62 research outputs found

    Is U(1)H_H a Good Family Symmetry?

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    We analyze U(1)H_H as a horizontal symmetry and its possibilities to explain the known elementary-fermion masses. We find that only two candidates, in the context of SU(3)c_c\otimesSU(2)L_L\otimesU(1)Y_Y\otimesU(1)H_H nonsupersymmetric, are able to fit the experimental result mb<<_b<<mt_t.Comment: 10 pages, Accepted for publication in Z. Phys.

    Quan les revistes conten rondalles

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    Sales de la Cruz, Mònica: Quan les revistes conten rondalles. Barcelona: Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 2016, 176 p

    Proyecto Xtracrea : Moodle en las asignaturas Estrategia de la Publicidad y Creatividad Publicitarias I y II : informe final

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    Presentamos los resultados del trabajo en red de un grupo de profesores del Departamento de Comunicación y Psicología Social de la Universidad de Alicante, cuyo objetivo era el apoyo de la interacción docente profesor-alumno con el software libre Moodle. Los profesores integrantes fueron Mª Dolores Fernández Poyatos, Jesús Orbea Mira, Miguel Poveda Salva y Victoria Tur Viñes (Coordinadora). Las asignaturas implicadas han sido: Estrategia de la Comunicación Publicitaria, Creatividad Publicitaria I, Creatividad Publicitaria II, todas ellas impartidas en tercer curso de la Licenciatura de Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas. En concreto, los dos objetivos propuestos fueron: la integración del software Moodle en la docencia de las asignaturas y la preparación de materiales docentes para el desarrollo del trabajo autónomo del alumno.Proyecto Redes Tecnológicas de Introducción del software libre en asignaturas, Vicerrectorado de Tecnología e Innovación Educativa, Universidad de Alicant

    Analysis of local extinction of a n-heptane spray flame using large-eddy simulation with tabulated chemistry

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    This work is focused on the study of flame stabilization and local extinction of a spray flame in an atmospheric non-swirled test rig referred to as the CORIA Rouen Spray Burner. This burner shows a double reaction front structure, with an outer laminar diffusion flame and an inner wrinkled partially-premixed flame undertaking local extinction. This unsteady phenomenon is investigated here using large-eddy simulations with a tabulated chemistry method based on steady and unsteady diffusion flamelets with heat loss. A validation of the numerical simulations is conducted first for the carrier and dispersed phase and good agreement with the experimental data is found for mean and fluctuating quantities. The present results were able to predict relevant parameters of the flame like the lift-off length and flame shape. Numerical results evidence some intermittency on the OH concentration with the presence of high values of formaldehyde indicating the existence of localized extinction in the leading edge of the flame. A detailed analysis showed the impact of droplets on the reacting layer and the existence of rich pockets quenching the flame front. Further downstream, it was shown that when the scalar dissipation rate reaches high values near the reaction zone, the flame front becomes thinner and wrinkled until it eventually quenches. The numerical results evidence that the applied tabulated chemistry method is capable of capturing the local extinction and re-ignition events occurring in the inner layer.This work was partially funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Econom´ıa y Competitividad within the frame of the CHEST (TRA2017-89139-C2-1-R) project. BSC also acknowledges the funding from the CoEC project through the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952181. Authors acknowledge the computer resources at Marenostrum and the technical support provided by Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) (IM-2019-3-0025, IM-2020-1-0017, IM-2020-2-0026). Authors also thank the access to the CRSB database kindly provided by Prof. B. Renou.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Utilidad del color para clasificar los zumos de naranja según su elaboración

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    En este trabajo se caracteriza el color de los zumos de naranja comerciales y se explora la utilidad de las coordenadas cromáticas para diferenciarlos según su proceso de elaboración. Se concluye que es posible la discriminación de los zumos elaborados a base de concentrado de los procedentes de naranjas exprimidas, a partir de los parámetros L* y C*ab.Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa (Junta de Andalucía): proyecto P08- AGR-0378

    A Spanish-language patient safety questionnaire to measure medical and nursing students' attitudes and knowledge.

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    [EN] OBJECTIVE: To design and validate a questionnaire for assessing attitudes and knowledge about patient safety using a sample of medical and nursing students undergoing clinical training in Spain and four countries in Latin America. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, a literature review was carried out and total of 786 medical and nursing students were surveyed at eight universities from five countries (Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Spain) to develop and refine a Spanish-language questionnaire on knowledge and attitudes about patient safety. The scope of the questionnaire was based on five dimensions (factors) presented in studies related to patient safety culture found in PubMed and Scopus. Based on the five factors, 25 reactive items were developed. Composite reliability indexes and Cronbach's alpha statistics were estimated for each factor, and confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to assess validity. After a pilot test, the questionnaire was refined using confirmatory models, maximum-likelihood estimation, and the variance-covariance matrix (as input). Multiple linear regression models were used to confirm external validity, considering variables related to patient safety culture as dependent variables and the five factors as independent variables. RESULTS: The final instrument was a structured five-point Likert self-administered survey (the "Latino Student Patient Safety Questionnaire") consisting of 21 items grouped into five factors. Compound reliability indexes (Cronbach's alpha statistic) calculated for the five factors were about 0.7 or higher. The results of the multiple linear regression analyses indicated good model fit (goodness-of-fit index: 0.9). Item-total correlations were higher than 0.3 in all cases. The convergent-discriminant validity was adequate. CONCLUSIONS: The questionnaire designed and validated in this study assesses nursing and medical students' attitudes and knowledge about patient safety. This instrument could be used to indirectly evaluate whether or not students in health disciplines are acquiring and thus likely to put into practice the professional skills currently considered most appropriate for patient safety

    Supersymmetric One-family Model without Higgsinos

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    The Higgs potential and the mass spectrum of the N=1 supersymmetric extension of a recently proposed one-family model based on the local gauge group SU(3)cSU(3)LU(1)XSU(3)_c \otimes SU(3)_L \otimes U(1)_X, which is a subgroup of the electroweak-strong unification group E6E_6, is analyzed. In this model the slepton multiplets play the role of the Higgs scalars and no Higgsinos are needed, with the consequence that the sneutrino, the selectron and six other sleptons play the role of the Goldstone bosons. We show how the μ\mu problem is successfully addressed in the context of this model which also predicts the existence of a light CP-odd scalar.Comment: REVTeX 4, 10 pages. Included discussions about constraints coming from the rho-parameter and from Muon (g-2). References added. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Guidance on Monitoring of Marine Litter in European Seas

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    This publication is a Reference Report by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.The MSFD Technical Subgroup on Marine Litter was tasked to deliver guidance so that European Member States could initiate programmes for monitoring of Descriptor 10 of the MSFD. The present document provides the recommendations and information needed to commence the monitoring required for marine litter, including methodological protocols and categories of items to be used for the assessment of litter on the Beach, Water Column, Seafloor and Biota, including a special section on Microparticles

    Experiencia de aplicación de guías docentes adaptadas a los criterios de convergencia educativa en educación superior para el segundo curso de la Diplomatura de Trabajo Social

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    La red “Red de Docencia de Calidad en Trabajo Social (REDCATS-Segundo curso)”, constituida en el curso 2003-2004 para diseñar las guías docentes de las asignaturas de segundo curso de la Diplomatura de Trabajo Social, tuvo continuidad durante el curso 2004-2005, con cambios en su composición, para aplicar los contenidos diseñados en las guías docentes de las asignaturas, y evaluar los resultados obtenidos. Para ello contó con el apoyo del Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación (Universidad de Alicante), a través de su Programa de Investigación Docente en Redes 2004-2005. En esta comunicación se da cuenta de los aspectos principales de la aplicación de las guías docentes durante el curso 2004-2005. Para ello, se hace un recorrido por: · El proceso de trabajo seguido por la red y por las asignaturas durante el curso 2004-2005. · Los resultados obtenidos, en términos de: rendimiento académico del alumnado; tiempo invertido y grado de dificultad encontrado; instrumentos de trabajo elaborados por la red (portafolio discente y docente). · Las conclusiones derivadas de la experiencia en las asignaturas, en las que se recogen tanto la visión de los estudiantes como la del profesorado. · Las propuestas de mejora de experiencias futuras.The research network named "Red de Estudio de la Docencia de Calidad en Trabajo Social (REDCATS-Segundo curso)", started its work in the 2003-2004 academic year with the aim of design the educational guides of the second year of the Bachelor in Social Work. The work has had continuity during 2004-2005 to apply the contents designed in the educational guides (syllabus) and to evaluate the results. In this task, the research network had the support of the Education’s Sciences Institute (University of Alicante), through its Research Networks Program in University Teaching 2004-2005. In this paper the network gives account of the main aspects of the application of the educational guides occurs during the 2004-2005 academic year. So, we explain: · The process of work followed by the network during that period. · The obtained results, in terms of: academic yield of the pupils; inverted time and degree of difficulty found; instruments of work elaborated by the network (student and teaching portfolio). · The conclusions of this experience, were we include both the vision of the students and the teaching staff perspective. · The proposals of improvement for future experiences