8 research outputs found

    Laboratory test system for small wind energy generators

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    This research work is devoted to the development of a set-up facility for testing Permanet-Magnet Synchronous-Machines (PMSM) used in small wind energy generators. The developed test system can be used not only for PMSM parameters characterization but also for the study of the performance of the power electronic associated to the electrical machine.This project is supported by the Instituto de Ingeniera y Tecnologa de Cantabria (ITEC) and the Cantabria Government under SODERCAN-INVESNOVA initiative

    Listado de especies y subespecies cavernícolas (hipogeas) consideradas como troglobias y estigobias de la península ibérica e islas Baleares

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    La fauna hipogea o cavernícola ibero-balear ha sido a lo largo de muchos años puesta en evidencia por numerosos zoólogos en las distintas disciplinas. Especialistas de los distintos grupos faunísticos capaces de colonizar las cuevas y las aguas subterráneas que las recorren. Hoy sabemos que esta diversidad de troglobios y estigobios alcanza un total de 1364 taxones: 1285 especies y 79 subespecies hipogeas (cavernícolas) pertenecientes a cuatro filos: Plathyhelminthes (2), Annelida (23), Mollusca (122) y Arthropoda (1217) en todo el territorio ibero-balear. Una fauna que cuenta con numerosos ejemplos de elementos relictos de especial interés paleogeográfico. De la totalidad de taxones hipogeos o cavernícolas del territorio ibero balear, 438 taxones (430 especies y 8 subespecies) son estigobios y 926 taxones (852 especies y 74 subespecies) son troglobios. En lo referente a la distribución de los taxones troglobios es el distrito Cantábrico el que posee una mayor riqueza en especies y subespecies, un total de 208, seguido del Vasco con 163 taxones, el Pirenaico con 153 y el Bético con 142. Algo menos diversos son los distritos Levantino (124 taxones) y Catalán (104 taxones), seguidos de lejos por el Lusitánico con 46 taxones, el Balear con 41 y el Central con tan sólo 19. Entre los estigobios 156 especies y subespecies pueblan las aguas subterráneas de las regiones delimitadas por las cuecas lusitánicas. Le siguen en diversidad las cuencas pirenaicas con 154 taxones estigobios, las béticas con 114 y por último las aguas del subsuelo de las cuencas baleáricas con 47 taxones estigobios, algunos de los cuales son talaso-estigobios, propios de las aguas marinas costeras

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    List of cave‐dwelling (hypogeal) species and subspecies considered as troglobites and stygobias of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands

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    12 p.[ES] La fauna hipogea o cavernícola ibero-balear ha sido a lo largo de muchos años puesta en evidencia por numerosos zoólogos en las distintas disciplinas. Especialistas de los distintos grupos faunísticos capaces de colonizar las cuevas y las aguas subterráneas que las recorren. Hoy sabemos que esta diversidad de troglobios y estigobios alcanza un total de 1364 taxones: 1285 especies y 79 subespecies hipogeas (cavernícolas) pertenecientes a cuatro filos: Plathyhelminthes (2), Annelida (23), Mollusca (122) y Arthropoda (1217) en todo el territorio ibero-balear. Una fauna que cuenta con numerosos ejemplos de elementos relictos de especial interés paleogeográfico. De la totalidad de taxones hipogeos o cavernícolas del territorio ibero balear, 438 taxones (430 especies y 8 subespecies) son estigobios y 926 taxones (852 especies y 74 subespecies) son troglobios. En lo referente a la distribución de los taxones troglobios es el distrito Cantábrico el que posee una mayor riqueza en especies y subespecies, un total de 208, seguido del Vasco con 163 taxones, el Pirenaico con 153 y el Bético con 142. Algo menos diversos son los distritos Levantino (124 taxones) y Catalán (104 taxones), seguidos de lejos por el Lusitánico con 46 taxones, el Balear con 41 y el Central con tan sólo 19. Entre los estigobios 156 especies y subespecies pueblan las aguas subterráneas de las regiones delimitadas por las cuecas lusitánicas. Le siguen en diversidad las cuencas pirenaicas con 154 taxones estigobios, las béticas con 114 y por último las aguas del subsuelo de las cuencas baleáricas con 47 taxones estigobios, algunos de los cuales son talaso-estigobios, propios de las aguas marinas costeras[EN] The Iberian-Balearic hypogean or cave fauna has been highlighted for many years by numerous zoologists in different disciplines. Specialists of the different faunal groups capable of colonizing both the caves and the groundwater that runs through them. Today we know that this diversity of troglobites and stygobites reaches a total of 1,364 taxa: 1,285 species and 79 hypogean (cave-dwelling) subspecies belonging to four phyla: Plathyhelminthes (2), Annelida (23), Mollusca (122), and Arthropoda (1,217) in the entire Ibero-Balearic territory. A fauna that has numerous examples of relict elements of special paleogeographical interest. Of all the hypogean or cave taxa in the Iberian Balearic territory, 438 taxa (430 species and 8 subspecies) are stygobites and 926 taxa (852 species and 74 subspecies) are troglobites. Regarding the distribution of toglobites, the Cantabrian district is the one with the greatest richness in species and subspecies, a total of 208, followed by the Basque with 163 taxa, the Pyrenees with 153 and the Baetic with 142. Somewhat less diverse are the Levantine (124 taxa) and Catalan (104 taxa) districts, followed at a distance by the Lusitanian with 46 taxa, the Balearic with 41 and the Central with only 19. Among the stygobites, 156 species and subspecies populate the groundwater of the regions delimited by the Lusitanic basins. Following in diversity are the Pyrenean basins with 154 stygobites, the Baetic ones with 114 and finally the subsoil waters of the Balearic basins with 47 stygobites, some of which are thalaso-stygobic, typical of coastal marine waters.Peer reviewe

    Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis Over Zr-Promoted Co/γ-Al2O3 Catalysts

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    Two Zr-modified alumina supports were synthetized containing the same amount of Zr but a different distribution of this modifier over the alumina surface. These supports, together with the unmodified alumina carrier, were used to prepare three cobalt-based catalysts which were characterized and tested under relevant Fischer–Tropsch conditions. The three catalysts presented very similar porosity and cobalt dispersion. The addition of Zr nor its distribution enhanced the catalyst reducibility. The catalyst activity was superior when using a carrier consisting of large ZrO2 islands over the alumina surface. The use of a carrier with a homogeneous Zr distribution had however, a detrimental effect. Moreover, a faster initial deactivation rate was observed for the Zr-promoted catalysts, fact that may explain this contradictory effect of Zr on activity. Finally, the addition of Zr showed a clear enhancement of the selectivity to long chain hydrocarbons and ethylene, especially when Zr was well dispersed.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad—MINECO (BES-2013-062806, ENE2013-47880- C3-2-R and ENE2015-66975-C3-2-R) co-financed by FEDER funds from the European UnionEuropean Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2013) under Grant Agreement No. 30873

    Gu?a r?pidas de consultor?a telef?nica m?dica y de enfermer?a

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    Gu?a de consulta para o persoal m?dico e de enfermar?a que desenvolve o seu traballo en centros de coordinaci?n telef?nica para a atenci?n ?s urxencias e ?s emerxencias sanitarias. Est? estruturada en 12 cap?tulos nos que describen os principais protocolos de actuaci?n para a asistencia ?s patolox?as m?is com?ns atendidas no ?mbito de urxencias extra hospitalarias.Gu?a de consulta para el personal m?dico y de enfermer?a que desarrolla su trabajo en centros de coordinaci?n telef?nica para la atenci?n a las urgencias y a las emergencias sanitarias. Est? estructurada en 12 cap?tulos en los que describen los principales protocolos de actuaci?n para la asistencia a las patolog?as m?s comunes atendidas en el ?mbito de urgencias extra hospitalarias

    Revolution: Museo de las estrellas un paseo por la fama : Hollywood

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    Convocatoria proyectos de innovación de Extremadura 2020/2021Se describe un proyecto llevado a cabo entre 13 centros educativos extremeños que consistió en desarrollar cinco unidades de trabajo gamificadas, cinco historias detectivescas con misterios por resolver, donde se ponían a prueba las habilidades de lógica, la capacidad de observación, de concentración y de atención de los alumnos. Los objetivos principales de la propuesta fueron: promover la puesta en práctica de proyectos intercentros; impulsar pedagogías activas; desarrollar la competencia digital a través del uso de las pedagogías emergentes lo que ha permitido llevar a cabo una enseñanza presencial, híbrida y virtual y atender a la diversidadExtremaduraES

    Global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on subarachnoid haemorrhage hospitalisations, aneurysm treatment and in-hospital mortality: 1-year follow-up

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    Background: Prior studies indicated a decrease in the incidences of aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH) during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. We evaluated differences in the incidence, severity of aSAH presentation, and ruptured aneurysm treatment modality during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic compared with the preceding year. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study including 49 countries and 187 centres. We recorded volumes for COVID-19 hospitalisations, aSAH hospitalisations, Hunt-Hess grade, coiling, clipping and aSAH in-hospital mortality. Diagnoses were identified by International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, codes or stroke databases from January 2019 to May 2021. Results: Over the study period, there were 16 247 aSAH admissions, 344 491 COVID-19 admissions, 8300 ruptured aneurysm coiling and 4240 ruptured aneurysm clipping procedures. Declines were observed in aSAH admissions (-6.4% (95% CI -7.0% to -5.8%), p=0.0001) during the first year of the pandemic compared with the prior year, most pronounced in high-volume SAH and high-volume COVID-19 hospitals. There was a trend towards a decline in mild and moderate presentations of subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) (mild: -5% (95% CI -5.9% to -4.3%), p=0.06; moderate: -8.3% (95% CI -10.2% to -6.7%), p=0.06) but no difference in higher SAH severity. The ruptured aneurysm clipping rate remained unchanged (30.7% vs 31.2%, p=0.58), whereas ruptured aneurysm coiling increased (53.97% vs 56.5%, p=0.009). There was no difference in aSAH in-hospital mortality rate (19.1% vs 20.1%, p=0.12). Conclusion: During the first year of the pandemic, there was a decrease in aSAH admissions volume, driven by a decrease in mild to moderate presentation of aSAH. There was an increase in the ruptured aneurysm coiling rate but neither change in the ruptured aneurysm clipping rate nor change in aSAH in-hospital mortality