300 research outputs found

    Theoretical analysis of the transmission phase shift of a quantum dot in the presence of Kondo correlations

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    We study the effects of Kondo correlations on the transmission phase shift of a quantum dot coupled to two leads in comparison with the experimental determinations made by Aharonov-Bohm (AB) quantum interferometry. We propose here a theoretical interpretation of these results based on scattering theory combined with Bethe ansatz calculations. We show that there is a factor of 2 difference between the phase of the S-matrix responsible for the shift in the AB oscillations, and the one controlling the conductance. Quantitative agreement is obtained with experimental results for two different values of the coupling to the leads.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Solution of the Two-Channel Anderson Impurity Model - Implications for the Heavy Fermion UBe13_{13} -

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    We solve the two-channel Anderson impurity model using the Bethe-Ansatz. We determine the ground state and derive the thermodynamics, obtaining the impurity entropy and specific heat over the full range of temperature. We show that the low temperature physics is given by a line of fixed points decribing a two-channel non Fermi liquid behavior in the integral valence regime associated with moment formation as well as in the mixed valence regime where no moment forms. We discuss relevance for the theory of UBe13_{13}.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, (to be published in PRL

    Instability of the Fermi-liquid fixed point in an extended Kondo model

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    We study an extended SU(N) single-impurity Kondo model in which the impurity spin is described by a combination of Abrikosov fermions and Schwinger bosons. Our aim is to describe both the quasiparticle-like excitations and the locally critical modes observed in various physical situations, including non-Fermi liquid (NFL) behavior in heavy fermions in the vicinity of a quantum critical point and anomalous transport properties in quantum wires. In contrast with models with either pure bosonic or pure fermionic impurities, the strong coupling fixed point is unstable against the conduction electron kinetic term under certain conditions. The stability region of the strong coupling fixed point coincides with the region where the partially screened, effective impurity repels the electrons on adjacent sites. In the instability region, the impurity tends to attract (N1)(N-1) electrons to the neighboring sites, giving rise to a double-stage Kondo effect with additional screening of the impurity.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of the NATO Workshop on "Concepts in Electron Correlations", Hvar,October 200

    Effect of amino acid supplementation and stress on expression of molecular markers in meagre (Argyrosomus regius)

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    The objectives of this work were: 1) develop of molecular stress biomarkers obtaining sequence data of different transcripts, 2) study the molecular stress response through the expression quantification of key gene involved in it, and 3) assess the effects of dietary amino acid additives on stress response in meagre meagres (Argyrososmus regius). Fish batches were fed two experimental diets with tryptophan (Trp) or aspartate (Asp) added for seven days. Before sampling fish were submitted to confinement/netting stress during 1 h, except control fish. Therefore fish were sampled before and after stress (1 h and 6 h post-stress). The sampling consisted of blood and tissues (brain, hypophysis and liver). Several gene expressions related to the stress response were measured in those tissues, and the cloning of corticotropin-releasing hormone (crh), corticotropin-releasing hormone binding protein (crh-bp), and thyrotropin-releasing hormone (trh) has been reported in meagre for the first time. In fact, fish fed an additional Asp diet did not present any sl, prl and gh expression changes, as for the control group. Contrarily, the Trp diet altered the prl and gh expressions after stress. For crh and crh-bp expressions, no significant differences were detected within the Asp diet hence that amino acid improved the stress response. However, Asp feeding, but not Trp, enhanced pomc-a expression after stress. Hsp70 expression varied for every treatment, including the control feeding, indicating a late response at 6 h post-stress sampling, where both Asp and Trp treatments increased these expressions significantly. Concluding, the response of molecular stress markers to amino acid enriched diets was diverse. The stressor did not change significantly the relative expression of most analyzed genes for control feeding groups, though the Asp supplemented diet was more effective for attenuating molecular markers than the Trp one.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intermediate coupling fixed point study in the overscreened regime of generalized multichannel SU(N) Kondo models

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    We study a generalized multichannel single-impurity Kondo model, in which the impurity spin is described by a representation of the SU(N) group which combines bosonic and fermionic degrees of freedom. The impurity spin states are described by Abrikosov pseudofermions, and we make use of a method initiated by Popov and Fedotov which allows a proper handling of the fermionic constraint. The partition function is derived within a path integral approach. We use renormalization group techniques to calculate the β\beta scaling function perturbatively in powers of the Kondo coupling constant, which is justified in the weak coupling limit. The truncated expansion is valid in the overscreened (Nozieres-Blandin) regime, for an arbitrary SU(N) group and any value of the parameters characterizing the impurity spin representation. The intermediate coupling fixed point is identified. We derive the temperature dependence of various physical quantities at low T, controlled by a unique critical exponent, and show that the physics of the system in the overscreened regime governed by the intermediate coupling fixed point is characterized by a non-Fermi liquid behavior. Our results are in accordance with those obtained by other methods, as Bethe ansatz and boundary conformal field theory, in the case of various impurity spin symmetries. We establish in a unified way that the Kondo models in which the impurity spin is described successively by a fundamental, symmetric, antisymmetric and mixed symmetry representation yield all the same low-energy physics in the overscreened regime. Possible generalizations of the analysis we present to the case of arbitrary impurity spin representations of SU(N) are also discussed.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, REVTeX; final version accepted for publicatio

    Black Hole masses for 14 gravitational lensed quasars

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    We estimate black hole masses (MBH_{\rm BH}) for 14 gravitationally lensed quasars using the Balmer lines along with estimates based on MgII and CIV emission lines for four and two of them, respectively. We compare with results obtained for other lensed quasars. We use spectroscopic data from the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT), Magellan and the Very Large Telescope (VLT) to measure the FWHM of the broad emission lines. Combined with the bolometric luminosity measured from the spectra energy distribution, we estimate MBH_{\rm BH} including uncertainties from microlensing and variability. We obtain MBH using the single-epoch method from the Hα\alpha and/or Hβ\beta broad emission lines for 14 lensed quasars, including the first estimates for QJ0158-4325, HE0512-3329 and WFI2026-4536. The masses are typical of non-lensed quasars of similar luminosity, and the implied Eddington ratios are typical. We have increased the sample of lenses with estimates of MBH by 60%.Comment: 16 pages. Submitted to A&

    Contributo para o estudo das plantas vasculares endémicas da Ilha das Flores (Açores).

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    IV Expedição Científica do Departamento de Biologia – Flores 1989.Conforme mostra MALATO-BELIZ (1988), o número de taxa vasculares endémicos nas ilhas dos Açores varia entre um máximo de 62 taxa (ilha de S. Miguel) e um mínimo de 11 taxa endémicos na ilha Graciosa. A pequena ilha das Flores com 51 taxa endémicos ultrapassa claramente neste particular as ilhas Graciosa (11), S. Maria (35) e Corvo (37) e quase iguala em número de espécies endémicas ilhas bastante maiores como a Terceira (55) e o Faial (55). Não admira pois que em termos da relação "nº taxa endémicos/unidade de superfície (Km2)" a ilha das Flores com 0,357 end./Km2, apenas seja ultrapassada por S. Maria (0,360 end./ Km2) e pelo Corvo (2,126 end./Km2), 0 valor médio para o arquipélago situa-se apenas nos 0,184 end./Km2. A explicação para esta relativa riqueza em espécies endémicas da ilha das Flores fica sem dúvida a dever-se à grande diversidade de biótopos que ela possui e à existência de algumas manchas vegetais menos alteradas pelo homem

    Serum protein levels following surgery in breast cancer patients: A protein microarray approach

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    Este artículo ha sido publicado en INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY No hemos podido encontrar infomración sobre si permite depositar conlicencia creative Commons El archivo solicitado a la editorial como postprint que nos ha remitido es el que depositamosSurgery is the primary treatment for non-metastatic breast cancer. However, the risk of early recurrence remains after surgical removal of the primary tumor. Recurrence is suggested to result from hidden micrometastatic foci, which are triggered to escape from dormancy by surgical resection of the primary tumor. In this study, we focused on the differential impact of breast surgery on the serum profiles of early breast cancer patients and healthy women. Serum samples from invasive breast cancer patients, in situ carcinoma breast cancer patients and healthy women were analyzed using reverse phase protein array technology. Samples were collected prior to breast surgery and 24 h following breast surgery. Both the expression level and the velocity of 42 serum proteins were quantified and compared among groups. We found that surgery increased the concentration of several proteins (CSF1, THSB2, IL6, IL7, IL16, FasL and VEGF-B) in the overall population. Compared with healthy women and patients with non-invasive tumors, invasive tumor patients exhibited higher preoperative levels of several serum proteins, such as αFP, IFNβ1, VEGF-A, IL18, E-cadherin or CD31, and lower postoperative levels of TNFα and IL5. Similarly, we detected significant surgery-induced changes in the velocity of VEGF-A and IL16 accumulation in samples derived from invasive breast cancer patients. In conclusion, breast surgery induced distinct changes in the concentrations and dynamics of serum proteins in invasive breast cancer patients compared with healthy women and noninvasive tumor patients.The authors acknowledge support through grants from the Junta de Andalucia (0199/2006 and TIC-4026), the Fundacion Mutua Madrileña and the Spanish MINECO (TIN2010-16556)

    Effects of seagrasses and algae of the Caulerpa family on hydrodynamics and particle-trapping rates

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    The widespread decline of seagrass beds within the Mediterranean often results in the replacement of seagrasses by opportunistic green algae of the Caulerpa family. Because Caulerpa beds have a different height, stiffness and density compared to seagrasses, these changes in habitat type modify the interaction of the seafloor with hydrodynamics, influencing key processes such as sediment resuspension and particle trapping. Here, we compare the effects on hydrodynamics and particle trapping of Caulerpa taxifolia, C. racemosa, and C. prolifera with the Mediterranean seagrasses Cymodocea nodosa and Posidonia oceanica. All macrophyte canopies reduced near-bed volumetric flow rates compared to bare sediment, vertical profiles of turbulent kinetic energy revealed peak values around the top of the canopies, and maximum values of Reynolds stress increased by a factor of between 1.4 (C. nodosa) and 324.1 (P. oceanica) when vegetation was present. All canopies enhanced particle retention rates compared to bare sediment. The experimental C. prolifera canopy was the most effective at particle retention (m2 habitat); however, C. racemosa had the largest particle retention capacity per structure surface area. Hence, in terms of enhancing particle trapping and reducing hydrodynamic forces at the sediment surface, Caulerpa beds provided a similar or enhanced function compared to P.oceanica and C. nodosa. However, strong seasonality in the leaf area index of C. racemosa and C. taxifolia within the Mediterranean, combined with a weak rhizome structure, suggests that sediments maybe unprotected during winter storms, when most erosion occurs. Hence, replacement of seagrass beds with Caulerpa is likely to have a major influence on annual sediment dynamics at ecosystem scales.This research was funded by the European Network of Excellence ‘‘Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function’’ (MarBEF); FP6, EC contract no. 505446 and a grant from the Fundacio ´n BBVA. EPM was supported by a European Union Marie Curie host fellowship for transfer of knowledge, MTKD-CT-2004-509254, the Spanish national project EVAMARIA (CTM2005-00395/MAR) and the regional government of Andalusia project FUNDIV(P07-RNM-2516)