61 research outputs found

    Retrieval of forest stem volume using VHF SAR

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    The ability to retrieve forest stem volume using CARABAS (coherent all radio band sensing) SAR images (28–60 MHz) has been investigated. The test site is a deciduous mixed forest on the island of Öland in southern Sweden. The images have been radiometrically calibrated using an array of horizontal dipoles. The images exhibit a clear discrimination between the forest and open fields. The results show that the dynamic range of the backscattering coefficient among the forest stands is higher than what has been found with conventional SAR using microwave frequencies. The backscatter increases with increasing radar frequency. This work shows an advantage compared to higher frequencies for stem volume estimation in dense forests

    Vital sign documentation in electronic records: The development of workarounds.

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    Workarounds are commonplace in healthcare settings. An increase in the use of electronic health records has led to an escalation of workarounds as healthcare professionals cope with systems which are inadequate for their needs. Closely related to this, the documentation of vital signs in electronic health records has been problematic. The accuracy and completeness of vital sign documentation has a direct impact on the recognition of deterioration in a patient's condition. We examined workflow processes to identify workarounds related to vital signs in a 372-bed hospital in Sweden. In three clinical areas, a qualitative study was performed with data collected during observations and interviews and analysed through thematic content analysis. We identified paper workarounds in the form of handwritten notes and a total of eight pre-printed paper observation charts. Our results suggested that nurses created workarounds to allow a smooth workflow and ensure patients safety

    ZEITLUPE Promotes ABA-Induced Stomatal Closure in Arabidopsis and Populus.

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    Plants balance water availability with gas exchange and photosynthesis by controlling stomatal aperture. This control is regulated in part by the circadian clock, but it remains unclear how signalling pathways of daily rhythms are integrated into stress responses. The serine/threonine protein kinase OPEN STOMATA 1 (OST1) contributes to the regulation of stomatal closure via activation of S-type anion channels. OST1 also mediates gene regulation in response to ABA/drought stress. We show that ZEITLUPE (ZTL), a blue light photoreceptor and clock component, also regulates ABA-induced stomatal closure in Arabidopsis thaliana, establishing a link between clock and ABA-signalling pathways. ZTL sustains expression of OST1 and ABA-signalling genes. Stomatal closure in response to ABA is reduced in ztl mutants, which maintain wider stomatal apertures and show higher rates of gas exchange and water loss than wild-type plants. Detached rosette leaf assays revealed a stronger water loss phenotype in ztl-3, ost1-3 double mutants, indicating that ZTL and OST1 contributed synergistically to the control of stomatal aperture. Experimental studies of Populus sp., revealed that ZTL regulated the circadian clock and stomata, indicating ZTL function was similar in these trees and Arabidopsis. PSEUDO-RESPONSE REGULATOR 5 (PRR5), a known target of ZTL, affects ABA-induced responses, including stomatal regulation. Like ZTL, PRR5 interacted physically with OST1 and contributed to the integration of ABA responses with circadian clock signalling. This suggests a novel mechanism whereby the PRR proteins-which are expressed from dawn to dusk-interact with OST1 to mediate ABA-dependent plant responses to reduce water loss in time of stress

    A multicenter randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of small stitches on the incidence of incisional hernia in midline incisions

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    Contains fulltext : 95575.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: The median laparotomy is frequently used by abdominal surgeons to gain rapid and wide access to the abdominal cavity with minimal damage to nerves, vascular structures and muscles of the abdominal wall. However, incisional hernia remains the most common complication after median laparotomy, with reported incidences varying between 2-20%. Recent clinical and experimental data showed a continuous suture technique with many small tissue bites in the aponeurosis only, is possibly more effective in the prevention of incisional hernia when compared to the common used large bite technique or mass closure. METHODS/DESIGN: The STITCH trial is a double-blinded multicenter randomized controlled trial designed to compare a standardized large bite technique with a standardized small bites technique. The main objective is to compare both suture techniques for incidence of incisional hernia after one year. Secondary outcomes will include postoperative complications, direct costs, indirect costs and quality of life. A total of 576 patients will be randomized between a standardized small bites or large bites technique. At least 10 departments of general surgery and two departments of oncological gynaecology will participate in this trial. Both techniques have a standardized amount of stitches per cm wound length and suture length wound length ratio's are calculated in each patient. Follow up will be at 1 month for wound infection and 1 year for incisional hernia. Ultrasound examinations will be performed at both time points to measure the distance between the rectus muscles (at 3 points) and to objectify presence or absence of incisional hernia. Patients, investigators and radiologists will be blinded during follow up, although the surgeon can not be blinded during the surgical procedure. CONCLUSION: The STITCH trial will provide level 1b evidence to support the preference for either a continuous suture technique with many small tissue bites in the aponeurosis only or for the commonly used large bites technique

    Religious-Philosophical Articles, 19

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    Kā dzīvot civilizāciju sadursmes ēnā? Kā dzīvot, ja tavas civilizācijas vairs nav? No šāda skatupunkta, iespējams, var lasīt arī šos "Reliģiski-filozofiskus rakstus". Par divu civilizāciju sadursmi raksta, piemēram, krievu pētniece Nadežda Beļakova, kuras interešu lokā ir Pareizticīgā baznīca padomju valstī. Vai pakļauties padomju varas noteikumiem un atteikties no savas ticības, vai nostāties tiem pretī, pat tad, ja šai pretestībai ir dzīvības cena? Cits šo "Reliģiski-filozofisku rakstu" autors – Arnis Mazlovskis to nosaucis par izšķiršanos starp determinismu un brīvo gribu. Savukārt, Svetlanas Kovaļčukas apjomīgo rakstu “Parīze – Rīga – Parīze: krievu emigrantu ietekme uz Krievu Studentu Pareizticīgās Vienības darbību Latvijā (1927–1934)” vai arī Valda Tēraudkalna rakstu par teoloģijas un socioloģijas attiecības no 19. gadsimta līdz mūsdienām varētu salīdzināt ar jaunas dzīves pasaules meklējumiem situācijā, kad šķiet, ka vecā pasaule jau vairs nav glābjama. Raksti publicēti latviešu un angļu valodā

    A Bath House in Umeå

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    Umeå kommun har sedan 1995, med varierande intensitet, planerat för en ny simhall som ska ersätta den gamla från 1970. Det nu liggande förslaget har mötts med skiftande åsikter och de många kritiska handlar om både förslagets placering (mitt i centrala staden på en all- deles för trång tomt) och programmets omfattning (för lite). Eftersom jag delar dessa kritiska åsikter så har detta gett mig ett ypperligt tillfälle att som mitt examensarbete titta på hur jag anser att placeringen, omfattningen och gestaltningen av ett nytt badhus i Umeå ska se ut. Mina huvudsakliga frågeställningar har varit just placeringen, programmets omfattning samt naturligtvis även gestaltningen av ett badhus för Umeå kommun med sina 110 000 invånare. Jag har utvärderat de alternativa placeringar som föreslagits och samtliga platser har naturligtvis både sina för- och nackdelar men jag har kommit fram till att jag vill placera ett nytt badhus på samma plats som den nuvarande simhallen som planeras att rivas. Det som fick min jämförelse att väga över för min valda plats är att det ligger på randen av Gam- mliaskogen, ett rekreationsområde helt omgivet av stad men där det finns flera skid- och joggingspår. Detta är en möjlighet som är för bra för att försitta.Umeå municipality have, since 1995, at varying intensity, been planning for a new bath house to replace the existing from 1970. The current proposal has been met with mixed critique and the more critical ones fokus on both the placement (in the city centre on a too narrow lot) and the extent of the programme (too small). Since I share these critical opinions it has given me an excellent opportunity for this thesis work to examine the placement, extent and figuration of a new bath house in Umeå

    Open data – It’s sensitive : A study exploring obstacles and enablers of publishing Open data at two types of Swedish Governmental agencies

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    There is currently an effort within the European Union and Sweden to make data produced by government agencies available for reuse to citizens and organizations. While Sweden has had a long history of sharing information with its citizens the country is currently behind its northern neighboring countries when it comes to publishing government data openly. In this study, the author seeks to find if there are types of governmental agencies whose work makes it easier or harder to make it available for reuse. This was done in two phases; in the first phase, the author identified overrepresented and underrepresented agency types on Sweden’s open data portal. In the second phase, the author interviewed two agencies from an overrepresented agency type and two agencies from an underrepresented agency type, to learn what has enabled the overrepresented agencies and what has prevented the underrepresented agencies to publish data openly. The results show that agencies that have sensitive data, in general, had a harder time publishing their data openly than those which did not. The agencies that were underrepresented on the Swedish data portal also had decentralized data generation methods and ways of storage that negatively impacted their ability to publish data openly. What enabled the overrepresented agencies to publish data, beyond having a low amount of sensitive data was the tangible benefits of publishing data openly and the organizational willingness that came with these benefits

    Teachers' attitudes to teaching aids and authentic materials

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    The aim of this thesis is to elucidate how English teachers in Sweden choose what materials to use in the classroom and how they benefit students. In order to accomplish this, I studied a variety of theories that deal with the subject of using traditional teaching aids versus authentic materials. Four interviews with English teachers of different backgrounds and experiences were conducted. I analysed the results of the interviews in conjunction with the theories. My conclusion is that teachers use different materials based on a combination of experiences and preferences. However, due to the limited number of interviewees in this study, it is not possible to draw any general conclusions. Nevertheless, it seems probable that new and inexperienced teachers seek comfort in traditional teaching aids such as textbooks and accessories, while experienced teachers lean towards incorporating authentic materials in their teaching to a larger extent. The experienced interviewees feel that authentic materials enable students to learn in an environment where they forget that they are actually ‘learning’. Instead, English becomes the natural means of communication. However, most interviewees agreed that time constraints sometimes make it difficult to incorporate authentic materials in the classroom. It is my own conclusion that authentic materials provide teachers with a never-ending source of inspiration that has the potential to revitalize and even reinvent the profession

    En studie av specialpedagogers interaktion med rektorer och ämneslärare

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    Introduction*The introduction notes worrisome statistics from 2017 that had one in four high-school students either drop out prematurely or fail to achieve passing grades in all their subjects. The importance of the SNE role to remedy this problem is emphasized. However, the profession occasionally lacks legitimacy in the workplace, as it is not statutory, and the role is not always well-understood among principals and general educators alike. Aim*This study examines how the interactions of special needs educators (SNEs) with principals and general educators affect their ability to perform efficiently in their professional role. Theory*In addition to previous research, the study leans on theories pertaining to the establishing of professions, the process of invoking jurisdiction over work tasks and the forming of social bonds between individuals.Method*Semi-structured interviews were conducted with two representatives from each of the three profession, lending to a broader picture given the limited scope of the study. Thematic analy-sis was used to analyze the empirical interview data. Results*Two themes emerged in the results as relevant to the aim of the study: 1. The mandate and support that SNEs receive – or fail to receive - from principals appear to affect their ability to enact their professional role and perform efficiently in it. 2: Social bonds that are forged in the workplace, as well as communication between professions, seem to have bearing on the ability of SNEs to perform efficiently in their professional role. Implications*The study concludes that all three professions prefer that SNEs should work closer to general educators than principals. Because the chief interaction between principals and SNEs was widely considered the granting of mandate and setting of the agenda, it was suggested that SNEs focus primarily on establishing good social bonds and collaborating with general educa-tors in order to increase their chances of positively impacting the workplace. While recognizing its limited scope, this study proposes that research focus more on the potential benefits of statutory status for SNEs. In view of how the study correlates fairly well with previous research, in cases going back several decades, it is further suggested that efforts be made into allowing research greater influence on how the profession is enacted and orga-nized. As a final recommendation, closer cooperation between SNE, principal and general educator programs in higher education is viewed as favorable in order to promote interprofes-sional understanding and collaboration in the workplace