8 research outputs found


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    This study shared the fishers’ local ecological knowledge (LEK) from the two fishing villages (Peniche, Portugal, and Arraial do Cabo, Brazil), based on answers to the following key question: What are the main target species for fishing in Peniche/Arraial do Cabo? A total of 221 semi-structured interviews were conducted in the Atlantic fishing villages during 2016. Fisher´s interviews reported 42 species of marine animals from Peniche fishing community, and 40 species in Arraial do Cabo. The fisheries resources cited by fishers were assessed for vulnerability, according to the issue’s conservation based in IUCN and Brazilian Red List. We have identified the main target species for artisanal fishing in both fishing villages. The species with some degree of vulnerability included in the list of fishers in Peniche were: T. trachurus and P. glauca. In Arraial do Cabo fishing village this list is formed by nine species: P. saltatrix, E. marginatus, M. bonaci, P. glauca, M. canis, H. flavolimbatus, H. niveatus, G. galeus and P. americanus - Brazilian Subpopulation. These data acquired through the artisanal fishers of these communities can be an essential starting point for the design of future additional research on the conservation of local biological resources. Monitoring the artisanal fisheries through the informal data shared in this study can contribute to more appropriate and integrated management of the marine resources.

    Percepção de usuários de praias em relação ao lixo marinho como uma ferramenta para ações efetivas contra essa problemática

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    This study aimed to identify the perception of beach users about the problem of marine litter, and to characterize them from the socioeconomic point of view. To this, 43 open questionnaires were conducted with users from Curva da Jurema and Ilha do Boi beaches, in Vitória, Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil. From the socioeconomic point of view, our results showed that there were no significant differences between the users of the two beaches. With respect to marine litter, the interviewees showed a high level of knowledge about this issue, knowing what the proper disposal of the litter they produce should be and what damage it can cause to the environment and also to humans. It is noteworthy that respondents blame other beach users for the accumulated litter, suggesting that the lack of education and awareness of other people is the main factor for beach garbage. Thus, we conclude that users of both beaches perceive the problem of marine litter, but do not identify their actions as part of the problem. Thus, constant measures are required in public-private partnerships focused on education on the subject, in addition to the installation of various points of garbage collection and monitoring their effectiveness. As a final product, actions were suggested with the different actors involved in the problem, in order to minimize the effects of this pollution

    Density and spatial distribution of the crab Ocypode quadrata (Fabricius, 1787) (Crustacea, Ocypodidae) on three sandy beaches of Espírito Santo, Brazil

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    The relative density (number of burrows/m2) and spatial distribution of the crab Ocypode quadrata were evaluated on three sandy beaches of Vila Velha-ES: Itaparica, Itapoã and Praia da Costa. These beaches were sampled on 05/25, 06/13, 06/26 and 07/11/2006. On each day, two 5m width transects were randomly distributed on each beach, perpendicular to the waterline and divided into 2 x 5m rectangles. Within each transect, all burrows were counted, the diameters were measured (mm), and their locations in relation to the waterline were recorded. Itaparica beach presented a greater mean density of burrows (mean = 0.33, SD = ± 0.26), followed by Praia da Costa (0.16 ± 0.14) and Itapoã (0.08 ± 0.02). Regarding the burrow diameters, Itaparica and Itapoã showed greater values (16.2 ± 8.88 and 16.2 ± 8.91, respectively) than Praia da Costa (12.6 ± 6.40). The density of burrows and the burrow diameters differed significantly among the beaches. A greater abundance of small burrows occurred near the waterline and a greater abundance of large burrows were situated on the upper beach. The flux of people and the passage of the urban cleansing vehicles apparently had an influence on the density and spatial distribution standards found for the O. quadrata crabs


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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-7925.2008v21n4p73A densidade relativa (no de tocas/m2) e a distribuição espacial do caranguejo Ocypode quadrata foram avaliadas em três praias arenosas do município de Vila Velha-ES: Itaparica, Itapoã e Praia da Costa. Nas três praias, as amostragens foram conduzidas nos dias 25/05, 13/06, 26/06 e 11/07/2006. Em cada dia, foram distribuídos aleatoriamente por praia, dois transectos de 5m de largura perpendiculares a linha d’água, divididos em retângulos de 2 x 5m, abrangendo toda faixa de areia. Em cada transecto, todas as tocas foram contadas, os diâmetros da abertura foram medidos (mm) e a localização em relação à linha d’água de cada toca foi anotada. A praia de Itaparica apresentou a maior densidade média de tocas (média = 0,33, DP = ± 0,26), seguida pela Praia da Costa (0,16 ± 0,14) e Itapoã (0,08 ± 0,02). Com relação ao diâmetro das tocas, Itaparica e Itapoã possuíram as maiores médias (16,2 ± 8,88; 16,2 ± 8,91, respectivamente) e Praia da Costa a menor (12,6 ± 6,40). A densidade e o diâmetro das tocas diferiram signifi cativamente entre as praias. Foi observado que as tocas de menor diâmetro predominaram nas áreas próximas à linha d’água e as tocas com maiores diâmetros na parte superior da praia. O fluxo de pessoas e a passagem do veículo de limpeza parece influenciarem na densidade e nos padrões de distribuição espacial encontrados para O. quadrata.Density and spatial distribution of the crab Ocypode quadrata (Fabricius, 1787) (Crustacea, Ocypodidae) on three sandy beaches of Espírito Santo, Brazil. The relative density (number of burrows/m2) and spatial distribution of the crab Ocypode quadrata were evaluated on three sandy beaches of Vila Velha-ES: Itaparica, Itapoã and Praia da Costa. These beaches were sampled on 05/25, 06/13, 06/26 and 07/11/2006. On  each day, two 5m width transects were randomly distributed on each beach, perpendicular to the waterline anddivided into 2 x 5m rectangles. Within each transect, all burrows were counted, the diameters were measured (mm), and their locations in relation to the waterline were recorded. Itaparica beach presented a greater mean density of burrows (mean = 0.33, SD = ± 0.26), followed by Praia da Costa (0.16 ± 0.14) and Itapoã (0.08 ± 0.02). Regarding the burrow diameters, Itaparica and Itapoã showed greater values (16.2 ± 8.88 and 16.2 ± 8.91, respectively) than Praia da Costa (12.6 ± 6.40). The density of burrows and the burrow diameters differedsignifi cantly among the beaches. A greater abundance of small burrows occurred near the waterline and a greater abundance of large burrows were situated on the upper beach. The fl ux of people and the passage of the urban cleansing vehicles apparently had an infl uence on the density and spatial distribution standards found for the O. quadrata crabs

    Fecundity, reproductive seasonality and maturation size of Callinectes sapidus females (Decapoda: Portunidae) in the Southeast coast of Brazil

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    C. sapidus fisheries has a significant influence on the economy of some countries in North America and has a relative extensive literature in these regions. However, only few papers discuss the ecology of C. sapidus in the South Atlantic, despite its economic importance in that region. We studied the fecundity, reproductive seasonality and maturation size of C. sapidus females captured in the Southeast coast of Brazil from January to December 2002. Females were separated, weighted (Wt), and cephalothorax width (CW) was measured. Furthermore, the eggs-masses were classified according to embryonic development, separated, weighted (We) and fixed. Eggs were also separated and counted, resulting in the average number of eggs per individual (Ne). A total sample of 307 females was collected: 78 young, 130 adults and 99 ovigerous. Ovigerous females showed CW between 7.49 and 15.89cm with average of 12.21cm and were distributed throughout the sample period, with highest incidence between December and March. The onset of morphological maturity (L50) occurred at CW=10.33cm, and the size in which all were mature (L100) was CW=11.20cm. Individual fecundity ranged from 689 356 to 3 438 122 with an average of 2 006 974. The CW showed a positive growth trend with Ne and We. We concluded that in order to ensure the resource sustainability, it is necessary to prohibit captures of C. sapidus in these regions, especially during summer. Additionally, our studies suggest that the minimum capture size should be 11cm of carapace width.Hay pocos estudios sobre la ecología de C. sapidus en el Atlántico Sur, a pesar de su importancia económica en la región. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo conocer la fecundidad, periodo reproductivo y talla de primera madurez morfológica de las hembras de C. sapidus, con el fin de contribuir a una mejor comprensión de la especie en el Atlántico occidental, así como ayudar en la toma de medidas de gestión en la región. Las muestras fueron recolectadas mensualmente de enero a diciembre 2002 en sudeste del Brazil. Se recogieron 307 hembras: 78 jóvenes, 130 adultos y 99 ovígeras. Las hembras ovígeras mostró su intervalo de talla de 7.49-15.89cm ancho del carapazón (AC) y se distribuyeron en todo el período de la muestra, con mayor incidencia entre diciembre y marzo. El inicio de la madurez morfológica (L50) fue con la AC=10.33cm y el tamaño que tenían todos los maduros (L100) con AC de 11.20cm. Fecundidad individual osciló entre 689 356 a 3 438 122, con una media 2 006 974. El AC mostró una tendencia positiva en el crecimiento con número de huevos y el peso del huevos. El conocimiento de los aspectos reproductivos de la población es importante en la definición de medidas de gestión para el uso sostenible con el fin de renovar y continuar con la misma

    Fecundity, reproductive seasonality and maturation size of Callinectes sapidus females (Decapoda: Portunidae) in the Southeast coast of Brazil

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    C. sapidus fisheries has a significant influence on the economy of some countries in North America and has a relative extensive literature in these regions. However, only few papers discuss the ecology of C. sapidus in the South Atlantic, despite its economic importance in that region. We studied the fecundity, reproductive seasonality and maturation size of C. sapidus females captured in the Southeast coast of Brazil from January to December 2002. Females were separated, weighted (Wt), and cephalothorax width (CW) was measured. Furthermore, the eggs-masses were classified according to embryonic development, separated, weighted (We) and fixed. Eggs were also separated and counted, resulting in the average number of eggs per individual (Ne). A total sample of 307 females was collected: 78 young, 130 adults and 99 ovigerous. Ovigerous females showed CW between 7.49 and 15.89cm with average of 12.21cm and were distributed throughout the sample period, with highest incidence between December and March. The onset of morphological maturity (L50) occurred at CW=10.33cm, and the size in which all were mature (L100) was CW=11.20cm. Individual fecundity ranged from 689 356 to 3 438 122 with an average of 2 006 974. The CW showed a positive growth trend with Ne and We. We concluded that in order to ensure the resource sustainability, it is necessary to prohibit captures of C. sapidus in these regions, especially during summer. Additionally, our studies suggest that the minimum capture size should be 11cm of carapace width