amplification, giant magnetoresistance, spin-voltaic effect, biasing electrode spin injection, and magnetic drift in the bulk regions are discussed in details, and illustrated using the example of a GaAs based magnetic p-n junction.Comment: 36 pages, 11 figures, 2 table

    Transverse Beam Spin Asymmetries in Forward-Angle Elastic Electron-Proton Scattering

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    We have measured the beam-normal single-spin asymmetry in elastic scattering of transversely-polarized 3 GeV electrons from unpolarized protons at Q^2 = 0.15, 0.25 (GeV/c)^2. The results are inconsistent with calculations solely using the elastic nucleon intermediate state, and generally agree with calculations with significant inelastic hadronic intermediate state contributions. A_n provides a direct probe of the imaginary component of the 2-gamma exchange amplitude, the complete description of which is important in the interpretation of data from precision electron-scattering experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letters; shortened to meet PRL length limit, clarified some text after referee's comment

    Comparing subjective and objective evaluation of show jumping competition and warm-up arena surfaces

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    The development of safety and quality standards for equestrian surfaces needs to be based on objective, repeatable measurements which allow comparisons between surfaces. These measurements should incorporate the assessment of surface performance by riders. This study provides data from objective and subjective assessment of functional properties of high-level show jumping competition and warm-up arenas. Twenty-five arenas in nine international show jumping events were evaluated by mechanical insitu testing with a surface tester, rider assessments using visual analogue scales (198 riders provided 749 arena evaluations), descriptions of arena constructions and by laboratory tests of surface material. Mixed models were used to present subjective evaluation of rider perception of the functional properties for each arena while controlling for rider and event. The association between objective and subjective assessments were also explored creating mixed models, controlling for rider and event. Mechanical measurements of impact firmness, and to a lesser extent cushioning and grip, had a significant positive association with the riders’ perception. Responsiveness as assessed by the Orono biomechanical surface tester (OBST) was negatively associated with the riders’ perceptions, which suggests riders and the OBST had different concepts of this functional property and that further developments of the OBST might be necessary. Objectively measured uniformity showed no useful association with riders’ perception. Even though arena assessments were made by top level riders, a substantial inter-rider variation was demonstrated

    Strange Quark Contributions to Parity-Violating Asymmetries in the Forward G0 Electron-Proton Scattering Experiment

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    We have measured parity-violating asymmetries in elastic electron-proton scattering over the range of momentum transfers 0.12 < Q^2 < 1.0 GeV^2. These asymmetries, arising from interference of the electromagnetic and neutral weak interactions, are sensitive to strange quark contributions to the currents of the proton. The measurements were made at JLab using a toroidal spectrometer to detect the recoiling protons from a liquid hydrogen target. The results indicate non-zero, Q^2 dependent, strange quark contributions and provide new information beyond that obtained in previous experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure
