9 research outputs found

    Development of brainstem-evoked responses in congenital auditory deprivation

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    To compare the development of the auditory system in hearing and completely acoustically deprived animals, naive congenitally deaf white cats (CDCs) and hearing controls (HCs) were investigated at different developmental stages from birth till adulthood. The CDCs had no hearing experience before the acute experiment. In both groups of animals, responses to cochlear implant stimulation were acutely assessed. Electrically evoked auditory brainstem responses (E-ABRs) were recorded with monopolar stimulation at different current levels. CDCs demonstrated extensive development of E-ABRs, from first signs of responses at postnatal (p.n.) day 3 through appearance of all waves of brainstem response at day 8 p.n. to mature responses around day 90 p.n.. Wave I of E-ABRs could not be distinguished from the artifact in majority of CDCs, whereas in HCs, it was clearly separated from the stimulus artifact. Waves II, III, and IV demonstrated higher thresholds in CDCs, whereas this difference was not found for wave V. Amplitudes of wave III were significantly higher in HCs, whereas wave V amplitudes were significantly higher in CDCs. No differences in latencies were observed between the animal groups. These data demonstrate significant postnatal subcortical development in absence of hearing, and also divergent effects of deafness on early waves II–IV and wave V of the E-ABR

    Monaural congenital deafness affects aural dominance and degrades binaural processing

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    Cortical development extensively depends on sensory experience. Effects of congenital monaural and binaural deafness on cortical aural dominance and representation of binaural cues were investigated in the present study. We used an animal model that precisely mimics the clinical scenario of unilateral cochlear implantation in an individual with single-sided congenital deafness. Multiunit responses in cortical field A1 to cochlear implant stimulation were studied in normal-hearing cats, bilaterally congenitally deaf cats (CDCs), and unilaterally deaf cats (uCDCs). Binaural deafness reduced cortical responsiveness and decreased response thresholds and dynamic range. In contrast to CDCs, in uCDCs, cortical responsiveness was not reduced, but hemispheric-specific reorganization of aural dominance and binaural interactions were observed. Deafness led to a substantial drop in binaural facilitation in CDCs and uCDCs, demonstrating the inevitable role of experience for a binaural benefit. Sensitivity to interaural time differences was more reduced in uCDCs than in CDCs, particularly at the hemisphere ipsilateral to the hearing ear. Compared with binaural deafness, unilateral hearing prevented nonspecific reduction in cortical responsiveness, but extensively reorganized aural dominance and binaural responses. The deaf ear remained coupled with the cortex in uCDCs, demonstrating a significant difference to deprivation amblyopia in the visual system

    Unilateral hearing during development: hemispheric specificity in plastic reorganizations

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    The present study investigates the hemispheric contributions of neuronal reorganization following early single-sided hearing (unilateral deafness). The experiments were performed on ten cats from our colony of deaf white cats. Two were identified in early hearing screening as unilaterally congenitally deaf. The remaining eight were bilaterally congenitally deaf, unilaterally implanted at different ages with a cochlear implant. Implanted animals were chronically stimulated using a single-channel portable signal processor for two to five months. Microelectrode recordings were performed at the primary auditory cortex under stimulation at the hearing and deaf ear with bilateral cochlear implants. Local field potentials (LFPs) were compared at the cortex ipsilateral and contralateral to the hearing ear. The focus of the study was on the morphology and the onset latency of the LFPs. With respect to morphology of LFPs, pronounced hemisphere-specific effects were observed. Morphology of amplitude-normalized LFPs for stimulation of the deaf and the hearing ear was similar for responses recorded at the same hemisphere. However, when comparisons were performed between the hemispheres, the morphology was more dissimilar even though the same ear was stimulated. This demonstrates hemispheric specificity of some cortical adaptations irrespective of the ear stimulated. The results suggest a specific adaptation process at the hemisphere ipsilateral to the hearing ear, involving specific (down-regulated inhibitory) mechanisms not found in the contralateral hemisphere. Finally, onset latencies revealed that the sensitive period for the cortex ipsilateral to the hearing ear is shorter than that for the contralateral cortex. Unilateral hearing experience leads to a functionally-asymmetric brain with different neuronal reorganizations and different sensitive periods involved

    Deafness Weakens Interareal Couplings in the Auditory Cortex

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    Contains fulltext : 230601.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access

    Deficient Recurrent Cortical Processing in Congenital Deafness

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    The influence of sensory experience on cortical feedforward and feedback interactions has rarely been studied in the auditory cortex. Previous work has documented a dystrophic effect of deafness in deep cortical layers, and a reduction of interareal couplings between primary and secondary auditory areas in congenital deafness which was particularly pronounced in the top-down direction (from the secondary to the primary area). In the present study, we directly quantified the functional interaction between superficial (supragranular, I to III) and deep (infragranular, V and VI) layers of feline’s primary auditory cortex A1, and also between superficial/deep layers of A1 and a secondary auditory cortex, namely the posterior auditory field (PAF). We compared adult hearing cats under acoustic stimulation and cochlear implant (CI) stimulation to adult congenitally deaf cats (CDC) under CI stimulation. Neuronal activity was recorded from auditory fields A1 and PAF simultaneously with two NeuroNexus electrode arrays. We quantified the spike field coherence (i.e., the statistical dependence of spike trains at one electrode with local field potentials on another electrode) using pairwise phase consistency (PPC). Both the magnitude as well as the preferred phase of synchronization was analyzed. The magnitude of PPC was significantly smaller in CDCs than in controls. Furthermore, controls showed no significant difference between the preferred phase of synchronization between supragranular and infragranular layers, both in acoustic and electric stimulation. In CDCs, however, there was a large difference in the preferred phase between supragranular and infragranular layers. These results demonstrate a loss of synchrony and for the first time directly document a functional decoupling of the interaction between supragranular and infragranular layers of the primary auditory cortex in congenital deafness. Since these are key for the influence of top-down to bottom-up computations, the results suggest a loss of recurrent cortical processing in congenital deafness and explain the outcomes of previous studies by deficits in intracolumnar microcircuitry

    Cross-modal plasticity in higher-order auditory cortex of congenitally deaf cats does not limit auditory responsiveness to cochlear implants

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    Congenital sensory deprivation can lead to reorganization of the deprived cortical regions by another sensory system. Such cross-modal reorganization may either compete with or complement the “original“ inputs to the deprived area after sensory restoration and can thus be either adverse or beneficial for sensory restoration. In congenital deafness, a previous inactivation study documented that supranormal visual behavior was mediated by higher-order auditory fields in congenitally deaf cats (CDCs). However, both the auditory responsiveness of “deaf” higher-order fields and interactions between the reorganized and the original sensory input remain unknown. Here, we studied a higher-order auditory field responsible for the supranormal visual function in CDCs, the auditory dorsal zone (DZ). Hearing cats and visual cortical areas served as a control. Using mapping with microelectrode arrays, we demonstrate spatially scattered visual (cross-modal) responsiveness in the DZ, but show that this did not interfere substantially with robust auditory responsiveness elicited through cochlear implants. Visually responsive and auditory-responsive neurons in the deaf auditory cortex formed two distinct populations that did not show bimodal interactions. Therefore, cross-modal plasticity in the deaf higher-order auditory cortex had limited effects on auditory inputs. The moderate number of scattered cross-modally responsive neurons could be the consequence of exuberant connections formed during development that were not pruned postnatally in deaf cats. Although juvenile brain circuits are modified extensively by experience, the main driving input to the cross-modally (visually) reorganized higher-order auditory cortex remained auditory in congenital deafness

    Fundamentalni aspekti i prvini rezultati od klinika primena na kombinirana elektro i akustična stimulacija na auditiven sistem = Fundamental aspects and first results of the clinical application of combined electric and acoustic stimulation of the auditory system

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    Electric stimulation of the auditory nerve via cochlear implants has made the treatment of sensory deafness possible. Advanced signal processing and stimulation paradigms have led to continuously improved results in speech understanding. Consequently, indication criteria have been extended to patients with profound and severe-to-profound hearing loss and limited speech understanding with conventional acoustic amplification. Outside this group, a considerable number of patients presents with rather wellpreserved, low frequency hearing of 30-60 dB up to 1 kHz, but severe loss in the mid to high frequency range of more than 60-70 dB. Monosyllabic word scores in these patients do not generally exceed 35%, due to missing consonant information. But, even increasing the audibility of these high frequencies by acoustic amplification still has very limited efficiency for discriminating speech, and therefore, these patients obtain only minor benefit from conventional hearing aids. On the other hand, standard cochlear implantation would carry a high risk of causing complete hearing loss. This situation has led to considering a combination of both modes of stimulation for these patients who are on the borderline between hearing aids and cochlear implant. In our present model, the surviving low frequency region of the cochlea could still be stimulated acoustically-combined with additional electrical stimulation of the impaired mid and high frequency region of the cochlea. Several questions still have to be answered with regard to combined electric and acoustic stimulation (EAS). The possible interaction of electric and acoustic stimuli on the different levels off the auditory system is a major issue. Animal experiments clearly demonstrate that tuning properties of auditory neurons, in response to acute acoustic stimulation, are essentially preserved in the presence of electric stimulation even at high levels of electric stimulation, and that chronic electric stimulation of tie intact inner ear does not have a significant effect on the compound action potentials (CAP) thresholds or inner ear function. In a previous report, we were able to show that this combined F.A.S of the auditory system is possible in humans, and that it has a synergistic effect on speech understanding. Further major issues regard the surgical feasibility and reproducibility of cochlear implantation with the preservation of residual hearing. Encouraged by our findings, a clinical study was initiated on the application of EAS. So far, seven adults have been included in this study. In addition, one child has been implanted outside the study