35 research outputs found

    Super-Rough Glassy Phase of the Random Field XY Model in Two Dimensions

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    We study both analytically, using the renormalization group (RG) to two loop order, and numerically, using an exact polynomial algorithm, the disorder-induced glass phase of the two-dimensional XY model with quenched random symmetry-breaking fields and without vortices. In the super-rough glassy phase, i.e. below the critical temperature TcT_c, the disorder and thermally averaged correlation function B(r)B(r) of the phase field Ξ(x)\theta(x), B(r)=ˉB(r) = \bar{} behaves, for r≫ar \gg a, as B(r)≃A(τ)ln⁥2(r/a)B(r) \simeq A(\tau) \ln^2 (r/a) where r=∣r∣r = |r| and aa is a microscopic length scale. We derive the RG equations up to cubic order in τ=(Tc−T)/Tc\tau = (T_c-T)/T_c and predict the universal amplitude A(τ)=2τ2−2τ3+O(τ4){A}(\tau) = 2\tau^2-2\tau^3 + {\cal O}(\tau^4). The universality of A(τ)A(\tau) results from nontrivial cancellations between nonuniversal constants of RG equations. Using an exact polynomial algorithm on an equivalent dimer version of the model we compute A(τ){A}(\tau) numerically and obtain a remarkable agreement with our analytical prediction, up to τ≈0.5\tau \approx 0.5.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Conservative interacting particles system with anomalous rate of ergodicity

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    We analyze certain conservative interacting particle system and establish ergodicity of the system for a family of invariant measures. Furthermore, we show that convergence rate to equilibrium is exponential. This result is of interest because it presents counterexample to the standard assumption of physicists that conservative system implies polynomial rate of convergence.Comment: 16 pages; In the previous version there was a mistake in the proof of uniqueness of weak Leray solution. Uniqueness had been claimed in a space of solutions which was too large (see remark 2.6 for more details). Now the mistake is corrected by introducing a new class of moderate solutions (see definition 2.10) where we have both existence and uniquenes

    Kinetic hierarchy and propagation of chaos in biological swarm models

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    We consider two models of biological swarm behavior. In these models, pairs of particles interact to adjust their velocities one to each other. In the first process, called 'BDG', they join their average velocity up to some noise. In the second process, called 'CL', one of the two particles tries to join the other one's velocity. This paper establishes the master equations and BBGKY hierarchies of these two processes. It investigates the infinite particle limit of the hierarchies at large time-scale. It shows that the resulting kinetic hierarchy for the CL process does not satisfy propagation of chaos. Numerical simulations indicate that the BDG process has similar behavior to the CL process

    Exclusion processes with degenerate rates: convergence to equilibrium and tagged particle

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    Stochastic lattice gases with degenerate rates, namely conservative particle systems where the exchange rates vanish for some configurations, have been introduced as simplified models for glassy dynamics. We introduce two particular models and consider them in a finite volume of size ℓ\ell in contact with particle reservoirs at the boundary. We prove that, as for non--degenerate rates, the inverse of the spectral gap and the logarithmic Sobolev constant grow as ℓ2\ell^2. It is also shown how one can obtain, via a scaling limit from the logarithmic Sobolev inequality, the exponential decay of a macroscopic entropy associated to a degenerate parabolic differential equation (porous media equation). We analyze finally the tagged particle displacement for the stationary process in infinite volume. In dimension larger than two we prove that, in the diffusive scaling limit, it converges to a Brownian motion with non--degenerate diffusion coefficient.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure

    Celebrating Cercignani's conjecture for the Boltzmann equation

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    Cercignani's conjecture assumes a linear inequality between the entropy and entropy production functionals for Boltzmann's nonlinear integral operator in rarefied gas dynamics. Related to the field of logarithmic Sobolev inequalities and spectral gap inequalities, this issue has been at the core of the renewal of the mathematical theory of convergence to thermodynamical equilibrium for rarefied gases over the past decade. In this review paper, we survey the various positive and negative results which were obtained since the conjecture was proposed in the 1980s.Comment: This paper is dedicated to the memory of the late Carlo Cercignani, powerful mind and great scientist, one of the founders of the modern theory of the Boltzmann equation. 24 pages. V2: correction of some typos and one ref. adde

    The Newcomb-Benford Law in Its Relation to Some Common Distributions

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    An often reported, but nevertheless persistently striking observation, formalized as the Newcomb-Benford law (NBL), is that the frequencies with which the leading digits of numbers occur in a large variety of data are far away from being uniform. Most spectacular seems to be the fact that in many data the leading digit 1 occurs in nearly one third of all cases. Explanations for this uneven distribution of the leading digits were, among others, scale- and base-invariance. Little attention, however, found the interrelation between the distribution of the significant digits and the distribution of the observed variable. It is shown here by simulation that long right-tailed distributions of a random variable are compatible with the NBL, and that for distributions of the ratio of two random variables the fit generally improves. Distributions not putting most mass on small values of the random variable (e.g. symmetric distributions) fail to fit. Hence, the validity of the NBL needs the predominance of small values and, when thinking of real-world data, a majority of small entities. Analyses of data on stock prices, the areas and numbers of inhabitants of countries, and the starting page numbers of papers from a bibliography sustain this conclusion. In all, these findings may help to understand the mechanisms behind the NBL and the conditions needed for its validity. That this law is not only of scientific interest per se, but that, in addition, it has also substantial implications can be seen from those fields where it was suggested to be put into practice. These fields reach from the detection of irregularities in data (e.g. economic fraud) to optimizing the architecture of computers regarding number representation, storage, and round-off errors


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    We propose a probabilistic interpretation of Benford’s law, which predicts the probability distribution of all digits in everyday-life numbers. Heuri- stically, our point of view consists in considering an everyday-life number as a continuous random variable taking value in an interval [0,A], whose maximum A is itself an everyday-life number. This approach can be linked to the chara- cterization of Benford’s law by scale-invariance, as well as to the convergence of a product of independent random variables to Benford’s law. It also allows to generalize Flehinger’s result about the convergence of iterations of Cesaro- averages to Benford’s la

    A note on domino shuffling

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    We present a variation of James Propp's generalized domino shuffling, which provides an efficient way to obtain perfect matchings of weighted Aztec diamonds. Our modification is specially tailored to deal with cases when some of the weights are zero. This allows us to tile efficiently a large class of planar graphs, by embedding them in a large enough Aztec diamond. We also give a sufficient condition on the size of the latter diamond for the algorithm to succeed