38 research outputs found

    The internal thoracic artery in human foetuses

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    The aim of this study was to examine the internal thoracic artery (ITA) in human foetuses. The research material consisted of 32 human foetuses (18 female, 14 male) from the 21st to 24th week of intrauterine life. After intravascular injection with white latex LBS 3060, the foetuses were fixed in 10% neutral formalin solution. The whole course of the ITA was prepared. Photographic documentation was performed with a Nikon Coolpix 4500 digital camera, and source pictures of arteries were rendered in a Digital Computer System Analysis. The ITA was evaluated with regard to its origin, length, distance from the edge of the sternum to two intercostal spaces (2nd, 5th) and division into terminal branches. The right ITA (RITA) arose from the ascending (68.7%), arcuate (21.9%) and descending (3.2%) parts of the subclavian artery. In other cases (6.2%) it was a branch of the thyrocervical trunk. The left ITA (LITA) was a branch of the ascending (78.1%) and arcuate (21.9%) parts of the subclavian artery. The ITA was longer in male foetuses. Regardless of sex, the LITA was longer than the RITA. Coefficient correlation between the RITA and LITA was 0.92 (p < 0.001). The distance of the ITA from the edge of sternum in the 2nd and 5th intercostal spaces on both sides was greater in females. It appeared most frequently in the 6th space (43.7% right-sided and 56.3% left-sided). Typical bifurcation of the ITA into the superior epigastric artery and the musculophrenic artery was observed in 78.1% of cases on the right side and in 81.25% of cases on the left side

    Complying with the smoking ban by students before and after introducing legislative intervention

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    Objectives: More and more countries introduce a total ban on smoking tobacco in public places. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness of “The Act of 8 April 2010 on amendment of the act on protection of health against the consequences of consumption of tobacco and tobacco products and act on National Sanitary Inspectorate” and assess the frequency of complying with the smoking bans by the students of the Medical University of Lodz, Poland. Material and Methods: Between 2007–2011, at the Social Medicine Institute of the Medical University of Lodz, a study using random survey was carried out involving students who were starting their studies at the Health Department of the Medical University of Lodz. The analysis of the collected material showed that 1038 people reported being smokers at the time of the study. Among that group, 530 students were included in the study prior to, and 508 after the introduction of the amendment. In order to verify their compliance with the smoking ban, the respondents were asked whether they smoked only in designated areas or wherever they wanted to. Results: The ratio of people claiming they smoked anywhere they wanted to, disregarding the smoking ban, was 60% (N = 318) and after the amendment had been introduced, this ratio was 62.2% (N = 316), it increased by 2.2 percentage points. The observed difference was statistically irrelevant (Chi2 = 0.530, p > 0.05). Conclusions: The Act ”On amendment of the act on protection of health against the consequences of consumption of tobacco and tobacco products and Act on National Sanitary Inspectorate” in Poland did not result in the expected changes in the frequency of complying with the smoking ban by the 1st year students

    Job satisfaction among health professionals of Home Hospice for Children of Lodz Region

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    Background: Job satisfaction in palliative care proffesionals seems to be one of the most important factor for effectiveness and quality of care. The aim of this study was to evaluate job satisfaction in our team. Material and methods: The anonymous questionnaire designed specifically for the study was divided into six domains: evaluation of self-abilities, evaluation of job responsibility, relationships within the team, relationships with patients and their families, work organisation and social conditions and general work evaluation. All variables have been standardized to a range of 0 to 100 points. Results: Mean level of job satisfaction was evaluated as good. Mean results in all six domains were above 50 points. Highest level of satisfaction (above 75 points) was shown in the domain regarding relationship with patients and their families. Lowest level of satisfaction was shown in domains showing relationship within the team and general work evaluation. Conclusion: Highest job satisfaction could contribute to improve the quality of home palliative care Adv. Pall. Med. 2010; 9, 3: 67&#8211;72Background: Job satisfaction in palliative care proffesionals seems to be one of the most important factor for effectiveness and quality of care. The aim of this study was to evaluate job satisfaction in our team. Material and methods: The anonymous questionnaire designed specifically for the study was divided into six domains: evaluation of self-abilities, evaluation of job responsibility, relationships within the team, relationships with patients and their families, work organisation and social conditions and general work evaluation. All variables have been standardized to a range of 0 to 100 points. Results: Mean level of job satisfaction was evaluated as good. Mean results in all six domains were above 50 points. Highest level of satisfaction (above 75 points) was shown in the domain regarding relationship with patients and their families. Lowest level of satisfaction was shown in domains showing relationship within the team and general work evaluation. Conclusion: Highest job satisfaction could contribute to improve the quality of home palliative care Adv. Pall. Med. 2010; 9, 3: 67&#8211;7

    Variability in clinical profile of asthmatic child referred from allergy clinic - ten years of observation

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    Wstęp: Astma jest najczęściej występującą chorobą przewlekłą wieku rozwojowego. Niedodiagnozowanie jest częstym zjawiskiem związanym z niedoleczeniem, którego z kolei konsekwencją jest wzrastająca zachorowalność i śmiertelność. Opóźnienie w diagnozowaniu astmy odzwierciedla problemy z prawidłową realizacją celów diagnostycznych wytyczonych przez Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA). Celem pracy jest charakterystyka kliniczna dzieci kierowanych do Poradni Chorób Alergicznych, u których następnie rozpoznano astmę oskrzelową. Oceniono przyczyny zgłaszania się do poradni specjalistycznej, dane demograficzne i społeczne dziecka. Materiał i metody: Analizie poddano grupę 907 dzieci do 18. roku życia, u których rozpoznano astmę w poradni alergologicznej w latach 2000-2009. Było to badanie przekrojowe, w którym analizowano dane demograficzne, socjalne oraz kliniczne pacjentów. Wyniki: Na podstawie wyników ujawniono zmieniony profil kliniczny dziecka kierowanego do poradni alergologicznej na przestrzeni 10 lat, u którego następnie rozpoznana została astma oskrzelowa. Profil ten charakteryzują: młodszy wiek pacjenta, większa częstość nawracających infekcji i mniejsza częstość występowania świstów oraz atopii jako przyczyny skierowań do alergologa. Wnioski: Nowy profil kliniczny dziecka kierowanego do alergologa wskazuje na konieczność przeprowadzenia kosztownej diagnostyki różnicowej astmy w ośrodkach specjalistycznych. Dane te powinny być uwzględnione w wytyczaniu nowych strategii zdrowotnych w Polsce. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 3: 189-195Introduction: Asthma is the most frequent chronic respiratory disease in children. Underdiagnosis is frequent, which results in undertreatment and, consequently, in rising asthma morbidity and mortality rates. The delay in the diagnosis of asthma seems to precisely reflect problems with a proper realization of the goals of the diagnostic part of the Global Initiative for Asthma guidelines. We attempted to assess the clinical profile of children who were referred to allergy clinic followed by asthma diagnosis, we consider especially demographic and social data. Material and methods: We analyzed the group of 907 children with diagnosis of asthma between 2000 and 2009. This was cross-sectional study assessing demographic, social and clinical characteristic. All variables were tested over time. Results: We observed change in clinical profile of children checking into the clinic over time. The new profile includes: younger age of patient, higher frequency of recurrent infections, lower frequency of wheezes and atopy. Conclusions: New clinical profile of patients referred to allergist reveals the need of costly differential diagnosis of asthma in specialized centers. This should be included in new strategies in the health care system in Poland. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 3: 189-19

    Overview of the Role of Environmental Factors in Neurodevelopmental Disorders

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    Evidence implicates environmental factors in the pathogenesis of diverse complex neurodevelopmental disorders. However, the identity of specific environmental chemicals that confer risk for these disorders, and the mechanisms by which environmental chemicals interact with genetic susceptibilities to influence adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes remain significant gaps in our understanding of the etiology of most neurodevelopmental disorders. It is likely that many environmental chemicals contribute to the etiology of neurodevelopmental disorders but their influence depends on the genetic substrate of the individual. Research into the pathophysiology and genetics of neurodevelopmental disorders may inform the identification of environmental susceptibility factors that promote adverse outcomes in brain development. Conversely, understanding how low-level chemical exposures influence molecular, cellular, and behavioral outcomes relevant to neurodevelopmental disorders will provide insight regarding gene-environment interactions and possibly yield novel intervention strategies

    Casemix, management, and mortality of patients receiving emergency neurosurgery for traumatic brain injury in the Global Neurotrauma Outcomes Study: a prospective observational cohort study

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    Application of the Westergaard method to calculate the pavement loaded by leg of wheels in tandem

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    The paper includes the methodology followed for the calculation of elastic pavements loaded by the leg of aircraft in arrangement of wheels in tandem. Using the Ray Pickett method, the nomograms are developed to determine the equilibrated load, which are necessary for calculation of pavements by the Westergaard method. The derived formula and nomogram are original solutions that have not yet occurred. Next, calculations of pavement, loaded by legs of CASA military transport plane, were performed. Also, diagrams of stresses and deflections, depending on the thickness of the pavement and the subsoil parameters were made. The resulting graphs significantly speed up the procedure for calculating the pavements what is desirable for military terms.[b]Keywords[/b]: calculation of pavement, leg of aircraft, system wheels in tande

    Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) among Employees of Hospitality Venues in the Light of Changes in Anti-Tobacco Legislation in Poland

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    Introduction: Numerous studies conducted in Europe and worldwide have indicated that employees of hospitality venues are the most exposed professional group to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) in the workplace. The purpose of this study was to assess the exposure of employees of hospitality venues to ETS in the light of changes in anti-tobacco legislation in Poland. Materials and methods: The study consisted of two stages. The first stage was conducted in 2010, while the second in 2015. The study was conducted among employees of 300 randomly selected hospitality venues in the city of Ł&oacute;dź (Poland). In total, 2607 questionnaires were analysed. The study used two survey questionnaires created and recommended by the Institute for Global Tobacco Control to study exposure to ETS. Statistical analysis was made with Statistica 13.1 PL (StatSoft, Poland). Results: In the group of all nonsmoking employees, individuals exposed to ETS at work in 2010 accounted for 72.6%; while in 2015 it was 51.8%. Factors affecting exposure to ETS in the workplace included, among others: age, marital status, education, position held, presence of a smoking room on the premises, and noncompliance with the provisions of the anti-tobacco laws. Conclusions: The prevalence of tobacco smoking among employees of hospitality venues decreased in 2010&ndash;2015, however, it remained high. More than half of nonsmoking employees were exposed to ETS at work