81 research outputs found

    Structured System and Software Design of Distributed Control Computer of Mechatronic Facility for Space Research

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    The structured system and software designmethod of the distributed control computer network of themechatronic scientific facility for automatic hightemperature material processing in the space in microgravitationenvironment is presented in the paper. Thefacility distributed computer controls special extra lowspeed vibrationless electric drives, multi-zone hightemperature furnace heating system and severalmeasurement devices. The computer is equipped withspecial technological language to be possible to specifyexperiment time flow. Computer network nodes have manyuser processes (threads) so efficient, reliable, selfdocumented, and low overhead scheduler dispatcher isrequired. The table driven coroutines have been designed

    Psychotherapeutic care for adolescents failing in difficult situations.

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    Ústředním motivem disertační práce bylo nalezení efektivního způsobu, jak pomoci mladým lidem na hranici dospělosti prostřednictvím psychoterapeutické péče k zvládnutí náročných situacích, v nichž se jim nepodařilo obstát. Jejich selhávání se projevilo nejčastěji nedostatečnými výsledky při plnění školních povinností ve škole nebo pracovních úkolů na pracovištích odborného výcviku. Ačkoli příčiny byly různé, výsledek u všech stejně vyústil návrhem na vyloučení ze střední školy nebo odborného učiliště. Účelným se jevilo, a to jak v teoretických východiscích, tak ve výzkumu a jeho aplikacích, poukázat na velké množství vlivů a jejich kombinací, které vstupují do života každého jedince a jak je proto velice složité, ba přímo nemožné přesně identifikovat příčiny vzniku krize dospívajícího adolescenta. Všem zúčastněným zkoumaným osobám se však nastavilo zrcadlo jejich vlastních výpovědí prostřednictvím výsledků psychodiagnostických testů, artefaktů a rozhovorů s jejich rodiči, učiteli, mistry, ale především nimi samými. A spolu s nimi jsme hledali cestu z jejich krizové situace.Teoretická východiska vysvětlují klíčové pojmy a jejich souvislosti přímo k psychologickému výzkumu a jeho aplikování do terapeutické péče. Popisují psychologickou charakteristiku adolescence, v níž se snaží postihnout význam tělesných...The central motive of this dissertation thesis was to find an effective method of helping young people approaching adulthood manage difficult situations - which they were unable to deal with - through psychotherapeutic care. Their failure was most often demonstrated by their unsatisfactory results in school performance or duties given at training workplaces. Although the causes were different, the outcome was the same for all of them: a proposal to suspend them from their secondary school or their training college. In theoretical solutions as well as in research and its applications it seemed useful to refer to many influences and their combinations that enter the life of each individual. Therefore it is very difficult, even impossible to exactly identify the causes of a beginning of a crisis of a maturing adolescent. All involved examined persons were nevertheless faced with a mirror of their own testimonies through the results of psycho-diagnostical tests, artefacts and discussions with their parents, teachers, vocational trainers and especially with themselves. And together with them, we were searching for a way out from their crisis. The theoretical solutions explain the key concepts and their relations directly to psychological research and its application into the therapeutic care. They describe a...Department of PsychologyKatedra psychologieFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Genomic and conventional breeding values for clinical mastitis

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    Conventional and genomic breeding values for clinical mastitis were estimated,based on a dataset of 15,905 cows (36,250 lactations) from 10 farms, calving years from 1996 to 2014. The number of genotyped bulls was 2647 and 799 of them had offspring among the surveyed cows. Pedigree consisted of 64,306 individuals. Analyzed trait was defined as the number of incidence of clinical mastitis per standard lactation. Parity was limited from 1 to 7. The highest proportion of mastitis disease was observed in early lactation and decreased with month of lactation, while there was an upswing of diseases with parity. Genetic trend for cows showed a deteriorating tendency for clinical mastitis. From 1992 to 2010 there was a rise in the relative values of breeding values from 88% to 112% (worsening). Relative breeding values of these bulls were on average above 100%. The correlations between classical genomic breeding values and the values were high: 93% for the whole sample, 81% to 48 young genomic bulls without daughters born in years 2011 and 2012

    Preliminary analysis of utilization of genomic relationship in mating plan of Old Kladruber horse

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    The study analyzed 48 Old Kladruber horses genotyped by Illumina Equine SNP70 BeadChip for usefulness of genomic data in determining of mating plan. Totally 12 variants of data filtering and their impact on calculations in dependence of different parameters of GenCall Score, Minor Allele Frequency and assumed average values of loci of ancestors (l) was investigated. For possibility of comparison between genomic and commonly evaluated relationships, pedigree based relationship matrix was constructed and subsequently subtraction of pedigree from genomic matrix was performed. All matrices were thoroughly inspected and most suitable setting of parameters was chosen. Evaluation of genomic relationships can be successfully implemented in more precise method of mating plan design of Old Kladruber horses. Further genotyping and development of method for rescaling of differences between genomic and pedigree relationship matrices´ elements is advised for a purpose of better interpretation of results by breeders

    GWAS in practical cattle breeding in Czech Republic, single step method, genetic progress

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    Development of genetic evaluation of animals is permanent process. It was going from estimated breeding value (EBV) calculated by CC-test, across a BLUP – animal model and RR-TDM, to the genomic enhanced breeding value (GEBV) using genetic markers. Methods of genetic evaluation become a part of marketing strategies of insemination companies. Therefore all countries and association of breeders seek to be compatible with others. Now we are in a period of massive global implementation of genomic evaluation, which combines traditional BLUP with huge quantity of genetic SNP markers. Multi-step procedures are now usual in practice, which work with deregressed proofs. Development of methods attained to the single-step procedure (ssGBLUP) which overcomes some difficulties of previous methods, improves reliabilities of evaluation and compares all animals, genotyped and ungenotyped, in entire nation-wide population. Genomic evaluation influence above all young genotyped animals. In Czech Republic single-step procedure is routinely used for national evaluation of milk, linear type traits, reproduction and longevity. GEBVs are accompanied by genomic reliabilities. Genetic trends over last 20 years are in some traits different for genomic evaluation compared to traditional BLUP evaluation, although input data and genetic parameters (heritability) are the same and genotyped animals were only small proportion from entire evaluated population. Differences in genetic trends increase mainly in new batches of animals. Reason of it could be in the changed variability of breeding values and “genomic correction” of relationship between animals, which is expanded from genotyped animals to others individuals in a population. Keywords: genomic breeding value, single-step, genomic relationship, genetic trend, SNP ReferencesBauer, J. et al. (2014) Approximation of the reliability of single-step genomic breeding values for dairy cattle in the Czech Republic. Anim. Sci. Papers and Reports, 32, pp. 301-306.Bauer, J., Přibyl, J. and Vostrý, L. (2015) Contribution of domestic production records and Interbull EBV on approximate reliabilities of single-step genomic breeding values in dairy cattle. Czech J. Anim. Sci., 60, 263-267.Candrák, J., Kadlečík O. and Schaeffer L.R. (1997) The use of test-day model for Slovak cattle populations. In: Proc. 48th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Vienna, Austria, August 25–28.Christensen,  O.F. and Lund, M.S. (2010) Genomic prediction when some animals are not genotyped. Genet.Sel.Evol. 42, pp. 2.Fisher, R.A. (1918) The correlation between relatives in the supposition of Mendelianinheritance. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 52, pp. 399-433.            Fragomeni, B.O. et al. (2015) Hot topic: Use of genomic recursions in single-step genomic best linear unbiased predictor (BLUP) with a large number of genotypes. J. Dairy Sci., 98, pp. 4090-4094.Gao, H. et al. (2012) Comparison on genomic predictions using three GBLUP methods and two single step blending methods in the Nordic Holstein population. Genet. Sel.Evol. 44, pp. 8.Legarra A., Aguilar I. and Misztal, I. (2009) A relationship matrix including full pedigree and genomic information. J. Dairy Sci., 92, pp. 4656-4663.Masuda, Y. et al. (2016) Implementation of genomic recursions in single-step genomic best linear unbiased predictor for US Holsteins with a large number of genotyped animals. J. Dairy Sci., 99, pp. 1968-1974.Mendel, G.J. (1866) Versuche über Pflanzen-Hybriden. Verh. Naturforsch. Ver. Brünn 4, pp. 3–47 (1901, J. R. Hortic. Soc. 26, pp. 1–32).Meuwissen, T.H.E., Hayes, B.J. and Goddard, M.E. (2001) Prediction of total genetic value using genome-wide dense marker maps. Genetics, 157, pp. 1819–1829.Misztal, I., Legarra A. and Aguilar, I. (2009) Computing procedures for genetic evaluation including phenotypic, full pedigree, and genomic information. J. Dairy Sci., 92, pp. 4648–4655.Misztal, I. et al. (2013) Methods to approximate reliabilities in single-step genomic evaluation. J. Dairy Sci., 96, pp. 647-654.Pešek, P., Přibyl, J. and Vostrý, L. (2015) Genetic variances of SNP loci for milk yield in dairy cattle. J. Appl. Genet., 56, pp. 339-347.Přibyl, J. et al. (2014) Domestic and Interbull information in the single step genomic evaluation of Holstein milk production.  Czech J. Anim. Sci., 59, pp. 409-415.Přibyl, J. et al. (2015) Domestic estimated breeding values and genomic enhanced breeding values of bulls in comparison with their foreign genomic enhanced breeding values. Animal, 9, pp. 1635-1642.VanRaden, P.M. (2008) Efficient methods to compute genomic predictions. J. Dairy Sci., 91, pp. 4414–4423.VanRaden, P.M. et al. (2011) Genomic evaluations with many more genotypes. Genet. Sel.Evol. 43, pp. 10.Wright, S. (1921) Systems of mating. Genetics. 6, pp. 111-178.Zavadilová, L. et al. (2014) Single-step genomic evaluation for linear type traits of Holstein cows in Czech Republic. Anim. Sci. Papers and Reports vol. 32, pp. 201-208.

    RTX proteins: a highly diverse family secreted by a common mechanism

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    Repeats-in-toxin (RTX) exoproteins of Gram-negative bacteria form a steadily growing family of proteins with diverse biological functions. Their common feature is the unique mode of export across the bacterial envelope via the type I secretion system and the characteristic, typically nonapeptide, glycine- and aspartate-rich repeats binding Ca2+ ions. In this review, we summarize the current state of knowledge on the organization of rtx loci and on the biological and biochemical activities of therein encoded proteins. Applying several types of bioinformatic screens on the steadily growing set of sequenced bacterial genomes, over 1000 RTX family members were detected, with the biological functions of most of them remaining to be characterized. Activities of the so far characterized RTX family members are then discussed and classified according to functional categories, ranging from the historically first characterized pore-forming RTX leukotoxins, through the large multifunctional enzymatic toxins, bacteriocins, nodulation proteins, surface layer proteins, up to secreted hydrolytic enzymes exhibiting metalloprotease or lipase activities of industrial interest

    Parental control options for child safety on the Internet

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    Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na možnosti rodičovské kontroly bezpečnosti dětí na internetu a doporučení pro nastavení domácích pravidel používání internetu. V práci jsou analyzována rizika vznikající pro děti prostřednictvím internetu, popsána nastavení operačních systémů, speciálních aplikací, prohlížečů i jiných prostředků pro zajištění jejich ochrany a kontroly bezpečnosti. Dále je vytvořen seznam doporučení pro rodiče. Součástí práce jsou i webové stránky, které mají za cíl informovat rodiče o této problematice.ObhájenoThe bachelor thesis focuses on the possibilities of parental control of child safety on the Internet and recommendations for setting up the domestic rules of internet usage. The work analyzes risks arising for children through the Internet, describes the settings of operating systems, special applications, browsers and other means to ensure their protection and security control. Next, a list of recommendations for parents is created. The work also includes websites that aim to inform parents about this issue

    The System of Use of Automated External Defibrillators by Units of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic

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    Import 02/11/2016Import 15/02/2016Diplomová práce se zabývá optimalizací používání automatizovaných externích defibrilátoru u jednotek Hasičského záchranného sboru České republiky a jednotek Sborů dobrovolných hasičů v jednotlivých krajích. Práce je rozdělena do 9 částí, kde je řešeno, jak lze zvýšit procento přežití osob postižených náhlou zástavou oběhu, používání defibrilátorů ve všech krajích ČR a systém používání. Dále je pak popsán systém vysílání jednotek a statistiky zásahů HZS Jihomoravského kraje. V závěru práce jsou shrnuty návrhy opatření, které by mohly zvýšit procenta úspěšnosti resuscitace s využití defibrilátorů do budoucna a tím přispět k zachránění většího počtu postižených osob. Práce je primárně určena pro potřeby Hasičského záchranného sboru, avšak lze ji využít i jako popularizačně-naučný materiál pro laickou veřejnost.Diploma thesis deals with optimizing the use of automated external defibrillators (AED) at units of Fire Rescue Service of Czech Republic and units of Voluntary Rescue Service in particular regions of Czech Republic. The Diploma thesis is divided into 9 parts, where is solved how to increase the survival rate of people affected by sudden cardiac arrest, using of defibrillators in all regions of the Czech Republic and the application system. Furthermore, it is described the system of dispatching the units and intervention statistics of Fire Rescue Service of the South Moravian region. The proposals for actions which could help to increase the success rate of resuscitation with using of AED to the future and thereby contribute to saving the larger number of people affected are summarized in the conclusion of the thesis. The work is primarily intended for the needs of FRS CR, however it can be used as a popularization-educational material for the general public.030 - Katedra požární ochranydobř