243 research outputs found

    Fridays @ 12:30 Series: Der kleine Tod

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    Análisis espacial de la concentración de metales en el camarón gris Crangon crangon (Linnaeus, 1758) en el Mar del Norte meridional

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    Spatial distributions of Cu, Pb, Cd, Ni and Zn concentrations in brown shrimps Crangon crangon (Linnaeus, 1758) collected on a cruise of FRV Walther Herwig III to the southern North Sea in January 2004, were investigated on a scale of 18 x 18 km to evaluate the range of spatial autocorrelations for the different variables under study. Semivariogram models obtained by geostatistical procedures indicated a distinct increase in variability for most variables with sampling distance. Only if samples are taken at distances above the estimated values for the practical range of the semivariogram can stochastic independence of the data be assumed. These are 6.6 km for Cd, 3.0 km for Ni and 5.2 km for Pb. Contour plots revealed a clear coincidence of high values for Cd, Ni and Pb with low shrimp mean body wet weight. Nevertheless, spatial autocorrelations were rather weak, since classical and geostatistical population estimates for the means and the 95% confidence intervals were in good agreement. The low detected concentrations of Pb in C. crangon were in good agreement with reported data for decapod crustaceans from other regions. For Zn reported values were distinctly below our 95% confidence intervals, while for Cu they were slightly above and for Cd distinctly above concentrations in C. crangon from this study. For Ni no comparative values exist. We conclude that with this integrated biomonitoring approach metal concentrations could be assessed more precisely and relations between biotic and abiotic variables could be evaluated.Se analiza la distribución espacial de las concentraciones de Cu, Pb, Cd, Ni y Zn en el camarón gris Crangon crangon (Linnaeus, 1758) en muestras recolectadas durante una campaña a bordo del BO “Walther Herwig II” en el Mar del Norte meridional en Enero de 2004, en un área de 18 x 18 km. Se investiga el alcance de las funciones de autocorrelación espacial de las distintas variables estudiadas. El análisis de los modelos de semivariograma obtenidos mediante técnicas geostadísticas indica un aumento de la variabilidad para la mayoría de las variables con la distancia. Sólo cuando se toman las muestras a distancias superiores al alcance práctico del semivariograma se puede asumir independencia estocástica entre los datos. Los alcances calculados son 6.6 km para Cd, 3.0 km para Ni y 5.2 km para Pb. Los mapas de isodensidad muestran una clara coincidencia de altos valores de Cd, Ni y Pb con valores bajos de peso medio húmedo de camarón. Sin embargo, las autocorrelaciones espaciales observadas son relativamente débiles, ya que las estimaciones obtenidas para la media y el intervalo de confianza al 95% mediante técnicas geostadísticas y técnicas clásicas coinciden. Los bajos valores de concentración de Pb detectados en C. crangon concuerdan con los datos obtenidos para crustáceos decápodos en otras regiones. Para Zn los valores medidos en otras regiones se encuentran de manera consistente por debajo del intervalo de confianza del 95%, mientras que para Cu los valores observados son ligeramente superiores a los nuestros. Para la concentración de Cd en C. crangon los valores que se indican en la literatura son claramente superiores a la concentraciones medidas en nuestro estudio, mientras que para Ni no existen valores de comparación. Se concluye que con esta aproximación integrada a la valoración biológica, las concentraciones de metales pueden evaluarse de manera más precisa, así como las relaciones entre variables bióticas y abióticas

    Evaluation der Wirksamkeit von Physiotherapie bei Kraniomandibulärer Dysfunktion (CMD) mit Hilfe von Schmerzlokalisierungsbogen und Oberflächen-EMG

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    Mashups in libraries

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    Mashups können durch die Kombination von Daten einen Mehrwert gegenüber den ursprünglichen Informationsquellen bieten. Diese Arbeit stellt Mashups vor und zeigt, wie Bibliotheken Mashups bislang für sich nutzen. Des weiteren wird untersucht, wie verbreitet sie auf ausgewählten Websites wissenschaftlicher Bibliotheken sind. Abschließend wird anhand eines einfachen, praktischen Beispiels erläutert, wie ein Mashup realisiert werden kann, und welche Schritte dafür notwendig sind.Mashups may offer more information than the original ones by means of the combination of data. This work presents mashups and shows how libraries use mashups up to now. Moreover, a research is given on the level of distribution on websites of chosen scientific libraries. Finally, a simple, practical example shows how a mashup can be realised and which steps are necessary

    Aktionsplan Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik: Was Deutschland für Sicherheit, Verteidigung und Frieden tun muss

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    Für das offene und global vernetzte Deutschland hängen die Sicherheit der Welt und die der europäischen Nachbarschaft untrennbar mit der eigenen zusammen. Inmitten dieser globalen Verflechtungen krankt die deutsche Sicherheitspolitik jedoch an vielerlei Fehleinschätzungen. Angesichts der Verschlechterung der strategischen Lage muss die neue Bundesregierung die Kraft zu einer Erneuerung der deutschen Sicherheitspolitik finden. Ansonsten droht Deutschland der Verlust von Handlungsspielräumen und die Vereinnahmung durch strategische Herausforderer

    Fishing within offshore wind farms in the North Sea:Stakeholder perspectives for multi-use from Scotland and Germany

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    Offshore wind power generation requires large areas of sea to accommodate its activities, with increasing claims for exclusive access. As a result, pressure is placed on other established maritime uses, such as commercial fisheries. The latter sector has often been taking a back seat in the thrust to move energy production offshore, thus leading to disagreements and conflicts among the different stakeholder groups. In recognition of the latter, there has been a growing international interest in exploring the combination of multiple maritime activities in the same area (multi-use; MU), including the re-instatement of fishing activities within, or in close proximity to, offshore wind farms (OWFs). We summarise local stakeholder perspectives from two sub-national case studies (East coast of Scotland and Germany's North Sea EEZ) to scope the feasibility of combining multiple uses of the sea, such as offshore wind farms and commercial fisheries. We combined a desk-based review with 15 semi-structured qualitative interviews with key knowledge holders from both industries, regulators, and academia to aggregate key results. Drivers, barriers and resulting effects (positive and negative) for potential multi-use of fisheries and OWFs are listed and ranked (57 factors in total). Factors are of economic, social, policy, legal, and technical nature. To date, in both case study areas, the offshore wind industry has shown little interest in multi-use solutions, unless clear added value is demonstrated and no risks to their operations are involved. In contrast, the commercial fishing sector is proactive towards multi-use projects and acts as a driving force for MU developments. We provide a range of management recommendations, based on stakeholder input, to support progress towards robust decision making in relation to multi-use solutions, including required policy and regulatory framework improvements, good practice guidance, empirical studies, capacity building of stakeholders and improvements of the consultation process. Our findings represent a comprehensive depiction of the current state and key stakeholder aspirations for multi-use solutions combining fisheries and OWFs. We believe that the pathways towards robust decision making in relation to multi-use solutions suggested here are transferable to other international locations