1,647 research outputs found

    La ansiedad secundaria en un paciente con trastorno de pánico

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    Desde la Teoría Racional Emotiva de Albert Ellis se distingue entre ansiedad primaria y secundaria, habiéndose, en no pocos casos, ignorado este hecho en los tratamientos psicológicos (como en la exposición, donde se pretende la habituación a la ansiedad primaria). Este artículo pretende analizar la diferencia entre los dos tipos de ansiedad en un paciente, tratado en un dispositivo público de salud mental, con trastorno de pánico y las consecuencias de esta diferenciación en la utilización de técnicas terapéuticas.Albert Ellis’ rational emotive theory differs between primary and secondary anxiety but this differentiation has been ignored in the psychological treatments (for example in the exposition, which try the habituation to the primary anxiety). This paper tries to analyze the difference between both types of anxiety in a patient, attended in a public device of mental health, diagnosed of panic disorder and the consequences that stem from this differentiation in the employment of therapeutics techniques

    Expressiveness and metrical forms. Spanish views at the end of the twentieth century

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    En la poesía española de fi nales del siglo XX no es frecuente que expresividad y moldes métricos aparezcan como términos opuestos. De forma generalizada, los autores de este período utilizan versos y estrofas clásicas. Además, no es frecuente encontrar entre ellos escritos de indagación teórica sobre cuestiones métricas. Sin embargo, cuando éstos aparecen, la variación sobre los modelos clásicos suele ir unida a la búsqueda de un determinado efecto expresivo. Algunos poetas, como Antonio Carvajal, consideran que estas variaciones deben constituir un objeto preferente de la métrica. Para otros, como Miguel d’Ors, estos desvíos pertenecen más bien al ámbito de la artesanía.In Spanish poetry at the end of the Twentieth Century, expressiveness and metrical forms are not often seen as opposite terms. In general, the authors of this period use classic models of verses and stanzas. Furthermore, theoretical research on metrics is not usually found among them. Nevertheless, when they have appeared, variations on classic models are accompanied by a search for a particular expressive eff ect. Some poets such as Antonio Carvajal think these variations must be a priority object in metrics. Meanwhile, for other authors like Miguel d’Ors, these innovations belong to the craftmanship scope

    Creacion y realidad en la poética de J.R.R. Tolkien

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    Conferencias y Comunicaciones del primer Congreso Internacional de literatura fantástica y ciencia ficción, celebrado del 6 al 9 de mayo de 2008 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madri

    Language and reality: a transcendent conception of poetry in the spanish “generation of 1970"

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    Habitualmente se destaca en las poéticas de la llamada “generación del 70” su visión de la poesía como un discurso ficticio que no puede incidir en la realidad ni lograr una auténtica comunicación con los lectores. Sin embargo, algunos de estos autores creen que es posible reproducir en el poema la experiencia de la realidad y transmitirla a los demás. Los más representativos son Antonio Carvajal, Miguel d’Ors y Eloy Sánchez Rosillo. Este artículo expone y analiza su visión sobre el tema, a partir de las reflexiones metaliterarias que pueden encontrarse en sus textos teóricos y en su obra lírica.In the poetics of "the Generation of 1970" it is often highlighted the view of poetry as a ficticious discourse that cannot affect reality or achieve authentic communication with readers. Nevertheless, some of these authors think that the experience of reality can be recreated in a poem and then transmitted to people. The most representative poets of this conception are Antonio Carvajal, Miguel d'Ors and Eloy Sánchez Rosillo. This article presents and analyses their view on this matter, basing on the metaliterary reflection that can be found in their theoretical texts and in their poetry

    Fiction and Autobiography in the Construction of the Lyrical Subject. Two Contemporary Views on Intimism

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    Dentro de la llamada generación de 1970 suele destacarse la visión del intimismo de los poetas novísimos y los afines a ellos, que tratan de evitar lo máximo posible en el poema las referencias a su intimidad y a las circunstancias de su realidad cotidiana. Para ello, hacen uso del repertorio de motivos culturales que se conoce como culturalismo, en una poesía concebida como independiente de la propia vida. Sin embargo, otros autores, coetáneos de los primeros, prefieren dejar que sus circunstancias vitales determinen la evolución de su obra artística. Para estos autores (entre los que puede citarse a Antonio Carvajal, Miguel d’Ors y Eloy Sánchez Rosillo), la poesía se construye con elementos de la propia vida y de la realidad circundante, aunque el resultado final sea una ficción. Y, de forma paradójica, el proceso de ficcionalización les permite descubrir lo que de esencial o universal hay en esas experiencias.In the Generation of 1970 it is usually emphasized the view on intimism of novísimos poets and others related to them, who try to avoid the references to their privacy and their real life circumstances in their poems. In order to achieve this, they use a repertoire of cultural motifs, known as culturalism, in a poetry considered independent from their own life. Nevertheless, other contemporary authors prefer that their vital circumstances prompt the development of their works. Some of these authors are Antonio Carvajal, Miguel d’Ors and Eloy Sánchez Rosillo and for them, poetry is erected from elements of their own life and the surrounding reality, even though the final result is fiction. Paradoxically, the process of fictionalization allows them to discover the essential and universal of these experiences

    Dynamics of interacting diseases

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    Current modeling of infectious diseases allows for the study of complex and realistic scenarios that go from the population to the individual level of description. However, most epidemic models assume that the spreading process takes place on a single level (be it a single population, a meta-population system or a network of contacts). In particular, interdependent contagion phenomena can only be addressed if we go beyond the scheme one pathogen-one network. In this paper, we propose a framework that allows describing the spreading dynamics of two concurrent diseases. Specifically, we characterize analytically the epidemic thresholds of the two diseases for different scenarios and also compute the temporal evolution characterizing the unfolding dynamics. Results show that there are regions of the parameter space in which the onset of a disease's outbreak is conditioned to the prevalence levels of the other disease. Moreover, we show, for the SIS scheme, that under certain circumstances, finite and not vanishing epidemic thresholds are found even at the thermodynamic limit for scale-free networks. For the SIR scenario, the phenomenology is richer and additional interdependencies show up. We also find that the secondary thresholds for the SIS and SIR models are different, which results directly from the interaction between both diseases. Our work thus solve an important problem and pave the way towards a more comprehensive description of the dynamics of interacting diseases.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables, 3 appendices. Final version accepted for publication in Physical Review

    An infinite family of one step iterators for solving non linear equation to increase the order of convergence and a new algoritm of global convergence

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    In this paper we present an infinite family of one-step iterative formulas for solving nonlinear equations (Present Method One), from now on PMI, that can be expressed as xn+1=Fm(xn), with 1=1, we will prove that the corresponding iteration formula of the family, xn+1= Fm0(xn), has an order of convergence m0+1. The increment of the velocity of convergence of the sequence of the iterator family xn+1=Fm+1(xn) with respect to the previous one xn+1=Fm(xn) is attained at the expense of one derivative evaluation more. Besides, we introduce a new algorithm (Present Method Two), from now on PMII, that plays the role of seeker for an initial value to guarantee the local convergence of the PMI. Both of them can be combined as an algorithm of global convergence, included the case of singular roots, that does not depend on the chosen initial value, and that allows to find all the roots in a feasible interval in a general and complete way. These are, in my opinion, the main results of this work. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Moreno Flores, J. (2013). An infinite family of one step iterators for solving non linear equation to increase the order of convergence and a new algoritm of global convergence. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 66(8):1418-1436. doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2013.08.003S1418143666

    Analysis of the performance of a flexible winglet in the presence of gusts

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    Current aviation faces the paramount challenge of continuing with the actual trend of decreasing the fuel consumption of new generation aircraft. In order to confront such a hurdle, new modern and renewed aircraft designs appear every year. One of these ad-vancements has been the incorporation of the so-called winglets at the aircraft wingtips, which decrease the fuel consumption due to their reduction of the induced Drag. The objective of the current project is to find the load alleviation that a flexible winglet yields in the presence of gusts. This abatement of the loads can imply a lighter structure, and a consequent decrease of the fuel consumption. The presented model consists on a simplified structural model in which the only variable is the stiffness of a torsion spring which is allocated between the wing and the winglet. In order to accomplish such a goal, the CFD solver CFX is used to compute the aerodynamics. The final conclusion of the project is that the more flexible the winglet is, the higher assuagement of loads in the presence of a gust is discovered. Besides, it is needed a feasi-bility study of the implementation of the new proposed design in structural and aeroelastic terms.Ingeniería Aeroespacia

    Los tebeos de 1812 como herramienta pedagógica

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    El tebeo como herramienta educativa ha sido un tema polémico entre los educadores. El presente texto explica los puntos fuertes que pueden aprovecharse en la enseñanza, pero también los límites de las viñetas y la forma de presentarlo en una era digital en la que el tebeo ha perdido parte de su atractivo ante los más jóvenes. Para ello, el texto toma como punto de referencia los tebeos históricos que tratan la Guerra de Independencia y la Constitución de 1812