5,094 research outputs found

    De héroes patológicos a ángeles exterminadores : una análisis comparativo de la violencia en "La vorágine" y "Satanás"

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    El presente artículo se propone realizar un análisis comparativo entre dos obras emblemáticas de la literatura colombiana: La vorágine y Satanás, con el fin de evidenciar cómo, a pesar de la distancia que las separa, ambas novelas comparten un mismo tratamiento de la violencia entendida como la imposibilidad de conciliación con la otredad. Esta idea se revela como una constante a lo largo de toda la tradición literaria colombiana pues forma parte de una pandemia presente en la idiosincrasia del pueblo colombiano, debido a una crisis de identidad procedente de una falta de reconocimiento de la heterogeneidad desde la conformación del proyecto nacional.The present article is a comparative analysis between two emblematic works of the Colombian literature: La vorágine and Satanás, in order to demonstrate how, in spite of the distance that separates them, both novels share the same treatment of violence, understood as the impossibility of conciliation with the otherness. This idea is revealed as a constant along the whole literary Colombian tradition since it forms a part of a present pandemic in the idiosyncrasy of the Colombian people, due to a crisis of identity proceeding from a lack of recognition of the heterogeneity from the conformation of the national project

    La sinonimia y la polisemia en la terminología anatómica: términos de ubicación y de relación de estructuras anatómicas

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    Con frecuencia se afirma que la terminología anatómica es unívoca, precisa y concisa; sin embargo, esta afirmación no se corresponde con la realidad, ya que la sinonimia y la polisemia son fenómenos frecuentes en este ámbito, lo que supone un importante obstáculo para la traducción especializada. En este artículo analizamos el caso concreto de la sinonimia y de la polisemia en relación con los términos empleados en las nomenclaturas anatómicas española, anglosajona y francesa para ubicar las diferentes estructuras que componen el cuerpo humano y para relacionarlas entre sí.G.I. HUM 767 (ayudas a Grupos de Investigación de la Junta de Andalucía) / Editorial Comares (colección interlingua

    El asesino silencioso

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    Los síntomas que el cuerpo llega a manifestar pueden ser físicos, emocionales y/o psicológicos, esto lo puede generar el estrés de una forma de corto (agudo) o largo plazo (crónico). Encontramos que, en estos componentes, como el físico, afectando la salud del ser humano cuando nos encontramos con desafíos que generan una carga de estrés muy alta o baja, trayendo una consecuencia en el organismo como dolor de cabeza, tensión o dolor muscular, malestar en el sistema digestivo, entre otras. Nosotros no sabemos diferenciar cuando tenemos un momento de estrés el cual nos genera ansiedad, nerviosismo y/o preocupación. Al momento de las emociones, pueden generar un período de estrés y es ahí cuando debemos reaccionar de la mejor manera porque esta nos puede llevar a un cuadro depresivo. El cual esto nos vuelve a trasladar a la salud física, donde encontramos síntomas de ira, tristeza, aislamiento social, consumo de comida en exceso o por debajo de lo normal, como lo encontramos en la pirámide de maslow. Según Abraham Maslow, “En la base de la pirámide aparecen nuestras necesidades fisiológicas, que todos los humanos necesitamos cubrir en primera instancia (Economipedia, s.f, párr.4)”. Nos habla de las necesidades que tiene el ser humano, el cual si ninguna de estas se puede resolver tendríamos un momento de estrés. Hoy en día las organizaciones luchan con este factor llamado estrés afectando el rendimiento de los trabajadores de manera permanente, ya sea por una carga laboral de funciones, tiempo, remuneración, ambientes laborales, la vida personal, etc. Encontrando los elementos que afectan este rendimiento, podemos darle una solución de los mismos. Puesto que muchas horas de trabajo o poco descanso generaría irritabilidad en el ser humano, bajo rendimiento en sus labores, mala comunicación laboral y seria menos productivo. Hans Selye, expresa que el organismo puede adaptarse a situaciones de estrés estas se pueden presentar en nuestra vida laboral o familiar el cual nos vemos expuestos diariamente teniendo como consecuencia resultados positivos o negativos (Del prado, s.f.).The symptoms that the body comes to manifest can be physical, emotional and / or psychological, this can be generated by stress in a short (acute) or long-term (chronic) way. We find that, in these components, such as the physical, affecting human health when we encounter challenges that generate a very high or low stress load, bringing a consequence in the body such as headache, tension or muscle pain, discomfort in the digestive system, among others. We do not know how to differentiate when we have a moment of stress which generates anxiety, nervousness and / or concern. At the moment of emotions, they can generate a period of stress and that is when we must react in the best way because it can lead to a depressive picture. Which this takes us back to physical health, where we find symptoms of anger, sadness, social isolation, consumption of food in excess or below normal, as we find in the pyramid of maslow. According to Abraham Maslow, "At the base of the pyramid our physiological needs appear, which all humans need to meet in the first instance (Economipedia, n.d, para. 4)". It tells us about the needs of the human being, which if none of these can be solved we would have a moment of stress. Today organizations struggle with this factor called stress, affecting the performance of workers permanently, whether due to a workload of functions, time, remuneration, work environments, personal life, etc. Finding the elements that affect this performance, we can give you a solution of them. Since many hours of work or little rest would generate irritability in the human being, poor performance in their work, poor communication at work and would be less productive. Hans Selye, expresses that the organism can adapt to stress situations, these can occur in our work or family life, which we are exposed to daily, resulting in positive or negative results (Del Prado, s.f.).1. Resumen. -- 2. Abstrac. -- 3. Revisión de la literatura. -- 4. Metodología. -- 5. Análisis de resultado. -- 6. Conclusiones. -- 7. Referencias

    La sátira como práctica radical de la libertad de expresión. El caso de los titiriteros en los informativos de TVE y los textos de ABC

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    The main objective of this paper is to analyse the coverage that TVE-1 news programmes gave to the case of the “puppeteers”, since being remanded in custody on 6 February until their release four days later on the 10th, under the provisions of Act 17/2006 pertaining to fulfilling its public service remit. Besides this, the news coverage on TVE-1 is compared with news items published in ABC on 6 and 11 of February, in order to assess whether there were any differences. The case of the puppeteers is a relevant indicator of the limits imposed on freedom of thought and expression versus the defence of public order in Spain, since the use of satire was linked to the glorification of terrorism and incitement to hatred (Arts. 578 and 510 of the Spanish Criminal Code). Thus, the intention is to assess whether the practically inappreciable differences in the news coverage between Spanish public television and a private media company made the former an accomplice to the partisan struggle to reflect reality in a context of political and institutional crisis.El objetivo principal del presente artículo es analizar el tratamiento que los informativos de TVE-1 dio al caso de los titiriteros, desde que ingresaron en prisión el 6 de febrero de 2016 hasta su salida el 10, siguiendo las directrices de la Ley 17/2006 para el cumplimiento de su misión como servicio público. En segundo lugar, el contenido de los informativos será comparado con los textos de ABC publicados los días 6 y 11 de febrero con el fin de valorar si existen diferencias en el tratamiento. El caso de los titiriteros se presenta como un indicador relevante de los límites que se imponen a la libertad de pensamiento y de expresión frente a la defensa del orden público en España, puesto que el ejercicio de la sátira se vincula a la apología del terrorismo e incitación al odio (art. 578 y 510 del Código Penal). De este modo se pretende comprobar si las exiguas diferencias en el tratamiento informativo entre un medio público y otro privado, convierte a la televisión pública en partícipe de la lucha politizada por nombrar la realidad en un contexto de crisis política e institucional

    Phosphate recovery from wastewater with magnetic particles and enrichment of the reclaimed solution as a source for struvite precipitation

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    TFG de maestría realizado en el exterior.In this study phosphate was recovered from different wastewaters (WW) by using magnetic particles modified with layered double hydroxides (LDH). Afterwards, the enriched reclaimed solution was used for the precipitation of struvite. Adsorption and desorption cycles were performed in four types of raw wastewaters (LFKW (10 L), MBA, DSLF and UASB) by using the LDH-composite particles. After the different enriched reclaimed solutions were obtained, struvite precipitation kinetics were performed in order to find the optimum parameters of pH value and molar ratio of NH4+:Mg+2:PO4-3, for further struvite precipitation. From the complete adsorption/desorption cycles, it was found that the LFKW (10 L) wastewater had the best adsorption total efficiency (96.6 %) and from this 85.4 % was desorbed, whereas the DSLF showed the lowest adsorption total efficiency (75.4 %) and from this 53.4 % was desorbed. In addition, it was found that the carbonate presence in the DSLF wastewater had a significant contribution to the low yield. Regarding the struvite precipitation kinetics and struvite precipitation measurements in synthetic WW and in the different reclaimed solutions, working at pH 8.5 revealed high phosphate uptakes in the kinetic reactions, regardless of the molar ratio of Mg+2:NH4+:PO4-3. It was observed that at higher Mg+2:NH4+:PO4-3 molar ratio higher phosphate precipitation occurs, regardless the matrix type. Moreover, the color of the enriched reclaimed solutions revealed the color of the resulting struvite solid products, which can be attributed to the presence of the contaminants. Additionally, the experimental Mg+2:NH4+:PO4-3 molar ratios of the actual struvite precipitation were calculated and they were lower than the theoretical.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de Químic

    Determination of the process variables for adsorption and desorption of phosphate from wastewater by selective ion exchangers on magnetic particles

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    El informe de investigación fue supervisado por Dr.-Ing. Asya Drenkova-Tuhtan y examinado por Dr.-Ing. Heidrun Steinmetz.In this study different process variables were evaluated for the adsorption and desorption of phosphate from wastewater by using selective ion exchangers with magnetic particles modi-fied with layered double hydroxides (LDH). Adsorption and desorption kinetics for pure CaZnFeZr-LDH was performed. The best phosphate adsorption efficiency was achieved with CaZnFeZr-LDH, above 90 % after 1 and 24 h, whereas for the composite particle material with 7,6 wt% CaZnFeZr –LDH the adsorption efficiencies were 85,4 % and 92,1 % after 1 and 24 h, respectively. Ten adsorption/desorption cycles were performed by using three different desorption solutions (1 M NaHCO3, 1 M NaOH+1M Na2CO3 and 3 M NaOH) where the last one showed the best performance. The pH effect was studied by using CaZnFeZr-LDH and ZnFerZr-LDH, where the first one achieved higher phosphate uptake. The effect of adsorbent dosage was investigated on filtered and unfiltered wastewater (WW), with 10 mg/L PO4-P each, wherein the filtered had the best phosphate uptake with 99,2 % after 24 h using a ZnFrZr-LDH dosage of 259 mg/L. The adsorbent dosage was studied on unfiltered WW spiked at three different concentrations of PO4-P: 10, 100 and 300 mg/L. The phosphate adsorption was also studied at different temperatures: 15, 22, 35 and 50 °C, wherein as the temperature increases the amount of adsorbed phosphate onto the LDH increases as well. Moreover, an adsorption kinetic experiment was performed by using filtered and unfiltered WW spiked with PO4-P. The first one reached equilibrium at about 4 h with a phosphate uptake of 99 %. Desorption kinetics was developed for the filtered WW and the best performance was in the case of regeneration with a solution of 1 M NaOH in distilled water. The best adsorbent dosage for the maximal removal of 431 mg/L PO4-P in the Offenburg WW (99,9 % adsorption efficiency) was 3000 mg/L ZnFeZr-LDH. After performing five adsorption/desorption cycles with the Offenburg WW, a conclusion was drawn that it is necessary to maintain pH~7 during the adsorption cycles. The total adsorption efficiency was 94,2 % and from this, 73 % was desorbed.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de Químic

    Influencing factors of mobile banking applications adoption

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    Mestrado em MarketingOs serviços móveis são uma nova realidade que está mudando a forma com que as empresas se aproximam dos seus clientes através da utilização de inovações tecnológicas. O setor bancário não é exceção; os serviços de mobile banking estão mudando o relacionamento entre os bancos e seus clientes de uma forma que beneficia às duas partes. Algumas das vantagens que o mobile banking fornece aos usuários são as reduções de custos e a possibilidade de aceder às contas bancárias de qualquer lugar e em qualquer momento a partir de um dispositivo móvel. Apesar de todas as vantagens que este serviço traz para os clientes, a adoção e o uso do mobile banking não tem sido tão popular como era de esperar. Por esse motivo, é importante entender quais são os fatores que influenciam a decisão de adotar este tipo de serviço bancário. Este estudo contém informação sobre os fatores que influenciam a adoção de aplicações bancárias. Foi desenvolvido um modelo conceitual baseado na Teoria da Difusão de Inovações, onde dez fatores foram estudados (vantagem relativa, complexidade, experimentação, compatibilidade, risco, imagem, idade, educação, renda e sexo). Foi aplicado um questionário para obter dados de dois contextos diferentes (México e Portugal), este foi disponibilizado online entre os meses de Maio e Junho de 2020. As hipóteses foram testadas usando os dados quantitativos obtidos e foi concluído que diferentes fatores são relevantes dependendo do contexto de cada país.Mobile services are a new reality that are changing the way companies approach their clients, using technological innovations. The banking sector is not the exception; mobile banking services are changing the bank-client relationship in a way that benefits both the client and the bank. Some of the advantages that mobile banking provides to the users are a cost reduction for the transactions and the possibility to access the banking account from anywhere at any time from a mobile device. However, despite the advantages that this mobile service brings to the customers, the adoption and usage of mobile banking have not been as popular as expected. For this reason, it is important to understand which factors influence the decision of adopting this banking service. This dissertation provides new insights into the factors that influence the decision to adopt mobile banking, specifically banking applications. A research model was designed based on the Diffusion of Innovation Theory, where ten factors are being studied (relative advantage, complexity, trialability, compatibility, risk, image, age, education, income, and gender). A questionnaire was applied to obtain data from two different cultural contexts (Mexico and Portugal). The questionnaire was available online between May and June 2020. The hypotheses were tested using the quantitative data obtained with the questionnaire. It was concluded that different factors of adoption are relevant depending on the country´s context.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    El papel de la vegetación en simulaciones climáticas regionales

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, leída el 28-10-2022Land surface atmosphere interactions are of great relevance in climate and weather. The biophysical variables of the earth’s surface play a determining role in the exchanges of heat, momentum and humidity with the atmosphere. In this way, the correct representation and understanding of how these variables perform in Land Surface Models (LSMs) is crucial for the modeling of atmospheric processes. Vegetation variability in its spatial and vertical dimension as well as the state, health or type of vegetation is described in the numerical prediction models by parameters such as albedo, fraction of vegetation cover (FVC), leaf area index (LAI), stomatal resistance, conductivity or roots depth. The variable FVC represents the horizontal density of live vegetation and is calculated through the Normalized Dierence Vegetation Index (NDVI). FVC defines how total evaporation is partitioned between evaporation from the soil and transpiration from plants. In some LSMs it has a decreasing effect on thermal conductivity, thus reducing heat transfer to deeper layers of the soil. These physical processes determine in a decisive way surface variables such as air temperature or relative humidity. For this reason,the variability in precipitation, fires or anthropogenic changes in the vegetation cover imply a temporal and spatial heterogeneity of the FVC that have a not negligible impact in numerical simulations...Los procesos de interacción superficie atmósfera son de gran relevancia en clima y meteorología. Las variables biofísicas de la superficie terrestre tienen un papel determinante en los intercambios de calor, momento y humedad con la atmósfera. De esta manera, la correcta representación y comprensión de como estas variables intervienen en los modelos de superficie terrestre (LSM, del inglés) es crucial para la modelización de los procesos atmosféricos. La variabilidad en la vegetación en su dimensión espacial y vertical así como de estado, salud o tipo de vegetación queda descrita en los modelos de predicción numérica por parámetros como albedo, fracción de cubierta vegetal (FVC), índice de área foliar (LAI), resistencia estomática, conductividad o profundidad de raíces. La variable FVC representa la densidad horizontal de vegetación viva y se calcula a partir del Normalized Dierence Vegetation Index (NDVI). FVC define como la evaporación total se reparte entre la evaporación del suelo y la transpiración de las plantas. En algunos LSMs tiene un efecto reductor de la conductividad térmica disminuyendo de esta manera la transferencia de calor hacia capas más profundas del suelo. Estos procesos físicos condicionan de manera determinante variables de superficie como la temperatura del aire o la humedad relativa. Por esta causa, la variabilidad en la precipitación, incendios o cambios antropogénicos en la cubierta vegetal implican una heterogeneidad temporal y espacial de la FVC que tienen un impacto nada despreciable en simulaciones numéricas...Fac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUEunpu