47 research outputs found

    Redes de dutos e transformações espaciais: analogia com carbodutos para armazenamento geológico de CO2

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    O transporte dos recursos energéticos fósseis, os quais são essenciais para o desenvolvimento da sociedade atual, é feito predominantemente por redes de dutos. Objetivando avaliar as transformações espaciais decorrentes da implantação de dutos a fim de fazer uma analogia com a construção de “carbodutos” para armazenamento geológico de carbono, foi realizado um estudo de caso da faixa de oleodutos OSCAN (Gravataí/Rio Grande do Sul). Fotografias aéreas, imagens de satélite, idas a campo e softwares de geoprocessamento foram utilizados para conduzir este trabalho. Através de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto, foram constatadas diversas transformações espaciais na área de estudo em função da implantação da dutovia OSCAN, além de re-configurações espaciais decorrentes do processo de desenvolvimento do município ao longo dos anos. Por fim, verificou-se que a implantação de carbodutos é análoga e também transformará a paisagem tanto em escala regional como naciona

    Міжконфесійний діалог як складова культурно- цивілізаційних відносин

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    AbstractLarge potentials for CO2 storage were demonstrated in previous studies in Brazil. This study aims to estimate the CO2 storage capacity in the Campos Basin's oil fields, Southeast Brazil, in order to provide refined values to support CCS planning in the country. The results, based on field/reservoir level data show that there is a large potential for CO2 storage (ca. 950Mt) in the 17 assessed oil fields in the basin, and 75% of this storage capacity is found in sandstone reservoirs

    Study of Gas Tracers for CO2 monitoring

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    AbstractGas tracers have been tested for monitoring and detecting CO2 displacement in the underground and eventually leakages to the upper layers in geological storage sites. Commonly used tracers are perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). In Brazil, we are carrying out gas tracers studies in laboratory for further application in field test facilities. These experiments consist of injecting CO2 with perfluorocarbon (perfluoropropane – PP and perfluormethylcyclopentane – PMCP) at low pressure (ca. 290 psi) in pressurized vessels with different types of sediments and soil samples. After flowing through the sample pores, the tracer is adsorbed into a capillary adsorption tube (CAT) with a specific fiber for perfluorcabon. Then, the tracer is extracted from the CAT through a Thermal Desorption System and subsequently analyzed in a Gas Chromatograph with an Electron Capture Detector (GC -ECD). The objective of these experiments is to evaluate the PFCs as a monitoring tool, analyzing the tracer retention times in different sediments, as well as understanding the CATs adsorption capacity and performance. After laboratory tests, field experiments will be conducted in the course of this project. Several experiments of CO2 injection and controlled leaks will be developed in shallow vertical wells at the project site as a continuity of the experiments started at Ressacada Farm Site (Florianópolis, Brazil). The project aim is to understand the flow and dispersion of CO2 in soil and atmosphere simulating an eventual leakage from a geological reservoir using an automated system with a dedicated module for tracers injection into CO2 stream


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    O sequestro geológico de CO2 é uma das tecnologias mais promissoras para a mitigação de mudanças climáticas, tendo por objetivo a redução de gases de efeito estufa através da captura de CO2 (um dos principais gases de efeito estufa) de fontes emissoras estacionárias e armazená-lo em reservatórios geológicos adequados. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar como um Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG) possibilitou a análise técnica-espacial para a identificação bem como a avaliação de áreas potenciais para armazenamento geológico de CO2 no Brasil. A elaboração de um SIG para este fim possibilitou o desenvolvimento de produtos que permitem uma análise ampla da situação atual do Brasil no que se refere a todas as etapas envolvidas no sequestro geológico de CO2. Este trabalho está inserido no Projeto CARBMAP, desenvolvido pelo Centro de Excelência em Pesquisa sobre Armazenamento de Carbono (CEPAC) da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

    Dinâmica Sedimentar da Parte Oriental da Baía de Paranaguá, Brasil

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    A partir da análise discriminatória multivariada, associada à morfologia e à distribuição sedimentar da parte oriental da Baía de Paranaguá, foi possível estabelecer a dinâmica sedimentar atuante na mesma. Essa dinâmica comporta-se diferentemente na parte a Oeste e a Sudeste da Ilha das Cobras. O modelo geral da sedimentação, na Baía de Paranaguá, nos mostra que seus sedimentos provêm do aporte fluvial, da erosão local de bancos, da erosão do próprio substrato e em sua entrada; da plataforma continental através das correntes e ou ondas

    Potencial uso de serpentinito no armazenamento mineral do CO2

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    Rising anthropogenic CO2 emissions are considered a major contributor to the greenhouse effect. There are several options for reducing atmospheric CO2 levels, and among these alternatives, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) has been identified as an effective and promising approach. This work investigated the feasibility of using serpentinite as a vehicle for carbon storage presenting a source-sink match. The main results of the work confirmed that serpentinite is appropriate for the carbonation process due to the high concentration of Mg in its composition

    Diagenesis and Sequence Stratigraphy : an integrated approach to constrain evolution of reservoir quality in sandstones

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    Diagenesis and sequence stratigraphy have been formally treated as two separate disciplines in sedimentary petrology. This thesis demonstrates that synergy between these two subjects can be used to constrain evolution of reservoir quality in sandstones. Such integrated approach is possible because sequence stratigraphy provides useful information on parameters such as pore water chemistry, residence time of sediments under certain geochemistry conditions, and detrital composition, which ultimately control diagenesis of sandstones. Evidence from five case studies and from literature, enabled the development of a conceptual model for the spatial and temporal distribution of diagenetic alterations and related evolution of reservoir quality in sandstones deposited in paralic environments. Diagenetic alterations that have been constrained within the context of sequence stratigraphy include: (i) formation of kaolinite and intragranular porosity, and mechanical infiltration of clay minerals in sandstones lying at variable depths below sequence boundaries, (ii) formation of pseudomatrix and cementation by calcite, dolomite, and siderite in lag deposits at parasequence boundaries, (iii) cementation by kaolinite, pyrite, and calcite in sandstones lying in the vicinity of parasequence boundaries with coal deposits, (iv) formation of glaucony in condensed interval at parasequence boundaries, transgressive and maximum flooding surfaces, (v) formation of berthierine in fluvial-dominated deltaic deposits of the highstand systems tract, (vi) cementation by calcite in bioclastic sandstones of the transgressive systems tract, and (vii) formation of kaolinite in fluvial deposits of the lowstand systems tract. The distribution of such alterations put important constrains for the pattern of burial diagenesis (e.g., formation of chlorite, illite, quartz), related evolution of reservoir quality in sandstones, and distribution of baffles and barriers for fluid flow in the context of sequence stratigraphy

    Diagenesis and Sequence Stratigraphy : an integrated approach to constrain evolution of reservoir quality in sandstones

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    Diagenesis and sequence stratigraphy have been formally treated as two separate disciplines in sedimentary petrology. This thesis demonstrates that synergy between these two subjects can be used to constrain evolution of reservoir quality in sandstones. Such integrated approach is possible because sequence stratigraphy provides useful information on parameters such as pore water chemistry, residence time of sediments under certain geochemistry conditions, and detrital composition, which ultimately control diagenesis of sandstones. Evidence from five case studies and from literature, enabled the development of a conceptual model for the spatial and temporal distribution of diagenetic alterations and related evolution of reservoir quality in sandstones deposited in paralic environments. Diagenetic alterations that have been constrained within the context of sequence stratigraphy include: (i) formation of kaolinite and intragranular porosity, and mechanical infiltration of clay minerals in sandstones lying at variable depths below sequence boundaries, (ii) formation of pseudomatrix and cementation by calcite, dolomite, and siderite in lag deposits at parasequence boundaries, (iii) cementation by kaolinite, pyrite, and calcite in sandstones lying in the vicinity of parasequence boundaries with coal deposits, (iv) formation of glaucony in condensed interval at parasequence boundaries, transgressive and maximum flooding surfaces, (v) formation of berthierine in fluvial-dominated deltaic deposits of the highstand systems tract, (vi) cementation by calcite in bioclastic sandstones of the transgressive systems tract, and (vii) formation of kaolinite in fluvial deposits of the lowstand systems tract. The distribution of such alterations put important constrains for the pattern of burial diagenesis (e.g., formation of chlorite, illite, quartz), related evolution of reservoir quality in sandstones, and distribution of baffles and barriers for fluid flow in the context of sequence stratigraphy

    A New Dynamic Modeling Approach to Predict Microbial Methane Generation and Consumption in Marine Sediments

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    Methane, as a clean energy source and a potent greenhouse gas, is produced in marine sediments by microbes via complex biogeochemical processes associated with the mineralization of organic matter. Quantitative modeling of biogeochemical processes is a crucial way to advance the understanding of the global carbon cycle and the past, present, and future of climate change. Here, we present a new approach of dynamic transport-reaction model combined with sediment deposition. Compared to other studies, since the model does not need the methane concentration in the bottom of sediments and predicts that value, it provides us with a robust carbon budget estimation tool in the sediment. We applied the model to the Blake Ridge region (Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 164, site 997). Based on seafloor data as input, our model remarkably reproduces measured values of total organic carbon, dissolved inorganic carbon, sulfate, calcium, and magnesium concentration in pore waters and the in situ methane presented in three phases: dissolved in pore water, trapped in gas hydrate, and as free gas. Kinetically, we examined the coexistence of free gas and hydrate, and demonstrated how it might affect methane gas migration in marine sediment within the gas hydrate stability zone