3,522 research outputs found

    Magnetoelectric domains and their switching mechanism in a Y-type hexaferrite

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    By employing resonant X-ray microdiffraction, we image the magnetisation and magnetic polarity domains of the Y-type hexaferrite Ba0.5_{0.5}Sr1.5_{1.5}Mg2_2Fe12_{12}O22_{22}. We show that the magnetic polarity domain structure can be controlled by both magnetic and electric fields, and that full inversion of these domains can be achieved simply by reversal of an applied magnetic field in the absence of an electric field bias. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the diffraction intensity measured in different X-ray polarisation channels cannot be reproduced by the accepted model for the polar magnetic structure, known as the 2-fan transverse conical (TC) model. We propose a modification to this model, which achieves good quantitative agreement with all of our data. We show that the deviations from the TC model are large, and may be the result of an internal magnetic chirality, most likely inherited from the parent helical (non-polar) phase.Comment: 9 figure

    Modification of a bi-functional diguanylate cyclase-phosphodiesterase to efficiently produce cyclic diguanylate monophosphate

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    AbstractCyclic-diGMP is a bacterial messenger that regulates many physiological processes, including many attributed to pathogenicity. Bacteria synthesize cyclic-diGMP from GTP using diguanylate cyclases; its hydrolysis is catalyzed by phosphodiesterases. Here we report the over-expression and purification of a bi-functional diguanylate cyclase-phosphodiesterase from Agrobacterium vitis S4. Using homology modeling and primary structure alignment, we identify several amino acids predicted to participate in the phosphodiesterase reaction. Upon altering selected residues, we obtain variants of the enzyme that efficiently and quantitatively catalyze the synthesis of cyclic-diGMP from GTP without hydrolysis to pGpG. Additionally, we identify a variant that produces cyclic-diGMP while immobilized to NiNTA beads and can catalyze the conversion of [α-32P]-GTP to [32P]-cyclic-diGMP. In short, we characterize a novel cyclic-diGMP processing enzyme and demonstrate its utility for efficient and cost-effective production of cyclic-diGMP, as well as modified cyclic-diGMP molecules, for use as probes in studying the many important biological processes mediated by cyclic-diGMP

    A millimeter-wave kinetic inductance detector camera for long-range imaging through optical obscurants

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    Millimeter-wave imaging provides a promising option for long-range target detection through optical obscurants such as fog, which often occur in marine environments. Given this motivation, we are currently developing a 150 GHz polarization-sensitive imager using a relatively new type of superconducting pair-breaking detector, the kinetic inductance detector (KID). This imager will be paired with a 1.5 m telescope to obtain an angular resolution of 0.09° over a 3.5° field of view using 3,840 KIDs. We have fully characterized a prototype KID array, which shows excellent performance with noise strongly limited by the irreducible fluctuations from the ambient temperature background. Full-scale KID arrays are now being fabricated and characterized for a planned demonstration in a maritime environment later this year

    Incremented alkyl derivatives enhance collision induced glycosidic bond cleavage in mass spectrometry of disaccharides

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    Electrospray ionization and collision induced dissociation on a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer were used to determine the effect of spatial crowding of incremented alkyl groups of two anomeric pairs of peralkylated (methyl to pentyl) disaccharides (maltose/cellobiose and isomaltose/gentiobiose). Protonated molecules were generated which underwent extensive fragmentation under low energy conditions. For both the 1 → 4 and 1 → 6 α and ÎČ isomers, at comparable collision energies the methyl derivative exhibited the least fragmentation followed by ethyl, propyl, butyl, and pentyl. Collision energy is converted to rotational-vibrational modes in competition with bond cleavage, as represented by the slope of product/parent ion (D/P) ratio versus offset energy. Variable rotational freedom at the glycosidic linkage with incremented alkyl groups is hypothesized to be responsible for this effect. Discrimination of anomeric configuration was also assessed for these stereoiosmeric disaccharides. A systematic study showed that an increasing discrimination was attained for the 1 → 4 isomeric pair as the size of the derivative increased from methyl to pentyl. No anomeric discrimination was attained for the 1 → 6 isomeric pair. Parent and product ion scans confirmed the consistency of fragmentation pathways among derivatives. Chem-X and MM3 molecular modeling programs were used to obtain minimum energy structures and freedom of motion volumes for the permethylated disaccharides. The modeling results correlated with the fragmentation ratios obtained in the mass spectrometer giving strong indication that the collision induced spectra are dependent on the freedom of rotational motion around the glycosidic bond. © 2003 American Society for Mass Spectrometry

    A new spin-anisotropic harmonic honeycomb iridate

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    The physics of Mott insulators underlies diverse phenomena ranging from high temperature superconductivity to exotic magnetism. Although both the electron spin and the structure of the local orbitals play a key role in this physics, in most systems these are connected only indirectly --- via the Pauli exclusion principle and the Coulomb interaction. Iridium-based oxides (iridates) open a further dimension to this problem by introducing strong spin-orbit interactions, such that the Mott physics has a strong orbital character. In the layered honeycomb iridates this is thought to generate highly spin-anisotropic interactions, coupling the spin orientation to a given spatial direction of exchange and leading to strongly frustrated magnetism. The potential for new physics emerging from such interactions has driven much scientific excitement, most recently in the search for a new quantum spin liquid, first discussed by Kitaev \cite{kitaev_anyons_2006}. Here we report a new iridate structure that has the same local connectivity as the layered honeycomb, but in a three-dimensional framework. The temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility exhibits a striking reordering of the magnetic anisotropy, giving evidence for highly spin-anisotropic exchange interactions. Furthermore, the basic structural units of this material suggest the possibility of a new family of structures, the `harmonic honeycomb' iridates. This compound thus provides a unique and exciting glimpse into the physics of a new class of strongly spin-orbit coupled Mott insulators.Comment: 12 pages including bibliography, 5 figure

    Does self-monitoring reduce blood pressure? Meta-analysis with meta-regression of randomized controlled trials

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    Introduction. Self-monitoring of blood pressure (BP) is an increasingly common part of hypertension management. The objectives of this systematic review were to evaluate the systolic and diastolic BP reduction, and achievement of target BP, associated with self-monitoring. Methods. MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane database of systematic reviews, database of abstracts of clinical effectiveness, the health technology assessment database, the NHS economic evaluation database, and the TRIP database were searched for studies where the intervention included self-monitoring of BP and the outcome was change in office/ambulatory BP or proportion with controlled BP. Two reviewers independently extracted data. Meta-analysis using a random effects model was combined with meta-regression to investigate heterogeneity in effect sizes. Results. A total of 25 eligible randomized controlled trials (RCTs) (27 comparisons) were identified. Office systolic BP (20 RCTs, 21 comparisons, 5,898 patients) and diastolic BP (23 RCTs, 25 comparisons, 6,038 patients) were significantly reduced in those who self-monitored compared to usual care (weighted mean difference (WMD) systolic −3.82 mmHg (95% confidence interval −5.61 to −2.03), diastolic −1.45 mmHg (−1.95 to −0.94)). Self-monitoring increased the chance of meeting office BP targets (12 RCTs, 13 comparisons, 2,260 patients, relative risk = 1.09 (1.02 to 1.16)). There was significant heterogeneity between studies for all three comparisons, which could be partially accounted for by the use of additional co-interventions. Conclusion. Self-monitoring reduces blood pressure by a small but significant amount. Meta-regression could only account for part of the observed heterogeneity


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    Reaction of the anion-deficient, cation-ordered perovskite phase Ba<sub>2</sub>YFeO<sub>5</sub> with 80 atm of oxygen pressure at 410 °C results in the formation of the Fe<sup>4+</sup> phase Ba<sub>2</sub>YFeO<sub>5.5</sub>. The topochemical insertion of oxide ions lifts the inversion symmetry of the centrosymmetric host phase, Ba<sub>2</sub>YFeO<sub>5</sub> (space group <i>P</i>2<sub>1</sub>/<i>n</i>), to yield a noncentrosymmetric (NCS) phase Ba<sub>2</sub>YFeO<sub>5.5</sub> (space group <i>Pb</i>2<sub>1</sub><i>m</i> (No. 26), <i>a</i> = 12.1320(2) Å, <i>b</i> = 6.0606(1) Å, <i>c</i> = 8.0956(1) Å, <i>V</i> = 595.257(2) Å<sup>3</sup>) confirmed by the observation of second-harmonic generation. Dielectric and PUND ferroelectric measurements, however, show no evidence for a switchable ferroelectric polarization, limiting the material to pyroelectric behavior. Magnetization and low-temperature neutron diffraction data indicate that Ba<sub>2</sub>YFeO<sub>5.5</sub> undergoes a magnetic transition at 20 K to adopt a state which exhibits a combination of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic order. The symmetry breaking from centrosymmetric to polar noncentrosymmetric, which occurs during the topochemical oxidation process is discussed on the basis of induced lattice strain and an electronic instability and represents a new strategy for the preparation of NCS materials that readily incorporate paramagnetic transition metal centers

    A multi-centre qualitative study exploring the experiences of UK South Asian and White Diabetic Patients referred for renal care

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    Background An exploration of renal complications of diabetes from the patient perspective is important for developing quality care through the diabetic renal disease care pathway. Methods Newly referred South Asian and White diabetic renal patients over 16 years were recruited from nephrology outpatient clinics in three UK centres - Luton, West London and Leicester – and their experiences of the diabetes and renal care recorded. A semi-structured qualitative interview was conducted with 48 patients. Interview transcripts were analysed thematically and comparisons made between the White and South Asian groups. Results 23 South Asian patients and 25 White patients were interviewed. Patient experience of diabetes ranged from a few months to 35 years with a mean time since diagnosis of 12.1 years and 17.1 years for the South Asian and White patients respectively. Confusion emerged as a response to referral shared by both groups. This sense of confusion was associated with reported lack of information at the time of referral, but also before referral. Language barriers exacerbated confusion for South Asian patients. Conclusions The diabetic renal patients who have been referred for specialist renal care and found the referral process confusing have poor of awareness of kidney complications of diabetes. Healthcare providers should be more aware of the ongoing information needs of long term diabetics as well as the context of any information exchange including language barriers

    Centimeter to decimeter hollow concretions and voids in Gale Crater sediments, Mars

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    Voids and hollow spheroids between ∌1 and 23 cm in diameter occur at several locations along the traverse of the Curiosity rover in Gale crater, Mars. These hollow spherical features are significantly different from anything observed in previous landed missions. The voids appear in dark-toned, rough-textured outcrops, most notably at Point Lake (sols 302-305) and Twin Cairns Island (sol 343). Point Lake displays both voids and cemented spheroids in close proximity; other locations show one or the other form. The spheroids have 1-4 mm thick walls and appear relatively dark-toned in all cases, some with a reddish hue. Only one hollow spheroid (Winnipesaukee, sol 653) was analyzed for composition, appearing mafic (Fe-rich), in contrast to the relatively felsic host rock. The interior surface of the spheroid appears to have a similar composition to the exterior with the possible exceptions of being more hydrated and slightly depleted in Fe and K. Origins of the spheroids as Martian tektites or volcanic bombs appear unlikely due to their hollow and relatively fragile nature and the absence of in-place clearly igneous rocks. A more likely explanation to both the voids and the hollow spheroids is reaction of reduced iron with oxidizing groundwater followed by some re-precipitation as cemented rind concretions at a chemical reaction front. Although some terrestrial concretion analogs are produced from a precursor siderite or pyrite, diagenetic minerals could also be direct precipitates for other terrestrial concretions. The Gale sediments differ from terrestrial sandstones in their high initial iron content, perhaps facilitating a higher occurrence of such diagenetic reactions
