446 research outputs found


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    Aplikasi Data Diri Pelamar (DPP) pada PT. XYZ adalah aplikasi web yang digunakan oleh pelamar mengisi data diri dan mengunggah berkas yang diperlukan untuk proses melamar kerja pada perusahaan. Karena aplikasi sering mendapatkan perubahan dan penyesuaian seringkali terjadi malfungsi yang menyebabkan pengalaman pengguna dalam menggunakan aplikasi menurun, dan efektifitas pengembang dalam pemeliharaan menurun pula. Ide untuk implementasi micro frontend muncul dari maraknya penggunaan microservices untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi oleh sistem dengan arsitektur monolitik pada bagian backend. Maka, untuk mempermudah pengembang melakukan pemeliharaan aplikasi dan penambahan fitur pada aplikasi DPP, muncul ide untuk menerapkan micro frontend yang mempunyai prinsip yang mirip dengan microservices pada bagian frontend aplikasi. Implementasi ini bertujan untuk mempermudah pengembang dalam melakukan penambahan atau pemeliharan fitur aplikasi. Dalam pengujian yang dilakukan dalam tim internal pengembang, didapatkan hasil yang cukup baik dimana aplikasi yang sudah dibuat berfungsi dengan baik, dan handal terhadap skenario pengujian yang diberikan, serta memberikan pengalaman pengguna yang baik. Secara keseluruhan fungsi ini berfungsi sesuai kebutuhan pengguna dan memberikan kepuasan terhadap pengguna

    Temps de treball i corresponsabilitat

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    El temps de treball és un àmbit clau en les relacions laborals. Acotar i regular el temps de treball és una reivindicació històrica del moviment obrer. Aquest volum volem apropar-nos a aquests debats i posar en relleu les eines disponibles per afrontar-los. Neix de l'experiència en el disseny i desenvolupament del mòdul de formació en línia en Temps de Treball i Corresponsabilitat en Perspectiva de Gènere, impartit des de l'Àrea d'Igualtat d'Oportunitats de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Mantenint aquesta orientació pedagògica, l'objectiu és posar a disposició de les persones interessades un material planer que, no obstant, permeti una aproximació acurada als reptes que el temps de treball presenta avui dia a les societats desenvolupades, des d'una òptica de gènere

    Preschool Bipolar Disorder

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    Astro2020 Science White Paper: The Local Relics of of Supermassive Black Hole Seeds

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    We have compelling evidence for stellar-mass black holes (BHs) of ~5-80 M_sun that form through the death of massive stars. We also have compelling evidence for so-called supermassive BHs (10^5-10^10 M_sun) that are predominantly found in the centers of galaxies. We have very good reason to believe there must be BHs with masses in the gap between these ranges: the first ~10^9 M_sun BHs are observed only hundreds of millions of years after the Big Bang, and all theoretically viable paths to making supermassive BHs require a stage of "intermediate" mass. However, no BHs have yet been reliably detected in the 100-10}^5 M_sun mass range. Uncovering these intermediate-mass BHs of 10^3-10^5 M_sun is within reach in the coming decade. In this white paper we highlight the crucial role that 30-m class telescopes will play in dynamically detecting intermediate-mass black holes, should they exist.Comment: Science White Paper Submitted for the Astro2020 Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Why, school, why? Gifted students with academic failure.

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    Neste estudo de caso, de caráter descritivo-interpretativo, pretende-se identificar fatores de desenvolvimento e (in)sucesso escolar de jovens com características de sobredotação, na escolaridade obrigatória (12 a 16 anos). As narrativas apresentadas pelos investigadores revelam as relações entre características individuais e orientações escolares nem sempre aceites. A análise clarifica o tédio, frustração e fracasso que enfrentam estes alunos no cotidiano, tomada de decisão de alheamento, confronto ou ‘crise de identidade’ para a homogeneização e cumprimento de tarefas rotineiras que a escola oferece. Revelam ainda o relevo dos papéis do professor na diferenciação curricular e, em certos casos, no sucesso escolar dos estudantes.In this case study of a descriptive and interpretive nature it is intended to identify developmental factors and the success/failure at school of gifted youngsters (aged 12 to 16 years old) in compulsory education. The narratives presented by researchers show that the relationships between individual characteristics and school guidance are not always accepted. The analysis clarifies the boredom, frustration and failure facing these students in their everyday life, absent-minded decision-making, opposition or ‘identity crisis’ related to their standardization and compliance with routine tasks that the school requires today. They also reveal the importance of the role of the teacher in terms of curriculum differentiation and, in some cases, the academic success of the students.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, IE, UMinho (UI 317 da FCT), Portugal. Fundos Nacionais através da FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) e cofinanciado pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) através do COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) com a referência POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007562info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Peripheral Blood Cell Counts as Potential Biomarkers for Alzheimer\u27s Disease: A Look at Polygenetic Risk Scores

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    Blood-based biomarkers for neurodegenerative illnesses such as Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) have been extensively researched. Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) is a progressive neurological illness whose progression has been ascribed to gene expression. However, the pathophysiology of these disorders and its relationship to other abnormalities remain unknown. AD has been connected to PBCs, which include erythrocytes, platelets, and leukocytes and have a complicated interaction with the brain system. The pathogenesis of PBCs has been related to a negative influence on established neurodegenerative illnesses such as Alzheimer\u27s. Candidate gene association studies have become more common as progress in mapping the human genome has increased their viability. The plurality of candidate genes were selected based on their function or expression in disease-related systems (e.g., dopamine neurotransmitter systems), and this strategy is crucial for defining the nature of internal disturbance. It has increasingly been postulated that, in addition to cell-cell signaling inside the brain, dynamic crosstalk between the brain and systematic mechanisms such as circulation of blood cells may be crucial.https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/durep_posters/1115/thumbnail.jp

    Study protocol: a cluster randomised controlled trial of a school based fruit and vegetable intervention – Project Tomato

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    Background The School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme (SFVS) is an important public health intervention. The aim of this scheme is to provide a free piece of fruit and/or vegetable every day for children in Reception to Year 2. When children are no longer eligible for the scheme (from Year 3) their overall fruit and vegetable consumption decreases back to baseline levels. This proposed study aims to design a flexible multi-component intervention for schools to support the maintenance of fruit and vegetable consumption for Year 3 children who are no longer eligible for the scheme. Method This study is a cluster randomised controlled trial of Year 2 classes from 54 primary schools across England. The schools will be randomly allocated into two groups to receive either an active intervention called Project Tomato, to support maintenance of fruit intake in Year 3 children, or a less active intervention (control group), consisting of a 5 A DAY booklet. Children's diets will be analysed using the Child And Diet Evaluation Tool (CADET), and height and weight measurements collected, at baseline (Year 2) and 18 month follow-up (Year 4). The primary outcome will be the ability of the intervention (Project Tomato) to maintain consumption of fruit and vegetable portions compared to the control group. Discussion A positive result will identify how fruit and vegetable consumption can be maintained in young children, and will be useful for policies supporting the SFVS. A negative result would be used to inform the research agenda and contribute to redefining future strategies for increasing children's fruit and vegetable consumption
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