797 research outputs found

    Sociedad y patrimonio : políticas públicas

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    Los nuevos retos que plantea la sociedad del siglo XXI reclaman del patrimonio cultural que ejerza los papeles que le confiere ser tanto un recurso para la cultura como un capital económico. La primera de las funciones está relacionada con la construcción de identidades sociales, con valores simbólicos, con el servicio a la educación y a la ciencia, con el estímulo de la conciencia ciudadana o con los valores sensitivos y de disfrute. Como capital económico, el patrimonio está relacionado con la inserción en el sistema productivo, incluyendo la generación de rentas e incluso de empleo y, particularmente, con la inserción en el tejido local a través de la participación en el desarrollo regional. Ambas posiciones indican que al patrimonio cultural le corresponde un papel en la transformación de la sociedad. Lograr que estas demandas sociales sean canalizadas correctamente y promover la relación entre patrimonio y sociedad es un objetivo de tutela y, por consiguiente, es un trabajo que debe ocupar un espacio significativo en las tareas de gestión de la administración cultural. El III Plan General de Bienes Culturales reflexiona sobre estos retos creando una estrategia de trabajo con líneas prioritarias de actuación para lograr los objetivos propuestos.Els nous reptes que es planteja la societat del segle XXI reclamen del patrimoni cultural que exerceixi els papers que li confereix ser tant un recurs per a la cultura com un capital econòmic. La primera de les funcions està relacionada amb la construcció de les identitats socials, amb valors simbòlics, amb el servei a l'educació i a la ciència, amb l'estímul de la consciència ciutadana o amb els valors sensitius i de gaudi. Com a capital econòmic, el patrimoni està relacionat amb la inserció en el sistema productiu, incloent-hi la generació de rendes o fins i tot de llocs de treball i, particularment, amb la inserció en el teixit local mitjançant la participació en el desenvolupament regional. Totes dues posicions indiquen que al patrimoni cultural li correspon un paper en la transformació de la societat. Assolir que aquestes demandes socials siguin canalitzades correctament i promoure la relació entre patrimoni i societat és un objectiu de tutela i, per tant, és un treball que ha d'ocupar un espai significatiu en les tasques de gestió de l'administració cultural. El III Pla General de Béns Culturals reflexiona sobre aquests reptes creant una estratègia de treball amb línies prioritàries d'actuació per assolir els objectius proposats.The XXI century's society contemplates new challenges which demand that cultural heritage plays the role inherent to its nature as cultural resource and economical engine. The first function is related to the creation of social identities, symbolic values, to the service to education and science, to the encouragement of public awareness or to sensitive values and enjoyment; On the other hand, as an economic capital, heritage is related to the insertion in the production system, including income generation and even employment and, particularly, related to the inclusion on local fabric through its participation in regional development. Both conditions indicate that cultural heritage has a predominant role in the transformation of society. To assure that these social demands are channelled properly and to promote the relationship between heritage and society is a tutelary goal and, therefore, is an issue that shall occupy a significant space in cultural administration's management tasks. The Third General Plan of Cultural Assets reflects on these challenges by creating a work strategy with priority lines of action aimed at achieving the proposed objectives

    Systematic review of potential causes of intraocular lens opacification

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    Intraocular lens (IOL) opacification is an infrequent complication of cataract surgery. Surface analysis has demonstrated that the opacification of IOLs is related to calcium or phosphate precipitation on or within the lenses, but the associated mechanisms are unknown, and the scientific literature is heterogeneous and limited to case series and retrospective studies. The purpose of this systematic review was to analyse the most frequent conditions associated with opacification of IOLs reported by studies. A search was carried out using the PubMed MEDLINE, Web of Science and Scopus databases. The quality of the studies selected was evaluated using the Pierson tool. The search provided a total of 811 articles, of which 39 were selected following the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The most common opacified lenses were hydrophilic IOLs according to our analysis. The mean time of appearance of lens opacification was 14.93 ± 17.82 months. The most frequent conditions associated with opacification of the IOLs were Descemet Stripping with Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty (DSAEK/DSEK) and diabetes mellitus (DM), followed by pars plana vitrectomy (PPV), blood hypertension (HT), and glaucoma. Concerning the quality analysis, the mean score was 7.00 ± 1.43 (scoring range from 0 to 10), indicating an acceptable quality of the case reports and retrospective studies. In conclusion, DSAEK/DSEK, DM, PPV, glaucoma and hypertension are conditions with potential risk of IOL opacification after cataract surgery, especially when implanting hydrophilic acrylic IOLs.Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain, Grant/Award Number: RYC‐2016‐20471

    Benchmarking in the purchasing function: impact on purchasing performance and business performance.

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    The importance of benchmarking in the achievement of better results in the purchasing function and in overall business performance has been asserted in several textbooks, and in the practitioner and academic literature. However few studies have addressed the implementation of benchmarking in purchasing and its impact on purchasing and business performance. Data was collected from 306 companies and structural equations modeling is used to develop valid and reliable instruments for benchmarking, purchasing performance and business performance. The results show a significant positive impact of benchmarking on purchasing performance and an indirect positive effect on business performance. Implications of the findings for purchasing management are discussed.Catedra Cajamurcia (University of Murcia

    The Side Effect of Political Standing: Corporate Activism and Its Impact on Stock Returns

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    [EN]: Taking sides on controversial political issues such as gun control, abortion, immigration, or diversity is increasingly common among large companies. What remains unclear, however, is whether this type of strategy—known as “corporate activism”—has positive or negative effects on these companies. The use of the concept of corporate activism on different variables affecting the companies is relatively recent. This article analyses the effect of corporate activism on the stock market performance of US companies through the analysis of the sample collected. Although there are some recent articles published on this topic, none of them measures the risk associated with the use of this type of strategy. For the development of the research, the well‐known Fama–French modelling framework is applied to estimate the differences between companies that participate in corporate activism initiatives versus those that remain outside this strategy. The findings complement previous research showing that companies that use corporate activism have lower market risk than companies that do not engage in this type of strategy. These results can be useful in identifying the advantages and disadvantages of corporate activism initiatives and, in addition, they can also help companies to evaluate the use of corporate activism as a strategic tool and as a driver of social change.SIThis work has been partially supported by the Government of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid, Spain) under the multiannual agreement with Universidad Complutense de Madrid, in the line Excellence Programme for University Teaching Staff, in the context of the V PRICIT (Regional Programme for Research and Technological Innovation)

    On horizontal cooperation in linear production processes with a supplier that controls a limited resource

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    In this paper we consider a two-echelon supply chain with one supplier that controls a limited resource and a finite set of manufacturers who need to purchase this resource. We analyze the effect of the limited resource on the horizontal cooperation of manufacturers. To this end, we use cooperative game theory and the existence of stable distributions of the total profit among the manufacturers as a measure of the possibilities of cooperation. The game theoretical model that describes the horizontal cooperation involves externalities, which arise because of the possible scarcity of the limited resource and the possible coalition structures that can be formed. Furthermore, manufacturers do not know how the supplier will allocate the limited resource, therefore, how much of this resource they will obtain is uncertain for all concerned. Nevertheless, when the limited resource is not scarce for the grand coalition, the existence of stable distributions of the total profit is guaranteed and consequently the collaboration among the manufacturers is profitable for them all. In the event that the limited resource is insufficient for the grand coalition, we introduce a new cooperative game that assesses the expectations of each coalition of manufacturers regarding the amount of the limited resource they can obtain. We analyze two extreme expectations: the optimistic and the pessimistic. In the optimistic case, we cannot reach a conclusion regarding the full cooperation of the manufacturers. In the pessimistic case, with one reasonable assumption, the existence of stable distributions of the total profit is guaranteed and as a result the collaboration among manufacturers is a win–win deal.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. MTM2014-54199-PMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. MTM2014-53395-C3-3-PFundación Séneca | Ref. 19320/PI/1

    Can a paid model for peer review be sustainable when the author can decide whether to pay or not?

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    Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUA. This research was sponsored by the Spanish Board for Science, Technology, and Innovation under grant PID2021-122371NB-I00, and cofinanced with European FEDER funds.Given how hard it is to recruit good reviewers who are aligned with authors in their functions, journal editors could consider the use of better incentives, such as paying reviewers for their time. In order to facilitate a speedy turn-around when a rapid decision is required, the peer-reviewed journal can also offer a review model in which selected peer reviewers are compensated to deliver high-quality and timely peer-review reports. In this paper, we consider a peer-reviewed journal in which the manuscript’s evaluation consists of a necessary peer review component and an optional speedy peer review component. We model and study that journal under two different scenarios to be compared: a paid peer-reviewing scenario that is considered as the benchmark; and a hybrid peer-review scenario where the manuscript’s author can decide whether to pay or not. In the benchmark scenario of paid peer-reviewing, the scholarly journal expects all authors to pay for the peer review and charges separately for the necessary and the optional speedy peer-review components. Alternatively, in a hybrid peer-review scenario, the peer-reviewed journal gives the option to the authors to not pay for the necessary peer review if they are not able to pay. This will determine an altruistic amplification of pay utility. However, the no-pay authors cannot avail of the optional speedy peer review, which determines a restriction-induced no-pay utility reduction. In this paper, we find that under the hybrid setting of compensated peer review where the author can decide whether to pay or not, the optimal price and review quality of the optional speedy peer review are always higher than under the benchmark scenario of paid peer-reviewing, due to the altruistic amplification of pay utility. Our results show that when the advantage of adopting the hybrid mode of compensated peer review is higher due to the higher difference between the altruistic author utility amplification and the restriction-induced no-pay utility reduction, the journal can increase its profitability by increasing the price for the necessary peer review above that in the benchmark scenario of paid peer review. A key insight from our results is the journal’s capability to increase the number of paying authors by giving the option to the authors to not pay for the necessary peer review if they are not able to pay.Spanish Board for Science, Technology, and Innovation PID2021-122371NB-I00European CommissionUniversidad de Granada/CBU

    Coupled-oscillator model to analyze the interaction between a quartz resonator and trapped ions

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    The novel application of a piezoelectric quartz resonator for the detection of trapped ions has enabled the observation of the quartz-ions interaction under nonequilibrium conditions, opening new perspectives for high-sensitive motional frequency measurements of radioactive particles. Energized quartz crystals have (long) decay-time constants in the order of milliseconds, permitting the coherent detection of charged particles within short time scales. In this paper we develop a detailed model governing the interaction between trapped 40Ca+ ions and a quartz resonator connected to a low-noise amplifier. We apply this model to experimental data and extract the ions’ reduced-cyclotron frequency in our 7-T Penning trap setup. We also obtain an upper limit for the coupling constant g with the present quartz-amplifier-trap (QAT) configuration. The study of the reduced-cyclotron frequency is especially important for the use of this resonator in precision Penning-trap mass spectrometry. The improvement in sensitivity can be accomplished by increasing the quality factor of the QAT configuration, which in turn will improve the performance of the system towards the strong-coupling regim

    Anticipating the collapse of urban infrastructure: a methodology based on Earth Observation and MT-InSAR

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    Large-scale infrastructure monitoring and vulnerability assessment are crucial for the preservation and maintenance of built environments. To ensure the safety of urban infrastructure against natural and man-made disasters, constant monitoring is crucial. To do so, satellite Earth observation (EO) is being proposed, particularly radar-based imaging, because it allows large-scale constant monitoring since radar signals are not blocked by clouds and can be collected during both day and night. The proposed methodology for large-scale infrastructure monitoring and vulnerability assessment is based on MT-InSAR time series analysis. The homogeneity of the year-to-year displacement trend between each point and its surrounding points is evaluated to determine whether the area is a stable or vulnerable zone. To validate the methodology, four case studies of recently collapsed infrastructures are analyzed. The results indicate the potential of the proposed methodology for predicting and preventing structural collapses.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. PID2021-124236OB-C3

    Monitoring and mapping of intertidal macroalgae using low-cost geospatial automated techniques

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    The global extent of macroalgae is declining with important consequences on marine biodiversity and ecosystem processes. Tracking the status and trends of macroalgal cover is, therefore, an emerging priority for ocean and coastal management. A remote sensing technique combining UAVs surveys with in situ data acquisition was developed to map intertidal macroalgae from rocky shores in a marine protected area, the Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park (Illas Cíes, NW Spain). The classifcation by groups (brown and green macroalgae) achieved a good precision. A more precise classifcation would be achieved by focusing on those spectral bands where the highest diferences between species appeared.Peer Reviewe

    Topological phase transitions in the gauged BPS baby Skyrme model

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    We demonstrate that the gauged BPS baby Skyrme model with a double vacuum potential allows for phase transitions from a non-solitonic to a solitonic phase, where the latter corresponds to a ferromagnetic liquid. Such a transition can be generated by increasing the external pressure P or by turning on an external magnetic field H. As a consequence, the topological phase where gauged BPS baby skyrmions exist, is a higher density phase. For smaller densities, obtained for smaller values of P and H, a phase without solitons is reached. We find the critical line in the P,H parameter space. Furthermore, in the soliton phase, we find the equation of state for the baby skyrmion matter V = V (P,H) at zero temperature, where V is the “volume”, i.e., area of the solitonsThe authors acknowledge financial support from the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports, Spain (Grant No. FPA2011-22776), the Xunta de Galicia (Grant No. INCITE09.296.035PR and Conselleria de Educacion), the Spanish Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Programme CPAN (CSD2007-00042), and FEDER. Further, the authors acknowledge support from the Polish FOCUS grant (No. 42/F/AW/2014). CN thanks the Spanish Ministery of Education, Culture and Sports for financial support (grant FPU AP2010-5772)S