151 research outputs found

    Vocabulary growth at tertiary level: How much progress can Serbian EFL learners make in a year?

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    The size of L2 learners' vocabulary, both receptive and productive, represents a vital concept in the field of L2 acquisition, given that it determines the degree of success in communication. The larger the vocabulary size of a learner is, the better his/her understanding and ease of communication in the target language. For this reason, a body of research focusing on the developmental process of lexical acquisition in L2 learners of various proficiency levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced) in different teaching contexts is nowadays steadily expanding. A recent study aimed at investigating the relationship between lexical reception and production in Serbian L1 English L2 learners, English language majors, has indicated that production seriously lags behind reception. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to explore the growth in receptive and productive vocabulary size of B2-level (CEFR) English L2 learners, first year English majors, over a period of a single academic year. The data obtained reveal that the rich L2 input provided in Integrated skills classes, combined with other compulsory and elective courses predominantly held in English, has resulted in the learners' productive lexical knowledge developing faster than their receptive lexical knowledge. This outcome consequently affected the relationship between the learners' receptive and productive vocabulary size - the gap between the two narrowed

    Influence of industrial important nanoparticles (CeO2, Ag, TiO2) on the mites of Mytilus Galloprovinciaus

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    U ovom radu istražen je učinak industrijski važnih nanočestica cerija, srebra i titanija na dagnju Mytilus galloprovincialis pomoću testa preživljavanja na zraku (stres na stres test). Cilj je bio napraviti procjenu odgovora pomoću bioindikatorskog organizma, dagnji, kako bi dobili odgovor na pitanja o opasnosti kemijskih tvari u morskom okolišu. Kada se procjena opasnosti usporedi s procjenom izloženosti, pokaže se specifičan odgovor na određene nanočestice. Zaključak je da metoda stres na stres testa nije adekvatan pokazatelj toksičnosti nanočestica na organizam, te da je potrebno ispitati toksičnost na nivou stanice i molekule. Rezultati ovog istraživanja mogu poslužiti za buduća istraživanja učinka zagađivala u morskom okolišu.In this study the effect of industrially important nanoparticles of cerium, silver and titanium in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis using survival in air test (stress on stress test) was investigated. The goal of this work was to assess risks to the marine environment using bioindicator organisms, mussels, to determine the danger of specific chemical substances. When risk assessment was compared with the estimate of exposure, individual nanoparticles gave specific answers. It was concluded that the method of determining the toxicity level at the whole organism level is not an adequate sole indicator of pollution, but that it is also necessary to examine the toxicity at the cellular level. The results of this study may be used for future studies of nanomaterial contaminants in the marine environment

    Influence of industrial important nanoparticles (CeO2, Ag, TiO2) on the mites of Mytilus Galloprovinciaus

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    U ovom radu istražen je učinak industrijski važnih nanočestica cerija, srebra i titanija na dagnju Mytilus galloprovincialis pomoću testa preživljavanja na zraku (stres na stres test). Cilj je bio napraviti procjenu odgovora pomoću bioindikatorskog organizma, dagnji, kako bi dobili odgovor na pitanja o opasnosti kemijskih tvari u morskom okolišu. Kada se procjena opasnosti usporedi s procjenom izloženosti, pokaže se specifičan odgovor na određene nanočestice. Zaključak je da metoda stres na stres testa nije adekvatan pokazatelj toksičnosti nanočestica na organizam, te da je potrebno ispitati toksičnost na nivou stanice i molekule. Rezultati ovog istraživanja mogu poslužiti za buduća istraživanja učinka zagađivala u morskom okolišu.In this study the effect of industrially important nanoparticles of cerium, silver and titanium in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis using survival in air test (stress on stress test) was investigated. The goal of this work was to assess risks to the marine environment using bioindicator organisms, mussels, to determine the danger of specific chemical substances. When risk assessment was compared with the estimate of exposure, individual nanoparticles gave specific answers. It was concluded that the method of determining the toxicity level at the whole organism level is not an adequate sole indicator of pollution, but that it is also necessary to examine the toxicity at the cellular level. The results of this study may be used for future studies of nanomaterial contaminants in the marine environment

    Risk assessment in the distribution channels of pharmaceutical companies

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    Predmet istraživanja ovog rada je proučavanje farmaceutskih kompanija i rizičnih faktora koji se pojavljuju prilikom distribucije lekova. Suština istraživanja je sagledavanje potencijalnih faktora rizika u poslovnim procesima farmaceutskih kompanija, kao i u njihovim distributivnim kanalima. Ovo istraživanje obuhvata stručnjake iz deset farmaceutskih kompanija koje posluju na teritoriji jugoistočne Evrope. Istraživanje rizika u farmaceutskim kompanijama ima za cilj održavanje otpornosti, ostvarivanje kvaliteta i kontinuiteta upravljanja distribucije lekova, efektivno i efikasno upravljanje promenama u okruženju farmaceutskih kompanija i održavanje fleksibilnosti prilikom uvođenja lekova na tržište. U radu će biti prikazane smernice za upravljanje faktorima rizika u distributivnim kanalima farmaceutskih kompanija.The subject of this paper is the study of pharmaceutical companies and the risk factors that occur during distribution of drugs. The essence of the study is to assess the potential risk factors in the business processes of pharmaceutical companies, as well as in their distribution channels. This research includes experts from ten pharmaceutical companies that operate in Southeast Europe. The study of risk in the pharmaceutical companies aims to maintain the resistance, providing high quality and continuity of management of distribution of drugs, effective and efficient management of changes in the environment of pharmaceutical companies and the maintenance of flexibility when introducing drugs to the market. The paper will present the guidelines for the management of risk factors in the distribution channels of pharmaceutical companies

    Models of social behaviour based on game theory

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    The emergence of cooperation created a puzzle for generations of scientists across several disciplines (Pennisi 2009). Why an individual would sacrifice herself for another when natural selection favors the survival of the fittest? Charles Darwin himself remarked the paradox of a worker bee that labors for the good of the colony, although its efforts do not lead to its own reproduction. He proposed that selection might favor families whose members were cooperative, and it is accepted today that kinship helps explain cooperation. But defectors, those who benefit without making a sacrifice, are likely to evolve because they will have an advantage over individuals who spend energy on helping others, therefore jeopardizing the stability of any cooperative effort. Yet cooperation and apparently even altruism have evolved and remained, on any level of biological organization. Without cooperation, genomes, cells or multicellular organims would have never been formed (Maynard Smith and Szathmary 1995). There are numerous examples of cooperation in both animal and human kingdoms and to this date there is no widely acceptable explanation why. The suitable theoretical framework to address this issue is evolutionary game theory (Axelrod and Hamilton 1981; Axelrod 1984), which has been intensively used for this research during recent years. Its main virtue consists in that it allows to pose the dilemmas involved in cooperation, and the mechanisms proposed to explain it, in a simple and rigorous manner. In what follows, we will introduce the basic concepts from game theory and then we will discuss some possible mechanisms which lead to the promotion of cooperation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Entender las interacciones entre las personas y sus contactos sociales es un problema clave para dilucidar la forma en la que funciona la sociedad y cómo ésta contribuye a la mejora del bienestar individual. El origen evolutivo de la cooperación entre individuos no emparentados es una cuestión sin resolver que afecta a varias disciplinas. Entre los distintos mecanismos propuestos para explicar cómo puede aparecer la cooperación destaca la existencia de una estructura en la población que determine las interacciones entre individuos. Muchos modelos han explorado analítica y computacionalmente los efectos de dicha estructura, sobre todo en el marco del Dilema del Prisionero, pero los resultados obtenidos dependen enormemente de muchos detalles, tales como el tipo de estructura considerada o la dinámica evolutiva. Por tanto, era preciso llevar a cabo trabajo experimental diseñado apropiadamente para identificar qué características de las que integran los modelos son las relevantes. En esta tesis hemos investigado cómo la estructura espacial influye en la promoción de la cooperación. Para ello, diseñamos un experimento para estudiar la aparición de cooperación cuando las personas juegan al Dilema del Prisionero iterado. Los voluntarios que participaron en este experimento jugaron al Dilema del Prisionero en una red de tamaño considerable. Los parámetros del experimento se escogieron para promover la cooperación en la mayor medida posible, partiendo de las predicciones de los modelos teóricos. Nuestros resultados indican que el nivel de cooperación no mejora por la existencia de una red, manteniéndose la fracción de cooperadores en un 20% aproximadamente. Estos resultados se pueden explicar a través de la existencia de heterogeineidad y de una estrategia de cooperación condicional generalizada, en la que la probabilidad de cooperar depende de la cooperación de los otros participantes en el juego y también de la acción previa del jugador. Nuestras conclusiones han tenido un gran impacto en la manera en la que la Teoría de Juegos en grafos se usa para modelar las interacciones humanas en grupos estructurados. De hecho, nosotros mismos hemos propuesto un modelo basado en agentes en el que coexisten tres diferentes estrategias compatibles con las observaciones experimentales: cooperación, defección y cooperación condicionada generalizada. Consideramos grupos de n = 2, 3, 4 y 5 jugadores y calculamos los pagos para cada tipo de jugador en el equilibrio utilizanda cadenas de Markov. De esta manera, demostramos que para los grupos de tamaño menor que n = 4 existe un punto interior en el cual las tres estrategias coexisten. La correspondiente cuenca de atracción disminuye al aumentar el número de jugadores, mientras que para n = 5 no pudimos encontrar ningún punto de atracción interior. Finalmente, hemos visto que para el límite cuando n tiende a infinito, dicho atractor no existe. Así pues, nuestros experimentos en red sugieren que la cooperación puede depender de la acción previa del jugador, pero al mismo tiempo hemos probado teóricamente que ese tipo de comportamiento no puede coexistir con jugadores que nunca cooperan y con cooperadores en grupos formados por más de 5 personas. Por ello, decidimos diseñar un experimento que reprodujese nuestro esquema teórico. Así confirmamos la existencia de cooperadores condicionales y un nivel de cooperación bajo en grupos formados por más de dos miembros. Soprendentemente, hemos visto que el comportamiento de los jugadores en grupos de dos individuos es cualitativamente diferente a las situaciones donde este número es mayor. Nuestro experimento se prolongó durante 100 rondas, lo cual nos permitió estudiar el régimen a largo plazo. Cuando se juega al Dilema del Prisionero por parejas en esta situación, el nivel de cooperación, tras una caída inicial, se incrementa significativimente y llega a un nivel de más del 80 %. Además, hemos reanalizado los datos del experimento de Traulsen et al. (2010), en el que los voluntarios jugaban al Dilema del Prisionero con sus cuatro vecinos más cercanos en una red de tamaño 4 x 4. El experimento tenía dos tratamientos: uno espacial, donde los jugadores tenían una posición fija en la red durante todo el experimento, y uno no espacial, en el cual los jugadores cambiaban sus posiciones en la red después de cada ronda. Analizamos estadísticamente las decisiones individuales y dedujimos con qué modelo o modelos de Teoría de Juegos evolutiva las podemos conectar. No encontramos ninguna diferencia entre ambos tratamientos. Sin embargo, las estrategias que usan los jugadores no corresponden con las que se suelen estudiar en Teoría de Juegos evolutiva. Finalmente, utilizando simulaciones numéricas, vimos cómo los mecanismos de actualización obtenidos en los experimentos no favorecen la cooperación en la estructura espacial. Como apoyo a nuestras conclusiones, hemos comparado los resultado de experimentos diferentes. Aunque hay diferencias, ciertas características parecen ser universales. Así, el nivel de cooperacion se muestra bajo en todos los experimentos, a pesar de que muchos modelos teóricos predicen una promoción de la cooperación, y la estructura de la población (la red) parece no tener ningún efecto sobre el nivel de cooperacióon. En todos los experimentos se observa cooperación condicional generalizada, aunque también es posible describir el comportamiento observado con otras reglas, si bien de manera menos universal que con la anterior.This work was supported in part by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain) through grants PRODIEVO, MOSAICO, FPI y Estancias Breves, and by Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) through grant MODELIC

    Risk assessment in the distribution channels of pharmaceutical companies

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    Predmet istraživanja ovog rada je proučavanje farmaceutskih kompanija i rizičnih faktora koji se pojavljuju prilikom distribucije lekova. Suština istraživanja je sagledavanje potencijalnih faktora rizika u poslovnim procesima farmaceutskih kompanija, kao i u njihovim distributivnim kanalima. Ovo istraživanje obuhvata stručnjake iz deset farmaceutskih kompanija koje posluju na teritoriji jugoistočne Evrope. Istraživanje rizika u farmaceutskim kompanijama ima za cilj održavanje otpornosti, ostvarivanje kvaliteta i kontinuiteta upravljanja distribucije lekova, efektivno i efikasno upravljanje promenama u okruženju farmaceutskih kompanija i održavanje fleksibilnosti prilikom uvođenja lekova na tržište. U radu će biti prikazane smernice za upravljanje faktorima rizika u distributivnim kanalima farmaceutskih kompanija.The subject of this paper is the study of pharmaceutical companies and the risk factors that occur during distribution of drugs. The essence of the study is to assess the potential risk factors in the business processes of pharmaceutical companies, as well as in their distribution channels. This research includes experts from ten pharmaceutical companies that operate in Southeast Europe. The study of risk in the pharmaceutical companies aims to maintain the resistance, providing high quality and continuity of management of distribution of drugs, effective and efficient management of changes in the environment of pharmaceutical companies and the maintenance of flexibility when introducing drugs to the market. The paper will present the guidelines for the management of risk factors in the distribution channels of pharmaceutical companies

    Education as a value in school culture

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    Vrednosti se nalaze u osnovi svake delatnosti, pa i obrazovne. Obrazovanje je od svog nastanka promovisalo različite vrednosti, a u isto vreme se, samo po sebi, smatralo vrednošću, što je i preduslov vršenja društvene funkcije obrazovanja. U krizi savremene civilizacije, od esencijalne važnosti je da škola kao vaspitno-obrazovna institucija i nastavnici kao njeni eksponenti sopstvenim primerom nedvosmisleno demonstriraju da obrazovanje doživljavaju kao vrednost, ne samo deklarativno, već i u svojim profesionalnim aktivnostima. Cilj istraživanja čije rezultate prezentujemo u ovom radu bio je da ispitamo i sagledamo nastavničku percepciju obrazovanja kao vrednosti u kulturi škole. Rezultati su ukazali na to da se obrazovanje (sagledavano preko percepcije obrazovanja kao mehanizma promocije zaposlenog u organizaciji i preko percepcije mera i postupaka u organizaciji koji za cilj imaju facilitaciju obrazovanja zaposlenih) ne smatra organizacionom vrednošću u kulturama škola koje smo ispitivali.Cennosti ležat v osnove lûboj deâtel'nosti, v tom čisle i obrazovatel'noj. S momenta svoego sozdaniâ obrazovanie populârizirovalo raznye cennosti, i v to že vremâ samo po sebe ono sčitalos' cennost'û i neobhodimym usloviem dlâ vypolneniâ social'noj funkcii obrazovaniâ. V usloviâh krizisa sovremennoj civilizacii pervostepennoe značenie imeet škola kak vospitatel'no-obrazovatel'noe zavedenie i učitelâ, kak ego predstaviteli, kotorye ličnym primerom demonstriruût svoi vospriâtiâ obrazovaniâ kak cennosti, i ne tol'ko deklarativno, no i v svoej professional'noj deâtel'nosti. Cel'û issledovaniâ, rezul'taty kotorogo predstavleny v dannoj stat'e, bylo izučenie vospriâtiâ obrazovaniâ kak cennosti v kul'ture školy. Rezul'taty pokazali, čto obrazovanie (rassmatrivaemoe čerez vospriâtie obrazovaniâ kak mehanizma prodviženiâ rabotnika v organizacii i čerez vospriâtie mer i procedur v organizacii, napravlennyh na sodejstvie v obrazovanii rabotnikov) ne sčitaetsâ organizacionnoj cennost'û v kul'ture issleduemyh škol.All activities, including education, are underpinned by values. Since its beginnings, education has promoted various values, and at the same time was itself perceived as a value, which is a prerequisite for performing its social function. The crisis of contemporary civilization makes it essentially important for school as an educational institution, and for teachers as its key actors, to demonstrate unequivocally by personal example that they perceive education as a value, not only declaratively but also through their professional activities. The current study aimed to explore teachers' perceptions of education as a value in school culture, specifically, their perceptions of education as a mechanism for promoting employees within an organization and their perceptions of measures and procedures in the organization aimed at facilitating employees' education. Our findings suggest that education is not regarded as an organizational value within the culture of the schools included in our stud

    Reaktivna i spontana agresivnost mladih

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    Introduction/ The aim of the work. The aim of the research is to determine the degree of severity of reactive and spontaneous aggressiveness of the young. The specific objective of this study was to determine gender differences in the expression of reactive and spontaneous aggression of the young and the reactions of parents to their aggressiveness. Method. The research was done on a sample of 91 examinees, secondary school students of Gymnazium “Bora Stankovic” in Vranje, aged 16-18 years. The research consisted of 52 male (57%) and 39 female examinees (43%). Testing, which took 20 - 30 minutes, was performed by the school psychologist, in a regular class, with a standardized Practice Test. The degree of reactive and spontaneous aggression was measured by two scales of a standardized Freiburg personality test (FPI). This research was done in 2014. The processing of the data was carried out by using the SPSS program package, version 11.5. Results are shown by using methods of statistical description: frequency distribution, average score values, standard deviations and percentages. The significance of differences was shown using the t-test and Chi square tests. The limit of statistical significance is less than 5 % (p lt 0.05). Results. The data show that young men have more reactive, spontaneous, and overall aggressiveness, compared to girls. In the dimension of spontaneous aggression boys show significantly higher statistical values, compared to the girls (p lt 0.05). In response to the aggression of young people, their parents often use verbal aggression and apply prohibitions. It is important to note that 4-6 % of the parents don’t not respond at all to the aggressiveness of their children nor do they use corporal punishment. Conclusion. Obtained results point to the need for more prevention work with young people for increasing awareness and control of aggressive motives and awareness raising in terms of non-violent forms of behavior. It is important to increase the role of school in advisory work with parents whose children are expressing a high degree of aggressive behavior.Uvod/Cilj rada. Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi stepen izraženosti reaktivne i spontane agresivnosti mladih. Poseban cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrde polne razlike u izražavanju reaktivne i spontane agresivnosti mladih i načini reagovanja roditelja na njihovu agresivnost. Metod. Istraživanje je rađeno na uzorku od 91 ispitanika, učenika Gimnazije “Bora Stanković” u Vranju, starosti od 16-18 godina. Uzorak je sastavljen od 52 ispitanika muškog pola (57%) i 39 ispitanika ženskog pola (43%). Testiranje je obavio psiholog škole, na redovnom času, sa standarizovanim uputstvom za rad testa, u trajanju od 20-30 minuta. Stepen izraženosti reaktivne i spontane agresivnosti meren je dvema skalama iz standardizovanog Frajburškog testa ličnosti (FPI). Istraživanje je sprovedeno 2014. godine. Obrada podataka je urađena upotrebom programskog paketa SPSS u verziji 11,5. Rezultati su prikazani metodama statističke deskripcije: distribucijom frekvencije, srednje vrednsti, standardne devijacije i procentima. Značajnosti razlika su rađene t-testom i Hi kvadrat testom. Granica statističke značajnosti je manja od 5% (p lt 0,05). Rezultati. Dobijeni podaci ukazuju da mladići imaju veću reaktivnu, spontanu i ukupnu agresivnost, u odnosu na devojke. U dimenziji spontane agresivnosti mladići imaju statistički značajno veće vrednosti, u poređenju sa devojkama (p lt 0,05). Na agresivnost mladih roditelji najčešće reaguju verbalnom agresijom i zabranama. Značajno je da 4-6% roditelja uopšte ne reaguje na agresivnost svoje dece ili koristi fizičku kaznu. Zaključak. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na potrebu dodatnog preventivnog rada sa mladima u osvešćivanju i kontroli agresivnog motiva i razvijanje svesti o nenasilnim oblicima ponašanja. Značajno je povećati ulogu škole u savetodavnom radu sa roditeljima čija deca izražavaju visok stepen agresivnog ponašanja

    Consistent Strategy Updating in Spatial and Non-Spatial Behavioral Experiments Does Not Promote Cooperation in Social Networks

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    The presence of costly cooperation between otherwise selfish actors is not trivial. A prominent mechanism that promotes cooperation is spatial population structure. However, recent experiments with human subjects report substantially lower level of cooperation then predicted by theoretical models. We analyze the data of such an experiment in which a total of 400 players play a Prisoner's Dilemma on a 4 x 4 square lattice in two treatments, either interacting via a fixed square lattice (15 independent groups) or with a population structure changing after each interaction (10 independent groups). We analyze the statistics of individual decisions and infer in which way they can be matched with the typical models of evolutionary game theorists. We find no difference in the strategy updating between the two treatments. However, the strategy updates are distinct from the most popular models which lead to the promotion of cooperation as shown by computer simulations of the strategy updating. This suggests that the promotion of cooperation by population structure is not as straightforward in humans as often envisioned in theoretical models.This work has funding by the German Initiative of Excellence of the German Science Foundation (DFG). J.G.'s work was supported in part by The Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN) (Spain) through grants PRODIEVO, MOSAICO, FPI, EEBB, and by Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) through grant MODELICO-CM). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Publicad

    Kadrovi u turizmu - specifičnosti obrazovanja kadrova za turizam

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    Razvoj, podsticanje inovativnosti i postizanje adekvatnog nivoa kvaliteta razvijenosti, ne samo u turizmu, već u privredi i društvu uopšte, prvenstveno zavisi od znanja, nivoa vaspitanja i obrazovanja stanovništva. U radu autori nastoje ukazati na ulogu i značaj stručnih i obrazovanih kadrova/humanog kapitala u turizmu, u svetlu potrebe adekavatnog obrazovanja, osnivanjem ozbiljnih naučnih i visokoobrazovnih institicija, istovremeno apostrofi rajući probleme kao posledice propusta i nedostataka uz preporuke odgovarajućih rešenja