640 research outputs found

    Effect of Aqueous Extracts of Sticky Willy (Galium aparine L.) on the Growth of Seedlings of Selected Maize Varieties (Zea mays L.)

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    In the environment plants are competing for water, nutrients and light, and other components. Their competition is not only based on shading but on the allelopathic interactions as well. Sticky willy (Galium aparine L.) is a nitrophilous weed growing in thickets, crop fields and on ruderal areas. Its sticky and strongly branching stems are connecting together stalks of grain make it difficult to harvest. G. aparine wraps around plants and limits their access to the light. It may to secrete allelopathic substances to the soil. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of aqueous extracts from shoots G. aparine L. concentrations of 1, 3, and 5% on growth seedlings of Zea mays L. in two varieties: ‘Lokata’ F2, ‘Wilga’ F1 and F2. The seeds were placed on Petri dishes (100 units) and watered extracts from shoots G. aparine, and distilled water (control). The ability of seed germination was higher on extracts of concentration 1% for the variety ‘Wilga’ F1 and F2, and less for the ‘Lokata’ F2. Biometric analysis of seedling roots showed the stimulatory effect of 1% and 3% extracts, and the inhibitory for 5%. The fresh weight of maize seedlings was significantly higher on 1% extract, as compared to other and the control. The values of the dry weight of ‘Lokata’ F2 each concentration was lower in comparison to the control. The water contents in seedlings of the ‘Wilga’ F1 and ‘Lokata’ F2 varieties were significantly increased of each extracts, in comparison to control

    Observation of tW production in the single-lepton channel in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV

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    A measurement of the cross section of the associated production of a single top quark and a W boson in final states with a muon or electron and jets in proton-proton collisions at root s = 13 TeV is presented. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 36 fb(-1) collected with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC in 2016. A boosted decision tree is used to separate the tW signal from the dominant t (t) over bar background, whilst the subleading W+jets and multijet backgrounds are constrained using data-based estimates. This result is the first observation of the tW process in final states containing a muon or electron and jets, with a significance exceeding 5 standard deviations. The cross section is determined to be 89 +/- 4 (stat) +/- 12 (syst) pb, consistent with the standard model.Peer reviewe

    Development of plasmids to modify the CRISPR - Cas System in Porphyromonas gingivalis W83

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    Celem doświadczenia było opracowanie plazmidów do modyfikacji systemu CRISPR-Cas u bakterii P.gingivalis. System CRISPR-Cas umożliwia bakteriom rozróżnianie między własnym a egzogennym kwasem nukleinowym. Plazmidy skonstruowano w oparciu o wektor pT-COW, wstawiając różne warianty elementu proto-S6 (sztuczne i dzikie). Do namnożenia uzyskanego plazmidu użyto bakterii E.coli (Invitrogen) a wyizolowane plazmidowe DNA zsekwencjonowano. W wyniku klonowania uzyskano oczekiwane konstrukty.The aim of the experiment was to develop the plasmids to modify CRISPR-Cas System in bacteria P.gingivalis. CRISPR-Cas System allows bacteria to distinguish between self and exogenous nucleic acid. The plasmids were constructed based on vector pT-COW inserting different variants of proto-S6 element (artificial and wild). Bacteria E.coli (Invitrogen), was used to amplify the obtained plasmids. Plasmid DNA was isolated and sequenced. As a result of the cloning the expected constructs were received

    Application of Matrigel for the analyses of social behaviour of drug-resistant prostate cancer DU145 cells

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    Rak prostaty jest jednym z najczęściej diagnozowanych nowotworów u mężczyzn. Jego rozwój jest wieloetapowy, a leczenie dostosowuje się do stadium nowotworu. Gdy zawodzą terapie pierwszego rzutu i dochodzi do rozwoju nowotworu prostaty opornego na kastrację (CRPC) włącza się leczenie chemioterapeutykami, m.in. docetakselem. Jednakże wraz z postępem choroby, następuje stopniowa dywersyfikacja fenotypowa komórek budujących nowotwór, a wśród tej populacji można znaleźć komórki, które nabyły oporność na leki. Wpływ na progresję nowotworu ma także jego mikrośrodowisko, dlatego w badaniach nad nowotworami ważne jest stworzenie warunków imitujących te naturalne dla komórek nowotworowych. W pracy dokonano analizy wpływu Matrigel’u, będącego mieszaniną białek macierzy zewnątrzkomórkowej, na parametry ruchu komórek raka prostaty (linia DU145), ich proliferację, architekturę cytoszkieletu komórkowego, w relacji do ich lekooporności. Zaobserwowano, że parametry te są zależne od właściwości fizyko-chemicznych podłoża. Na warstwie Matrigel’u obserwowano ukierunkowanie ruchów komórek, które prowadziło do tworzenia agregatów. Na podłożu plastikowym nie zaobserwowano takiego zachowania. Dodatkowo obserwowano wzrost aktywności migracyjnej komórek hodowanych na podłożu pokrytym Matrigel’em, w stosunku do podłoża plastikowego, której towarzyszyły rearanżacje cytoszkieletu. Lekooporne warianty komórek DU145 wolniej tworzyły struktury wielokomórkowe, a ich fenotyp i parametry ruchu różniły się w zależności od stopnia lekooporności. Wyniki uzyskane w pracy, sugerują, że Matrigel znacząco wpływa na zachowanie komórek, indukując w nich socjalne zachowania i migrację kolektywną, co sprawia, że wykorzystany model badawczy może być doskonałym do badania wczesnych etapów morfogenezy nowotworów.Prostate cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers among men. Its progression is multistage process, which enforces the adaptation of treatment regimens to the stage of the cancer. Chemotherapeutic pressure and progression of the cancer results in developement of castration–resistant prostate cancer (CRPC), which is related to phenotypic diversification of cancer cells populations. The influence of microenvironment on this process can only be studied with experimental approaches that satisfactorily imitate the in vivo situation. In the present study, the effect of Matrigel (a mixture of extracellular proteins) on the social behaviour of prostate cancer DU145 cells was studied. The obtained data suggest that the behaviour of DU145 cells is related to physical and chemical properties of the substratum. Directional migration of prostate cancer cells on Matrigel led to formation of multicellular aggregates. On the other hand, no such phenomena were seen on plastic substrata. The motility of cells was higher on Matrigel, and this effect was correlated with cytoskeletal rearrangements. Drug resistance of the cells was correlated with the retardation of the formation of multicellular structures, with differences in cells phenotype and migration parameters. These data suggest that Matrigel exerts a significant impact on cells behaviour, inducing their social behaviour and collective migration, which makes this model suitable for the studies on early stages of tumor morphogenesis

    Model of care for patient with pilocytic astrocytoma in cerebellum.

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    Wstęp: Gwiaździak włosowatokomórkowy (astrocytoma pilocyticum, ang. pilocytic astrocytoma) jest nowotworem łagodnym, zaliczanym do grupy glejaków astrocytarnych. Według kwalifikacji WHO został mu nadany I stopień złośliwości. Pacjenci z gwiaździakiem włosowatokomórkowym są kierowani na leczenie chirurgiczne. Gdy resekcja jest całkowita, zwykle nie ma potrzeby wdrążania terapii adiuwantowej. Rokowania są bardzo dobre.Cel pracy: Przedstawienie roli pielęgniarki w pielęgnacji pacjenta z gwiaździakiem włosowatokomórkowym w obrębie móżdżku. Za podstawę opracowania modelu postępowania przyjęto teorię pielęgnowania Doroty Orem.Materiał i metody: Praca ma charakter poglądowy. Została stworzona na podstawie najnowszej literatury medycznej. Wyniki i wnioski: Rola pielęgniarki w pielęgnowaniu pacjenta z gwiaździakiem włosowatokomórkowym w obrębie móżdżku polega na zapewnieniu choremu kompleksowej opieki. Zastosowanie przez pielęgniarkę poszczególnych systemów teorii Doroty Orem adekwatnych do stanu klinicznego pacjenta, w sposób wymierny może ułatwić opiekę nad chorym z powyższą jednostką chorobową. Do głównych problemów zdrowotnych pacjenta z gwiaździakiem włosowatokomórkowym należą: ryzyko wzrostu ciśnienia wewnątrzczaszkowego, wystąpienie zagrożenia życia oraz deficyt samoopieki spowodowany ciężkim stanem ogólnym pacjenta i wystąpieniem objawów ogniskowych (w zależności od umiejscowienia guza w móżdżku: np. drżenia zamiarowe, obniżenie napięcia mięśniowego, ataksja chodu, zaburzenia mowy).Introduction: Pilocytic astrocytoma (astrocytoma pilocyticum) is benign tumor, belongs to the group of astrocytic gliomas. The neoplasm was assigned to WHO grade I. Pilocytic astrocytomas are treated with surgery. When resection is complete, there is no need for adjuvant therapy.Objective: Presentation of the role of nurse in patient care with pilocytic astrocytoma in cerebellum. Nursing care plan based on Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Theory.Material and methods: It is the overview work, based on the analysis the latest medical literature.Results and the conclusions: The role of nurse in patient care with pilocytic astrocytoma in cerebellum consist of provide comprehensive care for the patient. The used Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Theory by nurse can facilitate patient care with this disease entity. The main health problems among patients with pilocytic astrocytoma are: the risk of increased intracranial pressure, the risk of life-threatening conditions, self-care deficit caused by seriously general condition of the patient and focal symptoms (depending on the location of the tumor in the cerebellum: example intention tremors, hypotonia, gait ataxia, speech disorders)

    Life Cycle Modelling of the Impact of Coal Quality on Emissions from Energy Generation

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    This paper presents a model combining the LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) of fossil fuel extraction with its quality parameters and related CO2, SO2 and dust emissions at the stage of the combustion process. The model which was developed aims to identify the environmental impact of the processes of electricity production from selected energy carriers over their whole life cycle. The model takes into account the full LCA of fossil fuel extraction (of both hard and brown coal), its enrichment and fuel production as well as the environmental impact associated with emissions introduced into the air at the stage of electricity generation based on the fuels evaluated. Such an approach allows one to determine the fuel quality parameters that affect the environmental impact of energy production based on an LCA of mining and assigns the degree of environmental impact involved in particular production processes. Overall, the results obtained based on the proposed model permit the identification and prioritisation of the individual processes in the electricity generation life cycle which contribute the highest share in the general environmental impact indicator, having taken into account the modelling of the quality of the fuels used (calorific value, ash and sulphur content)

    Perspectives for Future Use of Extracellular Vesicles from Umbilical Cord- and Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells in Regenerative Therapies—Synthetic Review

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    Mesenchymal stem/ stromal cells (MSCs) represent progenitor cells of various origin with multiple differentiation potential, representing the most studied population of stem cells in both in vivo pre-clinical and clinical studies. MSCs may be found in many tissue sources including extensively studied adipose tissue (ADSCs) and umbilical cord Wharton’s jelly (UC-MSCs). Most of sanative effects of MSCs are due to their paracrine activity, which includes also release of extracellular vesicles (EVs). EVs are small, round cellular derivatives carrying lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids including various classes of RNAs. Due to several advantages of EVs when compare to their parental cells, MSC-derived EVs are currently drawing attention of several laboratories as potential new tools in tissue repair. This review focuses on pro-regenerative properties of EVs derived from ADSCs and UC-MSCs. We provide a synthetic summary of research conducted in vitro and in vivo by employing animal models and within initial clinical trials focusing on neurological, cardiovascular, liver, kidney, and skin diseases. The summarized studies provide encouraging evidence about MSC-EVs pro-regenerative capacity in various models of diseases, mediated by several mechanisms. Although, direct molecular mechanisms of MSC-EV action are still under investigation, the current growing data strongly indicates their potential future usefulness for tissue repair