161 research outputs found

    Comparative morphology of immature stages of four species of Chinavia (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae), with a key to the species of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Chinavia Orian (1965) is one of the most diverse genera of Pentatomidae, distributed in the Afrotropical, Neotropical and Nearctic Regions. Thirty-two species are recorded for Brazil, some of them having potential economic impact because they are found on crops and referred to as pests. the morphology of the five nymphal instars of C. armigera (Stal, 1859), C. aseada (Rolston, 1983), C. brasicola (Rolston, 1983) and C. runaspis (Dallas, 1851) are described here. Through a comparative study, identification keys were developed to allow an early identification of the 12 Chinavia species of Rio Grande do Sul.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul, Dept Zool, BR-91501970 Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Biol Sci, BR-09972270 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Biol Sci, BR-09972270 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Percevejos-do-mato (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Pentatomoidea) da Floresta Nacional de São Francisco de Paula, RS, Brasil

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    A list of species of Pentatomoidea from Floresta Nacional de São Francisco de Paula, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, is provided. This list was based in the collections of the Laboratório de Entomologia Sistemática, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRG) and Museu de Ciências Naturais, Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul (MCNZ), as well as from expeditions from 17/dec/2005 to 06/jul/2011. In this first Pentatomoidea inventory 44 species were classified in four families (Acanthosomatidae, Pentatomidae, Scutelleridae and Thyreocoridae), seven subfamilies (Blaudinae, Asopinae, Discocephalinae, Edessinae, Pentatominae, Pachycorinae and Thyreocorinae), seven tribes and 21 genera. Pentatomidae was the largest group in number of species (37 spp.). Two species new to science were collected.É apresentada uma lista das espécies de Pentatomoidea da Floresta Nacional de São Francisco de Paula, estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil,. Esta lista foi elaborada a partir do levantamento nas coleções entomológicas do Laboratório de Entomologia Sistemática, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRG) e Museu de Ciências Naturais, Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul (MCNZ), e por coletas realizadas no período de 17/dez/2005 a 06/jul/2011. Neste primeiro inventário de pentatomóideos foram registradas 44 espécies classificadas em quatro famílias (Acanthosomatidae, Pentatomidae, Scutelleridae e Thyreocoridae), sete subfamílias (Blaudinae, Asopinae, Discocephalinae, Edessinae, Pentatominae, Pachycorinae e Thyreocorinae), sete tribos e 21 gêneros. Pentatomidae foi o maior grupo em número de espécies (37 spp.). Duas espécies novas para a ciência foram coletadas

    Cytogenetic studies in Pentatomidae (Heteroptera): A review

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    The suborder Heteroptera constitutes one of the most important insect groups because most species are plants feeders and cause damage on many plants of economic importance. One of the most important cytogenetic characteristics of Heteroptera is the holokinetic nature of the chromosomes. One particular feature of some species of Pentatomidae is the regular presence of an abnormal meiosis in one testicular lobe (harlequin lobe). From the 28 species cytogenetically analysed from Argentine material, 21 present the diploid number 2n ¼ 14, four species present a reduced number (2n ¼ 12) and another three species possess an increased diploid number (2n ¼ 16); among all these only three present an harlequin lobe. In the present work, a bibliographic review of the chromosome number and sex determining system of 294 species and subspecies belonging to 121 genera within the subfamilies Asopinae, Discocephalinae, Edessinae, Pentatominae, Phyllocephalinae and Podopinae is presented. The male diploid numbers range from six to 27 with a mode in 14 chromosomes; this last diploid number is present in 85% of the species. The sex chromosome determining system is XY/XX except in three species: Macropygium reticulare (Fabricius, 1803), Rhytidolomia senilis (Say, 1832) and Thyanta calceata (Say, 1832) which present derived sex chromosome systems. Furthermore, the cytogenetic relationships with the other families of Pentatomoidea are discussed

    Tynacantha marginata (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), depredador de la chinche verde hedionda ( Nezara viridula L.) en Venezuela

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    S\ue1nchez M, Borges B, Grazia J. 2001. Tynacantha marginata Dallas (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), predator of green stink bug ( Nezara viridula L.) in Venezuela. Entomotropica 16(3):213-214. In experimental soybean ( Glycine max (L.) Merrill) plots Tynacantha marginatawas observed as a predator of green stink bug.S\ue1nchez M, Borges B, Grazia J. 2001. Tynacantha marginata Dallas (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), depredador de la chinche verde hedionda ( Nezara viridula >L.) en Venezuela. Entomotropica 16(3):213-214. En siembras experimentales de soya ( Glycine max (L.) Merrill) se observ\uf3 a Tynacantha marginata depredando a la chinche verde hedionda

    Stink bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) of Colombia: An annotated checklist of species

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    A checklist of 5 subfamilies, 108 genera, and 246 species of stinks bugs (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) from Colombia is provided. Three genera [Andrallus Bergroth, Placocoris Mayr, and Pseudobebaeus Distant], and eight species [Arocera spectabilis (Drury), Andrallus spinidens (Fabricius), Banasa excavata Thomas, Banasa saileri Thomas, Banasa varians Stål, Chinavia scutellata (Distant), Pelidnocoris haglundi Ruckes, and Pseudobebaeus truncatus (Fallou)] are recorded for the first time from Colombia. Images of dorsal external habitus for all genera that occur in Colombia are offered. This is the first time a comprehensive list of the stink bugs from Colombia is presented, providing a baseline to develop further studies in this group of true bugs.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Análise de endemismo de táxons neotropicais de Pentatomidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)

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    The definition of areas of endemism is central to studies of historical biogeography, and their interrelationships are fundamental questions. Consistent hypotheses for the evolution of Pentatomidae in the Neotropical region depend on the accuracy of the units employed in the analyses, which in the case of studies of historical biogeography, may be areas of endemism. In this study, the distribution patterns of 222 species, belonging to 14 Pentatomidae (Hemiptera) genera, predominantly neotropical, were studied with the Analysis of Endemicity (NDM) to identify possible areas of endemism and to correlate them to previously delimited areas. The search by areas of endemism was carried out using grid-cell units of 2.5° and 5° latitude-longitude. The analysis based on groupings of grid-cells of 2.5° of latitude-longitude allowed the identification of 51 areas of endemism, the consensus of these areas resulted in four clusters of grid-cells. The second analysis, with grid-cells units of 5° latitude-longitude, resulted in 109 areas of endemism. The flexible consensus employed resulted in 17 areas of endemism. The analyses were sensitive to the identification of areas of endemism in different scales in the Atlantic Forest. The Amazonian region was identified as a single area in the area of consensus, and its southeastern portion shares elements with the Chacoan and Paraná subregions. The distribution data of the taxa studied, with different units of analysis, did not allow the identification of individual areas of endemism for the Cerrado and Caatinga. The areas of endemism identified here should be seen as primary biogeographic hypotheses.A definição de áreas de endemismo é central aos estudos de Biogeografia Histórica e suas inter-relações são questões fundamentais. Hipóteses consistentes sobre a evolução de Pentatomidae (Hemiptera) na Região Neotropical dependem da acuidade das unidades empregadas nas análises, que no caso de estudos de biogeografia histórica, podem ser áreas endêmicas. Neste trabalho foram estudados os padrões de distribuição de 222 espécies, pertencentes a 14 gêneros de Pentatomidae, com ocorrência predominantemente neotropical, com base em uma Análise de Endemicidade (NDM) a fim de inferir possíveis áreas endêmicas e relacioná-las a áreas previamente delimitadas. A busca por áreas endêmicas foi realizada com quadrículas de 2,5° e 5° latitude-longitude. A análise com base em agrupamentos de 2,5° latitude-longitude permitiu identificar 51 áreas de endemismo, sendo que o consenso destas áreas resultou em quatro agrupamentos de quadrículas. A segunda análise, com quadrículas de 5° latitude-longitude, resultou em 109 áreas de endemismo. O consenso flexível empregado resultou em 17 áreas de endemismo. As análises foram sensíveis à identificação de áreas de endemismo na Mata Atlântica em diferentes escalas. A região Amazônica foi identificada como uma área única no consenso, sendo que a porção sudeste compartilha elementos com as sub-regiões do Chaco e Paraná. Os dados de distribuição dos táxons estudados, com diferentes unidades de análises, não permitiram a identificação de áreas endêmicas para o Cerrado e a Caatinga. As áreas de endemismo aqui identificadas devem ser tratadas como hipóteses biogeográficas primárias.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Laboratório de Entomologia Sistemática Departamento de ZoologiaUniversidade Federal do Paraná Departamento de Zoologia Programa de Pós-Graduação em EntomologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Ciências BiológicasUNIFESP, Depto. de Ciências BiológicasSciEL

    Revision of Brachystethus (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Edessinae)

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    Brachystethus Laporte, 1832 is revised. Brachystethus coxalis Breddin, 1904, B. cribrus (Fabricius, 1781), B. geniculatus (Fabricius, 1787), B. improvisus Breddin, 1905, B. rubromaculatus Dallas, 1851, B. signoreti Stål, 1872, B. tricolor Bolívar, 1879, B. vexillum Breddin, 1903 and B. vicinus Signoret, 1851 are redescribed based on morphological characters, with emphasis on genitalia of both sexes. A new species, B. schuhi, from Guyana, is described, and B. discolor (Walker, 1867), incertae sedis, is removed from the genus. Illustrations and a key for species of Brachystethus are p

    Neotropical pentatomidae (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of the collection of Massimiliano Spinola preserved in the "Museo Regionale de Scienze Naturali", Turin, Italy

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    One hundred and forty specimens of Neotropical pentatomids of the Spinola collection were examined and identified and are listed in the present work. Lectotypes are designated for Arvelius gladiator Spinola, 1837; Arvelius laciniatus Spinola, 1837; Audinetella bipunctata Spinola, 1850; Ochlerus cinctus Spinola, 1837; Pentatoma albocostatum Spinola, 1852; Pentatoma dimidiaticollis (Spinola, 1852); Pentatoma unidentatum Spinola, 1852; Schaefferella litigiosa Spinola, 1850, Sympiezorhincus tristis Spinola, 1837; and Thoreyella brasiliensis Spinola, 1850. A lectotype is also designated for Chlorocoris tau, putting aside the previous Neotype designation. The preservation status of each specimen is provided

    Stink bugs (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) and an unique host plant in the Brazilian subtropics

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    Stink bugs are seed/fruit sucking insects feeding on an array of host plants. Among them, an exotic tree called privet, Ligustrum lucidum Ait. (Oleaceae), is very common in the urban areas of the Brazilian subtropics, where it is utilized as food source and shelter for over a decem species of bugs, year round. The species composition, their performance and abundance on this host, and possible causes for this association are discussed and illustrated

    Arthropoda Stal 1861

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    Key to the species of Poriptus 1. Antennal segment III surpassing apex of head. Humeri at obtuse angle with anterolateral margins of pronotum............................................................................................................. Poriptus filius Berg, 1883 1 ’. Antennal segment III not surpassing apex of head. Humeri at acute angle with anterolateral margins of pronotum (fig. 1).......................................................................................................................................... 2 2. Parameres and lateral processes of dorsal rim without black border (fig. 8). Sutural margins of gonocoxites 8 markedly divergent at apical third (fig. 25).................................................. Poriptus tobago sp. nov. 2 ’. Parameres and lateral processes of dorsal rim bordered in black (fig. 5). Sutural margins of gonocoxites 8 parallel (fig. 24)................................................................................................ Poriptus luctans Stål, 1861Published as part of Barcellos, Aline & Grazia, Jocelia, 2008, Revision of the genus Poriptus Stål (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae), pp. 25-36 in Zootaxa 1821 on page 27, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.1821.1.3, http://zenodo.org/record/18301
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