3,328 research outputs found

    Tissue-specific Expression of Distinct Spectrin and Ankyrin Transcripts in Erythroid and Nonerythroid Cells

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    cDNA probes for three components of the erythroid membrane skeleton, α spectrin, ÎČ spectrin, and ankyrin, were obtained by using monospecific antibodies to screen a λgt11 expression vector library containing cDNA prepared from chicken erythroid poly(A)^+ RNA. Each cDNA appears to hybridize to one gene type in the chicken genome. Qualitatively distinct RNA species in myogenic and erythroid cells are detected for ÎČ spectrin and ankyrin, while α spectrin exists as a single species of transcript in all tissues examined. This tissue-specific expression of RNAs is regulated quantitatively during myogenesis in vitro, since all three accumulate only upon myoblast fusion. Furthermore, RNAs for two of the three genes do not accumulate to detectable levels in chicken embryo fibroblasts, demonstrating that their accumulation can be noncoordinate. These observations suggest that independent gene regulation and tissue-specific production of heterogeneous transcripts from the ÎČ spectrin and ankyrin genes underlie the formation of distinct membrane skeletons in erythroid and muscle cells

    Redundancy parameterization and inverse kinematics of 7-DOF revolute manipulators

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    Seven degree-of-freedom (DOF) robot arms have one redundant DOF which does not change the translational or rotational motion of the end effector. The redundant DOF offers greater manipulability of the arm configuration to avoid obstacles and steer away from singularities, but it must be parameterized to fully specify the joint angles for a given end effector pose. For 7-DOF revolute (7R) manipulators, we introduce a new concept of generalized shoulder-elbow-wrist (SEW) angle, a generalization of the conventional SEW angle but with an arbitrary choice of the reference direction function. The SEW angle is easy for human operators to visualize as a rotation of the elbow about the line from the shoulder to the wrist and has been used in the teleoperation of space robot arms. Since the conventional SEW angle formulation is prone to singularities, we introduce a special choice of the reference direction function called the stereographic SEW angle which has a singularity in only one direction in the workspace. We prove that such a singularity is unavoidable for any parameterization. We also include expressions for the SEW angle Jacobian along with singularity analysis. Finally, we provide inverse kinematics solutions for most known 7R manipulators using the general SEW angle and the subproblem decomposition method. These solutions are often closed-form but may sometimes involve a 1D or 2D search. Inverse kinematics solutions, examples, and evaluations are available in a publicly accessible repository.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figure

    Canonical Subproblems for Robot Inverse Kinematics

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    The inverse kinematics (IK) problem for many common robot manipulators may be decomposed into canonical subproblems which are solved by finding the angles on circles where they intersect with other geometric objects. We present new algebraic solutions and geometric interpretations for six subproblems using a linear algebra approach, and we demonstrate significant computational performance improvements over existing IK methods. We show that IK for any 6-dof all revolute (6R) robot with three intersecting or parallel joint axes may be solved in closed form using subproblem decomposition. For any other 6R robot, subproblem decomposition reduces finding all IK solutions to a search over one or two joint angles. The first three subproblems, called the Paden-Kahan subproblems, are Subproblem 1: Circle and Point, Subproblem 2: Two Circles, and Subproblem 3: Circle and Sphere. The other three subproblems, which have not been extensively covered in the literature, are Subproblem 4: Circle and Plane, Subproblem 5: Three Circles, and Subproblem 6: Four Circles. Our approach also finds the least-squares solutions for Subproblems 1-4 when the exact solution does not exist.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. Updated with new solution methods and timing result

    The Massive Progenitor of the Possible Type II-Linear Supernova 2009hd in Messier 66

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    We present observations of SN2009hd in the nearby galaxy M66. This SN is one of the closest to us in recent years but heavily obscured by dust, rendering it unusually faint in the optical, given its proximity. We find that the observed properties of SN2009hd support its classification as a possible Type II-L SN, a relatively rare subclass of CC-SNe. High-precision relative astrometry has been employed to attempt to identify a SN progenitor candidate, based on a pixel-by-pixel comparison between HST F555W and F814W images of the SN site prior to explosion and at late times. A progenitor candidate is identified in the F814W images only; this object is undetected in F555W. Significant uncertainty exists in the astrometry, such that we cannot definitively identify this object as the SN progenitor. Via insertion of artificial stars into the pre-SN HST images, we are able to constrain the progenitor's properties to those of a possible supergiant, with M(F555W)0>-7.6 mag and (V-I) 0>0.99 mag. The magnitude and color limits are consistent with a luminous RSG; however, they also allow for the possibility that the star could have been more yellow than red. From a comparison with theoretical massive-star evolutionary tracks, which include rotation and pulsationally enhanced mass loss, we can place a conservative upper limit on the initial mass for the progenitor of <20 M_sun. If the actual mass of the progenitor is near the upper range allowed by our derived mass limit, then it would be consistent with that for the identified progenitors of the SNII-L 2009kr and the high-luminosity SNII-P 2008cn. The progenitors of these three SNe may possibly bridge the gap between lower-mass RSG that explode as SNeII-P and LBV, or more extreme RSG, from which the more exotic SNeII-n may arise. Very late-time imaging of the SN2009hd site may provide us with more clues regarding the true nature of its progenitor.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Arteriovenous Blood Metabolomics: A Readout of Intra-Tissue Metabostasis.

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    The human circulatory system consists of arterial blood that delivers nutrients to tissues, and venous blood that removes the metabolic by-products. Although it is well established that arterial blood generally has higher concentrations of glucose and oxygen relative to venous blood, a comprehensive biochemical characterization of arteriovenous differences has not yet been reported. Here we apply cutting-edge, mass spectrometry-based metabolomic technologies to provide a global characterization of metabolites that vary in concentration between the arterial and venous blood of human patients. Global profiling of paired arterial and venous plasma from 20 healthy individuals, followed up by targeted analysis made it possible to measure subtle (&lt;2 fold), yet highly statistically significant and physiologically important differences in water soluble human plasma metabolome. While we detected changes in lactic acid, alanine, glutamine, and glutamate as expected from skeletal muscle activity, a number of unanticipated metabolites were also determined to be significantly altered including Krebs cycle intermediates, amino acids that have not been previously implicated in transport, and a few oxidized fatty acids. This study provides the most comprehensive assessment of metabolic changes in the blood during circulation to date and suggests that such profiling approach may offer new insights into organ homeostasis and organ specific pathology

    Late Quaternary Marine and Terrestrial Environments, Northwestern Baffin Island, Northwest Territories

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    Paleoenvironmental data were analyzed from terrestrial, lake, and marine sediments collected near Arctic Bay, Baffin Island, N.W.T. Eighteen new radiocarbon dates provide chronological control, superseding earlier results. Spuriously old dates were obtained from both sandy peats and low-organic lake sediments. The most reliable dates were from marine shells and foraminifera. They indicate that dĂ©glaciation was underway by 9000 BP rather than 16,000 BP. Over the period of the record, the local environment was characterized by a high arctic pollen assemblage dominated by grass, sedge, and willow; a middle Holocene warm period is indicated by increased willow, herb, and moss values. Sea-ice conditions were severe enough to inhibit the growth of diatoms until ca. 6300 BP and ice proximal and deglacial conditions prevailed in the fiords until ca. 6000 BP. Diatom productivity increased between 3000 BP and 2500 BP, suggesting warmer surface waters and less sea ice. After 2000 BP diatom accumulation decreased sharply, due to a cooling of climate. The foraminifera indicate a major change in bottom water conditions ca. 4000 BP as the benthic species shift from a calcareous to an arenaceous assemblage.On a procĂ©dĂ© Ă  l'analyse des donnĂ©es palĂ©oenvironnementales tirĂ©es de sĂ©diments terrestres, marins et lacustres, prĂšs de Arctic Bay. Dix-huit nouvelles dates au radiocarbone ont permis d'Ă©tablir une nouvelle chronologie. Les dates les plus anciennes, et les moins fiables, ont Ă©tĂ© obtenus dans des tourbes sableuses et des sĂ©diments lacustres Ă  basse teneur organique. Les dates les plus sĂ»res proviennent de coquillages marins et des foraminifĂšres. Elles indiquent que la dĂ©glaciation Ă©tait en cours dĂšs 9000 BP plutĂŽt qu'Ă  16 000 BP. Pendant la pĂ©riode relevĂ©e, l'environnement dans le haut Arctique Ă©tait caractĂ©risĂ© au niveau local par un assemblage pollinique dominĂ© par l'herbe, le carex et le saule; Ă  l'HolocĂšne moyen, les valeurs croissantes du saule, de l'herbe et de la mousse reflĂštent une pĂ©riode chaude. La densitĂ© de la glace marine Ă©tait assez forte pour empĂȘcher la croissance des diatomĂ©es jusqu'Ă  6300 BP; la dĂ©glaciation s'est poursuivie jusque vers 6000 BP dans les fjords. La reproduction des diatomĂ©es a augmentĂ© entre 3000 et 2500 BP en raison de tempĂ©ratures de surface plus chaudes et une diminution des glaces marines. AprĂšs 2000 BP, l'accumulation des diatomĂ©es a dĂ©cru abruptement en raison d'un refroidissement climatique. Les foraminifĂšres dĂ©montrent un changement important survenu dans l'Ă©tat des eaux profondes vers 4000 BP puisqu'il y a eu remplacement des espĂšces benthoniques Ă  test calcaire par des espĂšces Ă  test agglutinĂ©.Man hat PalĂąoumweltdaten von Erd-, See- und Meeres-Sedimenten analysiert, die man in der NĂąhe der Arctic Bay, lnsel Baffin, Nordwest-Territorien gesammelt hat. Achtzehn neue Radiocarbondaten liefern eine chronologische Kontrolle und ersetzen so fruhere Resultate. Faische alte Daten hat man sowohi aus sandigem Ton1 wie auch aus Seesedimenten mit niedrigem organischem Gehalt gewonnen. Die zuver-lĂ ssigsten Daten stammen von Meeres-muscheln und Foraminiferen. Sie zeigen, dass die Enteisung urn 9000 v.u.Z. und nicht um 16,000 v.u.Z. im Gange war. Liber den Zeitraum des Belegs charakterisierte sich die lokale Umwelt durch eine Pollen-Zusammensetzung der hohen Arktis, die von Gras, Schilfgras und Weide beherrscht war; auf eine warme PĂ©riode wĂąhrend des mittleren HolozĂ ns weisen zunehmende Weiden-, Gras- und Mooswerte. Die Meereseisbedingungen waren streng genug, um das Wachstum von Diatomeen bis etwa 6300 v.u.Z. zu verhindern und Proximaleis und Enteisungsbedingungen herrschten in den Fjords bis etwa 6000 v.u.Z. vor. Die Reproduktion von Diatomeen nahm zwischen 3000 v.u.Z. und 2500 v.u.Z. zu, was auf wĂ rmeres OberflĂ chenwasser und weniger Meereseis schliessen lĂ sst. Nach 2000 v.u.Z. nahm die Diatomeen-Akkumulation wegen einer Klimaabkuhlung plĂŽtzlich ab. Die Foraminiferen zeigen einen betrĂ chtlichen Wechsel der Bedingungen im tiefen Wasser um etwa 4000 v.u.Z., wenn die benthonischen Spezies von einer kalkartigen zu einer sandigen Zusammensetzung ubergehen

    Europe’s perennial "outsiders": a processual approach to Roma stigmatization and ghettoization

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    This paper draws on the theoretical work of Norbert Elias and LoĂŻc Wacquant in seeking to understand the stigmatized and marginalized position of the Roma population within Europe. The paper argues that the persistent persecution of Roma, reflected in social policy, cannot be understood without reference to long-term social processes, which shape the nature of the asymmetric power relations between Roma and non-Roma. Elias's theory of established-outsider relations is applied at the intra-state European level in arguing that Roma constitute a cross-border "outsider" group; with their intense stigmatization explained and perpetuated by a common set of collective fantasies which are maintained through complex group processes of disidentification, and which result in Roma being seen as of lesser human worth. Wacquant's theoretical concept of the "ghetto" is then drawn upon to show how the manifestations of stigmatization for the stigmatized are at once psychological, social and spatial. The paper suggests that the synthesis of the two theorists' relational, theoretical concepts allows for an approach that can expose the way in which power is exercised within and through group relations. Such an approach emphasizes the centrality of the interdependence between Roma and non-Roma, and the fluctuating power balance that characterises that relationship across time and space. The paper concludes that, while existing research focused on policy and outcomes is useful in understanding the negative contemporary experiences of Roma populations, they need to be understood in the context of wider social processes and historical continuities in seeking to elucidate how these processes shape policies and contribute to social and spatial marginalization
